Frohi the Superintendent's Desk l?> I ( ?i/. Autr\ j^f'Confessions of A Superintendent Some of the recent articles I have written have sparked a lot of Comments and a letter to the editor. -Perhaps I need to explain how the column came into being and ex actly how I feel about writing under this title. ^ When 1 became superintendent ^?cven years ago, I asked Sam if he ?jwould give me some space in The News-Journal to write about what was happening in our schools. Mr. Morris very graciously agreed and told me that Mr. K.A. MacDonald, a former superintendent, had a column of this nature during his superintendency . The News Journal cooperated with me and the school system more than any one newspaper I have ever been associated with. For this 1 am most ^grateful. We don't always agree 'with each other but they have never Censored anything I have written. I Son't know of a group of people jfiiat 1 respect more for their Integrity in dealing with our schools 00 U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department 701 planning grant. The Raeford City Council had informed the commissioners the city would put up half the $20,000 appeared to be Reeded for the work of -a joint city-county professional planner. RECREATION COMMISSION The commissioners adopted a motion to appoint for terms expir ing August 31, 1983, Elga Lang don. Prince Allen Black, and Ken Koonce. and reappoint Brenda Jacobs to the Parks and Recreation ^fom mission. Mrs. Langdon, Koonce and Black succeed Bob Morrice, Ellen Willis, and Duncan McFadyen. athletics, coaches, etc. After exhausing these topics, I decided to change and see if I could show another side of the teaching profession. I wanted to show the human side - the light side and also show the public that those of us in the educational profession are well rounded enough to be interested in politics and all the other happenings in the world. So many people think that educators live in a dream world and don't know what is going on around them. Some of the general public would be sur prised at some of the topics we discuss at the "Intellectual Club" early in the morning. Whether folks like it or not, I am the chief spokesman for the Hoke County school system, at least for a little while longer. I am also pleased and grateful that I have worked with a board of education that gave me total freedom to express myself although many times they did not agree with me. I resent some things that are said about the teaching profession. A good example is the recent article that was in The News-Journal about Governor James Hunt. 1 resented the governor taking credit for our test scores even though he had given us the necessary re sources to make this accomp lishment possible. Governor Hunt has been an outstanding educa tional governor. Our teachers had a great deal to do with this im provement. We have many top notch teachers in Hoke County. The road has not been easy. The board and I have been involved in some very trying moments in our efforts to provide the type of faculty that we now have to teach our children. It is only natural that I would feel strongly that our faculty members should get some credit for the improvement of education in Hoke County. 1 am a realist. I have always known that 1 don't fit the mold that a superintendent is expected to fit. I do not always carry myself in a dignified manner. I don't please everybody and don't try to. Many folks say that they don't under stand me... some of them I don't want to understand me. I say what I think or I used to until 1 got hit in the head with a baseball bat enough times so the board mem bers could get my attention. 1 certainly am not quiet. I have created enough controversies to last an individual an entire lifetime and I have enjoyed most of it. Things have been rather dull for a good while because there hasn't been any controversies. The board has en joyed the peace and quiet and tranquility. They give the credit to the baseball bat. I must confess that is only partly correct. A lot of it is old age. I see my job as solely being responsible for the education and welfare of our children. The adults will have to look after themselves. I don't think the citizens of Hoke County can justify anything less than a first rate education for our children. If stepping on toes will accomplish this goal, I will have done my job. To my friends who want me to stick to educational matters I can only say that 1 will do this as long as 1 feel it is important and informative to the public which I serve. If 1 feel it is necessary to show the human side of those in the pro fession, I will do that also as long as The News-Journal permits and feel that I am making a contribution to their readers. THIRTY YEARS - Bucky Daniels, second from left, recently completed 30 years with Burlington industries. He is a warp hanger on the fifth shift of the Weave Room of the Worsted Plant. He is shown receiving his 30-year service pin and certificate from (L-R) Ralph White, Weave Mill superintendent; Ralph Calhoun, department manager; Frances Byrd, supervisor; and Cecil Bond, plant manager. He also received a pen-and pencil set for his outstanding record. 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