Around Town (Continued from page I) fonnances at 6 and 8 p.m. The price of admission is children - S2 - adults - S3. All proceeds will go to the Children's Center located on Donaldson Avenue. From all reports this is a circus for the entire family. So make plans to attend now. Tickets can be purchased from Kiwanians. % m * It is good to hear that the Hoke High Bucks hoys' basketball team finished first in the conference. They will now move on to tourna ment play and we wish the best for them and hope that they bring the State crown back to Hoke County. It has been several years since a Hoke team has played the way this team has this year. This is good for the morale at the school. Keep up the good work! ? * ? The ACC tournament starts Fri day in Atlanta and your guess is as good as mine as to who will come out on top. I believe that all the teams are good and on a certain night could beat another team. If 1 had to pick, my choice more than apt, would be Virginia. Carolina has woo twice this year over than and the third time will be tough. Anyway, whomever wins. I believe that Virginia and Carolina will make the NCAA tournament. 1 missed my first precinct meeting last Thursday night, in about 30 years. Due to a conflict and maybe because of age. it wasn't quite as important as it was 40 years ago. Not meaning that 1 have gotten tired of politics, but that maybe it is time for new faces to appear on the scene. 1 have and always will support any Democrat in the General Election. 1 am too old to change. From all reported precincts the attendance was good and new committees were elected in many of the precincts. This is good because we will have more people working for the party on election day. There is one thing I would like to get across to all party members and that is if a quorum is present at the meeting place and at the right time, they can hold a precinct meeting. This has been checked with party officials in Raleigh and that is final. FOR SALE 1949 GMC TRUCK EX-FIRE TRUCK. 15.600 Actual Miles No Bed - Excellent Mechanical Condition. T? B? SeM By SnM M Bids Should Be Sent To Puppy Craak Volant? r Rre Department Rt. 2, Box 2M-A1 Raeford, N.C. 28376 Phone 875-4750 Bids will be opened 21st March. 7:30 p.m.. at P.C.F.D. Truck will be outside P.C.F.D. located at Intersection of SR 1413 ft 1409 for public inspection. P.C.F.D reserves the right to refuse any or all bids So a good thing to remember b thai if you want to be a party tender, attend the meetinas when the> arc called. ? ? ? The new football league got started over the weekend, but the fanfare was not as great as when Hmchd Walker signed. The TV show 60 Minutes had a segment Sunday night on an old Navy lady who was recalled from retirement and is now a Captain. 1 can't remember her name, but she is an expert on computers. If vvmi did not see the program. 1 would like to pass on one comment she made during her interview . She said that in all walks of hfe now the emphasis was more on manage ment than leadership. Board Backs Teachers At the Fall Business Meeting in Charlotte on December 3. 1982. the North Carolina Association of School Administrators adopted a resolution of appreciation to the teachers of North Carolina and pledged continued support of and assistance to teachers on behalf of the Association. The resolution also directed that copies be sent to the Chairman of the Board of Education and the Superintendent of each local education agency. Marilyn Semones. Hoke County Director of Instruction, serves on this resolution committee. The Hoke County Board of Education endorsed the resolution March 1. 1?*83. The board believes that nothing can be more impor tant during the Year of the Public Schools than harmony, coopera tion and understanding among all persons' concerned with education. -?a., o cc o o * pho o 5 GROWTH CHART o tu UJ fiC LL < with each 95C deposit on a color portrait package. Now you can get a "Mr. Giraffe" photo growth chart FREE with each 95t deposit you make on your S 12.95 portrait collection. There's a place to record your child's age, weight and height, and a place to put a wallet -size portrait ? so now you can watch your child grow, year after year, smile after smile. 20 Professional Color Portraits: 2-8 x 10s. 3-5 1 7s and 15 wallets 95'/'12.95 Deposit "total Portrait Collection SI .00 sitting fee for each additional subject in portrait THESE DAYS ONLY MARCH: WED THURS FRI SAT SUN 9 10 11 12 13 SkVOty DAILY M A M - ? P.M. SUNDAY: 1 P.M. - i P.M. U.S. HJQHWAY ?#1 BYPASS. RAEFOftO :ln Weeks To Come Meetings at 1:30 p. M ?V >*ttwd One Cain The ? Mwfc 21 at 7 JO ? <** Court IIoum An ?**- TV pMc B unrated ctptd fat Ik tWd annual Saturday. March 12. TV Ar Mdiai Conference >?? ? KDt Jones Si., in to tV Mriskop is open to the pMc and hmited to tV firM SO tffkeaab Registration fee ts S5 Deadline is March 4. For detaik, contact Minnie P. Bridges. Archixes and Records Section. 109 E. Jocks St.. Raletgh. 2"*ll; or telephone (MH 7JJ-3S32 Airkw I tgiia - American Lctioa Post 30 of Hoke Coun ty Meets tV second Tuesday of each month at tV Edin borough Restaurant at ?:2N) p.*. Those interested in join rag are mx-ited Sayhtaa Meeting - There mill be a Soybean Production Meeting on Monda>. March M. at ?:X> p.m.. at the Agricultural Extension Office to help farmers make decisions regarding this years soybean crop. Dr. Jim Dunphi. Exten swn Specialist. NCSli. ?ill be the speaker Djihua Sacitti - Drake D Oiane. M D . Associate Pro fessor of Neurology at Maxo Medical School. Rochester. Minnesota will be the keynote speaker of the Spring Con ference of the Carolinas Branch The Orton Dyslexia Sooetx to be heW in Charlotte on March 18 and 19. 1*3 The conference theme ?ill be "Specific Language Problems of Dvslewc Children and Adults " The meetings ?iU be heid at the Holidas lnn >koodla?n in Charlotte. Anx tnteresjed persons are inxited to regtster for the conference For additional information ?nte to Enulx B Cameron. P.O. Dra?er L. Raetord Hot* ( oafmvct ? t ape Ftir Area Horse Conference, Cumberland Counts Extension Office. Fayettesilte March 24 at 5 p tn Profit Tkroath t.\portii| Wwlukay ? The esent ?ill take place rhursda> . March 10. from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Ramada Inn in lumbertoo Speakers ?ill include the L S Department of Commerce. NC Department of Commerce, a Freight Forwarder, an Export Consultant, an International Banker and the president of a North Carolina firm that has been successful in exporting The workshop ?ill cost par tvripants 125 00 each The registration fee includes lunch, refreshment* and materials To register call the I umber - too Robeson Counts Chamber of Commerce at or -jn?. Se?mg Wodskop - There *ill be a -t H se?ing workshop for >\"mth ">-19 on >*ednesdas> from V JO-5 JO p m beginning March 9 at the 4 H office (Lester Building on South Magnolia Street > \ outh *ill team the basics of seeing and ?ill make a simple garment The class mill be limited to so en youth Interested persons max register by calling 8'5-2I6? between S 00 ?m and 5 :00 p m >A\CT Mnt?( - The Hoke County Branch of the NAACP ?ill hold its regular monthly meeting at Sihtr Oose Baptist Church on Thurs?Ja\ . March 10 at 7: JO p m All members and the pubhc are tnsited Doings fiw T ax IMp - Taxpayers in terested in free tax help should bring their tax packages. W-2 forms, interest statements, and other peitimnt tax documents to the L umber Regional Des-etepment Association of fxe located in South Hoke thru Apni 15, t;J0 a.m. to 5 p m Monday through Friday For farther information contact Bunda Jacobs at t7S-5~>*2 D^tHH OHM ? Anyone in admoi rhp*r? ? is adsxsed to CMtfact the Hoke County Ex tended Day ringiam at Hoke County High School The school hours are M p.m. Mon days thrnugh Thursdays, and J-5 p.*. Fndayv More mtor ?wwi can be obmxd from D??*h? F. lacixa, itcnaMt i coordinator. or Joe G. Jftot. lohaii cotii A?mo? A hauled number of jobs are axaOabk. the announcement from ike program office s?)v LMt Htm ? Gate ijrinn of pla> about General Lafayette. FayettesiUe Little Theatre A reunion by season ticket or at the door. For reser vations call UMU) Sko? continue Wednesday -Suaday through April M Brpits April 8 at 8 p m fa?*t - Bkcenteruual parade do?Moia FayettestBe featur ing Count Rene de Chambrun (Lafayette's great -great grand son from Parra) and hts wife riding to the same carnage Lafayette rode ?hen he \tsrted the City id 1J?5 Ajxtl * at 10 a.m. Fa\ette\ille Jan Cittn - Concert by )*u ptantvt Ruby Tyson. Fayette tilk Museum of An Concerted Efforts Series. Tyson ? visiting artist at Bladen Tevtuucal Col For reser\atio?s call 485-5121. Jacli i?an April I? at 5 p.m Ci.?hnt,?i Cowaty Memorial Aa&tormm %uhkt to tap n Do??ood Festival Qwcen Sponsored by (.uaaberUad Count > ScfeoUrsh?> P^w Association Kathryn ZoRars. <^MOf <488-21201. .Mwmon ?*"!?*. Apnl 16 ai ?:? p.m DH ??< Trad - Self fiuduv ?*o torn trathog some 20 miles through ttadeatol areas ?hete doftoods arc plentiful Trad starts at the fiyttloJk Area ambn of CiTTfce Offke. 519 lUwp Street. Brochures ?ith maps ?1 be available there. Other kxanoos to pack, up brochures ?*U be hbeanes. motels and City Hall Spoo sored b* FayettexiRe Beautiful Ik.. Garden Club C ouncil of FayetteviRe. Exchange Club of Greater Faxettevitte. Fayette \de ICraaoB Club and the City Parks and Recreaiioa Depart ment. For information call Julia Reeves at 483-1762. ext. 306. The pubbc is cwdulh in dued to ?ie* the private gardens of Mr and Mrs Ike O'Hanloo. 360? Morganton Rd . on Sunday. April IT from 12.-00 noon until T 00 p m April 16-24 H If /fRl David Gerard, the wild. whimsical, wizard of wackiness will appear with the Frozen Bros. Circus in Rae/ord on April I. The cirvus *ill perform two show s at the Armory Park on L S 401 Business at 6 and 8 p.m. Diaact IWtlir - Atxlnc^v Saiuriliv performances of "\iV? J Good Man Ovirlie Bro?n" at Bordeaux Dinner Theatre. B?. fnda* ami Satur ilav. SI4 50 Wdlne^JiN. Thursju* jnJ Sunda* Din counts for groups. senior oiirtnv jnJ xiuJentN For revet satKUt* call 4.44 1114 April S thru April 2* FasettesUle Rhum pUiMd - Mi |4*4 graduate* intere*ted in organiz ing the Class Reunion, please ?rit? to Mr* Krixtt Frahm Po*e>. 412 Central Ave Raefotd. 2W*6 Atiaata Trade Mo? ? Se*ents distinguished crafr* profes sionals vkill be exhibiting in the Atlanta Market Center'* fir*t wholesale craft trade *ho?. Southea*tetn Craft Sho* "8jt. March 12-15, IWJ The*ho?i* pretmering during the Spring Gift Shovk. * hich attracts thouvands of national gitt and accessor* buyers each sear Possessing the ambiance of a nostalgic street festival. Southeastern Craft Sho* "S3 ?ill occupy 4l),000 Mjuarc feet of exhibit space on the second flo*>r of the Atlanta Merchan dise Mart The *ho? ? ill open to the ?hc4ev*le trade. Satur da*. March 12 through noon. T uesdas . March 1 5 The public ?ill be alIo?ed to shop the Sho* from noon to 6 p m on Tuesday. March 15 Admission for the public ? ill be 12 00 For additional information contact John Rosenberg at (404) 658-5616 0*H lAlrt* - Cumberland Counts Quilts (antique and current 1 and Jugtovn Potters Exhibit at Fayette* Ule Museum of Art Quilts selected from Tar Heel Qui Iter's Guild and potters is from local and out oftcmn collection* ExhiNt opens March 27 and run* through April 24. Hours 1-5 p m. Saturday and Sunday. 9-5 Tuesday -Friday Free For m formation call Jacki Z?an at 485-5121 April 16-24 Aat* Ska* ? Antique Auto Sko* . (Place to be announced | Arranged by Lafayette Region Model A Restorers' Club and the East Carolina Chapter of Antique Auto Ctabs of America Spon sored by the Ne? FayetteviMe Sp?d?ay Registration fee for cars front 1958 and carkn Sko* free to pubbc. For infor mation call Les Hotden at 492-71TT. April 16 II a m -4 P m Fayette* dk Lair MoW Slock Car t \htba bo? - (Same place *s antique auto sho* ) Different clashes of can. For enirs informal kmi coil lX>TL?kl or Shirks \utrs of the No* Fajtttevilk Speed?.?> at 4SV84I0. Free to public ~ A mu^ * \iJ,h f>NPCl *?**?? iin al 8 15 P nr. March 10 at the Fort Byplay house The final per Ur.h ^ For more inform*. * kor*' - Spring choral *' C ollege. Keexev Auditorium Methodist Choir and combined chorus of Singerx and alumn, chorus mem^r. direvted bx Alan Porter Free fj?'??on.c^i4??.-,,o April iu at 3 p m - TTT d-> Kp" The FavetteMlle Museum of " sPonsonng an exclusive presie* tnp to the ne? North Carolina Museum of Art *"L The AP"' ? lour in wfu?Je% an official ?elco?ne , ** ,hc "*??> installed col KHls ,nd * ,t>ur " behind the ^ of the co?serv,lK? !f^t>'eav,n? ,rom F*>?te\,lle * M)*-m 4rm"**at thene* museum at *00 , m , and ^parting at I 00 p m The fee Zt ? **** *"* ,OUr *"d lunch fajj?7 ,r,niro""^ b> bus from, and returning lo. *??>. Floats, bands and mar. ching units parade past hbor hoods .here dog ??** tbo^d for in form! 'i'!lC^UC1 ??* ??*??. or * . P*"" at 12i-0020 April * " 10 a m ^ K** Dwf Classic ? D*pct hunter*, lake note ? the Dive Deer Classic will he held on March 11-12 at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds in Raleigh On Friday. the e*etit will run from 5-9 p.m.. and on Saturday the esent will run from 1 a m through 6 p.m. Spon>o?ied by i he *ake Coun ty V* ikihlc Oub. the event is a ^npoitwa to Jet ermme the best deer taken in the State in different categories. A wide variety of sporting goods and hunting e^uipcneiu will he ex hibited. and special guest speakers include Leonard Lee Rue. a nationally known wildlife photographer and out door writer. David Morns, editor of CtinUind C, tme and ftsA magazine, and others For more information. w nte to the Dixie Deer Classic. P O. Box 12202. Raleigh. N.C. 2~W5 lire* Here - The Ng top will untold on April 1 here, when the Fraiuen Brov Circus per forms two shows ai Armors Park on Businesv 401 ai 6 and 8 p.m Itwtr of Hoars - The 20th an nual St Luke's Tour of Homes on Hilton Head Island. South Carolina will he held Saturdas and Sunday. Apnl 9 and 10. These are all contemporary homes, showing a wide sanets of architecture which ranges from the large and totmal to the casual ll is also a review of Low Country interiors, life styles, landscaping and loca tions. The Tour will he from ? JO a.m until 5 30 p m on Saturday with sesen homes on view, and from 1 p m. to 5:30 p m. on Sundas with six addi tional homes shown Tickets will he $1 - 00 for Saturdas and S 10 00 for Sunday's Tour On Sundas a complimentary tea will he sersed from 4-6 p.m at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, and coffee will he on hand beginning at 8:30 am Satur day Ticket information may be had by writing "Tour of Homes." PO Box 5101. Hilton Headisland. South Carolina. 29938. Hon \a4Mans ? "Horn In The West", the outdoor drama located in Boone, will hold auditions for their 1983 season on Saturday, March 19 at Watauga High School in Boone Performers and techni cians seeking summer employ ment should arris* bt.fn.ii 8:30 and 9 a.m at the high school, which is located on NC I OS just south of Boone For more information on kocal auditions or on "Horn In The West." write to P O. Box 295. Boone. N.C 2*07 or call (TO*) 264-2120. Hag* ? The Raeford Woman's Club is sponsoring four ughts of Butgo at the Raeford Civfcac Center on March 5. 12. 19 and 26 at 7:30 p.m. Gatherings - TV Choraleers aad TV Wamnakerx w.H ving on ??*. March 12 at >30 p.m. at ,he Pmman Gro?e Baptist Church Everyone is a? **ed to attend L'mxj mU b 12.00 for addts. and J I 00 for students. For call 4K-IM1 *ao Dobromski is Hmbvuib Orettor Apnl 17 m 3 p.m. no*. Tout and Travel a spoo **?? ? March 12 *?srt to Wiioaactoa, N.C. The Nm tfeship. U S.S. North Cm oh? a?d Fort rater will be ?a the tour Ttciets are SM.3Q per person. For Events nf^Iuic of Itpuest WoodMocfc Prints. an exhibit lUiotraani the evolution of Japanese princmaking fro? the lth citron to the l*h oen turv will open at the Fayet tevilie Museum of An oo February liMurt ? For further information call 485-5121. M \aami N.C. Mha l aat> Cuimatt ? I. sing as its theme. "Survival - In The Spwit of Our Ancestors." the Eighth Annual N.C. Indian I'mly Conference will be heid in Favetteville. March 10-12. at the Bordeaux Motor Inn Con vention Center. Workshops, presentations and general assemblies will be held during the Conference with five primary objectives in mind The> are to discuss education as a means of survival for In dian people: to examine and discuss the art. culture and htstorv of N.C. Indians; to discuss the health problems of N.C. Indians; to make N.C. In dians more aware of programs and services available to them; and to discuss strategies for developing Indian com munities. For registration (or further) information contact Ptivllis Emanuel at 521^*02 C ?i The \rm-Jtmrna/ or Wit c*iem4mr items lo I he office before aow m 1 urtrfa) .