25' The Hoke County News - Established 1928 eu?4 Volume LXXV Number 4 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 25 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 $1? PER YEAR Thursday, May 19, 1983 Grand Jury Indicts Man In Rape Case A Fort Bragg man was indicted by the Hoke County Grand Jury Monday on charges of assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury and first degree rape. Gary Joseph Mayron, 19, was indicted for the assault and rape of a 24-year-old Hoke County woman in April. Although he was arrested following the incident, Mayron is still in the Hoke County Jail under a $50,000 bond. Mayron is not scheduled to ap pear in this week's session of Superior Court. A Hoke County man was also indicted by the Grand Jury Mon day on two separate charges of breaking, entering and larceny. Gary Michael Lomax was in dicted on charges that he broke in to the residence of Gary Hall on March 25 and allegedly stole an assortment of silverware, cameras and underwear. Lomax was also indicted in con nection with the breaking and entering of a building owned by Clyde Campbell. Guns and jewelry valued over S600 were allegedly stolen from Campbell's property. Others indicted by the Grand Jury were: --Henry LeGrand for the break ing, entering and larceny of the Western Auto Store on Main Street. LeGrand was arrested and charged with breaking, entering and larceny when Raeford police and sheriff's deputies allegedly found him inside the Western Auto store. -Gene Autry Rogers for posses sion of stolen goods. Around Town by Sam Morris Who would have imagined a couple of weeks ago that you would have heard people say that we need some rain. It seemed then that the farmers would never get into the fields. If you will ride through the country where they are disking, you will see dust flying behind the tractor and the disk. If the weather continues, even if we have a few showers, mosl farmers will soon be through , planting. It has been nice for everyone to get outdoors and carry on all types of activities. So maybe summer will soon be here to stay. Don't forget that the annual din ner meeting of the Raeford-Hoke Chamber of Commerce will be held Tuesday night, May 24 at 6:30 o'clock at the Gibson Cafeteria. Deadline for making reservations is Friday, May 20. So if you haven't purchased your ticket then call 875-5929 or 875-2179 for reser vations. The speaker of the evening will be D.M. "Lauch" Faircloth, Secre tary of Commerce of North Carolina. He is an unannounced candidate for governor and should give forth with worthwhile infor mation. Special guests for the dinner will be Alvah Ward, industrial (See AROUND, page 7A) OUR GOAL I $23,631 U Data to Rooted to the fence Summer is peaking around the corner and the flowers are in full bloom. They can be found growing just about anywhere in Hoke County including up the sides of wooden fence post like this Clematis. j VA Unit Aired For McCain Use By Sherry Matthews Just as the smoke was beginning to settle over the conversion of Mc Cain Hospital to a state prison facility, 7th District Republican Party Chairman Ed Johnson is at tempting to rekindle a fire. Johnson and Democrat Franklin Biggs have apparently been in con tact with U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms about turning McCain, the only re maining North Carolina tuber culosis sanitorium, into a Veterans Administration (VA) hospital. According to Johnson, Helms has been in contact with the VA's chief Medical Director Dr. Donald Custus. Clint Fuller, a Helms spokesman, said Monday that Helms had made some inquiries, and that the VA director "seemed interested." The VA director apparently gave Helms the impression that if North Carolina offered McCain to the VA, he would give the matter "very careful consideration." According to Fuller, the North Carolina Senator came away feel ing that there was "some" interest involved. Although Johnson apparently has sparked Helm's interest, Johnson says the people he con tacted in Hoke and Scotland coun ties were "reluctant to work with the Republicans." Johnson claims he has contacted some of the "leaders" of Hoke county who said they just could not work with a Republican. "I've had absolutely no contact with Mr. Johnson and frankly don't know who the man is," t Hoke Chamber of Commerce Director Earl Fowler said. Fowler has been working with a local committee to keep McCain open as a tuberculosis treatment facility. "I haven't heard a word from him," County Commission chair man John Balfour said. County Manager James Martin also said he had not been contacted by Johnson or anyone else concerning converting McCain in to a VA hospital. "If he has contacted anybody in Hoke, I don't know who it is," Balfour said. Johnson would not name the persons he contacted in Hoke or Scotland counties. Regardless of the contacts he did or did not make, Johnson says many feel Hoke County residents would be more satisfied if McCain was turned into a VA hospital in stead of a prison unit. State Rep. Daniel H. DeVane doesn't believe that the state will go along with the VA proposal. "I really believe the reason Mc Cain is being closed is because the correction department needs more space," DeVane said adding that he would support a VA hospital if it was likely to happen. DeVane's main concern still re mains with the McCain employees. DeVane and others have worked out a plan with the prison unit that ensures that the McCain employees will be taken care of. "I don't want anybody coming in and messing that up," DeVane said. State Sen. David Parnell agrees. "1 don't know what the VA would intend to do with those employees, but I would not com mit myself until I was assured that their jobs and benefits were secure," Parnell said. "We have an obligation to the McCain employees, and they are our main concern at this point," Parnell added. Parnell and DeVane, who repre (See McCAIN . page 10A) County Considers Moving Food Site D.M. f Lauch ) Faircloth D.M. Faircloth Here Tuesday North Carolina Secretary of Commerce D.M. (Lauch) Faircloth will be the guest speaker at the Annual Chamber of Com merce Dinner on Tuesday, May 24. Faircloth, a native of Clinton, was appointed Commerce Secretary in 1977 and reappointed to that position by Governor Hunt in 1981. According to a recently released statement from the Secretary's of fice, since Faircloth's appoint ment, "industry has announced plans for over Si 1 billion dollars of investments in North Carolina, or more than in the previous 15 years combined." Along with this, industries have announced 180,000 new jobs. Chamber of Commerce Director Earl Fowler said he was honored to have Secretary Faircloth as the guest speaker for the event. The dinner, which will be May 24 at 6:30 p.m. in Hoke High's Oibson Cafeteria, is open to the public. "We urge the public to attend," Fowler said. Reservations for the dinner can be made by calling the Chamber of Commerce office (875-5929) no later than noon Friday, May 20, Fowler said. By Sherry Matthews A senior citizens group appealed Monday night to members of the Hoke County Commission in an effort to move a nutrition site to a location that will "better serve the white community." The group, known as the Raeford Friendship Club, express ed its concern over the sites serving "only black people" with free meals. "We don't have one white per son on either of the two rosters," group member Josephine Hall said. When the sites were placed in the two areas of the county, South Hoke and Cameron Heights, peo ple were asked to sign a roster for the free meals. "The only people on the nutri tion list are black people and that is just not fair," Hall said. Miss Hall and other members of the Friendship Club have voiced concern over the number of black people that attend the sites and have especially been upset over the South Hoke site because of it's location "right in the middle of a negro section." The county nutrition centers are administered by the Council of Governments (COG) in Lumber ton and provide 40 free lunches a day to the Cameron Heights area in North Raeford, and 27 free lun ches to the site in South Hoke, which was closed April 15. The South Hoke site was closed after its lease expired. With the South Hoke site vacated. Hall and the Friendship Club are hoping a facility in the Raeford area can be found so that more "whites" can have a chance at the free meals. "It is not fair for the whites to be turned away every time because the rosters are already full," Hall said. According to Miss Hall, a Raeford location would be the ideal solution. A site in the Raeford area would enable many people to walk, wip ing away the need for "so much transportation to out-of-the-way places like South Hoke," Hall said. "The COG was spending $500 a month transporting people to South Hoke for their free meals," Hall said. "That won't be necessary if we find a good location," Hall added. According to Hall, finding a good location will be difficult because there is "not much money available for a new facility." "We really need to find a building that is already owned by the county," Hall said. "This thing was supposed to be worked on a 50-50 basis with blacks, whites and indians, and right now that is not what we have," Hall added. According to Hall, all 67 par ticipants in the nutrition center program are black. "If we can get this South Hoke site moved where white people can attend if they want to, then we will be satisfied," Hall said. After listening to the club's com pliants, the county commissioners requested that a representative from the COG and the Friendship Club members meet on Friday to look at possible locations for the new site. "We're hoping a good site can be found and made available," Hall said. Airport aired In other business, Tom Cameron, representative of an air port study committee, presented the commissioners with a set of recommendations adopted by the Raeford City Council which arc designed to better the present air port facilities. The committee, which was ap pointed over a year ago by the city, has been studying *ays in which to improve the existing SI million facility. One of the recommendations (See COUNTY, page 10A) Jury Hears Armed Robbery Case By Sherry Matthews Members of a Hoke County jury heard testimony this week in Superior Court in state's case against a local man charged with armed robbery. Sherwood McLean, one of three local men to face charges for the March robbery of Jack Tucker at his home, is the only defendant to plead not guilty in the case. The two other men, Dannie McArn and Alexander McArn plead guilty to the armed robbery Monday and are awaiting sentencing. McLean has maintained his innocence throughout the two-day trial before a jury of six men and six women. Another defendant Dannie McArn, who is one of the state's witnesses in this case, testified Tuesday that Sherwood "Popeye" McLean was along on the night Jack Tucker was robbed. According to McArn's testimony, McLean was the one who grabbed Tucker, "tusseled" with the victim and eventually grabbed the money and gun Tucker was carrying. McArn also testified that when the money was divid ed McLean received a "cut" plus the .38 caliber pistol that belonged to Tucker. Other testimony Tuesday linked McLean further with the two McArn men. Sergeant Clarence Patterson of the Raeford Police Department testified that he spotted the McArn green Dodge Challenger parked behind Tucker's grocery the night of the robbery. Patterson also said that he approached the car and recognized Alexander McArn and Sherwood McLean sitting in the front seat of the vehicle According to Patterson the car was spotted around 9 p.m., which was a little over an hour before the rob bery occurred at Tucker's house. Raeford Police Sergeant Jack Martino backed up Patterson's testimony and added that he "pulled" the same green Challenger on Prospect Avenue about 15 minutes later. Martino could not identify McLean as being the man in the passenger side of the car. District Attorney Jean Powell is expected to rest the state's case against the defendant sometime Tuesday afternoon. The defendant, who is represented by Raeford at torney Philip Diehl, is scheduled to testify Wednesday in his own behalf, along with two other witnesses for the defense. Inside Today Parachuting comes easy to those men and women who practice the art at Gene Thacker's jump school. He take a look at these jumpers and the controversy surround ing the jump school in this week 's B-section of The News Journal.

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