. 25 The Hoke County News - Established 1928 VOLUME LXXIIl NUMBER 20 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLIN A 1 - journal The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 $8 PER YEAR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1981 Around Town BY SAM C. MORRIS The weather has been on the cool side for the past week, compared with some of the days in August. The nights are perfect for sleeping and the air conditioner doesn't come on as much at night, as it did during the summer. ?> Rain has been spotted, but Raeford has had very little over the weekend. Someone told me that it rained in Aberdeen and Southern Pines Saturday and Sunday. It is dry again, and some rain could help. ? ? ? The item last week about the picture we ran a couple of weeks >ago brought forth much comment. Some people seemed to think that the lady in the picture was a Rackley. We will quote a paragraph from a letter we received from Mrs. Ava Rackley Jackson of Kingsport, Tenn. It follows: "My niece called me this week that you had a Rackley girl working in Dr. Townsend Drug Store in * 1920 and had my picture in your paper. That was not me; that was Virginia Canoy. I worked next door at Hatcher's Jewelry Store, and when he sold out I went to Fayetteville and worked until I got married in 1925." At the time Mrs. Jackson wrote the letter she had not received the paper sent to her, so maybe when she sees the picture, she can tell us * for sure who the lady in the picture is. She asked that a paper be mailed to her and we did so in case the other had gotten lost. ? ? * Did the officers of the Hoke High Booster Club realize that this is the 25th anniversary of the club? It was formed 25 years ago at a supper at Lake Alice. Time surely *does fly! ? * * Frank Teal came by the office Labor Day and was talking to me about watching a baseball game recently on TV that was played in Philadelphia. He asked me the name ot the park in which the Philadelphia Phillies were to play? I said, "Shire Park" and he said. k"No, before that?" Then, I told him it was a place called either Baker Field or Baker Bowl. 1 believe it was Baker Field and it got the bowl name because it was shaped like a bowl and was small so the heavy hitters were hitting it out of the bowl. I also believe a player by the name of Chuck Klien was playing there at that time. !f anyone is certain of the name, let me know . * * * Ken Weatherspoon, director of the Dept. of Social Services was by the office a couple of weeks ago and while talking, gave me some very interesting figures about the Food ? Stamp program in Hoke County. He said that usually in May. June, July and August, that the number of people who get food stamps falls off, but that in July of this year that more people received the stamps than in 1980. The number receiving stamps in July 1980 was 1407 families. In July. 1981, there were 1616 families getting stamps. ' This could show that less people were working this summer than last vear. Ken also stated that in July over 5200,000 in food stamps were issued in Hoke County. This is right much money going into the economy. When asked when the stamp program would be cot as the Keagan administration has been talking about, he said possibly in October There are many pros and cons about this program, but local merchants will feel the effects when the cutting time comes. ? ? ? AH members of old Battery "F." don't forget that the reunion is next month. With Heritage Of Monroe Local S&L Board OKs Merger Intent Raeford Savings