TheN ews The ll(»ke County News - Mstehlished -Journal I he Hoke ( ouni) Journiil - Fviahlished 1905 \olunu- I \\\ II Numhtr K4lh)KI). HOKK M>1 NH. NOKIII ( \Ki| IN \ klOPIK\tAK 25ttMs I hursilM>, .|)iniiar\ 16, IVJM) Suspect sought j for Hoke bodies A Mi'fH't I bring .ought for ihc killing of iv^o v^o:;-rn. ulu-.c dcconiposcd bodir*! wer: found buried Mond2\ in a wo rded arrj near Mk..ain. Hoke C ouni\ Shonlf Dave Barrington eonfiimcd Tuevday (hat a o: .prci i! being sought in the ease and once enough ph> acal .cidencf IS vollecled, a war'ant lor art'rst will be ’.worn I uriher comment about the matter mijrhi jco.pardi'-*- the in sesligation, Barrington .aid The suspect is helicsed not u> K fri>m Hoke i oimtc. Although the remains were identified through autopsy ruf'day. Slate Medical I saminer I>i Page Hudscjn would not Jisclo e the names of the victims until dental lecords w r*- checked and nc\t-of km were notified "I am virtually certain of then ideniiiics.” Hudson ..:;J 1 uesJ in interviews Hudson wa. quoted a*- saving the victims may be Ironi \S ake County Other sources have said the murdr'cd women may have been sisters. The women are C aucasian. P'^eliminary autopsies conf-'med, boih wcimci; died of gunshot wounds, a spokesman lor the Medical l-xamin>r\ office said Tu % dav The wound: are believed lo have bem lo ih^ head. T w ■ McCain residents, who were .lathering pine straw, tounc lie bodies Monday but did not report the finds iiniil laie afteinc-oti Wills M. Neill and .Sammy McNair first thought they had come upon the carcass c»f an animal The two men later became suspicious after they disci's eied picc-'s ol clothing near a stream. At upprisximalcly 4 p in,, the men notified iheir employer, lohn R C agic, who accompanied ihe men to the scene, l aglc notified the sheriff’s depariniem ai appr(>\imatel\ 4 4.' p.m, Mondas night Barrington confiimed that iwo bodies had been diwovcrcd and calirJ in ihr viaie medic«l e-uinincrv b*s mise Ivr was unsure of the magnitude of the invrs:;^aiion. Bafringion -.aid he thought there was a po-.ib-hiy of dissivseiin- additiunal bodse* at the -itc because ol .uspiciou' depression in the I>cputies guarded the site on the .fale-owncd propef. Mondir. night until Hudson arrived with a team of .lafc paihol.- is! o.' remove the remains on Tuesday mornins? “One hod) had been there much longer ihan the oifiei.’ Ban mg'on said The remains were partially buried ssn ibe sue near a fvasci psond a half mik off the Line Koatl (SR 121'^) near Mriiiher’s (. lO'sroad' (See BODItS. page cl Remnvht^ remains srijfe uni#/ncuOrii I i ni>ttii\u Slcdwul f \iniiir)fr l^r. t’ui;e tfml\on • 'Uis in rfuxti ■ u h“tl or i# Horniin fonnil in u wooded urtn #■'!' ' W,r /hr t„ -j\ m:-' in Htiul l/o/n- I oiinii Shi'rifi />a\e,>n I ■’ ~n h-./t -Ann .a\ w;upi ,d in phi'^iir. hons. • f-, iiripiion (I i itrOil:;- non -nr: pi‘\’-\ It hooi Mc>e lound Hith the n-moins, which hrlped the pathology team tentative'x idrnii. i 'hf or- pse. Ihr hi'dx of another noman hu» iou, d /# ■ /eet >(#i i/#7f e. bfhevt thr /w o n Oman wrrr shot to Irorh ui diftt'er.l ti'^e‘. an the hodie\ transported to the oohitcd die on Uatr-on nrdpronertt near an old wrtii and gray el quurrx. Carolina Telephone pledges to correct EAS ballot woes Although crroi have i'_ uired in the ballots mulled out lo deter mint the dc'os Icm -xiended area telephone ■.’vice |l AM bet«-rn the Raeford and layeiieville ex changes, Carolina Iclcphone i* moving swililv lo i-ofir-ii m.stake* o all ’ u:es will be counted, a om p.ins -r- kesman said Monday Complainl. have been 'e- s sed that sofneoi the ballon were bL ' ■on the ;Jc which r lippovcd to ask exchange .ubstribers to vole lot or against I Ab. Oihcf* alvo complained that bailutv did inn arrive in lelephofic bd! or that ballots were not vent tot e.ich Around Town B> Sam Morris The weather ssa* nice over the weekend and the lemperiiiure wa. 60 Sunday attetnoun. It -larted (urning colder Sunday night and (he high on Monday wax in the 40s. The lortcaM on Monday was lor a low of around 20 and for the high Tuesday to be in the 3(K the remainder ot the week alls for the thcrmornci* r to start riving and to reach into the high ?(b by weekend There wasn’t any ram pi eUicted and we could sure uve .oinc • • • We have had ’ gbt ind"> ■ »n .! J ;• I. f,.., ...I'f; ,. ip tp.4,. ‘ oufity, .0 the May primary should bring forth some good races Alvt' with the U.S. Senate rate row v*iih seven candidates running in (hr DeiTicH'ratii primary, it should help bring out the >oie in all other di irict and county races. AROUND, page |6( • A . re .criainlv ,orrv any ol A ■'tin's.' ‘ 'li lie 1.. M . 1 :i ill' ..oil :■ Iclcp.ioiic out ‘ IIT* re 'civvd aitv ol li e !l c M ■' ' 1;' 11V* ’ ; ' ■ ■ f ■ . 111 X . r.i.aisU, flank .ard',' ( atohr;s lelcphoin ■- . 1 on.' r O" 'do. • ‘, h . , ied ‘•n ballot Division Pubhs \itJo Maniict, jsaiis - ! V , . K.! * ' 1:'' 11 111,1''' M ■■ •ih. hit not th • *- V - - i * Ifobbv (1. 1 JgK said HI :' ltd ij. ■ f ) • T ; • iLp-’Mr . ‘'“■jr. s Iti oi!i the “Ae’se b:vn .erv .it' tui 0 cei 4 .c, .. ’ ! ■: L.l llj 1 ^ viii J • - dm Icllcf perl ui " 1:1 ‘ ' n * ‘t f 4 ' t ? □ f ‘A 1 !‘i**. "'t \ \ ' ri 1,' ' huViP-.'^ I " pho:'- and 1 0 i.ipti f ■: ;■ Box V.Td. 1 asel Icici'hone cuslontcrs ailed the na t 1 and - ; mil ' . 11 11 - . ■s.t Raetord Moke 1 h.imber id ( utn ic cr mc'cv Olbc on Monday .tnd M .. 1 u ;iiC O'l- ■■ ■. - - (I, d 0;!:", i sli pi if Cu rci - w !-h nior fuesday 10 complain iltat one iJe m. '■ i'ii i tv pho!. iiiiii'ib at. 'f 1 ol thcir ballot wa* bbink. Moke h- 11 IC y r'‘i- ].] i tt; . ■ vl d'.-.j !'■ Of ‘..f r h t-. iV; Counts 1 conomis Dc'selopcr lofin III 1 h. *'■ • ih 1 M(*“ ard oud Ml h -J 1 . . ji. ihr' II s •: ‘ "i ..'O.ipi. .cm! , fi.o : Id Ml On the printed ide ot th- bulloi pi Oll.'d *II I'll! .'I n . . -J ■■ r'-'r i} V oills o;;c balin' be wa the ddres. of the lelephour u po-'.i Hi' •d bv f iri ; ^ ^ » I'-y. '1 It • tr ■ '.en 1 •■m'omef ha* vompatiy V hj, -» ! tlv' t '! O'.' III’... Ml w - 1 aid Olher cu’-tomerv rc%c:...'o n*' bullois, hr added In addition to the i':-"nal b.!!!:-i sent with Jaiuiar .’ c Iiok. »onie ,uf .(ih'fs with nicr, if.^i ■' c line wer** rii IJ tu'ii. haili'-- ualc !c"-! IViitit the I'll si n’ ' i c:ii computer, wc unjbi O' ' 1 which -ruslomet had riiC*.- 'han one line. District com .'.t ‘ Manacv! IWrf-;*' I’ Buifell aid The additional fc dloi .■.er-' nt to ..u ts'mcr with rr ’ipic phor: mimher aliei l-'ephi.'".' wi>t-.i v>-:n: tb i'uc" ihc priniont' U' deiermir ..ho wa- cto '' '' c- e\ 0; L ih in ! !vr i - ^fSr ' Ifl Prt w : I in ■Vi 1-4 fie' ifse re al: sd t- bulai d by pb U-: ( O; -- :>1V . lit ti ‘■’c i'liiit—■ c :e Tek I A IS 01 O: . 4;..:. on R ' haiie* will be .A-- o XN) ' f, ‘ iC 'O' i‘V-a) ne who '■ qs* t he I V. p.-!'— Raef d M‘A. ,u,; C Oiiiii!-. = ■ ' or I I *1 '^o;i \n ii’* i he f X' ■J . UM c.d! t-r ,sl a'CHiit.i ' e Helping at city Hurey Richards (left) chats ahnat tmooi. ij -d hasim nim # t\ Manager lorn Phillips last neeh. Riofinrds #1 1. »/. '#;, i * as an intern while tompU ting a moui t \ tn pnhiu ■loioii lion at \ppiilaehian Shite I tii\er\i/\ />' lh‘“ne Rnhaids ho' '--.•eo assigned lo spend moi. Ii of his onie assisii'n: «iih dow non- r t #/./( ■/ lion, Innsecer, In mil also »*ruA 01 all o,, „i,innis oj 4 i- ;,-* menl. See sion on page / Downtown group eyeing depot logo \ li" .. lOjl,tfu- \tvrdi;';‘. li.i' liui menib.M' believe ihe Ro k; 1 ; R.iili-'i'd gain-" -d building ha hivoine sficsial no die f:;. , -;ipf>.,ui Moiulas uur;- • a sc'iiiivi'jniiy 11 0 : ' 1 !" : t; t 1 U n ' .iss n "Ihi- i'oic liuin -i.ition K-lo"- L ■■ .i-'i- ,1.1.0 c i‘'iinc:' Moii III 0-,. yimc now. ” ^onim.;*4011 1 ■: I. • ■ ■ ' h W is li'-sl miiinl’M lo" 1 pvhutch ..nj >'■ ii 'll " 1 1 ( arii' , isoiild (lifiei u: :’.: .110:1* lot ihe logo iciislilion ol 0 include^ living a rcndiiioii of the u'-! he nvc.ibs raili";;d oHiiils ■ oiiilhoiise 4iid diawing' (1 ... ■ 1 ' s iiboi'/c (he ts' ii.ili/a id two M nuHc dosvtUossil stoic » ;• II xh ' • r 1 i 1i on: ■ \N c a' - tad . I ‘ n ■ e u' I ..'iilV'-' ! I'.'"-" .• -c i ■ -f- - I ■!' i‘ i ■ :id :i Hi', : • ■• app’ ''' '•■■■ :, 1111! ’ f. ■ I lie ' . lull I K tl OI ' : , .•! || . ijl 1|||' • .in - C :' ,ll:-1 .. p-'r,; lii t ■- .' ’ m s r 11 . - :' \ !' ■ Ill.1,: '.I'd ■; t.. V . I ' Ifl ii:'iii‘' I- I' iv‘ 'Ill I’-'a'i' jdL'.l Wiill I he : ..i ll.'U' ( ll.ltll ■ .'I I iim ' I :, ■! ■.., ■'14".- . ■ I I. ■ ' .1 pu-!' !>’ 'cs il.lll/r I’ln I’. ' .,', is* vicpiil ' ■ • ‘ .1■ In an tni-■l.iicd in.uici. coinims .ion meiishets wet- told ihai one ol '.lie ; .i-.i-'!' ti'.idenis e.iic * ' nol ti. .ppm.c' in cli:‘.‘ntown K.iclotd is the 4’ e L-iKc ol piiblii rc-.?rootns I. r : i I r* ♦ », rts ol !h. 4: 00(1 1 X fTX t»x« 1 . - I Hi I Its ol K.lCis'ld sould h-' II cd to ..‘■lie testroonis. as o: img ■liiiiiission meiiiivi .iiid id CUV M.ui.itfil I build 1(1 -I k.ielo Phillips Ihf vosi in oiamlaimny ’U sc lasililies, how. I ' ' Invli, I'silfip- aid. .; ,-orii cownaiss!;. phill., , said. Re *' '01H-. -4: maiiuainfd “ r. us H -11, the .tuudy P: tiding o'td ihc posi , iTivC The o'ussr iip> 'o uii.'rm pcxvpic ssh.-7.: ;#•■• UV. !C. I pchiirch s.uu In nher busins". ornmission mcmt'cf • Rimic-!-.J th.ii 'he . n.uu" sOm'lUt'ss look Ullo tfli' ICOslI'ili’S ol iT .orpotaiing d -' sommii o.'i, • As'’.’ info incil dial matf'4 m .‘Mumar sp.'n'oo' i f ''.mdlvij. i ornm inits l ol!. sc d oesn tv- .IS Miablt 'o 1' ■ !• .Ill- • Vc' ‘ d :0 !'.■ Ill* i'.'. [Ill ills Ihc IK - ■ 11 ' I ill! ■■ ' I .sis : : . \; w llti olni ■ Mam Mi l ' T hi m ' u til !.J I rbl iUii . ! , It th H-|..-t ti st It' Ihlii •Hc.i'd lh • le ■ of * uir- of liKul nil" i in '.*tidM :li .! bv Rc' I ■ I 1 11 J

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