- ? ,*$-* ,j- \,-i ? V ?}*? V - ' I ? >?? > ;? - DEADLINES: Weddings, Thursday, Noon Other Social Items, Monday 5 p.m. 4 : : . October 27 and 28 the Woman's dub will )nsor the Se cond Annual Golf Tournament . Trophies and gifts fill go to the players and winners. Their registration fees and help of the tourney sponsors will create funds for community projects. Last year the Club sponsored a very successful tournament. The golfers had a fine time and the Club was able to help many good projects. - Money raised by the golf tour nament was spent on an Open House at the Hoke Public Library and for aid to the Children's Center. - Money was given to the Sallle SouthaB Scholarship Fund which is a state project and to the students from Hoke Coun ty who was chosen to represent our dob in that competition. - RIF (Reading Is Fundamental) was funded, as well as the Spedal Olympics. - A gift was given to the Salntatorian at Hoke High and Gamperships were award ed to "special" children so that they could attend summer camp. - Donations were made to the North Carolina Symphony, the Arts Festival, and the Music Booster Club. - Money was also spent on ' maintenance of the Hoke Civic Center. ? "Share Your Christmas" received money as well as the hundreds of hours that the dub gives each Christmas ?! season. These community efforts are the very spirit of the service which the * Club gives. In order to help others, the Club needs help. Sponsors and golfers are essential, even more community involvement is welcomed. Further information is available from either Mrs. Mary Cameron, Registrations Chair man, or Mrs. Sue Fant, Tourna ment Chairman. Births Mr. and Mrs. Joe VeCdl of N. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina an nounce the birth of a daughter, Connie Jo on September 23. Mrs. Vetell is the former Connie Bennett of Raeford. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ackerman announce the birth of^kson, John Stephen, on September 23 at Cape Fear Valley Hospital. Mrs. Ackerman is the former Tammy Baker. Paternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roland Baker. Major and Mrs. R.W. Betts of Germany announce the birth of a daughter, Adrienne Ruth on September 11. Mrs. Betts is the former Delrose Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. John David Knight announce the birth of a son, John David, Jr., on September 18 at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Layne Williams announce the birth of a daughter. Amber Sue, on September 18 at Cape-Fear Valley Medical Center. Mrs. Williams is the former Wanda Stephens. ? Mr. and Mrs. Tommy W Atkins announce the birth of a son at Moore Memorial Hospital on September 19. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Inman" an nounce the birth of a son, Christopher Neil, born on September 30 at Cape Fear Valley Hospital. Clubs , Parties , etc. Just Call 875-2121 In Weeks To Come Meetings MUSIC BOOSTER - Hoke Co. Music Booster Association meetings will be first Monday night of every month at Hoke High School band room at 7 p.m. Parents and friends of the music association are urged to attend. AIRPORT AUTHORITY -The Hoke/Raeford Airport Authority will hold its regular meeting at the Raeford City Hall on the second Tharsday of each month at 7:45 p.m. AMERICAN LEGION -American Legion Post 20 of Hoke County meets the sac pad Tuesday of each month at the Edinborough Restaurant at 8 p.m. Those interested in join ing are invited. COUNTY COMMISSION -Members of the Hoke County Commission meet the Brat Monday of each month at 9 a.m. and the third Monday at 7:30 p.m. Pratt Building located at 227 N. Main St. in Raeford. The public b invited. CITY COUNCIL - The Raeford Gty Council meets the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in Gty Han. The public is encouraged to attend. SCHOOL BOARD - The Hoke County Board of Educa tion meets the flnt Taw day of each month at 7:30 pan. at the board offices on Wooley Street. The public is cacoorag ed to attend. AL ANON ? Meetings are held every Wednesday at I p.m. at the Hoke County Health Department Confereace Room. Gatherings win be served at 3 pjx>. and pmdiH * 6 p.m. Dr. John Ropp, gmrt speaker. MnI - services Moo.. Oct. 9, Tues. Oct. 9. Wed. Oct. M. Rev. Wm. Fitch preacher for these scrvice* at 7:30 p.m. you arc in vited. Oct. 14 HOMECOMING - Philippi Church Invites members, former members and friends to the annual Homecoming following II a.m. services Son., Oct. 14. "Covered Dish Welcomed." Oct. 20 CONCERT - On Saturday night, Octaher 20, the Francis PorceO's Voices of Consolation and Monque Purcell of Greensboro, will be in concert at St. James Church here in Raeford at 7:30 pan. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy this concert. Doings Oct, 4 STOP SMOKING - The Health and Human Services Program of the General Baptist State Convention will begin a series of training sesrioos in the Hoke and Blrhmonrt County areas. The stop smoking dasses win begin Thursday, Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. at Silver Grove Baptist Church (Rev. W.K. Mitchell, pastor) in Raeford. For tether information, please contact Rev. WJC. Mitchell at 843 5496 in Raeford. Oct. 21 QVKM MKAL8 - Raeford Jarior Woman's- Qab and Hoke County Frtwlon Ser vice wB host a workshop, 'Mania for fcaay. ' on Oct. 29 aft 7 . Mra. AKce Patdtt wB i n workshop on ftnlck, awarded * and refreshment! served. A fashion ihow featur ing maiia nil j nrai frrwi nirirn *n Baby will be presented. The Jair is free. Oct. 4 SYMPHONY HERE - The North Carolina Symphony Chamber Orchestra, under the direction of Assistant Conduc tor Jackson Parkhurst, will present a light concert studded with polkas and waltzes in Raefoid's Upchurch Junior High School Auditorium on Thursday, October 4 at 8 pjn. Besides Johann Struass's "Ex cursion Train Polka," "Cham pagne Polka," "Wiener Blut Waltz," and Eduard Strauss's "Clear Track Polka," the or chestra will perform Rossini's Overture to Tancredi, Mozart's Symphony No. 31 in D Major, Bizet's "Jeux d'Enfants," Kreisler's "Liebestreud," and Fibich's "Poem." Season tickets are S3.50 for adults, S3. SO for senior citizens and S3 for students. Single tickets are each JO cents higher and are available at the door on concert night. Oct. 4, 11, IS JOURNEYMAN BEE KEEPER - The Hoke Agricultural Extension Service and the Hoke County' Beekeepers Association will host a Beekeepers Short Course which will enable beekeepers to increase their knowledge and improve skills of beekeeping. The program will be offered from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. on October 4, Jl, sad 1$ at the Agricultural Extension Office on Sooth Magnolia Street in Racford. For more informa tion pit? r pre-register by con tacting WHHe Featherstooe at 175-3461 or Cat! Miller at ro-am. Events Oca. ( CLAM REUNION - Hoke Cbaaty High School daa of 199 ?? hold a reunion oa Oct. (, at Edia borough Mmumtm. For mora informa tion cafl 175-3335 or 175-2100. Oet. 4,7 HIGHLAND GAMES ? The eighth AobssI Flora Mac dooald Oamas wil be held Oct. * * 7 on the Humphrey Farm tar miles ootrfde of Mod Spring Jmi off Highway 71 in .tkmmm. Emm bojm at 9 ?uaa^jMk^Satwrday with SwsaTara gptT t? diTpabRc. Iltfli I Om, P.O. Box 547, Red ***p, MC 2t377. tmtit mS> * ? ? * Miool wH hoUnaaMhDMB on Monday, Oct. t from 6:30 to I pjn. The public is en Oct. 12 HOBNOB SUPPER - A barbecue supper will be held on Oct. 12 before the Hoke High Homecoming game with Reid Ross. Funds raised at the event will go to support the Hoke Heritage Hobnob. Barbeque plates will be served for S3. 50 each. Sports Oct. 5-7 SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP -Deer Track Racquet dub will hold a Senior Tennis Cham pionship on Oct. 5 through Oct. 7 at the dab. The event is sanctioned by the Southern Tennis Association, the North Carolina and United States Tennis Association. For fur ther information call 843-2581. Blazon FOOD PROGRAM - The Lumbee Regional Development Association, Inc. Announces the sponsorship of the Child Care Food Program. Meals will be available at no separate charge to enrolled children at the South Hoke Day Cue and will be provided without regard to race, color, national origin, sex or handicapped. Interested parents may contact the center for family size and income standards are used to determine eligibility at S7 5-5777. CLASS REUNION - The 1965 graduating dais of Updmrefa' High School la phmtag for a reunion in the Mure, and would Ike for anyoot in terested to contact J.C. McLean at r 5 -3971 or Odeaaa Copdand at 175-5410. Naw. M SCHOLARSHIPS - North Carolina 9taie University h H warning ^ sixth annual Merit Awards Program and ht lOOscholantiipewa be award ed for the I*** nrmlili F?r on the b?s of merit alone, tihiilniiiii raw to' ? ' IZSt I U ia *e Mflfea I to 10 1 Pierce promoted Jerry M. Pierce, brother of Deborah Hamilton of 107 Chilton Dnve, Raeford, has been pro moted in the U.S. Air Force to the rank of first lieutenant. Pierce is deputy missile combat crew commander at Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark., with the 373rd Strategic _Nlissile Squadron. Conducting Orchestra Assistant conductor Jackson Parkhurst will conduct the North Carolina Symphony Chamber Orchestra during the performance at Upchurch Junior High School Thursday night. The musk begins at 8 p.m. and tickets are $ 5.50 for adults at the door. Quick meals on tap for RJWC's workshop The Home Life Department of Raeford Junior Woman's Club is sponsoring a workshop in conjunc tion with Hoke County Extension Service. "Meals for Busy Homemakers" will be presented October 29, at 7 p.m. at the Lester Building. Mrs. Alice Pettitt, Home Exten sion Agent, will conduct the workshop which is designed to help working wofnen and busy homemakers prepare nutritious, quick meals and get out of the kit chen fast. Step-by-step methods will be demonstrated from how to pur chase easy to fix foods to final preparations for fast meals and zippy clean up. Mrs. Pettitt and RJWC cordially invite the public to take part in this free, informative and useful workshop. Pregnancy health fair scheduled for Nov. 27 Are you expecting or planning a pregnancy soon? If so, plan to at tend the Pregnancy Health Fair, November 27, 7-9 p.m. at the Civic Center. The Fair, sponsored by Hoke County Health Department, Raeford Junior Woman's Club and the American Lung Associa tion will concentrate on good health tips, nutrition advice and handy hints for expectant mothers. Door prizes will be awarded to many lucky participants and Bloom 'n Baby, of Fayetteville, will model maternity fashions in the latest styles. Nutritious snacks will be provid ed courtesy of Raeford Junior Woman's Club. The Health Department, Lung Association and RJWC is sponsor ing this event free of charge to stress the valuable relationships between a healthy mother and healthy baby. While receives rank promotion Marvin D. White, son of Howard M. and Mary A. White of 104 Prince Charles, Red Springs, has been promoted in the U.S. Army to the rank of specialist four. JACKSON'S FMa ROCKFISH RD. RAEFORD, N.C. WE ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMPS WE RESERVE ALL QUANTITY RIGHTS. food ouoGeT savinGS BETTER FOR LBSS... $$ MEAT SPECIALS RQZEN Jut's Plat's 99* P?t RHz Cretin Pies 4m.mmt.hmn 79^ H99* FAMILY PACKS SkiRMN vmiman MOktft I19 srmRtt 79* 49* PiuFwt 39* FMtdt 59* COBLE X 6AL CARTON MIIK 9S* 3?. DETERGENT**.. 99* TOMATOES* I .mm* mmm