TheN Ihe Hoke ('ount> - Kstiiblished 1928 ews -Journal Ihe Hoke C ount> Journal • l->tablished 1905 Volume I WVII Number 4b K\KF(>Kll. HOKl ((K MV, NOKIH C AKOI IN A MOPIKVI AK 25 ( INIs I hur«dii> , Miirrh 6, 1986 Bid for public defender apparently denied Kon \n«lrrM)n m .iiidi. ■■.il ■IS,- the t 'VI-- f.i! doikt-:- hi*. api'.i:i • ■ Jvni-.d l’\ Ninth t u i •- Ul|l! Adn.,!!i'!ialU'ii ' i;u 'h, rcqut>t o ‘val o' uUtvi4*% jrr no' kip'.ii!::-!;,. Bev.'usf ,'i the in.rtj'ed work load. 12th Judi.ul l)t'“’-;t PuHik Drfciiiici Mjr\ Ann Tall*, and I hici Di " 1.1 V o„o Indite 'v- o t heifi req'ie'icd f.hiJ;tv lor at addutuii^*) puhiiv d.- tender, rt'CoriMiVi.'iii •». iit-J h Hoki C ■!«[”> The tinal Je.i-.*»n e-i' woh the Commission goes to D.C. B> Ron AndrrMtn The Hoke Counts .iimr!'.!', ■>K*lte^^ .anic'icd thc-r repulin ir.oiitho liieet ng on Mondas tt. a^dei !o .ittend the A'>>‘XijiiO!' o' I (N.\e ’t Attijuai liOdit ( ■iilrre!!,;. in aihin^i*•'! L' ‘ Ail toe eomn>i^-;c.r.e.pluv e ourf»\ Manager \A illiani tow an and i.le'k to the board Oletiu I ope/, ’iew ti" the fiaiion ■« cnpiiiU on Sdlutdji to r"’eti with other iouniv leader-! froni Jvfi*" the L nofvi State- The fnmo'i.’ner' ■eturned to Hoke County on TueKla*. •”Ii . important for board nmnbeii to meet with vommoi usne?'i ffc;;! acti*''' the vountry." towari v^td Id"! week, beioic cm barking on the trip "V cat) t- '.fp h-'-w other en'iii tie^ are d,.ai with their prob icnf* i owan latd one p^oblcii’ facing lituntics ihrouthou' 'he nation ii a lo'- of receive*, due to ftdi i a: cut bafcks and he (irarn;^ Rudmari defi^”-; frd'jcn -p avt Federal reoentte iha'*ng is v»- pectod to ~ jn Oil ij; (jetober unle>. n > r;a,‘thon/i^ hv ior/j/e- The vurroro itiaicsv of N \C o is o have rr-rn>jc sharing re- fiuihorucd “e cn if it has to be reduced undis Gr«i,iirt Kiidman," 1,. ofsid Hoke I - ^ 1 V4}0.tMX.) in vOtiioe snaiint la^r veil f V . rv i 'p on genera! c fiii^ « ^'"diiled t-'.r t.Hc •;oni reii- e iw-r t ' discussed at the conf - : vc were 'he in.r'--.^'icd cost of '■ jhiliiv It, ii.’ancc and v'!;d c-sitc coliect'on At a “Chnrh Rose" break fast, rte-r C OMMI'mCNI K p cA) Soith C arolina Cicrerai Ai ormbly but ilV ilalC OOiit 1 ,id mii-istraiiori ofriciaij hasc ap paisi --> nised ihc plan, ciioo- fuf‘-J-'.- wuib*--k The c l!', .a! staTse o' the publu dctcndii- office f' tbere -till hope if- pi:otion witj be Tilled, hiiwc'e'. thi'ffv and Di^irivt ( 0Uf‘ Judj:;: VKjf-en Pate wiv they helic.e the ".-quest wav denied B-Taliv and Cherry have vsniien .c'.iers to the vtatc Ad minivir.tiMc •.Mfice ol Ihc (.otris asknii: for funding from the t.>cneral AisciPhly tor an addi iiunai ptiHic defender's poynion. A l^■•eT III response to his re qocvl gase the impresston that Court Administration !>■ . lof I rimklin Frcrnian Jr did ru.i believe the pi-.:lion jo-otii j ntlW , Ctiv'iV ,atd A Jis-uion hj' tK>' hi--n made s to whiihcT a rcsommcndaiion wiii hi made fui funding the m if« Idth District. Court Admini.ita tion Riseanb and Plannmy Hr tot Robert Cnles -aid “I am a'A-ire thi rcquc--t h,, Iven made and do know ihul it is being cooiidcfed,’’ Cjiles -aid TTte Administralive Offive of the Courts can only recommend ih.n funding he prmidcd for an addi iional public Jefender for the 12th Ihst'tct, the final decision i-> made bs the Cicneral Assembis J M inter sky lectures of a ffoke County afternoon vA.i’ are reflected in the four iuine\ of this window Unuted outside Raeford. The skies nill begin tak ing u different appearance us spring approaches. Man charged with Food recaptured after escape Lion fire from A Raeford man, who :• charged with icl'ing fires ai the food I ion in R-jefoid on Febr lary 15, was apprehended at hi'- p.ircnis’ residence ern Satnrdas aftCi he ap parenlly escaped from (Xtroihea Dix Hospital in Raleigh Donald Marlin Calloway 24. ot Ri T Box 4"tD, dre -e hon ■: m a v«n owned by The Rah,eh Si w s and Ohsereer that wa* parked on the hospital gtouiids, acc irding to j report filed at the Hoke C ounts Sherifl’s Department, l>elc‘ liVv \Acjser Patterson with the Hi'kc C ii-Mls Sheriff’s Depart meni received a call shortly before 6 pm f'orn a friend ol the C alloway tamilv who iiitormcd the law enfor .einent otfitei that Calloway was at his parent.’ home, the rciiort say- The nillei also --nd The \ews and f}hu‘rver v^n was localcd on Camp i in-r Road near Harmony Heights Thr .an was i*-'ties eel, and Calloway ws. puked up and 'sturned to Raleigh Wiff’ifOv h« • (sarn issued • hargin" ( alloway with an mg ih: food I toil lire:. Rsc'Ofd PolicT C hiel I ‘onard Wigg:,n‘ said or Monday that the warrant', won't be served until C alloway is r-”lca.scd from the hcspiial In an iinrclatrd incident on Saturdas, police otficer Vincent Suiclaii apprehended a shuplilter who allei -sdly had a S24 2H pork h in concealed under his coat, ac cording to \\ iggins O'laiido Vic Alin ter, 35, of Raelord, was arre ted and charged with .hoplifting in the A&P store around noon, CC iggiru said The store’s meat managoi, C ldf Voder, called the police depart merit when he noticed McAllister ".diking atound the suirc with the meat under hn coat. Also, police ot'icers arrested VSilliain l ied l inchcr, l ast Sixth Aseiiue, Raeford, at appiovimate ly 4 31) p.m. last Thursday alter liiuher, 43. allegedly broke a tronl door window at 710 N. Mam Street A witness, who said he saw a man attempting to break into the house, contacted the police at ter he saw the -.uspect downtown, W Iggins said In anoiliei incident, a CiMC blower iulucd at SbOO was rr|>i)rtcd niissinu trom Miller*' (•a;age at llic .Olllci lii .Ac:aiu.‘ .*“d - u* Aveiiu- Wiggiin said the blow- wa taken oft the rear ot a wrecker -omelime last Thursday night I umber valued at Sl,b27 12 was reported .tolcn Irom a house being built by Kenny Tew in Twelve Oaks at C'armon Road, Raeford. sometime between 4 fiidav and 8:30 a.rn. the following morn ing, according to reports at tfic Hoke County Sheriff’s Depart ment. Also, Items including 48 pieces of china, tools, a car Icrix) and at ticlcv of clothing were icportcd stolen Friday from ihe residence ol farlene Jacobs, Rt. 1, Red Spiings Aciording to a vheritt’s depart merit icpott, laccsbs the Items were mis-ing when sht returned home from woik at 7 and found a soft drink Krltk on the flora. A window at the tear of the house wa: broken, and large tennis shtx tracks were found in the yard, tire report says. Repritt- also indicaU' that Ihe Caiolina Furl Compans, Ri 1. Raeford, was broken into sometiriK I rulay night rrt early Saturday morning Missiiic were an oxygen and acrlylcnc hotlU- wiin a -.uuiut loriii valued at S5(Ii) and a uray bTieua-e A -oft dunk nrachinc had been damaged, but not enirieU, accord in^ to the report Ihc a, .. p i i-iiiU •• ts II:...!. ujV'Uriii., of P 1 'C' i.iiivi .’.rr*.. . The only .sa> the I2!h i •■Uld !: »c jn JO to:.", i' a ■ puhii dti, i .'i i ; if p i, were m.iJr for ove m t'., htidgel Th- 12th Judic j' [)islfi 1 ■ . (. unrfar! in-i and ll.oc . u" . and ific Ihih*' D lendci i»ff; in Tayciti-ville irrientls mplo-.i 10 stall attrvrncss who sc'.r :hi two .oun'K One of ih'-r h. ..I' all of the w III Hoke '! oui.:, plus "some in ( umtv 'hind C ouniv as well," falls ..iul . .'M' .1 t. r. *. I i; ■.•-nd;-:- .e Moke ' ... . d. d vis‘ V- ■■■ - H ' ■ Ih fe ^ o h O' b> Ihe pi.'s" c to rh: ‘■Ul y f ■■.ruics f ; •• \dt!i ' . ;’ :sc (t*- of t .'.art '"'w that ;hc I2 ' i .11 P. t .c Defend.. Ot ft " hi-ndfeJ 2.’-'5 * e frrjfr luls I, IvM until June aj. IV8 'Tou .,c f'--m that Ih, sa ' r" I'S'lt of : r- a,- in • mocf la. J ‘ nuntsT :!v 'ri'J ^'itr, r.ii arys ch* t ’ t.h-, j .;ai. po’ : dcfcndci as sr.ed to Hoke ( ourts ■ ( .'-worked , re , Ihk ( o„r!!> (S f both thH . ;V ■ - d or an addi - whuve A' ;. would DC in I atid . to Hoke It .fr.,u,d . I I 11 :,:y s - Altk fre t Ts e..a believe ihtic ‘ a r-s ; f ■ fijljtime wiiorney h re, tf.erc s j™ ■ fKitipn for an ssvr.lant p..f .-c to spend a majont:, of th*. week tn Hoke County. Chrn^v ,«id Fcnj. y a i . in L::rr.briand • wants o'len pees, :=( the ojViiiani P'A-ii deten-dc’ assiaiied to Hokt (Ve PI HI It, poice MAl Hoke fanners face uncertainty Bs Knn Anderoin Karmc-rc ni Hok. ( ovints fiavc ornething in common with tarniers ihroiighinit the L'nited States the) arc t.tcing an uncertain future. In l‘)M5, the itross income for counts tarmcis was S20 million as compared to S21 million in 19x4. according to Counts l«tenv:on C hairman Willie I cathei-ione Jr How-.scr, D.atherO"ne -aid the figures arc mi-leading fsecausi tfic inconic trom the countv’‘ poultrv indusin IS included m the siaiistics. "Poultry IS the number one in voine producing commodity in the store, ” Featherstone said. H the pcniltrs income wasn’t counted, the amount ot niciney lost last year in field crop production would he more apparent. l ast sear it was evtimaied bs economists at North C orolina State L iiiscrsits that vif ihe stale’s ■5,lkllJ farmers had extreme financial prohitms Mtsen Hoxe Counts farnscis whu y.j-.e not made a payment fm Ih'ee or more vtaf on their loans trom Ihc Fanners Home 1 oan Ad ministration received letters last ws-..k require a rcvpsmsc within V) day. f ailiitc to lespond ter the Iciters will result m a demand tor pay nicnt of ihc'cniiri FmHA loan, ac cording to Eddie Miller, .pccial projects administrator and public information officer at the state I mH.A ottice m Raleigh. 'Idler said the demand for pay ment of the crriite loan o the last step beJore toreclosure hve other counts farmers who were ai SUM) delinquent on I heir loans m December of 1985 also received letters from the f mHA last wtvk. Although a failure to rC';>ond to the vevond >et of letters won’T 'esuh in immediate toreclosure. Miller sand '‘u’l on the way." In the letters, larmiers were given a lot (>f options to slop the fotcxlosure proccs ThO'C options tncrude rcvcheduhng the loans with lower payments for farmers w-ah I'jnited resources, allowing iarmers to pw- tialls liquidate; and allowing bor rowers to request a defmaJ of FmHA payments for up to five Svars. "If farmers take advantage of these options there will be a lot legs foreclosures," Miller sard. tarl Hendnx. 53, who has been farming most of his life, represented the North Carolina Soybean Produccis Association on a recent 16-da\ trip to Brazil The trip was to study soybean production in Brazil, one of the L'nited State’s chief competitors in soybean production. Hendrix currently farms 3,000 acres uf land with his two sons. They are dircrsified farmers growing tobacco, soybearis and white potatoes, and they are hav ing trouble competing with coun- (Sci- f ARM, page 11 A) Raeford storm runoff problems could cost $167,000 to repair Bs Kon XnilerMui Rcpauing the st.uni dram s\-Icm in Ihc c its of R.teforJ will (.I'st an eslim.iicd l^■’,3'’b. members ol .ii\ .()un,.il wcic told \1ond.i> nigfu. C iinsirucu''n ."sis loi itn pr.s iccl are vi3y,4K(i plus S2‘',>-**#i iii onginceruig, insjvcluiii and sOii tigcncic" tcss, .iccurding lo a 'I’rm diHinagi' riJtiofl studs prepared bv tfie Aouihcrn Fines tuin id 1 luf'l’s. I [vfiiirch and Associates The turn was tuied m N-nemtx-i b> the cits to do tfie studs ai a losi ot S'.91.10 Rcp.iiis ii) the (.iis’s vxi'MiU' drainage sssieni (.'.m he ai coiiiplivfitfd m toiiT phases, (i.ui ( ulp. .1 sciiiot lechniiian wiifi ihe tirm, sail! The lirst pti.ise lalK for repl.w ing an exist mg pipe near ihe end ot Iasi Donaldson Avenue with two latyr piiKs and rettuiling a sessei niajii i) proiide a passage lor all LUitflowing vs.dct. Acn ijiiig to ihe dreoiiage report this !' the maiot outlet pipe !,■: .ippr.'vin'iatdi 'd'’" to Md"- ot if=c c'Oir L- cit. The e-t' d .o,i to finish the 111 si ph.( w S4''.'‘r2. T he l>i lei lOi ludes tw o nuinholcs, four o'ni.rete ptcis. ditih rci'r.iding, seed .tnd sigbili/a i.'o!' piiKis"s and 'and ileaimg Sin. ifir pipe lic. wiihm the S.t:* t, arolin.i IK-partmcnt of Iraioporiation's rigtii of ssas, a!: mamtenaiKi .on! viperadin/ fio-.' J be pertorniixl bs ihe hig,fiwv,i\ dtpartmcni. t ulp '.iid. The sevivtid phase is csiirnaicJ lo .asl Vfwt.ura) jiij ,.,,11, fm replacing an existing pipe loealed 24tt ft trom last Donaldson -Avenue and I’aticrsoii stri-ci witfi two new pipes \l an e'lmiated lOst ol Si l.l>4d. Tbc Hoksi^ f)ianjoi?J i 75 varal - Valuv i>vt’i S»iaX\^ \ss br ^ven aw.i, slutiru: Jl-BILEE WEEK . 'uftriv: ‘’’•f/j D. --iH - . 1911-1980 May 4 - Mas vs, h'Se The Hoke nUinwnci Raffle liekels are nins' on sale for the . ’’5 carat Hoke flianiond sehich is on dispfav at fstnfaw’s Jessefrv Store on Stain Street tn Raeford. liekets are S s() each. Proceeds from the raffle niil he used to help celebrate the Piutnond Juhilee ( efehration in Slay. ph.isc 'Free valU for replacing an existing pipi with a larger one near the inter,eviion ot Lament Street and Oakwoesd Avenue. The final and most expensive phase vails for replacing a pipe near 'he inictscciion of Wilmuth Avenue and the A&R RailtoaU linc' with enher a la/§.eT pipe or two pipes e’f the same st/c T he estimated ciist of phase tour Is S4- •'H4 During a cits ci.iuiictl meeimg in lebruars. tits Manager Tom Phdlips asked the engineering finn to stuiK the city’s subdivision or- dvnaftie jo see if passage of a Jrainacf oidinance would be feasi ble Jiuludcd m the final study were ..opies oi the drainage policies for the cities ot tireensboro and Kakngh (See RI NOFF, page 11 A) Around Town By Sam Morriii The weather over the weekend was nice. It was somewhat cool, but if you got out of the wind it felt almost like spring. The rain last week wa.s needed, but so far we have missed a snow. Only a few lluines have fallen this year. The forecast is for the temperatures to get into the high 50' for the remainder of the week. No rain is in the forecast. • • • Be sure to get a look at the Hoke Diamond. It will be given away during the Diamond Jubilee Week. There will be only 750 tickets sold, so be sure to purchase yours when they go on sale * * * Monday I had to make a trip to p-j'-tx Mfvrdav moining and got back home about 12:.30 We arrived in Raleigh about 8:30 a.m. and it seemed that every person in Wake County was (Sec ARODND, pag,c 2A)

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