Board House To Be Converted To Offices The Hoke County Board of Education will have the board owned house on Harris Avenue converted to offices for the ex ceptional children's and school food service programs. The board made the decision at its regular meeting October 14 after rejecting the high bid of S26.000 for the property, formerly used as a residence for Hoke County High School principals. The board allowed Mrs. Earl Oxendine, the current tenant, till January 1 to find another resi dence. Her husband was promoted to director of compensatory educa tion from the principalship last year. In other action, the board turned down a request to provide 17 of the 22 vocational education teachers with the $35 per month extra pay each authorized by the General Assembly last yew for compensa tion for work done beyond the regular school day, as sponsors of clubs, and in other activities. The rejection was made on the grounds that the extra pay for one group of teachers would be unfair to other teachers who do similar extra work without extra pay. The state pays 76 per cent and the local school boards 24 per cent of the extra pay. If the extra for the Area Incidents Beer, Cakes, Purse Stolen The following were filed recently at the Hoke County Sheriff s Department. Two black males riding in a Ford stopped September 30 at Parks Exxon on the U.S. 401 bypass and North Main Street and stole four cases of beer valued at S34.45 from a Southerland Wholesale delivery truck while the driver, James R. Johnson of Fayetteville, was in the store. Robert L. Parks reported Oc tober 11 his sign at the old Parks Exxon Station on N.C. 211 west at Montrose was damaged by a shot Lumber Bridge News i by Lib Sumner Homecoming Sundav at the Presbyterian Church was a happy fromSIOnt'hA large crowd. many from other states, heard the welcome, on behalf of the church members, g.ven by Miss Amy Nell RuMnSr'p8ManddaUghter of ttie late Ruling Elder and Mrs. Frank >ron Dunn and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Jackson FnInecCSPOnSe W3S g'Ven bV Mrs. oan Evans, nee Margaret Ann Covington of Raleigh and the daughter of Mrs. John Covington Roger F. Hall. Clerk of Sessions of the host church introduced the guest speaker the Reverend ?usse|l Carme?,npr uS,or of the Mount StX r^Sbyt"lan Church. fSSnS Ja ern> v,rginia and a former Pastor of Lumber Bridge Presbytenan Church from January 1973 - September 1978. The ser ?--F,'"aPPinelS is Homecom ng. Flowers in the Sanctuary were ot the late Ruling Elder and Mrs. Frank Byron Dunn, and of their great grandson, the late Robert M. Henderson. Jr of ^"on: A bountiful dinner was sened in the Stamps Fellowship Sunday^, October 26 the Lumber Bridge Baptis! Church members will host their annual Homecoming. The Reverend Henri L. Foster of St. Pauls will be the guest speaker. overS!h?8 MlS \Iildred Willi ford over the weekend was her sisrpr Mrs. Elizabeth Tolar of Lumbll: a b aad?bfro,i"s- Dr A B. W ilhford of Hillsville Va J w wSford of mCVllle. and daughters Mr and Mrs. Tim Courtnev, Michelle Mr andbliy ?f, ??cicy MounI yir. and Mrs. John Cudd and Mrs J C w';?,?^tar>- ? Wilminpo? rdan