Mental Program (Continued from Page 1 ) money being allocated for this purpose. *'v We estimate the need for eight additional staff and a budget of $200,000. On numerous occasions, our Center has been contacted by individuals who wish to see us develop a methadone detox pro gram. This project could be inte grated with either the Mental Health Unit or the Hoke Hospital v? Unit. We perceive utilizing four beds for this purpose. We would utilize another four beds for per sons dependent upon nonopiates. The estimated cost is $100,000. A second project which could be developed on this campus is a moderate management group home. We recognize that the panel dealing with "Willie M." has been reluctant to develop programs on a state institution campus. This would not be a state institution campus. It would be a regional campus which would in clude many other programs. In cluded in these programs would be a prevention effort. By placing the moderate man agement group home at McCain Campus, we could develop training and prevention programs relevant to "Willie M.". The long-run effect would be to save money, better serve clients, and meet the needs of "Willie M.'s" and similar persons. It is our perception that an existing duplex could be utilized to serve six children. If this were not feasible, two of the three bedroom brick ranches could be so utilized. We estimate the cost of this program to be 5120,000. The next project we would like to place on this campus is the development of an inpatient "Wil lie M." program. It is possible that this project could serve the purpose of inpatient programming and serve that of providing high man agement training needs. We feel 10 children could be served. Existing rooms for use as time-out areas are available. Educational programs would need to be provided by the school corporation. We estimate the cost of this project as being $261,000. For several years, we have noted . the difficulties associated with plac ? ing mentally retarded and behavi ' orally disordered individuals within ? the program presently existent in | Wake County. ? We would propose to develop a ? new regional facility on the McCain j. Campus. Beds and facilities .exist. ? At least 10 persons could be served ; within the existing structures. ; The cost of this program would ? be $300,000. > The fifth project which could be > implemented on this campus would > be a 20-bed mental health unit for " individuals requiring more time in treatment than that presently avail '? able in the short-term program at ^ Moore Memoral Hospital. This '? moderate-term program would re .* duce our utilization of Dix Hospital ?i (in Raleigh) and be a major step in aiding us to deinstitutionalize. ? If funds are available and suffi cient. we would like to treat pre-teenagers. ? The estimated cost for this - program is $297,000. Another area of development is thai ot prevention programming. We perceive the state as being able : to develop a state wide prevention : institute which would be a major ;? step in developing alternatives to existing modalities of intervention. \ prevention, education and consul tation in the areas of mental health, mental retardation and substance abuse programming. It is our belief that Ruth Relos would be an excellent person to be in charge of this facility. 1 have discussed this concept with her. It is my perception that the state could bring in foundation support as well as existing and remaining federal support for prevention and ? . research programming bv making . this facility a state-wide and per haps national level prevention pro ; gram. I his facility could be housed in a ; portion of the hospital itself, a : portion of the administrative build t ing. as well as the utilization of two I three bedroom frame homes for use I by students during their stay on ? campus. An auditorium exists in the hospital which would be excellent for training and general resource ? sharing opportunities. This pro ? gram would have to pay its own way and he under your direction or vour > designee's. ;? An additional proposal is to ;? develop a training research pro . !? gram which would integrate with ;? the state-wide prevention effort. .}? This project would be well > integrated with that formerly de > scribed and would involve only a minor expansion of the Center's present Consultation. Education and Prevention Program. We estimate the cost of this to be . > $.16,000 per year. ? Our proposal to develop a com > prehensive and innovative outpa j? tient detoxification program could a become a reality with our taking $ responsibility for the McCain Cam ^ pus. ? Also, a permanent location for the Hoke Unit of Sandhills Center could be provided on this Campus. We estimate that 100 persons would be seen in our outpatient detox in the first year. We continue to estimate that more than 200 persons would be seen each month in our out-patient mental health unit within Hoke County. The total additional cost for these two programs being trans ferred to the McCain Campus would be $30,800. The above proposals are based on the assumption the state would provide the necessary new dollars in order for us to develop these programs. We understand the dollars would remain with the McCain Campus to assure its continued existence. We would ask that any proposals endorsed by the state of the type described above assure us that we would receive free facilities and utilities, including telephone. We would ask for S650.000 per year in addition to those dollars needed to operate the programs. These dollars would be utilized for the operation of maintenance, laboratory, food service, x-ray. EEG/EKG laboratory, and central supply. We would propose that the state take total responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the power plant and sewage treat ment plant. We would recommend that staff presently assigned to these two McCain facilities be reassigned to the prison staff component. An additional $313,000 would be needed to provide for food stuffs, linens, and general supplies needed in order to operate the abovemen tioned programs. Further, there would be a need for expansion of administrative staff. This would cost an additional $248,000. When one totals the cost of these program, it is quick to note that approximately $2 million in funds will be needed to maintain the McCain Campus and provide the numerous types of programs des cribed above. It is important to recognize that a number of these programs, for example "Willie M.". are already planned for funding and would not necessitate separate allocations by the Legislature or the Department of Human Resources. There would, however, need to be a significant additional allotment. (Our estimate is close to $2 million.) I would be very interested in reviewing our proposals with you and discussing their feasibility regarding actual implementation. I am available to meet with you at your convenience. I have appreciated the opportun ity to consider the option of developing a comprehensive and meaningful series of programs on the McCain Campus. I feci that the programs described above, if deve loped. would be a gold star for our state, as well as for our region and Sandhills Center. I feel that we can be a trend setter and actually show how to save money during a period of decreasing revenues. 1 recognize that there is an initial allocation that would be necessary but that, in the long run. more funds would actually be made available. "Willie M." programs could be better served by integrating preven tion, research and training with such programs. Further. deinstitutionalization could take a giant step forward through the integration of pro grams within the McCain Campus and our five county catchment area. Please note that our plan for the McCain Campus meets many of the objectives in our Annual. Deinsti tutionalization and Strategic Plans. Also, the Prevention Institute and general goals to be accomplished by the alorementioned programs will meet needs articulated by North Carolinians at county level NC 2000 meetings. Steven P. Dingfelder. Ph.D Area Director TB Care (Continued from Page 1) The committee statement says. "There is still a need for the treatment of TB patients in North Carolina, and the committee feels that McCain Hospital is better staffed and equipped to provide this service in the state." All people who support the move to preserve McCain Hospital are advised to write immediately to the Raeford - Hoke Chamber of Com merce. P.O. Box 9b, Raeford. 28376. The members of the committee are John Balfour and Danny DeVane, representing the county; Benny McLeod and Dr. Ramnik Zota, representing the city of Raeford; and Betsy Ann McNeill, representing the Chamber of Com merce. Earl Fowler, executive vice presi dent of the chamber, is the committee coordinator. < Lighthouse Poster, Exhibit Winners Named The winners of the Save the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Poster and Classroom Exhibits Contests were announced this week by Kay Thomas, chairman of the Hoke County Save the Lighthouse fund raising campaign committee. The poster contest was held for students in the Fourth. Fifth and Sixth grades of the Hoke County schools. The Fifth and Sixth grades are in J.W. Turlington School only. The winners are: Sixth Grade: Most Original - Stephanie Monroe, Coley's class; Best Drawing - David McDonald. James Carpenter Willie Moore Budget (Continued from Page |) commissioners with his wit> informed the commissioners that a sit ooo ? wfu,d cost 5l5 ?oo to 516.000. which would just about the olf' hlt M ?Uld cost to move Inri i -iU lng to a"o'her lot and bm'd a foundation for it Ht also said that some damage in moving could be expected to the^H* ,electrical systems in the old building, and expense .ouldbc mvolved in havi?8 ,hcm , ?n ^e. ?,her hand. John Bal four. chairman of the board of county commissioners, said older people in the community feel sentimental about the old building indicating they would prefer to fee '! an(! u?Ve "* ra,her 'han set ii replaced by a new building we^ChIIS ?l 'hc ?'d buildin8 ^ brought up. and the decision *as to inspect it. Balfour at the start of the discussion before Bundv ,mh feKhlLSU^S,ion made a motion ;ib;ildA'nf! be re-purchased and moved. After he and the other commissioners agreed to studv the ouilding. a new motion that" the matter be tabled till it could be studied was adopted. NEW ARMORY mJinn ^ommiss'?ners adopted a motion to appropriate $838.37 as 'he county's share of the cost of then ni a. septic-tank system for Tear Drkf'Th31 Guard Armorv 5838 . ^T anT the 'federal' ^"""'ssioners also were the'builH' ' 'huC cons' ruction of he g? ahcad ?' schedule. ind !? ,!n,shin? was started. ni l MndIv;nSPeC""n ?* Around Town (Continued from Page I) Dressni i?f OV^T- 20 years ,he bead after Tn n nr ,hls4organiza,ion died month S approximately a FllkC ,h3S ?mXI '? Mrs" Raymond tills the oldest employee of Dick son Press in service. Since Paul and 1 have retired, these two were the senior members of this organiza rpcllf ,ikc ,his wri,er in one arf6! Camc to the PaPer straight out of high school. He did his job and worked well with all employees. The contribution that ne has made to this firm can not be written down in this column but he will always be remembered by this writer. 3 Mclnlyre. '?$t " f'ie"d in Har"ld ? ? ? Have you noticed the ads in all the papers asking that interest rates come down on housing? If vou ,hh,T for the* ??d E them and send them to Conaress man Rose & Hefner. ^on?ress Barbour's; and Best Theme Inter pretation ? James Carpenter, Page's. Fifth: Most Original - Willie Moore. Blackmail's; Best Drawing - Sabrina Lynn Holt. Blackman's; and Best Theme Interpretation ? Laura Osowitt. Blackman's. Fourth: Most Original - Britt Bernhardt. Doby's. South Hoke; Best Drawing - Priscilla Carson. Tyler's West Hoke; and Best Stephanie Monroe iTIlUMfW Sabrinu Holt w Briii Bernhardt Prisctlla Carson Casey Williams Theme Interpretation - Kimberly Potter, Colston's and Seniones's. Scurlock. Best in Show - Casey Williams. Woodard's Fourth Grade class. South Hoke. The winning classrooms in the Classroom exhibits Contest are: McLauchlin School. Morgan's; I urlington. Bowdeb's; Scurlock. Quick's; West Hoke. Baker's; and South Hoke. Smith's. David McDonald i w Laura Osuwitt LEGALS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids are now being ac cepted at Lumbee River Electric Membership Corporation, 601 E. 4th Ave.. Red Springs. N.C. for the following: 1978 Chevrolet Nova, 4-door sedan, automatic transmission, air conditioned. One used white stor-all pickup tool box (Marked 441) One used yellow pickup tool box (Marked 437) Bids will be accepted through 2 P.M.. May 25, 1982. Equipment can be seen at above address from 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. Monday-Friday. Submit bids to Purchasing Agent, Lumbee River EMC. P.O. Box 830, ! Red Springs. N.C. 28377. Each item must be bidded separatelv. Equipment will be sold f as is. and seller reserves right to reject any and all bids. P.O. #1 1555 ' #11555 2-3C LEGAL NOTICE Sealed proposals for the pro , vision of services to older adults under Title Ill-B of the Older Americans Act will be received until 12:00 noon on May 27. 1982, by the Lumber River Council of Governments. Instructions and specifications may be obtained at the Council office. Ill West Fifth Street, Lumberton. North Carolina 28358. ! For further information contact Betty Rising. Aging Program Ad Iministrator. telephone 919-738 8104. The purchaser reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or to waive any or all informalities. I PUBLIC NOTICE A proposed use hearing for General Revenue Sharing purposes 1 will be held on May 17. 1982 for all interested citizens of the City of Raeford. The amount of General I Revenue Sharing Funds to be discussed are as follows: 1. S*50,000.00 Unappropriated Fund Balance Fiscal Yr. 81-82. 2. $*110,000.00 Estimate of Federal Revenue Sharing Grant amount for Fiscal Year 82-83. The meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of discussion of possible uses of General Revenue Sharing Funds at the City Hall in the Council Chambers. All inter ested citizens will have the oppor Itunity to give written and oral comment on uses of the funds. Helen Huffman, Finance Officer 2C ? LEGAL NOTICE | Sealed proposals tor the pro vision of food services to older adults under Title III -C of the older Americans Act will be received until 12:00 noon on Mav 27. 1982, LEGALS by the Lumber River Council of Governments. Instructions and specifications may be obtained at the Council office. Ill West Fifth Street. Lumberton. North Carolina 28358. w ' For further information, contact Priscilla Maultsby. Nutrition Pro ject Director, telephone 919-783 8104. The purchaser reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or to waive any or all informalities. 2C IN THE GENERAL COURT f j OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NUMBER: 82 CVD 124 NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION COUNTY OF HOKE VS ?\ VIRGINIA D. BROOKS t' and husband WILLIAM BROOKS ETAL TO: MICHAEL B. LYNCH TAKE NOTICE THAT: A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action and notice of ser vice of process by publication began on Thursday, April 29, 1982. (I The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Property lax lien foreclosure. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than forty (40) days after the date of the first publication of the notice stated above, exclusive of such date, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service of process by publication will apply f i to the court for the relief sought. ' This the 29th day of April, 1982. Hubert Wooten Attorney for Plaintiff Hoke County Tax Office Raeford, North Carolina 28376 I-3C NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS OF JOHNNY PRID GEN. JR., Deceased A STATE OR NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HOKE The undersigned, having quali fied as Administratrix of the estate of JOHNNY PRIDGEN, JR.. de ceased, late of Hoke County, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of October, 1982, or be barred ^ from their recovery. ? All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 14th dav of Anril. 1982. MARY FRANCES McDONALD Route 1 , Box 653-A Red Springs. North Carolina 28377 Philip A. Diehl Attorney at Law 127 West Edinborough Avenue Post Office Drawer 688 9 Raeford, North Carolina 28376 Telephone: (919) 875-3379 52-3C ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIORCOURT DIVISION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY Having qualified as Administra trix C.T.A. of the estate of W.L. Smith of Hoke County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said W.L. Smith to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this noticc or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery . All persons indebted, to said estate please make immediate 9 payment. This the 5th day of April. 1982. Barbara S. Jones Rt. 4, Box 13 Raeford, N.C. Elizabeth S. Harris Rt. I. Box 93 Lumber Bridge, N.C. 5I-2C ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE # IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Lloyd E. Robertson of Hoke County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the A estate of said Lloyd E. Robertson to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 2nd day of April, 1982. Carrie Mae Robertson Route 1, Box 181 Wagram, N.C. ^ 51-2C ?

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