The Hoke County News - Established 1928 VOLUME LXXIII NUMBER 18 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA For 1981 Raeford Mayor, Council Elections - journal The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 $8 PER YEAR THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1981 City Filing Period Opens September 11 Around Town BY SAM C.MORRIS All I will say about weather this week is that it has been perfect. Several weeks ago an item in this column was about Sgt. Joe Rock holt coming by the office. It was ? stated here that he was an air controller and that he had been expecting to be called back to duty from his leave. The following letter was received from the sergeant last week: Dear Sam: I hope this finds you in good health and enjoying life. I sure was surprised to see my name in your paper! I was called back from leave early and have been assigned to ^ Burlington International Airport in Burlington, Vermont. I am looking forward to the challenge and will be reporting in Vermont tomorrow. (Aug. 17). There was only one minor error in your column - I'm in the Army instead of Air Force. Don't let the golf course get you down. Take care and I'll stop by the next time I'm in Raeford. Thank you, ? Joe P.S. There are so many rumors floating around about the strike etc. that I can't really say how things are going to work out. We may even be released from military duty to work for the FAA? That's my favorite rumor. _ Cecil McKeithan of Rockfish was ' by the office last week and was seeking the address of his sister, Mrs. Merle Jaritz, of New Mexico, who wrote me a letter recently. After obtaining the address Cecil was telling me about a fishing trip he had been on to Ten Thousand Islands in Forida. He stated that they had caught many Carp and they weighed between 25 and 30 pounds each. To prove his point P take a look at the picture below: To the readers of this column who have stated that paper sales fall off when Robert Gatlin's name is mentioned in this column, I will not argue the point. The one thing that wtll cause me to bring it back again is when someone sends him a letter that isn't signed and he must have someway to answer. The picture that ran in this ~ newspaper last week of Bill Lan * caster and his 61 -pound melon had been clipped from the paper and over the 61 someone had pasted 198 and in the margin had written the following letter: Mr. Gatlin: It is my understanding that this could be one of your TENANTS. If ao, do you know whether a BAP TIST FISHERMAN'S scale was used to determine accurate weight, ) (See AROUND TOWN, page 12) RAEFORD IN THE EARLY 1920s -- This picture was turned into the office last week by Ken McNeill. From some oldtimers it was made in the 'Hoke Officers Search 3 Areas msmm early 20s and the lady is a worker for Townsend Drug Store by the name of Rackley. If you can furnish any information please contact this newspaper. Weekend Drug Raids Bring Charges Three people were charged with drug-law violations and another with resisting an officer after Hoke County deputies raided and searched three areas with the help of drug detection dogs. Gregory Bryant of Maxton was charged with felonious possession of, with intent to sell and deliver marijuana; and Virginia Baker Scott and Mary Evelyn Mull of Rt. 2, Raeford, but living in separate residences, each charged with pos session of marijuana and of a syringe and needle, officers partici pating in the raids reported, Irving Lawrence Hook, Jr. , 49, of Bethesda, Md., was charged with resisting an officer attempting to serve the search warrant on Mrs. Mull, Deputy James Madden re ported. He reported a plastic bag con taining 16 pink pills was found on Hook. Sheriff David Barrington said later that no charge had been filed as he was awaiting the results of an analysis being made to identify the pills. Officers went through Mrs. Mull's mobile home about 4:14 p.m. Saturday and Mrs. Scott's residence at 9:50 p.m. The charge against Bryant was filed after officers found a plastic bag containing six one-ounce bags in his Chevrolet van when they raided a house an officer termed the "poker house" on Goose Pond Road in the Antioch community about 11:40 p.m. Friday. Sheriff s Department Detective C.E. Harris reported the search of the house proved "fruitless." The marijuana possession charge against Mrs. Scott is a misde meanor since she is accused of possession of less than an ounce of the drug, Mrs. Mull is charged with felony possession, since she is accused of possession of three ounces, the sheriff said. The deputies in addition to Harris who participated in the raid on Mrs. Scott's property were Alex Norton, J.R. Riley. Madden, C.R. Wilson, Weaver Patterson and Ossie Finin. Participating with Madden in the Saturday afternoon raid were Harris. Riley, and Sheriff s Detec tive Craig Hart. Taking part in the Friday night raid with Harris were Norton. Wilson. Patterson, and Ralph Ttn dall. The drug detection dogs. Joey and Duchess, were handled by Gary Lapham. Sheriffs officers also last week end arrested three other men on marijuana possession charges in unrelated cases. Charged witn mis demeanor or possession are James Thomas Rowsey 111, 20, and Jeffrey Lynn Branch, 22, both of Rt. 1, Red Springs, arrested Friday; and Jemen Oxendine, 33, of Rt. 2, Maxton, arrested Saturday. Branch and Oxendine were ar rested by Patterson, and Rowsey by Hart. Northern Will Return ToS.C. Assistant Agent To Enter Business William L. Northern said Mon day he planned to return to South Carolina and enter private business when he leaves the Hoke County Agricultural Extension Service staff September 17. Northern submitted his resigna tion as a Hoke assistant Extension agent in a letter written August 1 1 to James Martin, county manager. The county commissioners at their mid-month meeting August 17 accepted the resignation "with regret." Northern's letter says his resigna tion is effective September 17. "I have enjoyed working with you and the people of Hoke County," it adds, and it is for personal reasons that I must resign. North ern did not state his reasons. Northern was appointed assis Bloodmobile Due The American Red Cross Blood mobile will be in Raeford Septem ber 2, at Raeford United Methodist Church, from noon till 5:30 p.m. to receive blood donors. The visit will be hosted by the House of Raeford. The public is invited. tant agent effective last March 1 by the commissioners at their monthly meeting of February 2. He was named to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Larry Locklear September 19. 1980. Northern is 27, a native of Morganton, W. Va., and a 1979 graduate of Clemson, S.C, Univer sity. After graduating from high school, he served in the Marine Corps till 1974, and later enrolled at Clemson. He had been living in Clemson since 1967 except for his Marine service period, till he started work on the Hoke County Extension staff. Northern's father is a dairy specialist for the South Carolina Agricultural Extension Service at Clemson. Northern's major studies at Gemson were in horticulture and agronomy. Robbery Suspect Taken In Hoke A Robeson County man was arrested in the Five Points area of Hoke County the night of August 17 and charged as one of the three people who robbed the Carolina Bank at Aberdeen that afternoon. Hoke County Detective C.E. Harris reported that, acting on a report received by the sheriff's department, he went to the area accompanied by four Aberdeen policemen and three FBI agents. He said Jimmy Hunt, 34, of Rt. 2, Rowland, was arrested at a residence off Blue Farm Road, Rt. 3, Raeford. The charge against Hunt was filed by the FBI, the report says. Harris reported Hunt was found after the sheriff's department was notified that a green Monte Carlo carrying three Indian males had been seen in the Five Points area about 4p.m. The description of the car resembled the description of the one reported to have been used by the bank robbers. The officers brought Hunt to the Aberdeen Police Department, Har ris reported. Three people held up the bank about 3:25 p.m. August 17 and escaped with an undisclosed amount of money. Moore County officers alerted Hoke County offi cers that the robbers, all armed with hand guns, were believed to have gone toward Hoke County. Hoke Sheriff Dave Barrington reported that the initial report advised officers to watch for a green -and-white Monte Carlo con taining three people, one black and the others either white or Indian. A report broadcast later, Barrington said, described the passengers as two men, black or Indian. I Fire Chiefs, Assistants To Meet I Hoke County fire chiefs and assistant fjre chiefs will meet Thursday at 8 p.m. at Hillcrest Volunteer Fire Department. Everyone is urged to attend. This is election year for the Raeford City Council and mayor. Raeford citizens will elect a mayor and five councilmen for two-year terms on November 3. The city elections are non partisan: candidates are not identified by party membership on the ballot. Rose Sturgeon, executive secretary of the Hoke County Board of Elections, which conducts the city as well as the county voting, advised Monday that unregistered, qualified people have till 5 p.m. October 5 to register to vote in the 1981 municipal election. A person must have been a resident of Raeford at least 30 days before the election to be eligible to register and vote in the municipal election. The minimum age for voting in the city as well as other elections is 18. A person must be at least that age on or before election day to be eligible. Candidates can start filing for the offices of mayor or council men at noon September 1 1 . The deadline for Filing is noon October 2. In the 1979 election, only about 128 of the total of approximately 1 ,408 city people registered to vote cast ballots. This is slightly less than 10 per cent of the registration. The incumbents are John K. McNeill, Jr., mayor; and Graham Clark, Vardell Hedg peth, Jr., Bob Gentry, Sam Morris, and Benny McLeod, councilmen. Except for one write-in vote for mayor and one write-in for each of two other people for city councilmen, the incumbents were unopposed for reelection in the 1979 voting. McNeill, Clark and McLeod are serving their sixth two-year terms, Morris his fourth, and Gentry and Hedgpeth their second. Gentry was appointed in 1976 to serve the unexpired portion of David Lovette's term and was elected the next year to his first regular term. ? ? ? The registrars and judges of the county's 13 precincts were to be sworn into office at 10 a.m. Wednesday in the courtroom of the Courthouse for the new election period. Each was notified personally by Mrs. Sturgeon. The county as of January 1 had 6.817 registered voters. Of these, 6,377 are Demo crats, 377 Republicans, and 63 unaffiliated. The registration the previous year showed 7,076 total, of whom 6,585 were Democrats, 413 Republicans. 77 unaffiliated, and one In dependent. The 1981 registration is com posed of 3,481 whites, 2,818 blacks, and 518 Indians; and women outnumber men. 3.634 to 3.183. Balfour Named Director John Balfour, chairman of the Board of Hoke County Commis sioners, is a new director for District 5 of the North Carolina Association of County Commis sioners. He was elected August 15 during the association's annual convention in Winston-Salem. Robert Hester, chairman of the Bladen County board, also in District S, was elected second vice president of the statewide associ ation, which virtually guarantees him the presidency in two years. Scotland and Robeson are the other counties in the district.