TheN ews The Hoke (\nnil% Ne^> - K>Ublishe»^ 1*^28 -journal I 11..Lo / I I he Hoke ( ounty Journal - Established 1905 > olumr 1 \\ N II Number 42 KAtlOKI), HOkh KM NM. NOR III ( AHOI IN \ 510 PFK AK 25 (INIS ihursda>. lebruary 6, l9Kr> EAS passes by three to one margin B> Mon \ndrrM>n Re>ult- ot ; Carolina Tclophooi' in J.i;;vuirs •.ho>* ihai ■’4 4'~« ,i he Hoke i'irunry eu•-to^lcf^ '*ho f • ' are m Uvor ol t *ien.i ed Area Scr»vr (I A ■ Raeford and F.r rttcville c- chang^ Oul of 4,sub . r‘»v.‘T>. - to vote, ^,2'- p-inuesj ui ihe polling O' '-hove ^,4^4 for LAS and W.f voted agiin't the vet vice The margin was ih c :o ;>nc "Th. - I' the single mo ' inip»'i tani step in changing our cv r"', here thi ’ we o'Mld h*;ve I •’nomis Dei'lopri John flovs^'rd said ‘li - cv'iT'.iiiLinitv at lar#^ ha* rt'osson io heel for itself ” • • j i- jrre ; r.‘:mbcf of people w ■ Vipj on S^hall of ihi; need, and il wc .O' do it on our manv oihci :r'*d' he?, vse van jffcvi 'T P‘ 'i' ' ' har^ev in our :om ’“■.inilV. ’ Howard said Nonh - arv'lina I. tilitic^ - o*-inti'“.on will make the detiMon to whether f \S f ~,tablishcd K-;_.i-n the rv.hange and fi cCtevillc. Th' polling of Raeford • ub w? I 'der^f b> the . mtr.; .-.on on [)c:embcr 19 Now that the r**vult- are in, the Publtv Staff of the ■ iilitics ;'m mivvion will picpare rnolK'n'. li) t-= filed with the ommi oon "VNe’re preiuring a moiutri to file with the-omms-.Mon thi- Aitk moving the vommo ion to establish L-\> between f.i-citcvi!! and Raeford." Uiililicv (ommo oon Publiv Staff t ommunication Division Director (icne A Clem mon-. vaid Tuesvlay Based on the solid .uppon ot the Raeford subsenberv, the Publi-, Staff will also be f.kiiu the vnm mo Sion not to 'onduci a poll of Favctteville subvcibers and to hold no other public hearings. Clemmons said. “W> luipe that the poll vvill on situv Ifir .I'niiiu ion to approve it (I \villioul ,*'!> lurllici jdicu. ‘ 'inmn.ri ..kI Il r hofHd ific- .l•ln^1l'■ton will ( i.b .1 Ji'v ion vvincerning the .CIV. : in .) lew weeks, hi added "I don't know wh,i: ihcif post lion will Ih It's hard fo: me to pcsulalc " Ihe Raeford polling represents "not the highest v.; the lowest in terest I’ve ever seen," ( arolina Telephone \ :ce PresiJcnt-Cienci’al Counsel Dwight Allen said or Iuesdas "Our ■rtr-.ommendalioii at this pivini woulvi still be to poll I aycl ic it!?/’ Allen vaid Carolina 1 dep" ’’ t r\ th.:? I aycilcvillc v.istonicr iiould t>c tharpfd i fee based )n a mai.o char«tc for 1 AS Matrix fees arc t-v cd on the icleptiiine ttinipj' v's average- of .-osis !('r all I s?r»ices avru' the state •‘\k- think :'.s ir.vuutlable and maybe esiTi illegal to make one ex change pay a f^r and nut Ihe other," Allen said ■*l don’t why fayeltevillc ■justomers -hould get tree rates" C arolina Telephone ha- propos evl that fayetieville residcnlal customers he charged 51.22 per month to connect the ervice L Iililic PiiK.- Staff li-.virib-' !'- .srcii.'cl '’..i' the addni'.iii. h.ov'- i" Ij.-,-' tes'llc -nis ..fiisc; ■■ will gfiH-f.C' SI H niiDion m .tdditiiu.di rcscni).. loi Carolova lilriii'nne Vliirithi'v rates of 54.52 f i' residence ci.'‘io:r,ers and the 510 “5" for ^u^lnes' CCS?; mcfs m ih^ exth.,rige will m*‘;re than offset ihc telephone c''r;pan>‘' vusl of pro siding LAS between Fayefttsille and Raeford. the Public 'jtaff has said Once I,AS o established, the ap pfQ'.rrnatcly 4.9i.ii) vijslomerv on the Raeford exchanee would rse able to c?!! os er 9"/XU telephone' for local rates Downtown revitalizution Hre eir«/>es fhi\ orte at thf aid Rat ford Hank HuiUttnn ate a rare the m Karjoni. the dmUitns - rfie .fee/ hutidi form an in teresting srudi tn tduik and nlnif, Ilf take a h’ok at efforts to revitalize the downtov.n art a im paei ’ow >1 \etiton H in todas's Nrwx-Journal County tables funds for EMS Bv Ron Anderson A request for tentative of fundi to provide advanced training for 12 of the county’s emergency medical technicians (I-.VlT) was tabled Monday in an unanimous vote bv members ol the Hoke County Commission. The 12()-hour LMT advanced m termediate program train' technicians to administer drugs and electric shocks to heart attack victims, according to a ptopos-ji submitted by Fmergcncy ScrvKcs (EMS) Director William T Nuen. *‘\ke’re asking for tentative ap proval of the program so wc can get out duvk' m a row,’ Niven -aid An intenm appfoval ol fund' would give the emergency agency time lo set up a prv'gram and apply ior grants, \ivcn said. ■‘The vhaners of surviving a hc-tti aiia.k III Hi»kc tounly are cern to Medical Direclor tor Hoke Count' FMS Dr Ron Milewski Slid With nK'ic training and better "quipincni, the loval L.NtTs would be able lo increase those odds dur ing the 20 to 25 mile rid? to the nearest hospiial. Miilewski sard. Technicians trained under the advaiKCvl intermediate program will increase a patient’s survival rate to TS***. according to Milesvski. The new training gives EMT s ihe ‘ same essential skills that a para.medic has,’’ .Milewski said Currently, county E.MTs are cer tified only to administer car diopulmonary resuscitation to heart attack victims on their way to the hospital. With the advanced training, EMTs would be certified to ad minister drugs which would speed a patient’s heart rate and to ad minister electric shocks with a defibfillaior machine. Milewski said A d(K.ior would instruct the EMTs to administer the drugs csf shocks via radio while the patient tv on his way to the hospital. Neither the drugs or denbrillator are currently beini tarried on the county’s three ambulances EMTs would also be trained to admini.slcr drug', to diabetics and would be supplied with an instru ment to remove forogn object' stuck in patients’ throats. "All you need i.s one tragedy in (Sec ( OUNIY, page 13.A; Drainage repairs in budget limits By Ron Anderson Ihe COM of correcting municipal drainage problems will be ‘‘livable.’’ representatives of an engineering firm lold members ol the Raelord City C oiincil Mondav "We can solve most of your drainage ptoblenis with a cost I think most of you can live with,” Hobbs, L'.pchurch. Inc. engineer David Upchurch lold the voun cilmcn. The cost of voivmg tho'c pro blems. however, was not prcs'-ntol at the meeting. The firm will provide the citv with those estimates .is putt of the scvond pluisf ot the study. Field siudie. sooducted by the iirrti show the c.iy’s drainage pio- blcrn- may be .olved by various method.', projei-i engineer Carv t ulp vaid "Sonic pipes along major drainage baviiv. are too vrn.ill.’’ t ulp --aid The m«iallaiioti of larger pipe' will help M'Isc the draiiuge pro blent in tho'e Culp said Other pipes mx'd to be cleaned and .1 regular maintenance pro gram e'tahli'hi'J "I think we need to look at the (^l^ (. IT\ . page 13A) 60 years of service Mayor John h. McNeill (right) presents Raeford tire thief t ran ford Thomas (center) and Raeford fire Oepartment ( upiain Jerrx Tapp with a plaque commemorating the tdhh anniversary of the Raeford fire Depart ment daring a city councH meeting on Mtnda\. Challenger disaster hit close to home for Hoke residents By Ron Aiidrrvun l.ikr all Amerieans, revidents Bill and Sarah Mv-. li mourned the death, ol wven astronaut^ killed in the explo.ioii ol the ipacc shut:!; • haHenger 'a,, week, but unlike n'o-* . iti/c.n , ihe local couple fell the iovs i.i be a personal one The H'lwcllv, gue-ir ot .hut, c pilot Michael I Smith, wiiric ved the Irap^dy ftoin hli-nchcr- lci..j!ed t: ioul iiiilc- ,iw,iv from the lautwh ."c "I !c' appeared lo " aii light." Bill Howell vsid All of a .udden. one of the -ter went off lo the right and "tc wh-'!' -y blew up," Howell aid The How Ih wer pari ot an rx --■^taiit owd before Ihe expio ;,:i o;,- iirri'd, bill a'.ori the exciie- leiir lurncd into eoiifusion when an acinounccirieni came over itu- loudspcakf-rs saying that thcie had f>ccn a major malfunetion "It got mighty quiet," How 'll recalled. "Disbelief is the best wav III describe it." .After the incident, NASA ot ficiiiN moved the guests liom the bleachers to an audilorium where an astronaut attempted to explain what had none wrong with the rius Sion When the briefint wa- ovci, "the oiilv Ihiiig wc viuild do was come home," Mrs FUnvcIl said. The MowelF-. were among ihc 3(Xi friend* and famih rnenihers of astronaut Smith whu had traveled to C ape Caiia\ cral lo witness the shuttle liftotf The couplt had watched Smiih grow up. Sarah Howell and Smiih’s modiet. I ucillc Niliii Smith, were roommates ai the L mversuv ol Ninth Carolina at orcensKno where ihev be'th graduated with degrees in education in 1941 The two women remained Iriends alter college, and the Howells frequently visited the Smiths at their home in Beaufv'i i. .Although Smith’s patents have been dead for years, the astronaut kept up with the Howells “Bill and I aie older people, but Full slates sets tone for May elections 1 ivc local *nJ ' threw ihe hai V into the t’oliiu .it my on M * r day. a filing !a: up omiig i _ lion- -lo .= lo-c Deniocrai. U.irbai = I Hue, 'An tie Mill tnd I ‘ ')ul Ir . all vying !r' ■ •? c■f^ the di.:.!l board, were arnone ifie last inmu* ■ filer*, ae iT'-Jiny - Hoke C o'.'itv Ifi'rard ol Flcs'>‘'n' .iipet -1' i? C arolyn .jiiX-jLrk. Dane rai iivumbeiii (!■- Btafcher Ir tikd ?ar r- lU tion t-. the Hoke C ouniv ■' •omm - ion Kepablivci lul inH ■Bid ' 111 ,. ?, ,1 ,, . I ( . , - f, on the i>m rni-.-.ion Because he wa Hie oik. kepul -jean lo tile, hi?;; wdl rioi !:;:c prim ary ballot ing. bui v. til b- in t^- 7; eir '"' genc.'.'.l rlir-.iion "The filiiii? W.IS siow in ih. ' ' s'lIlUlTl ‘, I .- .pi ' ? d ■■ lIullJwlC' to ."liii at ai ihi- l.i'i minuie." -.liuok . , , I 1 lie teim* -d -h.**)! hoard mernher \V at.-r S. Coley, \k W ■ Bill’ C •UH'ion ....d kobr.i .\ "Boh!" W ight jr e\p:: ng Ml ihf-‘c iivaiiuh'iil liave tiled f.-u re ci'Viion and arr being i'.alldiiyei' hv If •twu Heiidux Jr . C;..ii: K Kc::;.. and h- -t J r lileis- Blue. M ih and Sch-.;:! board maiiher-. will Ire s"%M-'d sluriiig ihe November 4 n 'D elcvlioiv r -i.niv 1 1 ;“;r.;.sior.i*r wliiise icniis re expiring .?'■* lolm I) H.M? ,,;;. James A Mum and ( leo Hi'■ --'i 11 Hall - tir It.o .itiiioun. *d hr in ■ • '(lions '‘‘.'I to r"1 ind Hunt and Hirii.tier * ang h.illcngcd b\ Mdhs’l Riles, Toni Howell. Tout my Macko, I F. Mcl .lUt'tiliii li . C lyde A 1 each and ast d.iy lilci HI lie 'since all of ilie caniiid.ii • t\>i voiiiniissiuiieis .ire Dciiic-crais re cept lor Blue, ihiee Democrai e.tri Llidate*. will be -•ho-eu lo luii m |lir .Sovcml'ci elections diiriny ih May 6 priinat v Ihicc incunibciit' who have fil- Cel and aic iLioiiing uiioppo*-d m the clc- Ill'll a.'i Slienll D-jvid H-u inglon, ( Icrk of i nun lu.tnii : I ilmund -mil ( oioucr I i luk ( niiupler lncuml-*ni I >i ttict C ourt (iiUge W.ifrcn I'.iie h.;* also tiled lor ihc Deiiuier.iiii Pans nominhiou -.s Ihc C unit-rrlan-MTokc - .h Fate I- lunning unoppi-. ed loi In* titricilion to the ii ILiie h.i' rs.'d more Hiaii two vcrff ..Her being appoml^d to till ih- vai.iii.s o? leliiin- Judge lo epb Diip:.‘ ‘s''Sic Sen.ilor lor die 3()ih l,)i ; tii D.ivid Ku ell I’arnell has Idl'd 1. ; elo'‘.'n jiid i' being .hall(’Up?d b- Republican A ( "-X* : I’ , set, who b;’* filed in koh- on ( ounis dale Kep n.iiml H DeV.Kie Ita- filed in Hok." C ouiils lof le •U-. non - h kci' \Xdl!;||| Cl Hcliiti, .'lii.; : tiii^ (ic:, ..uiii) .(i !*■ F sihii Congicssioii.ll District, 1 iiinniiu unopposed in the liH'ittoci iiii Pans Ihimas s, bui I.K ; the wimii*' ol llie Republican Prntt Last minute filer ommissioner Cleo Hr.atchcr, n ho looks over paperwork during a re- sent meeting, fucii lot re-ruxtion on \fonday svithin hours of the deadline. Bratcher will run in the OemiHrutic Party Primary May f> in a fiAJ of seven cundUlotes vying frn rhree seals. Mike had lime for us. ’ s.iruh Howell vend. "We ll miss him (Smit?.*, but .-America will be a trreaier loser than we arc becduve he had si- much to give lo the space program," Mi' Howell sa;d. •’1 think of them (the astronauts) a- pioneers; they took a chanve," Mr- Howell said Both ot the Howelb think the (See SHITTl E. page 2A) Around Town Bv Sam Morris XX inier wcathei didn’t stay with us verv long. It did get down to around ') last Mcinday night and n didn’t get aKne tree/iiig on Tuc' day It was still cold thrmigh Ihursdas. hut st.tried warming up Fridav There were many people on the goll cssurse Fridav. The weekend w.w perfect and the thermometer climbed into the 70v on Sunday. As this is being written .Monday afternoon, the tem[:-;a'.urc f '2 Ihc forcvdst I' (or the same temperature for Wednesday and Thursday. Ram could come sm Thursday II will ,.^sol off for itie (.Sec AKCH ND. page 13A)