<~T/2<2W6 The Hoke County News - Established 1 928 Volume LXXV Number 14 RAEFORD, HOJCE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA - journal 25 The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 $10 PER YEAR Thursday, July 28, 1983 Hoke Residents Tied To Fed Probe By Sherry Matthews Additional charges are expected to be handed down in connection with a probe into the mismanagement of funds in a Robeson Coun ty federal jobs training program, a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) spokesman said Tuesday. Indictments already handed down by a federal grand jury on Monday incriminated two Hoke County residents in the Robeson County fraud investigation. North Carolina FBI Agent In Charge Robert L. Pence said in a telephone interview with The News-Journal Tuesday that the federal Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA) in vestigation was "far from over." The possibility that more Hoke County residents were involved could not be ruled out, Pence said. "There are certainly a number of individuals we are looking at very closely, but I can't say what county they are from," Pence said. "There may be some Hoke County people involved," Pence add ed. Eleven people, including the Robeson County manager, county attorney and former county commission chairman, have been in dicted by a federal grand jury in the FBI's seven month investiga tion of Robeson's CETA program. Two of those are Hoke residents. Pence indicated that the Hoke people were involved because of misinformation they supplied to the CETA program. Alton R. White, of Raeford, 44, was indicted and charged with one count of making a false statement to a government agency and one count of obtaining CETA money by fraud. The indictment claims that White lied about his Hoke County ad dress when he applied for the jobs training program in Robeson Around Town by Sam Morris and th, f a"y broken and the temperatures were in the 80 s Monday. We have had some ra>n but we still need more wik Th ' C?me la,er on in the week There was some hail last Fri day afternoon, but haven't heard of any damage to crops. The thermometer was over 100 Rnh^e,s/ori sevLcral days in Ju|y 5iatl|n should give us a full August * ,hC nrSt Week in According to the forecast, the emperature will be in the 80s for tne remainder of the week. * ? * On March 29. 1973,1 reported in this column about a baseball player for rhe Raeford Profes E'' me 5125.00 per month, I made the mistake of leaving. I did not do so good at New 7*/" and ,hey had some financial difficulties. So I left there and wound up my professional baseball career in the Eastern Shore league. I wound up in a blaze of glory though, as I pitched a twelve inn ing game for Crisfield against Cambridge and won 6-5. I knew by that time, I did not have the stuff to make the big leagues, so I quit and went to work. If you see any of players men tioned in your story, tell them I am still around and have a contract to throw out the first ball for the Phillies when I hit a hundred - and I hope they can be on hand for mv performance. Sincerely, Miles Powell ? ? ? The following letter is from a former Battery "F" member and how he got Col. Morris is beyond (See AROUND, page 2A) Construction underway Road crews began work this week in an attempt to widen U.S. Highway 401 in front of the Raejord-lloke Village. City Councilmen and Rep. Daniel 11. DeVane have been urging the Department of Transportation to do something to help clear up traffic problems that could occur. Crew members were pouring asphalt, scraping and rolling the road Tuesday in an effort to complete the work. Country Store Hit By Armed Robber In less than two weeks, a second county convenience store has been robbed at gunpoint, Hoke County Sheriff's Department reports show. The owner of Huffman's Grocery, located at Rt. 3, Raeford, was apparently robbed at gunpoint last Wednesday by a man wearing a toboggan over his face, the report shows. According to the report, a man armed with a pistol entered the store and demanded money from the owner. Between S40 and S50 was taken from the store. The investigation is continuing, the report shows. There is apparently no link be tween last week's robbery and an armed robbery of a Raeford con venience store which occurred July 12, Raeford Police Chief Leonard Wiggins said Monday. The Pantry, located on East Central Avenue was robbed July 12 by two black men carrying a More Probation pistol and wearing toboggans over their faces. According to earlier police reports, the two men, who were apparently carrying a small caliber pistol tried to open the cash register but were scared off by a customer who arrived at the store. According to Wiggins, the mat ter is still under investigation, but no suspects have been named. In another matter, a Raeford man was arrested Sunday and charged with first degree burglary after he apparently broke