On TV* FnatBwMf During the cold winter months it is most important that we eat the right foods so our bodies can fight cold, virus, etc. We can not expect our bodies to function correctly if they do not receive the right foods - our cars do not run without oil and gas do they? Surveys show that in Hoke County and North Carolina we do not get the needed amounts of milk, fruits and vegetables. We homemakers are the gate keepers of the foods our families get, so let's treat them right. Help family members get their needed milk by using milk often in your cooking. Using dry lowfat milk will help you cut on calories. Hot chocolate, puddings, ice cream, sauces and gravies are a few ways to cook with milk. Try this cheese butter. CHEESEBUTTER Beat 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter with 3/4 teaspoon italian seasoning. 1/8 teaspoon each garlic powder and black pepper. Blend in 1 cup (4 oz.) shredded cheddar cheese and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Form into log shape on waxed paper and refrigerate until ready to use. FRUIT SALAD Use fruits you have on hand such as apples, oranges, bananas, grapes. Kiwi and fresh pineapple add to a salad but we do not always have them on hand. Cut up your fruit and add a sprinkle of salt and sugar. Prepare a little ahead of time for fruits to blend and you have a pretty and oh so good salad. Leaving the peeling on the apple adds color. BROCCOLI-TOMATO STACK-UPS 1 10-oz. pkg. frown chopped broc coli 3 large tomatoes 1 /2 cup (2 oz.) process swiss cheese 2 tablespoons chopped onion Prepare broccoli according to package directions; drain. Cut tomatoes into 4 slices each. Sprinkle tomato slices with salt; place on baking sheet. Combine broccoli, 2 tablespoons cheese and onion. Spoon broccoli mixture atop tomato slices. Broil 4 to 5 in ches from heat till hot, about 10-12 minutes. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Return tomatoes to broiler until cheese melts, about 1 to 2 minutes. Makes 6 servings. VITAMINS (continued from last week) The Daily Multi-Myth - An advertisement on television shows a person explaining how he stays healthy and looking "great." He says he watches his diet, gets plenty of exercise, and, "just to be sure," takes a vitamin-mineral suppie | ment every day. This is the way we have come to expect the marketing of dietary supplements. They are promoted as an "insurance" policy to guarantee good health. The implication of such adver tising has contributed to the myth that even a balanced diet cannot provide adequate nutrients.. Some people have gone further ) and maintain that modern farming methods have depleted the soil and that food itself no longer contains adequate nutrients. This is untrue. More is known about the nutrient content of food today than ever before, and more is done, through modern farm prac tices, to protect and enrich the soil than was even known about in the ) good old days. Crop rotation, soil tests, and routine enrichment of crop soil were developed because the oft revered "natural" way of farming was quantitatively and qualitative ly unreliable. In addition, the protein, car bohydrate, fat, fiber, and vitamins are controlled primarily by the plant's genetic structure, not by F the soil. Excess mineral elements in soil beyond the plant's requirements may be reflected in the plants, but these differences are usually small. Both desirable (magnesium, zinc, iron, etc.) and undesirable (lead, cadmium, selenium, etc.) elements, are similarly ac cumulated. A balanced diet which generally meets the U.S. RDA requirements f for vitamins A, Bl, B2, C, and D will nearly always provide the needed amounts of other vitamins, despite the claims of some people that these other vitamins are hard to And and therefore must be eaten in special foods or taken by pill. Schedule Thursday, Janaary 13, 1*3, 2:30 p.B. ? Allendale- Antioch Exten | sion Homemakers Club Meeting. nowand Jan. on national manufacturara' 2SS?11 OOM^?n* onl* (Food pon protect In apacWad tin. Explrad coupons will not ba hoiiurad. Ona coupon par cua Nocouponaac lomif pgr | captadtor traa marchandlaa. Onm doaa not appty to AAP or othoratora coupona whathar ?"?"V^ctur* la wanttonad or not Whan tha valua ol tha cou pon axcaada SOe or tha ratoH ol tha Nam, Ma oflar la RmMad to tha ratai prtca. A Clip Mi Mamalactwrtrs' "Caats-9ff W. r**ASP Fa* Start! Arfay (Ami f? total coupon $1.00 <1.00 COUPONA COUPON B u | Pork Specials BLUE R I [ Sli Ba ASP QUAL T N HE AV \ =? GRAIN FED BE E ' WHOLE Bottom & Eye rf P H Pouttrv Spadals^l U S D A INSPECTED FRESH Box- 0 - Chicken V 4 45 MP QUALITY Meat Franks TALMADGE FARMS 12 m. pkg. 1" U-S-D.A. INSPECTED FRESH ^Pt^UTY HEAVT WESTERN GRAIN FED BEEF BONELESS BOTTOM EXTRA LEAN SPECIAL TRIM COUNTRY FARM .... 168 Round Roast 2 Rw. | Dairy Specials A&f P CHILLED Orange Juice 88< i98 1ALMAOOE FARMS 1A Df|fflf I fljll SIICBfJ _ . _ . _ 12oz 4QQ /4 rllllV Ullll ??. ? nvMiiM iwaai ib. Pranks Of BOlOynS Z pkg*. I A*P QUALITY HOT OR MILD OSCAR MAYER (BEEF LB. 1.69) OR Pork Sausage ss 89* Meat Franks 55. V? Fryer Leg Qtrs. EXTOAL^NSPEOAL TR* COUNTRY FARM Pork Roast Frozen Specials )" 1" 1? ALL NATURAL Breyer's Ice Cream M QUARTERS Blue Bonnet Margarine EASTERN GROWN ALL PURPOSE 2 ,100 *Mte BUTTER-ME-NOT Potatoes 10 5 a CRISP SOUD GREEN Merico Biscuits 3^ 1?? Cabbage 5 X 1?? SEALTEST mild TENDER MEDIUM Cottage Cheese "" 59 Yellow Onions 5 ? 1?? P Grocery Sp?cicU ^ PLAIN ? SELF RISING UNBLEACHED Pillsbury Flour 5 79* lb bag J # FLORIDA GROWN RED OR WHITE Juicy Grapefruit WASHINGTON STATE RED OR GOLDEN Delicious Apples 2 CALIFORNIA RICH A BUTTERY Avocados 4 oioo BfeEF ? CHICKEN ? 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