JOmJIaz Mrs. Cjrhon Nhm, Social Rrportfr, I7S47K Raeford Friendship The Raeford Friendship Club met on Tuesday. February I, at - 2:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall of the Raeford United Methodist ' Church. Mrs. Bertie Haire, president, led the devotional service and presided over the meeting. Miss Isabel McFadyen read the minutes of the last meeting and gave the treasurer's report. A thank you note was read from Mrs. Ann Pate. Get well cards were sent to Mrs. Emeline McLauchlin, Mrs. Janie Ramsey, Mrs. Bernice King, Miss Ua Graham, Hinton McPhaul, J.W. McPhaul, T.C. Scarborough and Harvey Warlick. Miss Josephine Hall reported on her trip to Pembroke last week Meets Feb. 1st where she attended a workshop on "Safely for Older Adults." She also asked members of the group to meet Tuesday. Feb. 8 at 9 a.m. at the Hoke County Library to quilt several quilts for needy peo ple in Hoke County. W.P. Phillips gave a very in teresting program on "Garden Clean Up." Refreshments were served to the 27 members present at the end of the meeting. The hostesses pinned valentines on each member as they arrived. Each member signed name and address to be mailed to Con gressman Bill Hefner in order to receive Senior Citiien Newsletter. HHS 63 Class Plans Reunion Class of 1%3 ? Where are you? Interest has been expressed in a twentieth year class reunion for early this summer. Fellow classmates, please send your name and address and any information about the whereabouts of other classmates to either Jean Brock Alford, 502 West 19th Street, Lumberlon. N.C. 28305 or Gail Kell> York, 3595 Rosewood Drive, Lumberlon, N.C. 28358. Please lei us hear from you by March 15, 1983. as further planning for this reunion is dependeni upon your immediate response Garden Club Meets Feb 1 NFWC, Raeford Garden Club of Raeford Woman's Club, met February 1, in the home of Mrs. Julian Wright at 8:00 p.m., with Mrs. Boyd Edmund, co-hostess. Mrs. George King, chairman, con ducted the business meeting. Mrs. Autry, Mrs. Riley Jordan, and Miss Grace Maline were added as new members. r A donation was made to the Hoke County Library for Christmas decorations to be used yearly. The club will have theit Annual Auction on April 5. Each member was asked to bring items to be auc tioned. Caroline Shook provided the program on horticultural slides. Education Dept. Meets With Mrs. Hostetler The February meeting of the NFWC, Education Department of the Raeford Woman's Club, met at the home of Mrs. Julius Jordan, with Mrs. Bob McPhail, co hostess. Mrs. Neill McFadyen, chair man, presided over the business meeting and announced that their club will be hostess at the General Woman's Club meeting in March. Mrs. Charles Hostetler, pro gram chairman, presented the speaker, Mrs. Murphy Evans of Laurinburg. Mrs. Evans reviewed books and writing techniques of her brother. Tom Wolfe. She in cluded his eighth book, "The Right Stuff", in which Wolfe in troduces the inner world of the ear ly astronauts. This book will be made into a movie this year? Mrs. Evans was accompanied by Mrs. Hugh McArn, also of Laurin burg. Twenty members were served refreshments of red tarts and cof fee in the Valentine motif. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Freeman of Washington, N.C. spent the weekend with his mother Mrs. G.M. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. John D. McPhaul from Marietta, Ga. spent last week with her mother, Mrs. J.D. Tapp. Mr. and Mrs. D. McPhaul of Spar tanburg, S.C. spent the weekend with Mr. McPhaul's grandmother, Mrs. J.D. Tapp. Mrs. Norton Is Honor Guest At Shower Mrs. Billy Norton was honored recently with a stork shower at her home in the Hillcrest Community. Hostesses for the occasion were Mrs. Norton's sisters-in-law, Mrs. Don Norton, Mrs. Billy Fred McVicker and Mrs. Garry Frederick. Approximately 25 guests called between the hours of 7 and 9 p.m. Guests were served from the dining room table that was centered with a stork arrangement. Cake squares, nuts, mints, sausage balls, and punch was served. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Norton of Sanford. Earl Chason Attends Open House OfS.C Hospital A picture recently taken at the Kershaw County Memorial Hospital, Camden, S.C., during the open house in celebration of its 25th anniversary celebration was received at The News-Journal of fice. Shown in the picture were Earl Chason, director of maintenance, and board member Sidney Jackson as they looked over energy conservation figures. The picture could not be reproduc ed. Mr. Chason is a native of Hoke County. He maintains his home at Rockfish, where his two children, Chuck and Jennifer live, and com mutes between Camden and Rockfish on the weekends. Fentress Speaks To Sandhills Women The Sandhills Christian Women's Club will meet at the Country Club of North Carolina on Thursday. February 17 at 1 1:30 a.m. CWC is an interdenomina tional women's group with no membership or dues. All are welcome. The buffet lunch is $5.50. Guest speaker will be Shirley Fentress from Virginia Beach, Virginia. Mrs. Fentress is a former Mr. and Mrs. Neal A. McNeill announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Cashwell, on January 16 at Moore Memorial Hospital. Mrs. McNeill is the former Miriam Ropp. Grandparents are: Mr. and Mrs. C.J. McNeill Jr., and the Rev. and Mrs. John C. Ropp. model and has Little Theatre background. The Special Feature will be Painting with Watercolors, presented by Evelyn Hopkinson of Aberdeen. Valerie Stancik of West End will provide the Special Music. A free, pre school nursery will be provided at the Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Church in Southern Pines. Mothers should bring a sandwich for the child. Reservations for the luncheon and the nursery should be made by calling 875-3759 no later than Monday, February 14. MOTHER-IN-LAW DAY. The first Mother-in-Law-Day was celebrated March 5, 1934 at Amarillo, Texas. The honored mother was Mrs. W.F. Donald mother-in-law of Gene Howe, part owner and editor of the Amarillo Daily News and Amarillo Globe, who was responsible for the celebration. Send The News -Journal To Friends And Family Members T o Keep Them Informed About All The News 'Back Home' cYl36649 ^ :::: \ SCOTTISH PlflZfl HWY 2 \ > RED SPRINGS NC 8*. 1 W2 S uv.-w.s ( >s sm i: in \is