TheN ews The Hoke ('ouiit\ • F>liihliNhed 192K -Journal I he Hoke rount> Journal • Lstablished 1905 \olum« I \\\II Number 44 KAI lOKI). HOKI ( ()l Nn , NOKIH ( AKOI INA SIOPKKVKAK 25 (IMS lhur>da>, Kebruar^ 20, IW6 Turlington, Upchurch schools should be saved B- in^ ' I-’ 1. Iwo >-* *.1 j1 major - duU riidLic of ihc H.'L.r ; tv* •- 1,^, bodi J i»f r‘‘**aiiini i ill , SliiiiJdN I N\ I.-'- It on T..h-.v.>l and ° p hitf ■ Junor High > -*,>1 hou d .: JdcU and *'\'‘)!d >1 tk ' fipp 1 from tf*? .»t -Ti. I ufTi-T-ron Xr. hifjHi til’ oeih B I ee v f'J Hvt-rvci, I ec. vkho hif^d b* I He Ixiit 1 to r_»H; a dii iiiv ^ttunfy y-^s. »i5 i''»d that hoih of the .ildcT 'lahti^i (tr*: Uti^f ** Teens charged for break-ins Twi 'dtp tv'"‘n ^p rrci-ded jnd t ti-t v '-l m onncction With a "r^- of f?i;ont tH:'ft; ;h*l have ;-^ufred thrr- j.^oui R:*r'ofd and Hoke Counfv. Police Vnicf I “’vnard W ignin on Monday ^iv.v :;crr.v from appif -. i-vdiel’ r‘p-t nine vch i k- h.,.e rven recovered IV* the iv >;ill imder in- :i. W -,,iid hf wuuk) not rclci f ine iiair.f' of the t“o ^ v! pCN J ■' did civ. how^v;? ihlit till'* o', the vo-pect;. i- \f' oid. and the other one ;■* a ;=“-?nile Xi.tordinit to "‘pc-rt at the Hote y ounti Shertff*' Irpart mer:, a hrrtrry wsv vtolen la*; -:*“-Mlay riight from a i he'-roki tT‘>:lk owned by Ralph t t; : ! Rt 5, Rit-c-r-J TT’ie hi::!;!/ ws'. iri rhr '-uvk p3= k?d hcvidc a carpj... i when C lii lie and ho M'.n to bed at ap V) p.m \^hcn C ufri-V wife r;'iurned ht-mc from v^,;. I st approximately 12 ’'■ ? m . -die noticed the ho-Ki of the wjv up .inJ d'ked hef huvbdnd why it wa- opened T •.’tt:nsion ladder' weu -t.-U-n ‘fi'tn a duplex .ipaiiiiicni . v= siii.^iion -lie I T, Palmer Drive I'ciwccn 'pm l4vi SdiiifJav and m the ii>!i'wut|! murninti Tf'i. .ipartnter.t' are bcinji built I , J ''im I dwjrds |: ,0.01 hei irivideni, iJw;:- tiicnn lohnvon reix-rled that hr ijw 'lonietme open hi- b-*t” iMm window and attempt ti rr. wl side early Satur-das morn ; at h- rcMdcnee on Kt •. R«ford (..Iciin said he hollered the suspect who left the area 'unn. r I he vuspcet wav des-nhed os Cilenn as a whitf male approx imately ' ft i-inuh:- (all we^-iri;! a green arm. i.i-Ari and b!a.I- eloves Around Town B) Sam Morris Monday. February 17 at 2;3') p.m. the reading on my the. mometa was 74° It is supposed to get into the 70s again Tuesday 1 he forecast is for warm weather the remainder of the wcr* Don’t pm up youf winie-: outrit’ yet though, because March :■ usually a cold month It seem’ that we get more snow m March than at any other time. This weather, cold and th^n warm, has the flu bug hitting many people Maybe it will settle down and get cool and winter vsill be over with tor this year • • • The committee that making plans for the 7Sth Annivers^rry Celebration ol Unkc County has just about compleKd their plan’ II you have any suggesuom. now i\ the time to get them to the commit tee • • • Iht \ifws Jtiuniitl will have a special section during the u-lebra liun anJ wui itakc u^c hi'-.-.-i« the county. Kay Fhoma’ has been hired to help wfith this section and will soon be calling on buitnesses (See AROUND, page lOA) w' d « ^ ■ il t 1 p.: ■ ' . , I h , b r ''i^J '• d ;■ .s ..r.‘ ■ ’ . ' 1'-- ihe c~y.^ ■ - ■ ! a i»d I - * !' * !' ■ 1 1 V. . If- ' ii ’ ji ‘ ar ' .!■ a I fi : d Ir f C b*-r- rtP- wh;'"l! I t,. '4 .p th ; in at ...aSt on.; . . i ol ihc facili’- ii-s..; x.- mic rvsom b ■'.‘. •c ihi 4 *1 j f ip K"' * p::*‘ ■ ■>. , ■ 1 lU'thcf iK'ili W ith the c s-sc ’iisii *1 ' pvi urcfi s J Iurl.r-jton. ail of the i-univ* .1 !tai*r, I i‘t ..i-.lem but w k. p: .ind ai li ... 4:J . '-t ff- O'-c to ‘■Cd . ^ tvso !„ oo:;;v at h ' • to meet " dcrr..;;:d- Ilt •: i,-; .'ll!-'Ilmenl ■ :*ii)i-nt oiipul.iiion- ould b: ledii-cd >> buildiiii one new l»(n>l wi> '■ *>uld - i; ’ nt'.tih as - 'i i. (o n ommodaii' bOU p ‘P S. •’ it-;i -,;;d Board .ii:> ^ ho.ild “slimalc i.n-'ii; ...I' at 155 per fcKsi for a htKvl to be built within th- n-.. -: lew yew/ Slat- guideline say a^h slud'ml needs jbnul 120 squaie Siipennit _'.;ni I >r Rr‘' ri Nelson s'j 1 nd .'osis would be tilj tu>! c'-p nsc lurlington, which nus built for 40(1 students, now houses ovr? 800 With half the student population ai Turlington, the s..h-:- >1 would be an 2--^?l to the .ysimi, ;tnd the red for a new -afeteria- auditorium at Scu’lc-S School could be ssvlsrd with lets pupils at lending there. I ec said. Fewer .ludcni w/iuld also allow I Saturday morning fire !i HreOiihtfrz from all 0/ (he ff»wn;vfire unif^ hatlle !i a Maze ai tintd / ion \upermarkrt m kaeif^J-Hoke I i illuge Shopping C •nier early Saiunfay rnorntng. I he fire was believed to have been started hv an ar sonist. Hoke Co. suspect is charged for setting Food Lion fires A * ai' 441 w Tuv Jj' ,! Ri;-;!.l.i Hi.!' i-.i.:; it.-; SiVr.Jj, 'tU—tiiliiC b,,. nirig ol l I mr.. Ih: laid M.irtiri C all. a.iv 24 ol Ri 1 Box 4’r; k ,,i;ncl w.i of-: all' .;h4rscd iMih -oiiinK :! ? I'f - whi; fi I'r.'kc out .Immi 1 a/o irid 1 1 III '..II :id.i\ Raeford I .-v. .c- i ^ J.iiTit:' V*- - ^ s:k ,.iid 1 -4 .Jjv C ullo i- .- .1 ; ' .rve* ' in h LO. I tv)" h. ■ : r. ■named .)lt' tni , umd* n ' fj until I III d : . II- ispc- vSii L'l. d:: m-.-::i!ii to |; . .. Sc,. Do 11.- pint in M./i. iv?. Of t on. K::. ivifd I'.vli. i: ih- 0 I eoi'.^ d Wigiir; aid . I'lici ( ,til.'4 4s Aa- in the 'll .p'i.rl on Ti:- div and be-cr -..•-.d lb-. warrant. Mur.1.-...k -..1 J Meanwhile, ore cn'.pl.iyecs Wilt bu > T-'le.iniiip the ’ uddir- .: id .2-.1-r.lnc Ihs* d.i 'V Ih f.ttsld = i: .utter?-! mor'Jy .md 'iter damagr, lii ■ on tlie rvciu -aid sN ■ iion I have any in.Ov ' -he •'"“uMi of d-sm-g: set I ood lion m^a ■ ' I l)jMd "..iij.-: -md w p .hahiv won't have 4“ . it! vers until we’ft rciidy to ' ha added. The gr-r-cery -.tore hus been V loved since the Inc, but Sanders sard it vh/iuld rc-open sometime near the end ol the week. The fire was .nllegedly vet m .even It'catioiis invidc the building. Three of the lues were in the maifi -cction of the store and lour in Ihc snvkirooni, accot ding to W iggins Pat>cr i.rwcK, diapers and other Haminable items vs ere set on lire through/nii the viorc, "Fie knew vshut was going to burn,” Wiggiriv -aid The fire was first discovered shortly belore 1 am. by a store ^jSeOvUSPFjUT^ga^eJOA^ Plans for Jubilee take shape I r'ftl: at . 0!:’ , i.iin ,.l i. - II -Ir* oiillls'- '■ I. \ti niv-. jv flokt I - r.lli |)l,ii -r.j ’ubilv- ( f;., an Sau. M. o.. • iVi I ;; d.o i'c '1. iiorial' lulpior. AI) ft.'-. I- vill til i/iwn io ho l. ' ii . 'I .illd - ..•r,'- ’ -f-T-iph- Wiil b di-l -d ill ilu Moki • ,'.,111-, I , U'- . cit l.i .il ‘1 O l'l 1. .,i Vl 'i. .1 ic-'-tv." II ./I the libr.uv -.indas M 4 till.: . ■: 1 in! fvi n 1. n|. = :i :i 1 M.IV (1 S'. 1 ‘ 1 - V 1 '-cn (. lei' H jf i. 1) (. o V , ii :!b a :.:::: Wii 1 ■ loi :4 V, i,.; Innl f:- fb scheduled .1 -'lip ' ' ' 1 , l .- ! licl'i i« ■ ’ ivii to R.ufo ,1 on N\.:.Jncs;'---\ Hoke Hieii -Mdiiiir Hail and (/Of ate personal Dr \!b; ii 1 dw.:-! . 1 III. 1 il. ’ j lend Ml tr 1 is Pre *'■ lun ( huf !i Ill k.i!.i,'i Ihi ,.',iity’ -ctu cib IS ill be Vi ' n. tilt jkcr .1' il It 1 ■ , i '■"tiinir open inn. c on Ihnt'dav Mondr. •- h,.. I’..-: win.’ bn; ben,. de-,i^m,iiid U’ dc -4.'!.lie ‘ In.b. .11 ij! (1 Ki' m...! Mih !i. D.1V !...i!ii--. .1 il.f-i.'iTii tv-uadc ioii.vA.:ci I tic -nc i oniil -i hoiil liou'.i* III 1 t}'•.' V* I ii ^ X xl 1 .|l .iiplvi In !hi, Hii .n.l 1 dliC.lllon buildine Tin |ii^ , d,.pi .IV Will be iin -,-io‘.>!-ev Mrc •sill f'c open ;dl pic-ciiii-il hi be .iiii. .’uinp iIm' 11, ( mb ■ I't Iht I'micU ."..I- on di.pljv .ti -i.t;.' Ian. 1 11 hic! lit ( on|:'dcr.i‘’ ll! Morti- s.iid t'c .ett iiii: piii'tti and .iKVr.iC-. .md So even! lu'c ('•cii . .ti'.dnl'.d Jll 1 ^ « 1 * joi 1 1;,.:;o!i fliv "(1 M r, 6 •Mvi ai the n h.: iil nniise wiii he Ihc dr-Ji.aluii. >1 ihc Hoke . n.-.l, vJn, (' in the t mini'. 55 .11 \1, iii. i’ i.j! hiii i-Jpi-e c J I • T " i .1:1 " 51 1 * ffi’- l.iili .e.o, nt die ccit-brain'll ha- hocn dc'ignated Reunion Dav Khv Thomuv and .Nellie Flowers will vi' clijir kcuiiMti Diiv whicti will include fiisIoiK t/>urs of coiin- h whurchov (hher asiivilics plan !teJ lot ihi dav will be announced vOilIl \ Dianioiul Jubilee Pageant dti-.\iod b\ Miuv \rohie McNeill and Dr kiiv HilU- will be prosenled Wedne-day, Thursdav .ir.J Iridav evenings at Tutlingion Svhool. nnly XOd tickets lot each fxrlormanci' will be Hvailable at $3 Ik) each Ihc pacc./ni will be written hi I Hi-, ol ‘ iiiticiori l)iirir= Itic week, '50 ruffle iiiki-t- will be void toi thi Mi'ke Diamond, worih wei S4.000 I he pro- •;?;*’ Iroin th? raftle w ill help pav for d.. luhilci' leMivities f utitmeiror nt 1 ve I>it»mon»l JiibiUe plat. will he on sak llutiiodioui (he week, and there will be a special bavebill name t'la’.id th. gi»mc Will tv vrvvj, ..iied iiv tiic \n!‘*rivan 1 ■‘p'on tbr twiiiiii ( i.av^ ‘ c'l) demtiit.i- 'Ht. T.i b'iikiine ai ' 1 f'Ufch Vliijvii •’Thi T-M hiiildini kvosv drei“'-ful Vou rc n/oi l .viiii! anything bv reinovmy ' ! cc 4i:d II It wme to a --h.-ivs. ot havn ./ 10 keep -.ith..,. Lpshijtvh : furl ington 3.nd pha’-nt suit ih. ‘‘ er. lee said Turlingt/»n was d . b-T'c' vHcmoI Ihc auditoriuriiv at both vhrv;!' arc luxuries, which ./ nu' (.v- at forded bv most 'a.lisHiU ssstern' if iho were to be built lodav Tuflinglon in the heart ct I'lc , (.moiiKi.i V ariil ii'...; beti/mr : III jf r r : J ^ C ff ' if , ■ . Iv a., ’ 0 if I ce ,atO ketii.-ant^n viv: Tu'iir.Ett-.i. »i)iild i-c lirnued i.. rerii.'Vinf avne^tuv trofTi It..; riat.i A*n£ uf ifie i.uildi.'ig and rcplktrig vna-den viairs m (be sanie vtruc 1,.: . '’Jfic i»sl ol It IS cosinctiv.Lee Once improvements were made Turlington, the facility would be vuri,-!:',-?' ^of another 25 years Krrrvosal of the 16 mobile elas'.’iams fft>m the campuv (See NtW . page 2A) City pledges to curb smell By Hon Andeeson A resolution which might even tually help to eliminate unpleasant odors coming from the Raeford Wastewater Treatment Plant, wav given unanimous appr/wal Mon day night bv members of the Ciiv C juncil. According to the rcsoluiion, the city iv in an emergency situation and Cits Manager Tom Phillip- has the authority to order new blowers for the plant and to begin seeking money to pa\ for the new equipment. The motion alvo waives the le- quiremenl that the citv seek bids for the equipment due to the emernencv situation. I ou/ new blowers should be in stalled within 90 to 120 days at an estimated vosi of SI60,000 The new high-powered blowers will replace the plant’s existing nx 20 year old blowers which have all worn out Council members rejecicd an alternate plan to replace the ex isting blowers with six new blowers with the same capacity at a cost of SI 20,(100 The blowers are needed tc> pro vide oxygen (o the bacteria in the wastewater, Fliram Marziano. an engineer with the firm of Black and Veech. told the commii- vioners (See CITY, page 2A) Balfour seeking farm tax relief By Hon Anderswn The chairman ol the Hoke County ..umtnissiorcrv jv locking into the ledvibiliiy of lowering the tax value of all local farmland Since farmers have had a vear when the value of land hav dtvteavcd, reductions vhould he made on the tax bw'.'kv by ai least I0*i. Chairman John Balfour said Mond.iy night ’I'd like tsv see ii (the i.rx raui changed and sec it become eflcv live by the new tax year,” Baltoui said. Hoke ( oiinly tax bills go out ir. I line and are due September I Balft'ur was asking Ihc vommis sioricrs for permission to find ou if the increase is leasiblc. he 'aij after the meeting Back dining the days of iiifla non, dicrc was a move to raise lax rate- ! don’t know if you van It'wer it. Baltour said lax’Cv an tarmland repuvcn' 20*3 to 25^« of the county's lax ba-sc, which was approximately $J4il rtiilliivn lor liscal vear 1985 4(6 "So many people want so manv services, its hard (o lower taxes,” commissioner Wvatt Upchurch said ■ Farmrtv have it rough, but they’re not the only ones having it rough If the motion to lower the lax value of tarmland came up to a vole, U pchurch said he would need to do more research on the matter I owermg the tax value of farmland i> a question that should bx explored, but there would be a lot of legal i^amifications involved bv livyicnng land values for one scsdon ot the population, county attorney Duncan McFadycn said The only way of lowering the lax value ol the land may be to re- t-valuatc ihe entire sounty, Balfour s,ud -\ i.ital tax re-evaluation of the kOuiitv takes about 12 to 18 inotiih'-, according to county rm.uue officer Charles Davis An appraiser would be required v iMi ihi 9.txi0 parcels c'f land liKaicd throughout the county, Davis said ’ Iv’ be honest aK»ui it, it may be a selfish sugyesiion because I'm sO tamilu' with the problems of the fat met.” Balfour said The chairman plans to explore ihe fcasibilhv of lowering the tax late with the executive director and (See BALFOUR, page 2A) Raeford city mechanic bound over for killing Ptobable cause was tound Iti slay for a sccoiid-clcgrtx' mutslet charge against John Bjxlcv Jr. in conncX'tion with the shooting death ot his stepson. Janies Thomas "Bones” Rickcrds District Court Judge Vkarren Bate iHdeted Haxley, wfui is a Raeford citv employ ce, bound o\ci to Superior Court Itixley, bl, of Rl. 12. I ayet Ifyillc, is charged with shooting Rickctds on Saturday, Deccmbei in froiii of David's I iKxl Siorc Rickeids, 27, was piotimin,.ed dead on arrival ai (ape Fear Valley MeUicwi xeiiiei atici :aw cnforeemcni officers found him ly mg in fnnit ot the store on Davis Bridge Road ai approxiniaielv 6 11 p ni , who IS chief mechanic at Raetord's municipal garage, was released from Hoke rourily lailon a S40.1XX) blind on December 13. The court order slated that Bax ley was not to tiavcl outside of I umberiand or Hoke counties. Bale ordered that Baxley remain under the bad conditions. During the preliminary hearing on Friday, two men, Marvin Stephens, 26, and his cousin Kenny Stephens, 24, icvtified that they were with Rickcrds when he drove up io T)avicJ's Food Store to buy nrv,.- bee'’ -h.v''»ls before 6 m rsn December 7 both men -and they had been with Rickcrd.s since IDiJO that iSee BAXLfcY. page 2A)

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