By W.S. Young, County Extension Chairman and Larry Locklear, Assoc. Agricultural Extension Agent MANAGING EARWORM The corn earworm is the major insect pest in soybeans. Each year it reduces farm profit by reducing yields and increasing costs. This insect is often respon sible for crop failure at a time of year when the farmer has fully invested in his soybean crop. Corn earworm can be success fully managed in soybeans to prevent yield loss at a low cost. The earworm management program is composed of several factors and is designed to prevent, detect, and control corn earworm. 1. Prevention - Earworm can be prevented or reduced below dam aging levels by making the crop unattractive to egg laying moths, by increasing crop tolerance, and by fully utilizing beneficial insects. The following crop management practices will help prevent earworm losses. Early planting - all varieties will be less attractive to earworms if planted by May IS. Early maturing varieties ? these group V varieties (Forrest. Essex, Coker 136, etc.) will bloom in mid-July, if early planted, and are usually unattractive to egg laying moths (if late planted these varie ties can be severely attacked). Fertility & pH - correct fertility and pH allows for a healthy crop that will close the canopy early closed canopy soybeans are less attractive to earworm moths and harbor more natural enemies. No soil Insecticide - soil insecti cides have not given yield increases except in unusual circumstances but they have frequently prevented the build-up of beneficial insects not using soil insecticides helps beneficial insects; also the unneces sary use of systemic nematicide-in secticides should be avoided. Avoid early season spraying ? spraying before the earworms hit can create severe earworm popula tions by removing beneficial in sects. so don't spray early unless it is justified for foliage feeders. Detection - Not all earworm problems can be prevented and therefore a method of determining when and where earworm build-up occurs is necessary. This can be done quickly and easily with the following scouting procedures: Earworm identification ? since earworms are to be counted the scout must know what to look for--it is a caterpillar with five pair of prolegs, and orange head, small black spots, light colored bands down the body, and is of various colors (worms less than one-half inch are usually brown whereas larger worms may be black, green, yellow, or other colors)--it usually curls up when disturbed-various identification guides are available through the Extension Service and chemical companies. Sample type - earworms are sampled with the "beat-cloth" method; a three-by-three foot sheet is placed between soybean rows and the plants are vigorously shaken over the cloth and corn earworms and stinkbugs are counted--beat cloths are often available through chemical companies and can be easily home made. Threshold - up two corn ear worms. 1/2 inch or longer per row foot (12 per 6 foot beat-cloth sample) can be tolerated without yield loss in average, healthy soybeans--in weak or very lated planted soybeans (July) reduce this threshold to one per row foot. Number of sample* - take a minimum of three samples per field and an average of one sample per three acres (i.e. a 20- A field would get six-seven samples). If the first three samples clearly show very low or very high caterpillar numbers then the total number of samples may be reduced by 50 percent, but not below three. When to sample - sample weekly from the first week in August until the earworms hit in force, then sample three times in two weeks and then weekly until the invasion is over (about first or second week in September). Where to sample - sample all fields but key-in on late planted and open canopied fields-- early planted and early variety fields may need only superficial scouting. Scouting patterns - use an "X . "Z". or "IT shaped patter through each field and do not take samples on the headland, ditch banks, or in poor growth spots--get_a represen tative sample in each field. Keep a record ? with a pencil and pocket notebook keep a check of worm counts for each sample, tield and date. Interpretation of results - spray when two earworms. 1/2 inch or longer, per row foot is met or exceeded otherwise don't spray (some pod damage can be found in fields with less than two/row foot but plants will compensate for this damage and no yield loss will occur). Control - Once an earworm problem is detected a properly applied and timed, effective in secticide is a quick solution. Some considerations for a control pro gram are: Timing - earworms need to be treated while they are small (one inch or less) since they will be easier to kill and little damage will have ocurred--do not wait longer than three davs tor custom application if possible. * ? ? * COUNTY TOUR A County Tour is planned tor August 20 starting at 1 p.m. at the Agricultural Extension Office, ot all On-Farm Tests. We will tour soybean variety plots and observe some drought resistant varieties in the Sandhill area. We will visit drought stress variety corn plots later in the dav. We will also observe several types ot nematicide tests tor several types of nematodes. We hope that each ot you will try to join us on this tour. Remember that departure time is 1 p.m. Lumber Bridge News by Lib Sumner BAPTIST CHURCH The attendance was very good Sunday. The Rev. Henry L. Foster of Tabor City Baptist Church delivered the sermon ? topic - "Not From The Kingdom". Rev. and Mrs. Foster were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S.F. Ammons. Steve and Wanda. Presbyterian Church ? August 3rd. Dr. Gustafson - Sermon on Prayer, titled - "All You Have To Do is Ask." Guest soloist was James Ryan Taylor of McDonald Baptist Church, and a nephew of Mrs. J.N. Maxwell, Jr. Circle One, Women of The Church met Wednesday. August 6. in the home of Mrs. J.M. Daniels. Jr. Circle Two - Women of The Church will not have their regular monthly meeting in August, due to the large number of members away on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. Elbert Forbis have returned home from a weeks' visit with friends in Maryland. Mrs. Dixon Monroe was able to return to work this week after several months. She underwent surgery in Southeastern Memorial Hospital in June. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Freeman of Fayetteville spent the weekend at North Myrtle Bleach. Visiting Col. and Mrs. James A. Wyatt at Wrightsville Beach for several days were their daughters and families. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Chason. Jody and Jennifer and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Byrd of Mullins, S.C. Mr. and Mrs. F.O. Graham from Normandy Beach, N.J. and Mrs. Robey J. Boykin of Alex andria. Va., spent Thursday evening in Lumber Bridge and visited the Sumner's. Walter E. Marley III of Raleigh spent several days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Marley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Balfour were away last week in Orlando, Fla., and New Orleans, La. Mr. Balfour attended meetings con* cerning Production Credit and Soybeans. Spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hal Kinlaw and son, Spurgeon Grey were her mother and brother, Mrs. Norma Todd and Monty of Prattvill, Ala., her aunt and sister. Miss Ruth Hall and Miss Cindy McBryde of Atlanta. Our known sick and shut - in: Mr. Sam McGougan, S.E. General Hospital; Mrs. Clyde McGougan, at home; Mrs. Lucille Forbis, at home; Miss Lena Marley, at home; Mrs. Kate Adams, at home; Mrs. Mary Coyt Chason, at home; Mrs. Mary Worrell, at home. For Social New* Call 875-2121 HE A VY PRODUCTION - Roscoe L. Smith of Rt. 1, Shannon, is holding a tomato he raised in his garden. It weighs 2 pounds 5 ounces, and it's one of four weighing over 2 pounds each Smith s garden yielded this season. Now he's trying to grow a tomato that will weigh 3 pounds. [Staff photo by Pam Frederick. ] Magistrate Court The following Hoke County mag istrate's judgments were issued last James Melvin, Rt. 2, Raeford, worthless check. S10 restitution to Country Super Market, and costs. Willard McConago. Fayetteville, failing to stop for a red light, costs. Stephen Ray Chappell. Burling ton. N.C.. speeding 46 in a 35 zone. S10 and costs. Annie McCain Braboy. Fayette ville. expired inspection certificate, ?? Robert McCormick. rayetteville. passing in a no-passing zone. 510 and costs. . Margie Goins Bullard, Rt. i. Shannon, speeding 46 in a 35 zone. $10 and costs. Don Ranier Brewer. Rt. 1. Shannon, driving under the in fluence. no probable cause for the charge found. Sandra Curtis, Rt. 3, Raeford, worthless check. 597 restitution to Western Auto, and costs. Nathan Allen Leslie. Jr.. Rt. J. Raeford. worthless check. 510 re stitution to Pickett's Store, and costs. _ . . Ivorv Lowery. Rt. 1. Pembroke, speeding 50 in a 35 zone. $10 and costs. r , William Whiten. Rt. 5. Launn burg. exceeding a safe speed, costs. Betty Graham Dew, Rt. 2. Raeford, speeding 43 in a 35 zone. $5 and costs. Robert V. Gibson, Rt. 3, Rac ford, worthless check. 527.65 resti tution to Michael's Men Shop, and costs. Eunice Oxendine Oxendine. Kt. 1 Pembroke, unsafe move, costs. Ada Joyce Thomas. Fayetteville. failing to stop at a stop sign, costs. Angela Wolfe. Columbia. S.C.. passing at an intersection. S10 and costs; speeding 69 in a 55 zone, 55 and driving with an expired license. $25 and costs. Douglas Bever. Ft. Bragg, speeding 65 in a 55 zone. 55 and costs. ? ? , James Rowsey. Rt. 1. Red Springs, expired inspection certifi cate and unsafe move, costs. Cassandra Albertine Kemp. Raeford, speeding 67 in a 55 zone, 510 and costs. Helen Breedlove Jones, Rt. 2, McLeansville. speeding 67 in a 55 zone. 510 and costs. Willie Haywood, Red Springs, speeding 4 A in a 35 zone, 55 and costs. Rudolph Wendell Dudley. Rt. 4, Raeford. speeding 65 in a 55 zone. 55 and costs. Lonnie Baldwin, Raeford, speed ing 70 in a 55 zone. 510 and costs. Ronnie Graham. Fayetteville, failing to drive on the right, costs. Harold Thomas Teal, Raeford, speeding 50 in a 35 zone. 510 and costs. CCC Alumni Can Form Group Formers members of the De pression-years Civilian Conserva tion Corps who are interested in forming a local chapter of the National Assoication of CCC Alumni are urged to contact Ralph Plummer at 875-4606 or Lester Baker at the Wagon Wheel Restau rant, telephone 875-5762. Two companies of the CCC were stationed at Mott Lake on the Ft. Bragg reservation. The corps was in action from 1933 to 1943. The national CCC alumni associ ation's headquarters is in Manas as, Va. A special tribute to patients in all 172 Veterans Administration medi cal centers on February 14 will involve top government officials and stars of the sports and enter tainment worlds. This is the seventh annual national salute to hospitalized veterans. LEGALS PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF RAEFORD HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA IN THE ZONING MATTER OF BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY You are hereby notified that an application is now pending before the Raeford Planning Board where by the above named. Branch Banking and Trust Company is asking that the City of Raeford Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to rezone from residential to commercial the following property: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the north margin of Cole Avenue, said stake being the Southeast corner of Lot No. 13 of the Woodview Subdivision shown in Map Book 4, Page 82, Hoke County Registry, and runs N 9-13 W 987 feet along the eastern edge of Woodview Subdivision and be yond to an iron stake; thence N 88-30 E 1000.7 feet to an iron stake in the west margin of Teal Drive (State Road No. 1210); thence with said Drive the following courses and distances: S 7-14 E 20.7 feet, S 16-S4 E 50 feet; S 27-08 E SO feet to the Raeford Auto Company corner; thence with the Auto Company line, and beyond, N 79-28 W 310.2 feet to a stake; thence S 10-30 W 900 (more or less) feet to the north margin of Cole Avenue (State Road No. 1209); thence with the northern margin of Cole Avenue, the follow ing courses and distances: N 77-11 W 123.6 feet; N 80-26 W 50 feet; S 87-48 W 50 feet; S 72-47 W 50 feet; S 63-37 W 50 feet; S 60-32 W 100 feet to the BEGINNING, contain ing 12.8 acres, and being part of Tract No. 1 shown in Map Book 6, Page 91, Hoke County Registry. A public hearing will be held by the Raeford Planning Board at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 8, 1980 in the Council Room at the City Hall, Raeford, North Caro lina. All interested citizens are hereby requested to attend this public meeting and express your views and opinions for the benefit of the said Raeford Planning Board. This public notice to be publish ed on August 14, 1980 and August 21. 1980. RAEFORD PLANNING BOARD by Stanley Koonce. Chairman for John K. McNeill, Jr., Mayor On Behalf Of City Council WILLCOX & MCFADYEN, P. A. 16-17C PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF RAEFORD HOKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA IN THE MATTER OF PLAN NING Mrs. Willis S. Hood 104 Stable Place Raeford, N.C. 28376 You are hereby notified that an application is now pending before the Raeford Planning Board and the City Council, asking the said Boards to approve a mobile home park. Said property lying and being in the one-mile perimeter of the City Of Raeford. Located on SR 1311, near the Jack Autry Mobile Home Park. Beginning at an existing concrete monument in the east line (30 ft. from center) of S.R. 1311 (said concrete monument being the southwest corner of the original tract of which this is a part) and running thence as the west right-of way of said S.R. 1311, N36-00E 211 ft. to a point; thence leaving said right-of-way, S87-50E about 775.19 ft. to a point in the west line of Roy Thomas's 5.0 acre tract described in Bk. 206 pg. 15; thence as Thomas's line, S6-12E 213 ft. to the southwest corner of that 5.0 acre tract of land of Roy Thomas (Bk. 206 pg. 13) (said corner being in the north line of property of N.C. Hwy. Dept. described in Bk. 151 pg. 231 ); thence as said Hwy. Dept. line, N87-49W 656.71 ft. to an existing concrete monument; thence as said Hwy. Dept property, N88-07W 151.07 ft. to the beginn ing containing 3.82 acres more or less and being a portion of those lands described in Deed Book 185 pg. 386, Hoke County Registry. A public hearing will be held by the Raeford Planning Board at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, September 8, 1980 in the Council Room at the City Hall, Raeford, North Caro lina. All interested citizens are hereby requested to attend this public meeting and express your views and opinions for the benefit of the said Raeford Planning Board. This public notice to be publish ed onlAugust 14, 1980 and August 21, 1980. LEGALS Raeford Planning Board By: Stanley Koonce, Chairman JohnK. McNeill, Jr.. Mayor On Behalf Of the City Council 16-17C NOTICE Sandhills Mental Health Center Bids will be received by the Sandhills Mental Health Center for: a mini-computer management system which has been designed to meet the specific needs of the community mental health center. Bids will be opened in the Conference Room of the Adminis trative Building located at Seven Lakes, West End, NC on August 29. 1980, at 10:00 am. For additional information and a copy of the bid package, please contact: Judy K. Gilmore Business Manager Sandhills Mental Health Center P.O. Box 457 West End. NC 27376 Telephone 919-673-9111 16C IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY EXECUTOR S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Edna Howell English of Hoke County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Edna Howell English to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publica tion of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 6th day of August, 1980. Percy C. English Route 2, Box 388, Raeford, N.C. 28376 16-19C IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION \ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY EXECUTOR S NOTICE, Having qualified as'Executrix of the estate of Lacy Graham of Hoke County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Lacy Graham to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 6th day of August, 1980. Alberta Graham Route 1 , Box 590, Raeford, N.C. 28376 16-19 CREDITOR S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY The undersigned, having quali fied as Administrators of the estate of Lee H. Sinclair, deceased, late of Hoke County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of February. 1981, or this NOTICE will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the otuier signed. This, the 5th day of August, 1980. Philip A. Diehl, Administrator Post Office Box 688 127 West Edinborough Avenue Raeford, North Carolina 28376 Telephone: (919)875-3379 or Willie O. Sinclair, Administrator 2513 Fitzgerald Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27610 Philip A. Diehl Attorney at Law Moses, Diehl & Pate, P. A. Post Office Drawer 688 Raeford, North Carolina 28376 16- 19c RESOLUTION 1980 5 RESOLUTION NOTIFYING THE PUBLIC OF THE CITY'S IN TENT TO ABANDON EASE MENT UNDER AUTHORITY OF NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL' STATUTES SECTION 160 A- 299 WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the City of Raeford desires to notify the public of its intent to abandon its easement over the below described real estate pur suant to North Carolina General Statues Section 160A-299 and to LEGALS f call a public hearing at which time interested citizens may be heard on the matter. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Raeford that a public ' hearing is to be held in the Council Room of City Hall in the City of Raeford at 7:30 p.m. on September 8, 1980 for the purpose of hearing from citizens interested in the closing of or abandonment of easements over the real estate described as follows: TRACT 1 BEGINNING at a point in a ditch at the end of a culvert, said I point being the most eastern corner of that tract of land described in Book 177, Page 183, Hoke County Registry, and runs S 31-30 W 30 feet; thence N 58-30 W 33.8 feet; thence N 80-00 E 45.2 feet to the BEGINNING, and being part of the tract described above. TRACT 2 BEGINNING at a point in the Eastern right of way of N.C. #211, ( said point being the beginning corner of that tract of land de scribed in Book 177, Page 183f; Hoke County Registry, and runs N, 89-00 E 95 feet to the Southeast edge of a new easement from Gentry to the City of Raeford; thence with the line of said easement, S 58-30 E 55.8 feet; thence with the line of said easement, S 58-30 E 55.8 feet; 4 thence S 89-00 W 137.5 feet to the * right of way of N.C. 211 Highway; thence With said right of way, N 10-00 W 31.4 feet to the BEGIN NING, and being part of that tract described above. Adopted this 4th day of August 1 OCA CITY OF RAEFORD BY John K. McNeill. Jr.. Mayor ATTEST ? Ronald L. Matthews, City Manager 15-18C CREDITOR S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Burnice Bland Bostic. deceased, late of Hoke County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present $ them to the undersigned on or before Feb. 7, 1981 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment to the uadersigned. This tne 7 day of August, 1980. Walta T. Bostic Rt. 2, Raeford. NC Hostetler& McNeill Attorneys at Law f Raeford. NC * 15-18C CREDITOR S NOTICE Having qualified as co-executrix of the estate of William Martin Laton, deceased, late of Hoke County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned onf or before Feb. 7, 1981 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment to the under signed. This the 7 day of August, 1980. Catherin L. Faircloth Patricia J. Laton Willcox & McFadyen Raeford, N.C. 28376 15-18C $ CREDITOR S NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of William Conoly Hod gin, deceased, late of Hoke County, the undersigned hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before February 7, 1981 or this* notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. This the 7th day of August, 1980. Josie Adams Hodgin C/O Willcox & McFadyen P.O. Box 126 Raeford, North Carolina 28376 ,5 I8C % EXECUTOR S NOTICE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Fairley Burke of Hoke County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Fairley f Burke to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 16th day of July, 1980. Lessie L. Burke Route, 3, Box 154, Raeford, N.C. 28376 13-16C ^

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