TheN ews rhr Hoke C'ount> Ne>%s • Ksliiblished 1928 -Journal I he Hoke ( ounh Journal • ( 'ttablhhed 1905 \olume I \\> II NumiMT 40 KAKKOKI), HOKl^ ( C)l NH. NOKIIIC AKOIINA SlU PKK \KAI 25 ( KM', i^nuiin 23, I9H6 County’s oldest business destroyed by Tuesday fire R. ..r ft p - • Main ■ i J •fiirft? Maicr nil tiu : f*“i hull Jin J .. -.■! I*. 1V k •i\ mtirniiic inj= . 1-1 a It . nv >dt- I... II I li rc Olll Jill "jnJ the -niaii!- of ihf = ‘irrir'-nv buildinv lull:- ! hr nii 9 Fnd of an era Hanti.^ /imyr /i the \tcl auchhn ( ompan \ around I a.m, Tur\da). as Hardin’s food Store and the nardware store are destrisyti! by the fire which nat repr-'ted at lut 2:IS a.m. Ihe fire is believed to have started ai the rear o- the grocery store. Invesligatttrs plan to probe the cause the blaze M ednesday when Pii«9M kv Pmi I ri^nek the structure is cool enouiih to enter. I fforts nere still being made to extinifUhh flames on H ednesday morning. Mel uuchlin ( ompans was the >itlest firm in Hoke Counts, the business has tiperated on the Main Street site since fM/H. hla/c f 111- ■ I lanu h h a ril in Maan."! and K •'••ord i|!. J hatk I he bl-i/i. which V* -If'** J ih I'lJes! hi- ■ . in U‘'ke(ount> V ’ll a\ f-laidin''., wa> ^ ■ d to ha»c Iwn around midr”’.hi r da’-, almo-' 24 hi tier It r-rpiirlcd Bt'foff 1^ f r • ' indf-T - nn Irol 1... ft. inen had pouh_.J 1 _ 11 million ttail-'n of on Ihc na.-;..- and b> l^cdne^do) il IS bclic’ cd -Cl 2 5 millKin pallor.’ had been pumped. Hcv-iii’. ol the draw on the niur- ipal oo^fm fucsdai. morn mf>, residcniial water had a blacL color and at least one indu .:r - w3 forced to . .jriail i>peralion Th House ot R~ -."trd, which Wrt- forced i> bi, .au tjii.ii > ts , Ihc pLnt V , • ; 1 NK -drve day [he Ml I .iiichiin t. •• Iik , wt...h d ; cd a biii!J;n;- ^nh Mar {}■“'■. bi'Jsxl St’Oi’r on MtiCi -i Raefeud, *ji". b'i' d in the - tJ as the rciuli of a Ore which p'-:-;: ‘ t’ -a" ^ fear the fvHK] -*l->lc. The bU/c ailed in c h.ii k ; net of Hi l‘•.ller at t m a I *: V am , RaeforJ I : ( h r f rawt- 1 Thorn 1 ,jid Aiound ’ am firefighlcts bcliescd tht bla/r wa’ under ctm -ol howesf - the for r-_».n: tled iii a ■ rawl -a.e aUmfi th'' 7oof of i**? building A™»ui 3 15 a m., wiinev’.;-. said ■^e Tire broVc through the roof and fcddi’-h-ofange flames reached heigh: of itnue thi i 20 feet abo’.e he building All the ounty'’ volunteer units . II . roof of V ‘ ‘ h V” ! 'I' ll V aN-j ; •' a 'r ( ‘ „ f l.;l \ Tire fv; the T-- . in ‘ to i - ‘-nif ‘ Hi ■ from Ih !cn>e. ihfil t'l-f 'lie's ...i laiorv had to ret: a! aci s Mi. - : to avoid " r, h.„ .j M. I au' him omi v p, led Us d ii-.r for * m WIO ...... -d : ... j. r : buildinp .in the \ ,• ;• Tb p* -cut ^utlUm^ i’d to . : been wOnsiri- ini = ‘■I IV2U''. Slid wa c:ed s ; one -of ..,c rrior^ ^ttra tisc - lures in the downtown jne dislric'i. The build'nw was owned bv J 'h McPhaul and the M-,T such n (See FIRt. page I lA) Murder investigation moving to Wake Co. Hv Run Anderson •\ii invc-oc inlu iht murder .n l‘-co Ralciph wiiineii who-'C .'..r4et‘i! reiTiJi'i- ■-* 'e found in a vi-xMcd ares I' Me' i on Januarv 13 is movir to Nkjke kounis ;ho -seek.. Hok- (.ount. ^■v On Miuid.iv i!! 'noon, a 'lopc'cl. I dwarU I ct k iimtinngs 44, was arfi'ced in Wake 1 ounts bv the \^akc - ounty Shmil s Op#rtmerii and cb-nccd with two cc;uni' ol niiiidtr Al 6 I' p m on Monday, t um i at the Hi'kc C uiinly mil wh-rtc he wjs later iiuesttoned b\ authorii:'”- oiiintiiijts r. being held lU jit l wi'hi ■ bond inv’0,:c.;iior. will rriosc lo \ka: k ,ic-. on 1 hui-'i-i .Ihr line . :i -a-d M-'f; pli ' c\ideri'.'.- will h-; I 'l ' '. pmcfiii.;! w,-Ill's,IN ill f ijuestion'd. the .hcriff said C umming’’ r“.ideiicc u listed a- ’.llRl Jarne^ Austin Road. NKillow -•pnng-.. N • . but ht wa buildinc a home in Hoke ■ ounty. - Illumine-, 44. is charged wiih murdering Mane Purycar, 22. and k%f‘i ttawdiz' I r--c - A*.,.- f».*. - *e 15. K>;h of Raleigh Remain ol the bcHlies 1^:-* identilicd two i-’c'-.. -Cc. ’ fevand wrapped in plastic and p-s' tially buried in grave’ approx iiuateiy l()0 lect -.part in a pmc forest a half mile off the I me Road (SR 121**) r., u 'iirothr ‘ t rv-‘-'Mad’ Ph'.Mcal evidence eaihct'rd over the wi'i'kcnd from a house owned fvv = iimming* on the I iiic Road approximately one mile from ihc * where the bodiC‘ were d* ■■•'ered. led to ihc arresi, Bar tnviiin -aid I t house had been deeded lO = ummingc bv ho. laiher, curt:. ( lum-ii-. 4. li* e 111 kcu Sp-m,; . C un:m r- - .. i . .m- it Hoke t 'inty, becarr: ■-p ' in the a-e dicf Barrii n had a onv i vation with i::-. c ' . ( iiMi! He iJ dward - umn>-“ . had I. ..r.-c!- - ■ B.' n.iKiOi: ■- J Wi I .pcc": C biitfi 'h ii!!i J,: rx ■ J in Tb-k : 'UII: (ti n ■-n r f ! • P irye-:' m'-i'd, J ap|si:.X:!r:.U-!'. =ii seats '-'-s, "■■J Karen P> m'tf'Je' 1 om I• 1 ■ N' = T|her, .TH! n',1' ’^L*- \n j;;! -p ■ " d by .’.air Medic- T --iiiiin*-. O Pi--e Hud >11 showed 1 'i w.=f: ss.c;. kille-J by a “pie .:,.hoi w.^.iind to -H hack of ■'ItiL' * 'nc " inducii, fit .1 d' '1 11- ' Uariiriiuon , ...I A tr tnd ' ho" _ , ■ ill decide whether the charve will be first degree murder. Barrington said. Kai eii Purvee was repciried mi’sing b\ her nuithei. lave Purye;*'. on November IV, 1985, ar ‘»rdina to Sp: ‘ A. Vkati-^^n of Teresa Piirv-ar wa- rep»>rtcd mi -in. on 'xpiember 18, 1983 Karen Purvear had been daimg kummir.c .me- 1979, and had lived with him, both ai her mother's rcsiJcnee and ai the ad dress m NNillow Spring’., according lo a scaf-h warfant tiled bv Ihc Hoke k iruiiu Stieriff' TK'part- men I K : n Purycar had ihiC' children by k umming.; one ot those children died ot cnb death Karen Pufyeai leli ( umming' in May, 1985. and laui look -’ut a Wiufani lot non-support uKaitisi (See SLSPbC.T. page lOAt Suspect arrives / disard I ee ( untmings llefti arrises at Ihe Hoke i ounty tail at ft.’/5 Mon day night. ( unonings has been charged w ith two counts of murder in con t,eclion with the slaving of tno Raleigh women whose partialis decompos ed bodies sc ere discovered in the V/c ( ain area on Januars l.l. Commission to pay balance of county memorial expense Hv Kun Anderson The ^ulaivi.- -d df. c',r*en'c ol .onslruciitic H'^ke I 'lwutv'- I r ; monument iionirrm, !h ‘.i who base died ui the -cvsicc -vl their lOunirv will be p.od with !.*X dollars Member ol ihc Hoke County ( onimi’sion ttiiariimou'-l-- ap” cd Monday to pick up ihc rtinaii. rp expenses foi the monum -ni Tigurc' s'lbmiitcd by Hoke High audent .lo- h Pate 'hr rerr- n mg expeii-'is for •‘■.r iT'Cirorial h\ •MipUH Art Cforc arc approx imately 51,04*' Ihc pens?’ ineludc SI20 to fini-h iht • ulpiure, S325 for a " on/e ins ription, SIGO lor land s. .’■me and S5(10 for a base The moiuimcni r the I-.agle Seoul projc I of losh and hr hfoihcr. las "Vi far wc base eni Art (pme S3.(i00." Jo’i: Pate aid in = leiicr o :hc cs>mm;--mr-'ts \) |o-HiK>n lof ihc monumcni ha been determined, allh-iugh the comir.i sion'- building and gioiind* onimine-- ha ■ ?ce.;a-d dr.playii’• ihe n: inuincnt in font 1)1 III: courlh»-us. "Really, I'd like to il om- -tdc." builJi ip and f-Tcsunds com iniliec men’k’'*' \Sv.ui Ipchui h -aid lu n , ;:-u:ui ;'r»--c ., it will 1.. H ■ oun ' lir : and will be ih’di. aieJ duiin the celchratioi '! the "'tfi Jubdec m May An I. - ripiion bv (j»>ic on itie nioniimcin will read. “When th? guns of war are forever tombs ol nisi, Slid the inni'h;cni’ have no need for arms." In cMher actions on Monday night, the commi sinners unatii mously agreed to a rcquesi hv American legion (ommaiuifr I reildic W illiams lo -emove a fence al the old arrnorv park baseball licld Removal ot the fence would nlUiw -Amcric-an I .an ba-cbtill learn' lo play roghi garni. al th? Balfour not seeking f re-election to office Hnkc Counts (ommi'-ion : hairman John V Bailout an nounced Mondav he i not runniny foT re elcciiim m ihc upcomiue DcrnixrrMK primary Balfour, VC ho hiis served a- a ci.)mrtussioiK-? lot Itie pa«i 24 ve.its. uinde the staicmeni during a mid month commisu-.m-vf ■ meet mg "Being a count: conimi- lonei r vtiv time on-.iiTTung and with th'. ag'iculiurc Miiuiiiin as ii o al ths; pre-a.-ni, 1 I cel lhal I musi con ceritrale cll ol mv imu on my Urming operatioi; and c»thcr ag related inve'-iincnts." Ballour said III 4 pfep-oed sidicuicM I .. •’■■■' ■ . tnisugh," Balloui said. BaK'iu: asked the comnus .ioners to consider finding a replacement to serve i.'ui ho term u' ihairmau uiice he was now a laiiT d'l- k ‘ W ;’’ . got high regard lot '.nu ability and don'l think vou’rc go iiig lo lii Ihc county down during Ihe last day-.," ommivsioncr W vail I pchur* h said Balfour began . ivitig a- a coni riiissioner on Deicmbct 1. lv>^>4. anil has been cli.tirinan tor the pa-vi nine y -ar A naiive ol Hoke (ouniv. Ballour r'-' cr ed it - 1984 Kiwani-- ( liib’’. ' ‘ti/‘‘nship Man ot the Vcai Aw a, 1 In 198*. fie was luinied the Out-landing ( ounty ( ommi sumcr ol North ( arolina fhc decision not to run is not 'Mhii: I have m.ide lia.iilv or e:»!,jlv bri iiii-e I f»re ahoiii Hok*- : ouiuv," Hidloui s.nil See Letter To Editor psffe 2 section B (jiving up post Hoke ( ouniv ( itmmission ( hairman John Ifalfour reads a prepared Mate- me»i during a meeting on Mondav night announcing that he wdl not he seeking re-election. Haljour has sened on the commission for 24 sears. field, Williams saiu. The field could also be U'cd by hi,«,h school teams “If a pc.rfabic Icni--’ were put out there, you - ould hu -- lour dif fcreni fields instead sT three,” William- aid Ir-ludcd in a motion madt by ( ommivsioncr lames -A Hunt to reinose I fie fence w:;- a prosision to replace the old letice with a pn'r table one. The cv'st of a- nc'-- Icnce is Si.855. Around Town B.y Sum Mortii The we.ilher h.i been nice for ihe past tew day We have had tenifverature^ of 5(1 and 6(> in the dayiiine and it fuv not been freez ing at night Wceven had about inch of ram Sunday and it was needcii. The toreca-.i i* fot the weather to stay warm iiiiiil about Saturilay. 1 played my first golf of Ihc year last Triday Mas be I can get m another round this week • • • Last week while waichiiic the news on a UiiftiLim tclesisii'n sta tion, a name was ireniioncd that caused me to sit up and listen more c.ircfirlly The sports news was on and the announcer said Ihcs would take u- to an inicivicw between a icpoilci aiiii ."I "lu oascOiiu pisycr. When the reporter came on 1 didn't know the man he wa.s inter viewing, so mv mind was wander- (Sec AROUND, page 2A) The old fcn'T would be lo the new Burlington bu .'hjll field at a coo of $525 Money to pas lot the fence- will come from a revenue .h*?*ng ’on lingeni fund, ac. hng to nun Is Nlanager W illiam Cowan ■ ommissinner Wyatt lipcnufcri asked who was a.sinp lo pay the elciiric-ity hill* IV' the niiihl 'ante- played b\ the Lc’V T tc«m. Williams said he hopes c\'i:. (See •OUNTY, ftage lOA; The tfoke (“unii f stension 'ervice rc- lifts spnosnre'r ifuilt documenitition day at Ihe f.H. I ester Building, hi e take a look at what was discovered on page one o f Section R in Zodtai 'i Vew: Joinnai

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