TheN ews Thr HoWr C ounts - l-^liihli'-hed I^2M -Journal I U. II..L. r I I hr llokr ( ounf> Journal • K'^tahlished \*H\5 \»lunu‘ I \\ \ II Nuiiiher 41 KMIOKI), HOKr ( ()l M>. NOKIH ( 4KOI IN\ S\0 P^K \KAk 25 ( h M I hiirMliiv. J;inii)ir> U. 198* Evidence found near graves B» K»n %Rdrr: « 1 .iW f n».->r. i-f-r ,:i rr ■ i‘oll«>-:tir •» phv. -‘1 Ih- * a\ =■; v=^tigL:ion inin ‘t mu ii • i.^. Rtl^-h womc I - fJ u rr ;r- *eff d; >■ d ■ p* fii:ctic; I M. ■ _... • I.. 4f ^ Moke luiiiN Sh. ' O:' ■ B.i' ■'ingV'P \ r f' d fi I hcavff pi.''id n? ■ - ! - ' I t>»o vkomrti .t _ h' h, ^ -f nt to R.i '"sh .0? ii' *; o The hoard had 3 lot oi h* o It. Barru.atof! \aid Ud ^h.o.d^^. Id' ! I- C unimmc'.rr n ; i d n * sho ling de-L*th ol K '■ M Pu:*,e-jLf ic‘ : Tl > ■ Pit'Wat. rr i !u . i upo r; . in , : .ri Outt ' ' oi‘'i Ji \S It, .. PjjiC -id- sCd • ll>i' k ’ "■ 'ighti a pr 't'Ltt't au-c • i iv 1 ; I ua: . : ' ! ' y. -v.dM It^r I - in , a--, t bald.ran lO « -I' J |l : r a Hrd w a ?i limp * n h V-;-' J '!u_ ".'■'ill' J *1 i a c liiid - ill be ■ ' d-.« ■■ 'ncriic i’t . -p s term if ^ w-u(oi!"j ; V ol f*’- ■ t mi fd !;ar“r^ r ‘ - licd ■ uiTinruigs tAhcthif i Ml ild I ■‘"v h o- h; oa ' lo'" , o h :>e ■ ?■ a*: ■ =rd to htni h\ ! jf ■ ■■ ' I- tjihiff ’ uiiin't^p' a k d tb’ iiil*e ”1 d like lo r“n!i a ih h " I ms- psiowcd IP l ivt . >1“' . _ M 'ib h> (•‘ber , 'jr'-.' -plih- ■*4. which Isid^e P-, o d the puhlit defender''. . : III I - NcttcviiU to ^-rprc^cnl - ' : "ttriji' III the la'.-c ■- ummiiie'.. vif 'ik iIIom oprins'. Ma*. arrcsiCii or. lanuar* and ,t ^ V I. ■ o M P ..I, :; K l‘ If: J Mi!' I. ' T' buf ai t' p :lid r; t If- t "la;:. .1 . ' ' J :n die ” i\C' • MiC II • [ ' -i'd I' ' o ‘ t. . ■: M d- - V . ii I I>r pit Hiid . :Ji •• a - !. M-. aiit i'icd hi ih- Hok ■■ ihcfifl'-- ji'r- 'n : K . V. f’ui v- b ,d b n in* c M. J L»J ■ cd Miih him, h*Mh at hr ho - iiiVk 'iUM i| r ' . ::"’J ' her iiioiher hi-'i*** in H=U ;h ( iimn; nri l.^'t f Ihi.'-.l 'hf e ,h:Mfiii ly k n P . -I. or ol viboni died ot ■ ih d* - wid- illg to tt;. M- rallt III Mai, l';r‘i. Ka I ri _ l*tir>ciii left i un i and lai t tc :k out a ' ■>--1 I \ llil \. I , p - '\) Snowy Monday I he !ir\t iigniiuiieii in llnke nunf\ nime an Monday with nn •>petikanlt in lumululion. Irr/t temperatur% s foU>ntfd -•« tm ,ilay with a tow of H uml hind ihill factors trnuh lower. Mans ^^ ddettts were seen with tnnfhiiien nmei and frei ^inf hands during the early part of the week. Conversation sparks search ft. H-do- First appearance I diaikled I dward tee Cummings teenier), who hu* been .hirgrJ with two counts of first degree murder in connettion with thr hooiinif deaths ot two Raleigh women, is taken to his first court upfnrariohe fhu ■da\ h\ Hoke C ountx Sheriff's deputies, David \h \eill tlefu urto (iutvn* • Ruiier- son (rifhi). . - .1 1,1 ■ ■ I • Vi .. .. i’ »f- ■- . J I f « ( II'-- ’ -1 ■■ -'l-i 1’ V'.u .*■*' j!1 about, ii ' Licpulv ■ ' d * * d o.i ‘ irj I . in _ ; . fa “rr p . a t ' w, ' ' I* - fill**' rr.«; of : lopeiT' 19^9 ic ■ ' in t*" tfu * . I I The .iti.' "■ *1 M KOI kV Hoke development program on track, researcher says It) Ron Vndertion “rdiny lo a Si \ndrei*H Pr* ihvtcrtan College teacher pcviali/c m iiral mduitnal li nds. the kaeford Hoke f cononii* ■k'ielopmenl Cimimr oon r on the right track in lis ct (ort- to attract more loh*.. Dr. rho.Tia- Till, a hu'inccs md economic profet'or at ihe rolk;-**, h«‘ concentrated hp research ef torii on Mass of increasing tlu mimhcf c! jobs m rural iOuntiC'm the south. An aniilc by Till is included in “Non Metropolitan America in I'-’ a bisok puMi.hed in lVp| by the Uniser its of North Carolina Press Attracting indusiry to ruial coinmuniiies i "a highlj com pctiiivc biisiiic- Till said laNt Meek. hoi ei"f\ firm that wishes to relivate. ihere arc l,iXJO cciunties that would gladly have the corn pans move within its Kiundaiiet, fill said “Ihe chiet need is to have an :d«e nn the competition, ’ Till said Ihe tirsi requirement i- tor counties lo orgarii/c and establish a skilled indiivirial deveU'pmcni icurn The siructure ot the KaeforJ ol r- 4 Hoke lion.'inic fv :*ir t ommi .ion givf , -1/. • ui I! •impclitis V*":. :.i III l .onomic I'- ■ elopei Icbn Howard The-:omt::. sioii :• *:> It:- funding f'otii Hoke t ounly 25*'t from the i ils -f Raeford, but the nrgani/alion r ccr — qual guidance friim the it- ouniv and the Raeford-Hoke (. number u: C omnic ce. He .sard - J The second eouiiement at iraciing indu-.rr;. lo an a':, esiabiiihine ' .a-d mdii ial ate “You an't lusl t-ke h.-' ■ r *1- 13 h -- >d iraiv.p .. . . I,',, ini ' • I n ^ l-s a cornf ^d, accc.iible to and water -je o ■aid. An marketing l- Hoki t oun;- to b alion f ■ nd 4-.- '14 yA iblllli ilody ; CUlii > b*:::C conducted b\ the vi-emccfifi* fifm of Skip (o--’ll and ■ u ^ Bv March. Iw, p.' ■hie in du'tirial .lie- will havt been Ux ':-! in thecOuniv, Hi>M.::d •-•■iil A supply ol Ailiid wor^'e-r to till Ihe need' of ifi om m duvsnej i: .inothji wav .ouniic' an gain a ■. aipctiiise "dpi ‘‘Our .‘iminunits -.dkg,: 'ss cin u dedicated to ‘ imn. pet '-v to fill lobs." H*' .aic aid Another f aderbef-'tc an l^_ -s i l.)l . livites T"om ih** rrn.nn ng. f. piiniOmii I"^‘-..'lppir,. t ( , acm b o seen the ne*.*..! _ ihequalit' of life n Hoke Hom 'd - .id “Some of it - .implc: ■lean living -nvironmii.i creating a enx *1 c-■-i.i an ■ spirit." ff' ward raid. The up-omiiii Turk: f ;:i‘ and the 75ih ann; vf-ary ot H>'‘. County are wzvi ot c ■■ " ptw'ive attit‘dc .;.iouc“ :’ ■ community- cc' dir . to Hov u AI-= H-:-ke ■ tmnty 1'=' I of the finest women' and .t CIVIC a Howard * ociat‘on -d \n important _-pc. remember while looking f c:r panics to come into an ar.s i to make sure the businc rs arc du Mticd, Till said. That way if one ntry I--' on hard times, the oihei ,■ ViPttniC'' will be ubic to provide ;_'-s lo- arca workers “Ouf iaciicv arc to pul diversified ba,r.e of indtory ‘ Howard said Results ofEAS polling not public for two weeks Results of a I'■ itkcn diifoic Januaiy on oci- fm- idephone - • , r-tw. a k:;- ■ j and Fayeltciilk wii noi b cv;-, * cd lor al li-sl two w-.-'- , ipokesman foi Ih-j No tfi « jiolm r Utilities Cf.i ni. -i.-.r, -31* M. ■^ay Ballots veerc bem .‘ iiMcd tb wcek by Carolina Tchpl-ori. I om pany, afier votin* f. : Rjcfonl customers end-.J MonJ.-. on whether or not i-Mall ibv f s t L * i SJ V d Area lelcphiine Serswe (f-\S) between the exchange and Tavciteville The results will not become pub!;: mfornution until they are tiled wi*h i!ic Utilities ( otiimission during Icbiuarv 'I would think Ihc results will be iilt-d within two weeks,” said Carolyn lotuisoii, a staff attornev with the North ( atolina Utiliiics (. .imnvsvion On.c the results aic filed. ineniberv id the f’uMic Staff will bcpiti iheir studies and decide whelhei or not Ihev led l;AS iliuuld be established between RacfoiJ and I aycMevtllc “Ihc Pubhi Stall lakes ai least iwti weeks lo go luer the results tind make .i icsoiiimcndaiion." lohnson said "I can't predict what the ciini mission IS going iii do about it Uii 111 ihev loivk at Ihc polling ot After Main Street fire Owners unsure about rebuilding Bv Ron Anderson The OWI-C' ■•! J M,l;-: building wtiii.ti *3" dc." t.rd hi fire las! week .;i he i‘. un-Jt whether ci f =‘i he is gotiig i t replace the viru-t-t*' “Ms plans arc 'eallv indtfiinii,- right now, ' owner ol the Mcl auchlin Ctimpans bunjitig. John Vk MiPhaul aid on Mon day "At the pri’ eiif *:-jjc wi- jic cis ing great sor,sidcra:n-ii i.‘ .vp.a., ing ihc building." MiT*h;u:‘ '.pj “1 have replacenieiii insurain: that says you have to rebuild to »ci the money bask,” McPhatil 'aid The Vltld'ivhio! f ooipaio. b = t*‘*-^=ni* Sf I ►si.. t ' Hardware and I ov k ( o , Iik . the oldest business in the sounty, ^nd Hardin's I ood Siore The biiitjifii; plu' hoi'i hii-.i : c- ' di tfi'.ed alien 3 tiii. b.:riud iht ,i:„it;ii.. lo ilic ground ! liK d.jv All ihi lounii' volunleei fire tjc.ii pli: ( liihbeflutid f lUllltV ■ I al avert' Village I >■*. Dcpanmenl ball led the bta/e w hc:li m i , dr ..nbed bv orfiighlers as in;r ”e Miif! CHOUS lues in Hoke ‘ ■ .ale sin c i.iii ball ot Raelo'J K:,m- d to III tjulllldori IH\«'nihi.-I ■»o. ly.’' An mvcaieaiion mio the cau-.e ol the lur M hill-- i‘-..jijcied by Siai-e Bureau ol InvcsSigaiion .i'ld ilic H-**’iord I’oli!.? and Iik |g p.trUTic:,:' “W., I- ‘ |.io}i.|.,- ,, li) -s ' - - ‘ , ‘ ‘ r-f ■ ■ Disi'c, Suj'ervisof -‘I the Souibeaa Disimi ^BI f)iliver Kav I >j\ tv Saul 'VVi li.iscti'i Jc c'.tprd an. .lispumn of It (till- tiiei being in- ienliij'iai.' Da'i-vaid The ti'f .inp-sreiiily siaricd near a tisb looler m a hack loriier ol Hardin''- a> appr.-omaielv 2 ill a III on fiiCsJas No mmicdiaic plans Imvc been 1* idc 10 :.i-pc!i ific \ltl auLliliii Co . Ills mI'i.I'. wa-. operaicd py Msl'-baul' I sou, liniinv I I'c hiiiuvvaU siof. did fiiivc fcplii: s’l.ent insui-aixv. icioisliiig to Mif'haiil Ai'O. It i= un-.eiiaiii as to whcthc! C lul H.irdin will leoixn Hardin's fo.iJ Siofc. according to Msl’tuiil A diiKiOn hi Hardin “could in IliiClKc out plans wtiai lo do llicn,' MlI'*’'iiI said I ess p,.,, . I'lohifo. a/o. Hill l'^ - R \l I (iRIi. nai-. ’ \ i Raelotd subscribers, they won’t make a decision.” Johnson s-iid •V spokesman for Cariilina Telephone ( ompany said the I tililies Commivsion has ordered his ompany not to releuse the [solliriK resiTltv, “I can’t give lou any lorevast or feeling about it (the psilling).” (aiolma Iclephone Division of Bublii Affairs Manager Bobby Suggs vuid on Monday, The 1: AS polling was ordered by the L tihncv C omini-.sic 1 on December 19 If F AS IS fstiibiished. ills -l.’-txi customer- on the ^aefiud ex change will bv lo call o'ef 90,00(> iclcphoncx for a !-Xal rale incTcase of S**.^.; per month C'aiolina U lephonc rnt balloti to lustomers m ihe 8'’x cccha-^c with the January billing' Telepfioiic cusiomcrs with moce than one phone nu'nbrT were en titled to vot- tot e.ich tdervhoiic W heels of the past Thi'sr old wagon wheels ore stacked on state highway .'// along with (III ahiindoni nrrur of other items. Some may consider the co/teciions ol iocul dealers /unk, hut others consider it treasure. M e take a phoiagrapliK look at the Hoke C ounts landscape on pagi onr of sec lion H in today's \'ew*s Journal line The cutoff date tor the pollmw wav Miinday. huggs said any ballot rcvcived with £ January Z" postmark will be counted m the pi>ll The polling was ordered ivv -oc whether or not Raefv>rd cmiomers are willing to pav a monthly matrix charge ot $4,52 for r-'iJencc one- pany subscribers and 510 "’8 for business or!e-p,irty subscribers Around Town tty Sam MofTi.v The .now early Moiulay .ificr lU'-on was beautiful comiiis- down If didn't snow long and the sun is now oiii at abitut 2*k0 p.m The wind Is blowing snd it is cold The lempcraiurc stands at 27 , hut the wind chill makes ii much -.'oiuei lire fc*reeasi is tor itie (.‘ter mometcr lyi get dovsn ii» about '■ Monday night with a vsimi shill oi aboil! -20 Now this k not my kind ol weather The long range is to: it to warm into the 40s bv the weekend. Winier hn: linallv arns lh‘v ‘-‘omnntiee thift o ii.akmg lUi trtU - aw' 75th Anni*cri.i.ry ol Hoke county her designated I rid.xy. Mas * as er AROUND, page h,\(