<~Ylew6 - journal m ??? w?"n ? fHf n n ? ? ^ NATIONAL NEWSPAPER association ASSOCIATION NM?M I < llm ?? Rm4m4. \.( . 2SJ76 in*. Run la Mt?wt FV? \rw S)LM * MnHi .? $4.25 3 M??lhs-S2.25 rU I IMr K^?N . . . . Publtvferf ? Kdilor vvMt \h?**ts Ml I I l\?? vl VvxKialf Miloi P M < t>H VM>\ Socid> Kdilor ?*???< lto? f? jm mi THURSDAY. OC TOBER 29. 1981 Good idea The Hoke County PTA had a good idea, and it's too bad it didn't work out. but it ought to try again a month or two before next year's primaries The idea was to have a meeting for Raeford voters to get to know the candidate* in the November 3 election of members of the City Council. The meeting was held the night of October 19 at J.W. Turlington School. The eight candidates and Mayor John K. McNeill. Jr.. appeared. The mayor came even though he's not opposed for reelection, consequent?} could have skipped it for all practical purposes, but paid the P 1 A the courtesy of coming just the same. It turned out. though, that the candidates outnumbered the people in the audience. True, the PTA is a school-system affiliated organization, and the Raeford mjxor and City Council have nothing officially to do with the schoo' s\stem. Abo. the PTA is a countywide organization, and, consequently, most of its members are not eligible to vote in a town election since they're not town residents. Still, the town members and the town voters who aren't members had an opportunity to hear the candidates express their intentions if elected, ami their views of what the council ought to do. They also had the opportunity to question the candidates, for one thing, about why they he'?eve they should be elected. Few ca^te to take the opportunity, but it wasn't the PTA's fault, and the Pr V Reserves praise for trying to perform a valuable public service Let's hop* the lack of public interest showTi in the meeting to meet the candidates is no clue to the number of people whc will vote in next Tuesday's election. In the 1979 election, less than 10 per cent of the city s registered voters turned out, but this lack of interest could be excuse.' In the lack of opposition candidates to the incumbents for reelect 'on. In thts year's election, however, eight are running for the five council seats, including the five incumbents. Even registered voter should go to the polls if at all possible to decide who will be running the town's government for the next two years, not let a handful of conscienr .-?tirens make the decision for all. --BL Removal proper The rem '? 'Th regard to the state of world affairs." said an official. That. :"c dentally, is a difference between views we can be extreme!} ih.?nkful for. --BL THURSDAY. OCTOBER 29. 1