^Jie The Hoke County News - Established 1 928 VOLUME Lxxm NUMBER 22 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA By Commissioners At Mid-month Meeting journal 25 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1 905 $8 PER YEAR THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1981 Hoke's Sunday Beer Sales Ban Repealed Around Town BY SAM C. MORRIS Did vn turn on your heat during the weekend? Some folks did just that. The temperature dropped Aw? into the 40s and it was rather cool on Saturday and Sunday morniaigs. It w-as not hot Monday morning. but the temperature started going up after the sun came out. The forecast is for rain, maybe by the last of the meek, with the daytime temperatures in the 70s. The Hoke County Chic Center committee had a meeting last Tuesday and had a discussion about the condition in which the ^ center was left after some folks had i rented it for an event The committee voted as of October I to require a security deposit of S50.00 to any group usaa* the Chic Center. This deposit will be returned after the building has Keen inspected and found to be in good condition. If something is wrong:, then the committee will have it fixed or cleaned up. and refund from the deposit what it ^didn't need to put it back in the same condition it was when rented. This deposit is up and above the cost for using the building. 1 don't know what they charge, but I suspect around S50 per night . The action of the committee is iuaifhd because the center has no funds for repairs It is a shame that people who use the building can't leave it in the same condition that they found it. It is about like ^ anything e*se in this day and time, and that is, if it doesn't belong to me. why care what happens to the center. Maybe the day will return when we will once again have respect for other people's property. Let's hope so. am wax . The folloming letter * as received Friday and should close the con I irwm> about Baker Bom I Fncnd Sam ! mas mrong. don't call the Chamber of Commerce of Phila delphia. Baker Bom1 is correct. I called an old baseball friend of mine in Philadelphia and he said Bowl. 1 hope I can be wrong many more times in my lifetime. TV Baker Field is the Columbia I niMfTJiv in N.Y. football field. Your friend ) Maurice Fleishman Thanks Maurice, for the infor mation and 1 hope you live many n%xe years and mill continue to enjoy sports during that time. I don't Nel*e\e you have been wrong many tunes. Last meek mhen I mTote about the foursome from Raeford playing go*f at Cedar Rock Golf Course in Leoo*r 1 didn't knom that the htournament ab*> had a day of play fc?c the ladies They did and Mary Ruih Lancaster and Dot Bounds mon in thetr flight. Congratulations to these ladies and maybe next time it mill be included m the same article as the men ? ? ? A death that most of the old National Guard members of the fe252nd mil! be interested in is that of *Col. Roxce S. McClelland of Wil mington. mbo died Saturday . Col. McOetland mas the regimental commander of the 252nd m hen they mere called to active duty in September 1*M0. He mas . na^ 14)