H? t MmtRewml Fmir A tifcrTii far cm be seen in chc J.W. Twk^n hbrary The far. cirafcd by students in Mrs. Bc*rr+> Bowda's social wmfct* disxs. consists of pencil boxes, bookmarks, poppets. phMOV. mosaic pictures, baskets, embroidered handkerchiefs, tether bdts and wallets, ptn hotter*. jewefey. and spices. The display was an outptrnth of the children's social studies chapter entitled. "Cities of (he Middfc Ages." To farther enhance their studies, the children were encouraged to in v?e a resource person to expand their knowledge of ideas which they had read about. Mrs. Alice Ghsson. .Assistant ?>ce-pcesadent of United Carohna Bank to Raeford. accepted Larin da Butler's invitation and gave an informative discussion on the system of banking March 4. Children contributing to the medie>al fair include: Doyle Perry . Wayne Faircloth. Terrance Adams. Trampers Bennett. Jod> Elkins. Lisa McLean. Cariss McLeod, Anthony McGill. Duane McPhaner. Denise Viae key. Jef frey Davis. Jeffrey McCoUum. Michad Baie. Larry Cart hens. Erik Vinson. Jeffrey Mehin. Henry McMillan, etuis Hussay. Chad Hendrix and Neill Holland. HARM WELCOME ? Michey Vn^ntv. a Durham attorney, (center) *us ?u*r>: speaker for the \AACP Bam ifuei heki Saturday ntgkt. Pictured here are Danny Del ane l/eftj state nepresentatixe fur Hoke Cotvncy. Jimm * Momsey . President of the Hoke County SAACP. Mickey Mictiaux (center) guest speaker . Carolyn: Pave ami Kathnne McPhatter. TENDER SIRLOIN STEAK *2" LB. MERITA AUTUMN GRAIN LOAF BREAD24-Q289*! RIBEYE STEAKS *099 lb. OR T-BONE STEAKS ?239 WHOLE BEEF LOIN* LB. 169\x_ ? tob U.AVS. CHITTERLINGS Ol3 BARBECUE ?ST. FRYER THIGHS 49? 5-tas. OR more FAMILY PACK SPECIALS TUttEY WINGS TUWET NECKS POM STOMACHS 5 LBS O* *0 ? 39* 49* 1/4 PORK LOIN SLICED 1 39 LB. WHOLE MILK LOW FAT MILK CNOCOtAT* O* PLAIN) DEN RIPE ANANAS DUKES MAYONNAISE HM>RY I PAPER TOWELS 2? ?100 WALDORF BATHROOM 2 LTR PLASTIC BOTTLE PEPSI 99* EACH GJANT i BOI K?S58>?r? 19 ^ to; BEST BO' BRANDS TOMATO O ?400 CLOROX.,^ 59c PASTE O - l \?Jfr --<? ^ - lira r a i r* 4 , . LUX SOAP 3 ? ?? *' "S^y ,\W ??CHS W ?SSCH?*fC LIFEBUOY SOW PRE-PfUCEO ? s DOVE LIQUID DETERGENT PME-mica> n.a LUX LIQUID DETERGENT NAACP Holds Banquet rke Hair C?mq MAACP 5 m Comae* H# priwicics for things rrtkaf He sa/m? choc rfcwh. coJtegcSv tracer avc a coot Htft d?c Black Especnd> in cite HTs. r.?iir.i1 ito speeds with i9kc bc?-d*caon from the Black ^ , I, . X ? - - -? _?r _ ?? ctviiM^Kty peey nu lie. The ?ek?K was gj*cn b* G. Itu Aaorjr Superintendent of dfae Hoke Coan Sdhoofev Kepresen. itaciwe Dannr H. DeVane. Comit* CtSwncssjoocT, Cleo Braccfrer . Mmscai selections were even b> the Grave Baptist Church dbeir under the direction of Russell McAllisser and accompanist TotaPtela TD* jwpaar of ife KMCPwamtflk Mi? J. " " ~ *tgect* <of i ? T<? g"g? fHM _____ ? T<? ?t jjKSDxx m At onrtv -Te JisignmiiHCnm < ? T? i?oure ngwl jot ITHmtlWH. ImI ananfi mtiBftmc atpgixd mttywni <ar mHtKaul i ? T<J| mnd u pw&ae taracjitax . OdHmg mrb war grvcii b* nfjTreaoittjciivr Sidtaex Locks.. Hfcsmdfc ^atffnceEs $or ""ty* "*94" dteUKiil tm December are: PpesHkent Ihmnn Momisn, Vice President. Witllliie McP1ui?il, Secretary O&aoitociBc it. KeBN. .?\ssastanr SectnM*ink? Parki**. T measurer.. Yjltem P. Idh . MeotBpeirt.kiiat Otai.rp<er?o>tt ? K.ADlfcir*? VIvP'tAttTcr. Clwrcli Chaurpwrsjou Kxska D. Long. Putiddil ActnmL. Pmtsso? Sm rmjnrk. lLtftwur Jfc fcwdBSffl-y Otacper *jtm Alkeurndter Edwards* and Ex ecocnve Co? inee Chairperson^ Jtaftm D Mc^aitsaer . J. McAllister Appointed Interim Superintendent Vsscstam Superintendent John Ui\Ht9CT was named interim supBTnteainit in a ununimou> xyjte by lifce school board Tuesday mjjgjiu . In a morion made by board ?anber Ruth McNair, McAllister was mamcd to the superintendent"* pvjMtaom rtvnr a ncrnn fagpi? VltHTvtti n$ sndi " cxi ending: uracil suidki tnnne as ilfae twnard appoints a new supwnmneidieni.'" ITthe ^npowiffimeni of a new ?^"g^mnrndteni *nll take efSect altar ipmeseit mn^wWir Amur* marines \ftjmcti 17. Coop Membership Group Mulling Future Aetion No further actaou has been taken an the battle between the Lumbee Cooperative Board of Director* arad a membership action group itsai is irving to unseal them, a spokesman for the action group said Monday . Membership Actioo Group deader Cari Branch said the group ?*s to have held a press conference for Tuesday mght and at the meeting hoped to reveal what they aire planning to do about the coop INsard. Branch said. Ai tins point nothing is definite, he siad Both the group and the board have been quiet since the directors desued the group's bid for a recall meeting scheduled for last Thurs day. A petition asking for the recall inacecng was presented to the board soeraJ weeks ago with over 2.000 members' s^namres on it. A battle between the groups, wiuch has been going on for over Two months now . reached an ap puroMi ^calkomaDe ?:hen the board nqeccedi nihe ^vsacMra recall bod Last rm.mr.tr.. uwtnn^ Thai rherc was not a jtisttfiuWie nwttwrm far the coop to tfooc nJhe co*c <?f a recall election A racrfO dkCTucm would cost a p prwumucteiK $301,800, the coop directors (hs*e said.. Tike (feapwet between the dissaliom members and the board, jppurwti!* -acres fire* the action group" s conccjcnoan that directors ?ire JJrjr?im* Lacrcc salaries and pay ing tdhonwdfces too much For aftCTiimc meetings ?1he *o?e M> regea the petition came cm a cussed door session and jppucemilh. Jespce advice from the bourdf* jccomsie* no allow the recall meson*. Suacs nihe tvuccdoel, the action group tours bees meeting regularly clheir Oawyer tm efforts to come up muA ""at me* plam" . Some -ihnecsors have said the bosardi w- wuurang for the member - ship group no make as next mov e before naming airv action of their own. MsftFiierab Sol T??Kcid Nail Hertsley Townsend, 20. doed Tuesday from in juries receiv ed in an auto accident. F jaeraJ services will be con ducted at 4 p.m. Thursday at Raeford tinted Methodist Church b\ the Rev . \rthur Vk instead. Buna! will be in Raeford: Cemetery . Surviving are his parents. Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Townsemi of Raelord. a sister. Susan Elizabeth To?nsend of Raeford; a brother. Rotoerr G- T ownsend II of Raleigh; and his maternal grandparents. Mir and Mrs. Moses Henslev of Massiibon. Ohio. Memorials may be made to Rartord United Methodist Church parsonage fund. The familx will be at Crumpler Funeral Home from T to ^ Wednesday night Fkufcu C. Mcfkal St. Fletcher CecS McPhaul Sr.. TK a retired farmer of Rt. t. Red Spnugs. died Sunday in South) asn.i 11 General HorpqI tn Ljnbmoa Funeral services war conducted Tuesday ac 4 p.m. at the Aataecfti Pii ihmi 1 1? Church by dkt Rn Claries Aaofcy. Rurnl was heldl m <iTiinit are he wd*. Kuri ftny *>c FW. ? wn, F.C. Mcfind *. of IflMBule Am Jew* Raves. Jr. TUe jmneniil for Jesse Haves, Jr.. ?J. wow jn&s Friday, was hckl at 2 p.in. Souid** an Scsmfc Hoke Bap tist OSunoii i? Stafford. Burial will be jc sitae Tnm Pike Mission Csnwter* a %agrani Sor*r*mg are Ins wife Vtrs. RJfctnia Haves. tour sse^isons, Ptaz Ptertae otf Red Springs, Oeenrillrr ami Jaanes P-ierce. both of Lambert??.. Tinner Pierce of Ferguson. M<o.; fonr s-tep jiRycnxtrrK Mrs Inez LockJear of Red Sptrmgs. Mrs.. Elizabeth Tawfor <otf Raefard. Mrs. Marfie Tthjarpiwii! and Mrs. SaEbe Stone, both- f Wade; 31 grandebikfeen mil 25 craatgr andrh ikfrrcc ; one bruclier . T^sad C nkW of Raef ord; chree M-saers, Mrs. Lacille H??eyc?M? Mrs. Elizabeth Carikdnr. irwfflfc of Harford, Mrs. tna ^';flfcMaL, of Oak.; and ?wrxfrji nscrs and nephews not tisoeid BI..-V "??#?" Calewry . 87. of Roufle 1. Carthage died Feb. 25. TThe ?fimrral was at 4 pum. Feb. 27 jc Can feage Bapetsr Onrck. the R<e* AlBoa ScAwivlei offioaBrng. Kkomafl was m Cross Hi! Cemetery . Smntmsaf are UhncTNitev Robert V <otf LjhudI Md , Km W. of Ml. Rammr. Md. wi Jofaa T. Calkwav of LwjtjtauBL Md.; five ill ifl I i i. Mrs. Mar* Have M^ik , of Sba aoaL. Mr*. Sarfk K. Optr of North Vfeanu fh. Mrs. Low C Ed wands .off MvritoAe and Mrs. Jcaa C-. Firj* <rf Aberdeen., omt SKtn, Vfcrv Fifffir Mama ad I cm Gmp: M fffamJclinlldTea. 31 great - prjm4d*m&ncm^ Two great-great

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