To Match Funds For Restoring , Preserving 1830b Residence $11,000 Stale Grant Approved For Mill Prong House In Hoke An SI 1.000 pw *o A Mill Prong hoaxw lac., ns ?W*wd b* the Gcaml Asm wN> lut ?tck. The PionK Carotau HbumviI Con Mission ret?nia?Mled tht grant to the Hokt CtMun project. Chutes Hoamkr is presides* ot the nooprulu ixjuummi inoor porated in W1? for the purpose ?f ptmmuut and nc-uoriog the Fed eral stxfcr plantation home in Btee Sprmgs tommhip TV house built in the 1790s and substantial add mom made in tfcc 1830%. John Gilchrist, the orqgmal builder, emigrated from Kuttvrr. Scotland, in 1770 and became a leader of the large HtghUnd settlement in this area. He was elected to the House of Commons in the last decade of the 18th century. The house and nearby cemetery are listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Mill Prong Preservation. Inc. will hold the fourth annual meeting on Sunday. October 25. at the Graham- Mat heson house located adjacent to Riverton Park near Wigrun. The public is invited. A catered picnic lunch will be ?"*d at 1 p.m. Cost of the lunch is S4 and reservations must be made by Thursday. October 22. to Mill Prong Preservation. Inc.. P.O. Drawer 1087. Lumbertoc . N.C. 28358. The Graham- Matheson house, birthplace of the late Dr. R. A. Matheson of Raetord. was built in the 1830s for Elizabeth Puivdl Graham, a granddaughter of John Gilchrist, and her husband. Archi bald Graham. It originalh was in Blue Springs Township but was moved to the present site when purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam S. McLean of Lumberton. Restoration ot the house is under way. A grant trom the National Trust I** Histooc Preservation enabled Mill Prong Preservation. Inc.. to obtain the services of consultants Edward Turberg of Wilmington and George Font of Raleigh for the Mill Prong house. An architectural history and evaluation ha\e been prepared, and detailed measured drawings ot inside and exterior cunstroction made. These will be uxd as the restoration progresses. The state grant will be used for carpentry and masonry repairs extern >r painting, and a permanent roof. The meeting held following the luntfi will be addressed by Thomas bright HI ot Wilmington, and Bill McLean. They will discuss some of the practical aspects of historical preservation. 25' e " f The Hoke County News - Established 1928 VOLUME LXXUI NUMBER 25 RAF.FORD. HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLIN A Preceding Hoke-Pinecrest Football Game - journal 25' The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 S8 PER Y EAR THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1 5. 1 981 Homecoming Parade To Be Held Friday Around Town BY SA* C. JHORRIS The fall weather makes one fed . pwd. hut si ill need rain. The W forecast tast weekend mas for rain, but it didn't rain enough to do any good to the crops, and to the water table. I know *e hare had some winds weather, but has there been enough to make most of the pecans fall from the trees? M\ ?ite picked up a basketfull of nuts last week after we returned from Wrights* ille Beach. Could it be the dry weather >that is causing the pecans to fall? If anyone else has this problem, please gi*e me the answer. The old saying is. that an abundance of nuts makes a coid winter. It so. y*ni had better fill the oil drum for the upcoming winter ? * ? It sou are an undefeated football team, it doesn't pay to be rated ^ number one in the rolls. For this season an\wa\ . u a team gets to the top. the\ are krnvked oft almost immediately. I beliexe that Southern California stayed up for two weeks before meerr^g defeat. There are undefeated teams in the ACC. Carolina j?nd Orasc*. It they maintain this jsase. thc game between the two teams in Chapel Htli or Saturday. Novetn ber "* should draw a record crowd to } Kenan Stadium Last week the game between Wake Forest and the lar Heels drew almost wh?ch set a record, litis wasun a das that the weatherman had toresasi a ~0 percent chance ot ram. E?en if it had been sunm weather, the stadium was packed ? Someone asked irte Im it 1 really a anted opposition >r> the City Council'irjof- litis was because ot the comment I made in this column last *?k No. I personally don't want opposition: but in am raoe. if people eonte out k* the toke. then issuer be discussed l"hc comment about the baseball games and the T\ came home to roust with me. The TV' set at home ?ent on the bhnk and ?hen m> other >et hid to replace it in the din you can resj assured who va* what pnyrims ?n my house Ot course my ?tfe said go ahead and watch the ball ?cames. but I could tell by the tone ?<t her n*f. ? that the monies ?v?ukl be betTer tor me in the km$ run Ma?>be this ?^<uldn'i Ka\e been the case in *our home* The Hi<ie H?h BAtsttr Club will Md a Bar-B-Q supper at Hoke High School on Fnda\ . October lt? starting at approximated 4 p.m. They will vtrw until 7 p.m. I Tickets can he Gained at Hoke Drug Co. Go out and help the dub and enjoy the fellowship. I usually don't run poems m the paper, hut the K4k*wing krtrrr was mwed this week and the poem bdow the letter was twkwd. Dear Sam: This came out recently m jf?r iimhmrg Jamrmml, Thought you (See ARCH. ND TO?N. pare 4) ? ? .4t Annuml Dinner StaffpiMH Several hundred people turned out Thursday night to hi^ior Hoke County's firemen. The pictures show some of the people who attended. The annual dinner was held in Gibson Cafeteria at Hoke County Htgh School. The audience in cluded Raetord city and Hoke County government officials. The guest speaker was Calvin Beck, fire training coordinator for the State Department of Com munity Collegers. He was intro duced by El wood Baker of the North Raetord Fire Department, president of the Hoke County Firemen's Association. The visitors were welcomed and the special guests recognized by Tom Howell, president of the Raetord- Hoke County Chamber of Commerce. Baker made the re sponse. The Re\ . George MeKeithan gave the invocation. Seven of the county's businesses gave the financial support for the dinner, and the> were thanked for tt during the meeting. They are Farm Bureau Insurance, and Earl Rose its local representative. The Bank of Raetord. Avery Connell Insurance Agency. W.L. Poole Insurance Agency. Southern National Bank, and Raeford Saxmgs La van Association. Members of the Pine Hill Fire Department, which protects northwestern Hoke County, are shown wt th their guests twining to enter the serving line. Front. L R ?? Dennis. Franklin and Frederick Purcell. Gene Blue. Ken Puree!!. Chris Conley. and Daniel Shaw. Rear. L-R -? Michael Lucas and his wife Sherry . Cynthia Leach and her husband Robert [back to camera |. and Jane and Bobby Stn>ther. Volunteers For Energy Aid Program Wanted Ken Witherspoon. director of the Department of Social Services, today issued an urgent call for vvrtunteers to assist *ith the ad ministration of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program. Particularly needed are people ?ho have some prior interviewing or clerical skills. Die energy Program is a limited effort to prvnide a one-time fuel assistance allotment to eligible households. It is anticipated that some 1 .500 households will applv between November 1 and Decem ber II. Witherspoon indicated the full impact of the implementation of all of the other federal changes is causing the Department serious staffing problems. Witherspoon indicates that he is very much aware of the mixed feelings generated by certain assis tance programs. He also pointed out the serious problems generated by high energy costs for all of us. The poor and those on fixed incomes are more vulnerable to the Raeford Getting $48,750 In Powell Funds Slate Transportation Secretary W.R "Bill" Roberson Jr. an nounced last week that checks totaling more than S3 1.3 million have been mailed to 461 municipa lities in North Carolina for local street construction and mainte nance. The monies make up the fiscal year 1982 allocatin of state street aid (Powell Bill) funds. Raefbrd will receive an allocation of S48. 750.78. The allocation is based on the community's popula tion of 3.650 and its 23.29 miles of streets not in the state system. City Candidates To Attend PT A Meeting Monday The Hoke County PTA's first meeting ot the new school year will be held Monday at 7:30 p.m. at J.W. Turlington School. Raeford M?\w John K. McNeill. Jr.. and all candidates for the Raeford City Council will be guests of the association. The mayor is running for reelection but is un opposed. Everyone is urged to attend to meet the candidates to become better ?formed so he or she can make an intelligent choice at the poJK. The election is scheduled for November 3. At Antioch The Antioch Presbyterian Church Ingathering will be held Thursday. October IS. starting at 11 a.m.. on the church grounds. Chicken salad and barbecue -a pwts ww dc offeree. problems. It is with that thought that the Department of Social Services seeks to ettectivelv and efficiently administer the Lo? In come Energy Assistance Program. Volunteers are needed in tour hour shifts with some fixed com Vass Road Bru North Raeford Fire Department firemen extinguished a grass tire on Vass Road about a quarter mile west of U.S. 401 bypass north shortly after 4:30 p.m. Thursdav before it could damage homes in the area. mitnient for the November 1 - December 1 1 time trame. Those interested in helping should call Withers p*^n at 8~5-3 2 or come by the department. A one-da\ training session will be provided for all volunteers. Hoke County High School's l*)81 Homecoming Parade will be held late Friday afternoon through downtown Raeford and adjacent streets, starting shortly alter 4:30 from the high school's Gibson parking kn. The Hoke County marchers, riders and vehicles will be joined bv Pinecrest High School's cheer leaders and ROTC Drill Team. Pinecrest is Friday night's Home coming football game opponent in Hoke Stadium for the Hoke High Bucks. The parade will be lead by Raeford Police Chief Leonard Wiggins in his cruiser, followed bv the city's oldest fire truck. Then will come Little Miss Football, the Hoke County Midget football teams and their cheerleaders, the Hoke High Junior Class float and members of the Hoke High French Club. Future Homemakers of America and Distributive Educa tion Clubs of America. The city's newest fire truck will follow, then Miss Homecoming contestant Rose Parish in her vehicle, the Hoke High Marching Band. Miss Ekoh in her vehicle, and members of the National Honor Society. In the parade also will be Miss Homecoming candidates Debbie Williams and Angela Conoly . Miss Homecoming of N""9. the Fresh man. Sophomore and Senior classes* floats, and Hoke High and L'pchurch Junior High cheer leaders. Miss Extended Day of Hoke High, a Hoke Rescue Squad vehicle with members of the squad, and members of the Hoke High Health Occupations Students of America and the Future Business Leaders of America. The parade will go from Hoke High down Bethel Road, then onto Harris Avenue, and turn north on Main Street. The procession will turn north on Campus A\enue. then east at Magnolia on Hamv and go to Bethel Road and return to the high school campus. sh Blaze Near Homes Killed I he lire. cjux* ? js not learned, spread quieklv through dr> brush from \ ass Road and into the front >ard of Mrs. Cara Lee Patterson. {M. nearl\ reaching her house before it *a% stopped. The fire also burned ?rass on an adjoining lot east of Mrs Pat terson's before it was put out. John Patterson. Mrs Patterson's son. said he discovered the tire as he was walking to his mother's home and called the fire de partment. Buddy Willis is pouring water on the Vass Road gran fin wUr Cm? {M d holding the fire tour JfcwA ?rv volunteer firemen with the Noeth Rmeford Fir* Department.

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