25 The Hoke County News - Established 1 928 VOLUME LXXm NUMBER 29 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Around 1 Raeford M*y?r - journal 25' The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 S8 PER Y FAR THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1981 ( Town BVSAMCMQMIS Ik tulki for the pm several riae^t hu. Reports went that the >i f i Wi mas hdc* 30 m S? III nonnng. One person sMed thai ? ?? 26 degrees The twenal b for ran in the | kH dn or sol. This a nedeni. Dick Nedc*. the shr real way to know how aaeh gwd it has dtw. but the Atiifl* sdepoitaat vm it has cm the criae tnfce b$ ^5%. The watch was organised by Chack Ih Wiling. with the coopera tion of many others. They have month!-* iraertmsgs. with ie-rv Dear Sam 1 am at a kws to tnem to ? hom 1 I should address, thss, so I suppose it is best to send ? to wem and hope that vou wtfl be ka&d enough to thank e*erxotne foe me ?nh a few words tn *o?r X<-ms-Jc*r*tal COtttBtll 1 want no shank e-i-ervone who attended the Battery ~F~ Renicm. October 2-*- for the rooa welcome "get ??S" card h Ivokt ro heart to miss at. hM I m*s certamh in bo conditfoat to attend. The card ma> ' have done moce ncwad rt*e otuem of Hoke Cowan ttu* if tfcn have not IBBWi rtnr Aa dm vet. to do so. The Hoke Comma Health Center in etmnw rim the tax collector. They will ha*e 30 da\s to pa\ their taxes. At the end ot this 30 da\s the back taxes will be turned oxer to the attorney. A cost of S200 will be added to the tax bill. r It the taxes are still delinquent b\ the time the title search and complaint is completed, the cost s* ill be increased to S350 to 400 and in many cases sustantiallv more than that Mrs. Livingston stated that it is not f air tor some property o? tiers to pay. while others ignore their responsibilities. She said that her department would rather have the property owners pay their taxes and keep their land, rather than pay the extra costs or lose their land. This now notice will not affect the 50 property owners who have already been notified b> the attor ney for their grovs neglect of their back taxes. The attorney has already bejjun tiling law suits against these property owners who have not come to the tax office to pa\ their back taxes I npaid 1981 taxes, however, won t be considered delinquent till January l?>82. Mrs Livingston ad\ ised . I Canvass Makes No Change The official canvass made Thurs day by the Hoke County Board of Elections of the vote* in the Raeford municipal election of No vember 3 resulted in no changes in the unofficial tallies published in last week's edition of Thr Sews - Journal. The tallies showed: John K. McNeill. Jr.. mayor. 500 votes; and. for City Council (the five candidates with the most votes elected -? R.L. (Bobb\) Carter 3>5. Councilman Graham Clark 35". Councilman Bob Gentrv 3bb. Councilman Vardell Hedgpeth. Jr.. 31!. Earl McDuffie. Jr.. 184. Councilman James B. McLeod 422. Councilman bam C. Morris .MM. and T. Joseph Cpchurch 37"\ Clark. Gentry. Hedgpeth and McLeod were reelected to new terms, and Cpchurch was elected to his first term, replacing Morris on the council. Mayor McNeill was unopposed for reelection. The complete, unofficial returns from the three city precincts were reported election night to The \v?s -Journal bv the county elec tions board office. The councilmen - elect and mayor - elect will be swwn into office for the 1*181-83 terms the night of December 7 shortly before the council's regular meeting for the month starts. Mayor McSeill signs Farm-City Mar* proclamation. County Chairman Hosteller is at left, f Staff photo j Nov. 20-26 Proclaimed Farm -City Raeford Mayor John K. McNeill. Jr.. has proclaimed ihe *eek of November 20 Farm-City Week in Raeford. The Hoke County chairman for the 1981 observance is Charles Hostetler of Raeford. The text of the mayor's procla mation follows. WHEREAS the prosperity and well-being of this community are dependent upon cooperation be tween the two great elements of our society : farmers and urban people, and WHEREAS the complexities of their individual problems and the divergence of their activities have led to a widening gulf of mis understanding. and WHEREAS this gulf of mis understanding must be eliminated, and each group must understand Week the other it our American ?j\ of lite is to endure, and WHEREAS Farm-City Week provides an unparalled opportunin tor farm and city people to become re acquainted. THF.REFORD. I. John K Mc Neill. Jr.. Mayor of the City of Raeford. do hereby proclaim the period of November 20 through November 2t> to be Farm-City Week; and I do further call upon all citi/cns of this community to participate to the limit of their capabilities in the joint visits, the seminars, the pageants, fairs, civic, and social events attendant to a successful Farm-Citv Week in Rae ford. Effective the 20th day of No vember. I**81. JohnK. McNeill Mavor. Citv of Raeford