25' The Hoke County News - Established 1928 eu?4 Volume LXXIV Nwfcrr 41 R.VEFQCA. HOIJ CBI\TIv VOfltTH CUtOUW journal The Hake County Journal - Established 1905 MO ? YEAK ? I Hu I ^ gu Airport Radio Sparks City Fireworks By Skerry Matthews Sparks flew Monday night be tween members of a Raeford Air port study committee and parachute jumping school owner Gene Th acker during a City Coun cil meeting. When the fireworks erupted, committee members, who were ap pointed to represent the city, Hoke County, the Chamber of Com merce and local industry, had recommended to the council that a radio be operated by Thacker at the airport during jumping opera tions to report take-offs, landings and the jumpers' exits from air crafts. The recommendation also in cluded a provision that if the radio rules are violated by the jump school then all jumping shall be immediately suspended. Council members unanimously approved the proposal. Democrats Oust Precinct Leaders The precinct leadership of the Hoke County Democratic Party changed hands last Thursday night, as a heavy turnout of members sparked the ousting of 10 of 13 chairmen. New chairmen were elected in all precincts except McCain. Raeford 3 and Rockfish. "We have a good mixture of age groups. It's a sign that the party is alive in Hoke County and doing well." County Chairman Harold Gillis said, noting that the turnout of 231 Democrats, was better than usual. Those elected Thursday will have a vote at the county convention which will be held at the Hoke County Court House at I p.m. on April 30. During Thursday's precinct meetings, these officers were elect ed: ?Allendale. 25 attended. Herbert Amaral. chairman. Donna Cooper, first vice president. Artie McPhat ter. second VP. Gerald Lowerv. 3rd VP and leanette McLauchlin. sec retary. ?Antioch. 18 attended. Betty Rogers, chairman. Patricia Lock lear. 1st VP. Mvrdith Brooks. 2nd VP. Mike McNeill. 3rd VP and Carolyn, secretary. ?Blue Springs. 3"* attended. Anothv Oxendine. chairman. Hen ry Cooper. Sr.. 1st VP. William Kelly. 2nd VP. A.Y. McKinnon. 3rd VP and Debbie Brewer, secre tary. ?Buchan 22 attended. Wilton (See DKMO. page 1 2 A ) Around Town by Um ferns If we didn't get enough rain in February then March is starting off right to fulfill the order. It rained hard Sunday and again Monday morning and the forecast is for rain into Tuesday. The temperature has been above normal and even the nights have been in the 60s. We were fortunate not to get any wind of tornado strength as occur red in other parts of the state. We hope that it will be fair and dry next weekend so that we can return to the golf course. ? ? ? Last week an item in this column said to look elsewhere in the paper for an article on the rainfall for February. I looked for the article and was told that it was crowded out at the last minute, but would be in this week's paper. Read the article because if the rainfall does continue at February's rate, we would have an increase of over 50^? for the year above the normal rainfall. ? * ? The circus is coming to town!1 The Raeford Kj warns Club is spon soring the Fraiuen Bros. Circus here Friday. April I at Armory Park. The circus will give two per (See AROUND TOWN. t> A> "'Fto ? aa akMhK MBtee for safety papws,. aad I isk tin it be ?atd oa **c*wd>. wtllkwtt deta^."* Coaailtct spokesman Hi Mue said prior no the MO?e dattoaK Tracker, ?lra Also opmto the ?|iiini for ike city, asked! to ?Ur? (Ik omkL Ttu* ? a bad ptcfuasai^" rhacker sat d. The Raefonl-H?kie AipMtisai unevmtrotted wpoft. aad Ae Federal /Vuaowa AJaMSDnaaaoa (FAA) myini pilots aaljt no hM* out the madow awl Wp?fc themsdNe* ftoaa other aircraft tikat might be ia the area* Thadber sard. uhiltl2^aKlk?itkeeikK there has- MWt beea aa aocadeat at the airport,.'" Tladcr said. "Oae arckftea*.. aad I woakl be out of business""' he aided. The (hscasswa becaaw Iwaned after the amum <m ff a neons ? 4fc? MPmfcat a >wi iiarftamuiy <c*~ mnt. ?W had tt? Haamr hut. pieme *eeei je*dbdMs <6eme; a Mmi m tie acpvntL. Because parachulnscs. ?eic jptnqp mt *tj dime t? cfce ranmaqt.. tribe pilot had t? pull iip^ ami jcvnunji This was a had stuocunu -anil had something IHbt dto when tdkc tndtotey was, ftawton? as nhe area. ttoey mrniii hane tufcen ifce ptant wwiaHihtOnlh aee Chavaat Ton? Chmemani said.. "The aspect is. a ffine SaoJhrv and it is beginning t? pnwwtdle a pood service to the osammmfiv, Cameron said. "That is why B fed. titer nscum> mcBdaoons shouM he appn mmlS" "1 cant shut domxt just ftecmwe some jerk, from New Jtersey maac^ to fly ?ith his- <9cs> dtmadL""" Thadter countered. ihor pin "contacted nobody' Ttaacteer sad. *8> b?we a safety pro Won * ike airport. ad ?? ttbe rinramiiiiLL.) are Mt cooceraed wed* ***^5 beted us, bat what is. atari a&."* Cameron said. dm-t want even ok mem mas ?m t iere," HI Moses v? BLOOAtlX ?*? clhe Mmrm sunshine over rhe weekend amirhv namt w vu&b&r cm \acmdav, flowers like this one were Moonunx utt ov**- t/be <a mmrv-. County To Try Tank Bid Again By Skin Ylnifci i.> Members ot' the Cmm\ C om mission voted gcnaanroousK Monday to rssatetf jo apfitoca tion seeking fediera? tfumfts fair nbe construction. ot a? <rfeva?vl! maser tank. Funds tor the tank. *isuch ts an important link a. the fanned countywide water yyscesnu were denied earlier by renfierai Depart ment of Housing aavi L rhan Development vHVD> tvpcanzsc: the project appeared: w t* "now costly". The county -ui?a?c!vc an ap plication in for date fmanftiag o4 the Aatioch-Somh Hoke tank. but the funds were dteBnedi frecaBise <M the "major com pes amsf", a representative tfc*M? a I wnfcercon engineering firm vj&i. Skip Green. of ILoww. Nofrel and /Vssooatesv sofci ihe comus sioners that the pevjiject was basically a solid oaae tati tfre maxx concern if Che appikcamom mats to be re- submitted woufld! *e "Iwmg ing down the cost per . Green also sad :ha? A wowid be better to go nto a tower Nadget amount so chat wme r?A^g. would be avatfiabie for Hoke County Commissioner James A. Irfiunc made a motion tit at die application be re-submttted saying, "i# Woite Counrv doesnl net it someone dse wtfL~ The rest of the connmssioniffs. appeared to agree with Mum Green cold the board chat nheapv plication deadline was Via* 2* jmr chat two public hearings hadi a<? ibe held before the application *Muim be submitted. The public hearing help mine what type of funding will! he submitted on the application The applications appear no more impact if the funding w<are towards development ire low a* moderate income areas* Count* Manager James Martin sad. The first public hearing wtfli >e held at the next Count* Cjnnrns sjoners meeting on Miarch IB je "* p.m. In other business* the count* comrnisssjoners Ijesffd front >ftrv Mamie Godwin on a problem com cermng the paving of State Roudl 1312. The paving of the roadi is second! on che priority list of the 'Sfcioe Department of Transportation!., but there are two peoptit wftw refuse to sign a petition rem?ie?nng thai Ehe road be paved. Dtvtsion Chairman Fred Beck said. The road, which is a dead end. ts in rhe northwest quadrant of the county and has 12 houses on it. Two property owners are holding up the right of way. and ?nthouri their signatures, the highway department cannot im ?prove the road. Beck said. The people living on the road could take the matter to court if shev were willing to pay for' the ex penses chat go along with the fight. Beck said ? "Most of the people that live on ?Jtes road arc dependent on social jfflcuriry checks and some are dependent on welfare They just cannot afford the cost of taking uhe mazier to coort." Godwin said C omnnssioner Wyatt Upchurch and Chairman John Balfour both offered 10 help get the property owners bo change their minds ahoui pav ing the road realize this means a lot to you and Che people on that road, and I will hetp m any way I can," Com missioner Wyact Lpchurch said. The hoard agreed to hold off oa <&> decision until the next meeting so thai the residents will have * tSeeCOLVH pa?e I2A) Unemployment Rate Climbs Over 15%, /is 400 In County Lose Their Jobs L'twepSo^w** ww? no new m Hofce Cown m January a j?Me? t?k <rf 15.3^ and! ?W wk No*e owwy rcsndtaats. out a* wort The liBiiin wciiIiiiiiiilbi figures. ^fcowed ?a oucraaue m t*e rate b% 2.7n Unm ll ?% m Dftia>u . Man**ac*ann* ma past-*a**? layoff* ?w una as vtmuamk for the iKnase. awl ?aat wt oytMHstK ifca* rfce nMcs r*e ?* <teeto?ei? Hfemn latamartitmvorewaKMK porarv layoffs ami: dtatt ? fiumruJl into rite total lUicunjHwmeM itjbc for che count*. Hoke- Counex Jo* Service Office tftanagrr Oannn. Hoke Counts was- mot itr >auifc one tot (to ? BWtl tnnen^ftM AcoordM# no tAr Enq^unemi Secnnt* Comnnsswou "*? ommr hud ??. rentes m rfhnr jpMen -ran e m JMnan ?Mr <mbf. Ifour oeum Dies decreased: tAr munlKi <?f ?ncnnH?awedL Of tke wounoes- uumounUHut Hotee. CuM?ltirrh?rl's rase ?as the kdwes wtth ami* a 8 rate. 1t?*?esc>B Co? r> had the laghest ?f the five ?nrt a 17.5% ra?e. Hc*c Coaac? had the tfard rate of the che Eteceartier ftgrares *?re lower w W? expect aad hope that wArwry's %ans ??8 show a Jtecnease at che i *fflr Hoite ctMHjr ? V?ed bo w<> it * peqauirt. fro* Hoke Ctnu?rj "h?li i of Csaame Diaja Eari Fowler ttat tike aty share ok Ami of the cast of |ii? i * sew ftxfani Hoke Camv teocfait dut Fwlu aid wis vial 10 jatenid ?dcomicpnBtsaikeapeL "TV -twit nf iki Ihiiiiln mil be a ?I <rf Ujsmjn tmdk of Commerce. 3k Hake Caunw ?L. CSyQwe . -Ctetafai: aa> guty tfMihiii a whose <ihim ii i ac asfcag 30 tew titer property unci mb the q T Stomaou? sab? dbe nonl agt of the project is, esamaaei ta be mjm. -Apprwecfc M^iar Jote E.. >fcNcjT^ cw? piwllwiiiiiiin *?? MfrmJli 28-AjpnB 1 be uncd SAPOjSiiift win Atr-~ n Dmdeg tfe COdNOL. vmee Q2A/) Three Men Charged For Armed Robberies Hoke Coan ShenfTs dqMQes martr three arrests last week in aseaecdiOB will two amaui rob be net. that occatd a the Hoke Csmh vet on less titan rwo weeks oaae. SfceralfF Dave Barnngton said. .AieuiMKT McAra. Dannie McArn ad Sherwood McLeanuati from Hoke Coaty, were charged with the jnzaeti robberies of the Dime Qac Stof? da Febmarv 25 and Jack T*dker an March 2. The March 2 robbery was reported after two Mack mates scuf ftei ?*h ad heU Jack Tucker at gun. pmaac and nook an un disd&ased aauaat at msacy. the shenlrirs. iieyoit sawL Tucker has iiea arrived at his resale** after dosing his business when one aaaic umped hun from behind aad :hrr? hun on the ce ment Tuait? y Accordrnqf lo she sheriff* s report. Tacker had a .38 cote pistol with Sum bwc couid aex reach it during :iae scaftSe, When Ttacker was able to reach for he- pat. a second nsaie ap peared with a sawMofr<aflF sfaocgxm ami shouted! aft Don ~1haM if, the sheriffs repoins- ~sai?T While t-He- sooiiHifl mate hriM Tucker at gun: pomm sitae otter male took die gwm am? tdke money and both- ma iea- tftadt on foot. Tucker rgpoiimdl ob ate -diBniiflrs of fice. Tucker's- fmqfHmr ate? srnrrd chat sire saw a tftmdl mraftr vm fvam behind some pine area ub zbe back yard. Ad nvescujaaon: 'tow ate stoer.iT s department laa? txj cite ames of the three men "DMecrres- J. St Bbfley and H. C. Hart worked urn ate case for several days rtraggta :itaiongii without lawmy r+t^ wap- aaa 1 zhink they should be oammeaiaad war ute excellent job- the* Jtad a cracking the c^jc." Sheriff aacrtnjjDOE sad. A vehicle spotted as ivjEfe crime scenes along with ate ~rsate of some other ur*escmaiin*? ??amk *?ae keys oo soi)*tn$ both anmed rob beries, Barnmcoir sand These aresc wul pmobafcj}*- toeip clear up several am? i robbery cases m Robeson Comcv Barr mgcon tciitM Inside Today Hair Cammn /rnwcktt ; <trv ij/iu umtrr it* pnvtfmmM mmfoiWKMm of zfcr nm f*wi >i ami murihrrrr dtuifdk. ^Jnmr mrm m prngr HA for Bke storv Am Institution Tmr+mgtum Sckmod ts n 11 i n ? i tit jtinwrnl snmtktmm.. >iemr- Jonal nqpontr SHwi i n M irrttawi; oahn ? ten* ?r Ar <* i Wnow # ? rode* Y

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