V I The N ews I he Hokr C oiint\ Ne>%s - K>lahliNhed I92K -Journal I he Hoke ( ounf\ Journsil - KsUhlished 1905 > olumr I \\\ll Niimh* *T .'K K\^K(>KI). JOKF NOKIH ( AKOi IS\ MO P^K 25 ( F M I hur.da>. J^nu)ir> 0. I9S6 Deputies’ suit against Hoke County dropped H> Kitn \ 'IrrMin - uit' '' ' Ml ‘ ■ ''mt\ , i( » ^ IMM!'.. ^ •• - \i ■•'f. , . u: M. - ..(■ r>': «= . vJ . iH-l V ',ii fclcpu - 41 V' t ;1I ' L^.J ' -! t.V V '*■ ■ IiJ hv*|l rr ,, t i; - J ^ pte . • i ' r . . .il ■ . ; \ U) H- ■ -T , > i> J >*' 1-i-i kc-- IP — 1 . I i 1 - - X 'alP 4-'“-- :‘ K I'liiin t - i‘:' ■» . I**' : I -■ ■ rf • f ;,.hr^ ' ’ vl- ni . I rtu; J.,, Hi! '-t ■ I'-fi ni I s I>. -I (.dill ,n I ■ I Mil tJ",rn -M v v with .'!:i tdiHii.. Hdn Mini I ‘.f \\ lIll.itTt ( 1>W 1 I'td ih Idt l>aw Mil'- tti’tni A., .atluvl A 1* ivitd., >K in ih •ut: s * I fi a iu'ii i‘ tl'i-'pi-, • aifii! i' r»lK>vj.,' Ml I ad> All vatu The Mil! wcfc filrU h\ Jcpul v 1 cj 11.11-1^ and Jimnn kili'\ .nd ? iiir-r I'Apul s c tail' M.^>! I and Ki>nni tKlimi \i!dri>«*vi r^'pic = lUir H--‘- t iniiiO ad\ I'lCii ihc di - ndaiii. to M.lir. Ill I Ih. (.1 ■ • . Md--!= . ‘>’1.1 ' > ' 1 H A .V h.' .J •. \V- ■ t’ ! h- ’.iA, Vkf •Jll I i 1 t,, -.1 \alid ( i-ii.ifi -.Aul W (fit lhc% ifiii'idij' law 1 • 1 At: jiJ he r -It :hi- J.; hi.d ■ I ‘.“‘.•i law aul hfidi' Ihi- He ;: 1. N I. 111 I' . h i l-i'idti, .1 . . I ' li' ;■ 1 111 1 h'. i; 11 . pf: , , .rV ' -1 - ' i;' Ih-h . .ImJi ■ ’ ( said p.iiliii-'i'- Wk' a;; A I . I • • m.iilc il iht itiUra! Ii ..1 ...J-tr-il h-:. I -ii’.i fill iii'i/nii.iii ill -.'a ill*,’' ( I'W.it. -j.j HtPiniiiPi’ \pril 14, the a in: mil' 1- "’‘s ‘w i' 'i I I ; il' ■\ 1 . . A. t ; .1 ' I 1" t'l., , . •, it., ■ ■ :l.: - .1- . ...I I ' .1' .-n.! .1 . til .'1 : (f..,! l-Tl- i'l 'I..--, I.,. I ’A.'il . 1 ; . i.as ’ ‘A , I' k t. • ■ ' ' ■ ; . . A 1 I ,. I ; ,d i : Tax Listing tranir\ t e**n ntconii from ni(htt '•rt r/m « loi of atux/uftii' wuh Usttnf her taxes from ttdifaii/ tax Supers liftr \tary Matherty (left; and lux Inters Jtmnn liUntan /'fom lent Jrnn\ tithson .'-'-a/ sr;—tfy R,,ih (ri^tr fa'^es 7iui he listed thrtiuih Januars ♦/. Haensrd loKHship residents must list their luxes in the coun- /I office huildini; Monday through f riday from H s iind Saturdays from ft a.m. until mton. Residents of all othtr lots nships list their lust's at the Hoke founts t ihrttrs Mtnndwi through trotas frrfw ^ - 5 and Saturdays from M a. in. uniil mum. County adds support for EAS IH Klin \ndrrvin \!t mK: dl (he Moke (. o..ri;\ H'l.iiil oi ( omr’.; lUiiur reinforc -a •‘-1- .ijpport o( I icndpJ Ar^a ■T' ■ (I As) bcissi i*n :hi and ic icicphor c\ hai-r:?- during a ■>iiimi’iMi>i‘>-is mci'ling ■ s Mondas las! I ?tijar> ihe onimis .lor.eis unaniinou-iU f^qui led that the North 1 andif I (. (.'Illnil uin t -iahl .h - ti'leiihone lOiiimunualnin •cX'* ao the Ad a- A . Uh ' iikihinin.- of thf- ' pt>si noil anne- J..: w-ek hart-lina 1 ciephonc v onipar.. will K -"ding hal in monihlv hilh susiiMi-, i> . either ‘>r- ■' or ‘PO’' Idi I \s I he hiillit: r.. mailcrJ on V\ pdi!-idL> and osurnii. .hdoh* uvovc ihcn» h ^uirdt In .'idrt i.r i sole lo .aim in ihi pollini ,'b iclephi'-"-- -.orrpan’. iru'il res-tse ihc an wered hallo! h\ land.tfv II r A’- . ' ! il. ■ wtll a--; K J • a a!i. uh -nhi - an additiutn:' >4 5.‘ pri ‘nth Hut ihc .nmmi loner- arc »dn smeed that the eMahlishnici.t ot I AS will grcailv improve iht - onomii irowfh mI ihc lounlv The fifsi ihing onie people aiv going lo nolicc i . lhai iheir bill will bo imrcavcd, C omniiMoner VkAati I pohnreh said "Vke must encourage ihcm lo Iditk bevond thal,” I'pshuf'. h said Manv astivitics encouraging people lo vole lor I AS will be to mg on ihioughoui ihe couni) !his week The kactordHokc Chamber oi C onimefiC o. sending IcUerv lo its members urging ihcm to vole for Ific expanded servut. and membeis oi some churches will be calling other nicmbeis lo remind ifiem ol Ihe ptdhng Alsu, a group of citi/ens will be ^roiiig from door lo dooi m ihc kiscktisti area avkmg pexsplc lo ' uppor! t AS “I ihink it ll \'s» I*, the oive !!if i-'Ots-fd la ili'T tsiun's's ceo miiMi. deselopmeni." (. i»unt> Mad i. . . \k ilham low an caid Remupinx 1 It ' 11 h C r h o ‘ I II C ' • I • ll Molluwa>, irii'.ai'vr S ( 1 iruj K'*eord' Mi'’t?gefiicrii rrnorain :c.;j cdrnmissKsners o will ,o,i sp pr-'.imaidv Sl5Uuti U' reTTup Moke (. ounlv Hollowav said the ^os: of the projcpT could dc spread over d.iee vears and the count> woni.i he quahr-H for malchinj’ erci ts oi SIh.OUff C -3^ h lit those f i N ■'Mapping IV the ke;, -o rUdder ni/ing land revcrd-." Mollowds K'ld ihr comfriMioners Sixty live cf the ‘.ouniies m '-le '.laic are either already mapped or in the process of being mapped. M'---”way said ni""- C.;> of Raeiord was map ped during Ivitj-SQ “Ugr major eff-artv -re to get -PfAid." the rest of the -countv Holloway said. Having ijoniprehenstvc maps ot the countv will aid the county m locating p >f^rtv ttn«i *aid in en licma to i i ir- ■ Vcg**> M»v ar'ra, ^cordin." to Ho.Howav ( OLINTY. ID) ‘Brainstorming’ helps solve schools’ facility problems I'. , ■ V I J . ■I I- lind.r ..r •' *’ II • r ‘ ► T' c *- ' ' .il‘. ' M-.k- I 11 M 111*. A\ I ti. . . i. , iTip ; • ‘ s ■. . i I n i 1 ** ■ - ^' .- O’ . l-’ri ' 1- b*- title hi: .iii n 1 r,. • V tw'i.ii. wc t-.i jbic i ' . d !v.n , nv -dll ■ *on w-’ll he m ,*’ 's..;:.-rin ndi ill I)t i t' \c'1‘ ‘:i .lid IJi-j^d If. nif' ,irc w.nit'i^ lot lift III Ol .sKitti.HAi., iijjyip- f ' n ton S. • .'1 nd ih ‘U ify -i'll ds '.'i'ir I'l. . m. k any d‘.-_; ( V. ' ; k t l • r.ii • , Ul'diUt, Aiiij .'di-ri C t M II, ii;\ (i’. M‘ - .. If •! . ■ Ni'.on 11.1 f •« h ' r l;i" mio hre* ■ At . , fcnovAic and ■-•pUic? Nelsiui said fh. upeti.,:*t:dcni -aid it will be ncx-; ..u v to begin making con unuoiis piogi-css in all tlircr area. "\Ve sc got lo rcali./e we're not ceng t;' -olve all the ■' problems os ‘rriigh!,'' he ,3id. Nehon ptfsciit'iJ tmet: -agges lions on lu’w :o o aboui olxing I'le problems of middle sihooh (gtades MX ihrough ctgfiii •( ontiniic Using I p(.luiTi.li Sihool as .1 middle sshoivl and ra/: and ‘epiacc pail' of the liuiliiv •Huikl a new middle school whicfi would hold 1.2(kl 1(1 1,4(k) plljllls •I si.^:; ,1.1 u ii(.‘w, .mailer tiiid dl, .• |U hold Nkl to ’’iX' pupil ) w 'c ■ Momum ‘ to u'c ' f whuT h Svhool Hoa d "’Linhei I JvJk- M.N -.ll siiwc. ,i J a plan to make 'opai i and ropi'"- she tndiiu»ns ai the conn'..' eumicfiiai> .^hoo)-. tirst and la!-c‘ lome back af-d work »n tie middle school- and ih hieh schosvl I vv ‘ I ideas »cff pf ni d h\ Vi : Ihairman Hob b;. Wright an* Walter l ob.-' W'righl s id- -‘t c-^’l' lot havme iwo middle ■•It Si !- one at Up chincti and an .Kldilumal new one to be built at .i r ‘w kxatiitn Ihinmi the 1" -nvition;;! pcrioJ, the fjh ;uade would remain at ruriiiifton Schtvol and 6th cmdcis woiilj be plased at Upchurch and the new middle wb.-ol -\ ttaii'iiioiUTi plan presented bv I I'lcv ,1 ■' c.tli- for the continued use ‘.vf UpiAuirifi as a middle sch* '! ah‘ building an additional fuciluv C*>!*‘v'- pi.Ill dll lets from W ruihl’s m that all the elcmeniatv schiHils oul.side ol Ruclord would be used 4' kindcrg.irtrn through itiadc schs'ols .ind bts'h Iur iington and Mol auchlin schools would each be u‘“J as cleiricntafs schcHvIs lone of the %4, H t H • I N !\3v a:ed m town would be used toi kiii'dcgarten through second grade students and the other * »,ri thtrd grade ihrough iifih grade students) Both plans bv (.olcv and Wriglu are only to be Ih-sughi ol as u-m pivrary solution- !•• ihc problems “What we need !o dcs“Jc 's whether 'ac'ic g*>ms- U’ build a new middle scluml or fix up these other schotvis." Ktard member Fddic Ms Neill con.iiientcd Around Town Bv Si«n Murrix 1 > .1J . owl M. M J.iv MO ning ; 1 • ! .tv f ’ ‘hot !. kcd Ilk J b u -n.> It ha n't ” I- A d; an^ II i ' ill a! 1 .t b': - - t ■ ■ ‘b.- s; I h ' i' aiiu '! I day I c ten.;*'. .U - -a .' -h viy b , nn. .g Wed" dav If- -.’'iJ mg lo h-'w i' L’ ll ■' diiwn iili riiiM,'h;*l wil' ‘ - - 'I S..-il .';|S| n.O.- .ii. .’ i- ’ ,! tM-aw wIm )i il “C Uf o • • • 1 a-t • ■ I - Mf' 111 vv !). • -1" wi.o w .1 hi .. b ' ri ■ I,; .11 wo Wi.A .1 M. 1 a,I •>. k I : M a- rd 'i. m :. i i I .IS -!!rs(t! IH ' Mr Mo I rr. . ai:!i so ■■ so 'IlllIlM •! I I'l: i ' ■ U* s ’ ‘ > 1 J'- Ih- k 1111:.. Vi lull ■ b M I • r ■ VV 1 f k . . w ' I ; ! ■ I s ■*- ' ■ ■ ■ ' : : -1 Ms ri! u 's I I -I ()l l : Il I . ' I .. d • ll iih • a hr: ;; .a - ‘ in- ■- ' iiidt'd t-i- i' ll O’' " - : .rl gl».td' "" (v -xkoi I) ) .1 I i Moving days H inkers continue mosinx furniture from offices in the Hoke (. aunty ( ourthouse to their temporary Imuiions in the county office huildimi so that renin alions cun he made at Ihe courthouse. Other offices are hcinn relocated in Ihe Sheriff's Department hiiildinf; and at the Bunk of Rayford huildint’. City passes new zoning laws Vnic'iidiiK'nis lo i lie ■ its '> .n iiiuig oi'.liiiaiice arisl ru-u /oiling in.tps \sci'-' imnnimoiisls appioseil Mmi day f'y iiiciiibcrs itl itic R.ic'ivud ( i is I oiincii I tie anu’iidir -ni .tiid m.-p- up dale the uiis' i-M“iiig /oninc islaii and onipis wuh all .;aUi ■ :"d legi-l.-tion eiiu l.J ihc st.ile 'in- till- i-Mstinj: Kaeford .uiing i' dm.trK- w • fsinblishcd 20 ear a. M.i-oi l. iiiK McNeill said " 1 hi iiew ,onmg j- a pi tls muvh s.smplic- ' iih ific .'tiimr ih.ii aircads ihcic." I ttv VlanagcT Fom i’hiKips s.uj I tie aiTiendiiK'Hi s I'olish and dctine the cvisling oiduiau-.-r- and V le-trly sj\ svfiai niav K- biiib in sarious /ones, I’hillips said •Vsidiuoral caiegvines sxerc add ed to die ordinance lo losei apart mini coiuplcxcs and '.iiellitc dl'lu XiCfis thai ssould have bun .'smi id general business undii the ex isimg -ll Jmaiiss' will lU’w be zoned -ithei liipliwas, commercial, v>r neigliborfuHtd t’us mess •Mso. tlu. 'oning Pouiula'ics wfiish cxic'id wuhm .-i mi!-" radia- s') ilic ciiv wcic' f•-'defined b- iiaiiual bound iics sss -'the a'C'-ifC ni.in can j-dcnliiy ihe -‘xlri er Ttiisn.i! junsdiclii'n.' Fhillip-said. rhe sUv A planning bs'ard has 1-wii working on the imciulmctils and new maps io* almo-.t four vears In ariothcr zoniiiji r.;;:iier, a tc quest lis ’C/one a ’ S lot adia ^eni to ihc B-.miJ *>1 f duc.ttion Hiuldme on W(>ole\ sireel was (See (, llA . P-i !(') Firm eyeing Rockfish building Couple busted for LSD Iwi. |iK-ii u .idcitl'. wc hciiiki is Id . Mttk ( miitiv laii I uc ■ a‘. i; mot' '.an i?(l.i*Xi hi r d -rfi-li a*' i b"-ii!i. i.!‘"“ 1.1 Morulas n. ill Alii. ,. '11 |S() ,iiid oitiei vlri:. I I ■ I .. I I S aru! Hts ll;, ■ un” me ;2, afiii HiC 1. ' Ih , diir. a I’ (» Hov 2fv4 I . J .j.iMi s, .i i_ .ir!t--' '4l M‘■ ■ -i ■- '*f‘ lb s alleged l> '111 ■ ■' ■ ' ■ i il.lK (I|':l .1;' ' ■’ do l. 'I I -I - ,ind 11 d"s. it I in ■( na! .oiib".' to a I pnfi b> Ib.'ki ( olinti l)ii-'‘ ns. ( i M.ii \ii agem troin itic C mulv land ( ouniv Hu e.Ill ol Nai..i>i .■ (( i BN) eine^-il tlu i.oiipl*- s irob'li n.,ii,M 1,1. d ,t| ji. »n' b f ; I* *f>nftv^t|i= p,- I - 1f^ p m . till- '>-p.ui ^av \- *.«on J- I Fie .tj-t-ni pui- Fia' i'd itie dt■ he si,t-,iaU‘d (o iHi ii'i Mill and -I I h'/f oflKt. I'pr ..■iiiiiij itu SBI and ihc ( BN who cnier‘*d Ihe r -.idciue (Si I M). lb. M p) •\ I’eiiiiss Is am-* iinii has iv pr-C -.1 , iiioiiy ilUCie.! m till R*i-klish Sclii'i*! piopctis, l-iitiiirip Developer Jtthu Mowaru , in •unc-.ii Mor.da* to mcii-.h-.i -i both *ir Racft'rd v e- t o-.;!i.il and the HiVk/ . I’unis IH-wrd ot I -i* mi .i iiici s II it- -‘it-c .ear old iUnpain '• U' loi.oe pan .i| its o(*ei.i lion al ihc Slid Masllc- People-- p : iibi m:;-all' cn r'ov Mi lt-M.« ir 1 \-,t ft-.. niiitih-i ol cinpli's 'i'- luiu ! li ; :nc o A) ni iw(i i cars Monev . th lUllv thme pr-Cieiii mg the i, I’ trom hxaimg here, and lii' ills i- cmreritly s-cck It:)* i-! 1 :: -lie'n MFiiFie-’ F'i Once lund-cd. the siunpanv ■ s'lild bc.i’in ofseraluitis ai itic sshi'ol pnsper’.s wiihiii ‘kti davs, Miissaid said ■ 'N.ilill .ills slisiilging ihe name (il [Ills iiiiii at thr- iiiiir is itiu po'-.iblc 111 lliai we still iiase U' sV(iik aggrc-MvcIv at seeking finaii- tial assisiati.i" Hi'w.nd said. "\Vc Fiasc an indiisirs ixivulnc fieu who I' i|uiic taken with ilic (Siiienttal .'i h'laiini in our siun- nmiiiis " (lie -ii'nomu Jivelotsei s.lid Ihe e-- iiti'c -■- the ,ids an la;;*-- ol the lo-ai ' .'.'ai (or;c. the COM 1.11 ulililics iiiicl the ac-ces--ibilits 1(1 hn tnats'i mat k*‘i - 'Mi.p. ■ V. hcfore-cc iFic day ssh.ii III iiio- slsanisi v’peiAiK’n wiinUi Uwaie ficie," M 'Witrd sakI Bcciiisc ot svliat indusifiai dcvn'-cpers -call the "iHnnilto f t tect." m'sre iob- in the -cssinnuiniis wouhl alUxi i-'tail sales, wcvulJ ctc.itr inon.- pcirnuncni r-zsi,i‘cnts and Would slnmilalc mofe hmng It lOt) ,tddiii‘in;tl js’bs sscrc slf.ltcJ 111 ih* counts, li unild mean thai Dl riu'r*/ pes>islc ciiuld be added 10 the workloFC m ei M . ' t rticn'bei- of cits -ouncil -Addilionai worSers would .tl * mean an asfrage ot Sl.O.k milli-'n more in pcf'onal mcs'me annualK in the ci.'imniinilv which w*»iiid m citasc boiik depsivits by