The ews */ I. > AM ( Si TH ( A ki \I::a “Journal Have a happy, safe Kasler \ \ Hoke Appreciation Celebration April! New Armory T h i: t Mi i i s } ‘Workfare’ program considered by Hoke DSS Rv \%)iiTrn John^lon \ prep. Hi lO V\. -?«rr pM'—•’ti ‘ . *'• '> br—' .1 •'**H fcv-.’mmm daiion b. e fbr Ijct—t n*mt of So, sil Scrv o-' o' CT! JilVU'- tH'rti-J If ipprovH b> f- NmiJ, s.V , ’ ' J-J Hoke CO""l> ■ >11... - ; 'r, v: tuiiui -i July I nd.r. (he p' ‘T >h "b ■ ■ *■ lid ■'jmiL i> pr^ .-Jc b niRj fo ..undre,*- ol Ik ke Cc. n >’■ no* the *ella:-. roles, about Sff.’OO ir liv... \ funds *‘ -!J b- needed to iiat-.h state .^nd - d—•' -'■ no Die n;.. p*' f4;n is-r-ld -t.i absut but Hvke Citunty' *ou ' be i‘i the - n.. VSi!h._> .p--HSn -«ld \k - ■ h., 1.. •: ...I. i..., -*-s Hr W' ■- and f ■ h sC dr. f \k ihei-poon old board n.-rmhr: dutitr ■ rr-'-o-iji Mo" ' I Me :.:-Min ha- the p*st. Miij| ti-n . p ople «fl •Hr b iti |1SS dife sa;J ()e:. i, r—-'>!'r .lb >1)1 iln. p' •«iain ! Hokr t iint^ belli, r job- v.-.>-!jd be 4*j! "h >!> I 'HT .on * If SI 1 Nr .-, ,; l-.A ui, - - r.'nr des--ff.ntciii tf-ion I t ,! tKder jb»»ut ll*._ (iiu boe.” \\ illici ■pooi! \.iid In additnni. Hoke • ■ r>fit> t • •l-'ptr^ ir ": Day v are - ent.-: >.i keep -hildren ol w--rk.t“r.l inoihe:., *ho .ire ni* fcrcisin^ pub!;- “Mstunce lh« e arc soiitr of the staiisii r *hi *' .t'c bcin^ oti'i leied by DSS bo;:d n-.cmbe: •Hoke '. ounis l> * ijr"Mitl\ ‘ a-, a S'" ■ million overall bud^ci. svhiLh IS e\i».H.ied Iii ■c.n'asc diir inji the upcomirj f: .jl year •Workfare r •, e-.'gn-J to -di r ihe number ol petson-. icveivm|( \id lo I .jmilie- .cith Dependent y hiljTcn t.M IK | Ihe lo. I beJ: el r - M IX otild in in Jiil‘ to abtMii iliO.fXXJ. which IS alrnir.i lb"" of an itvcrall I it tie natural help Hokt C ounty peach gmnen may have hern helped by the rr^enf Jreeze. I u^t neekend's cold hit nhile hlo-^>m\ were in full bloom and little damage wa\ done lo the trees. The cold may have aided efforts to thin [teach buds. Freeze may have helped peaches Mtb • itfh i! -.HiU he unoih ■*o d^y. bet*'': the - oi damage i> rttown Hok unty peach larir-ers may has u.nieft a ■ i jho yelping hand tiom the ,, ’tn to. . * cat her \boul 2U* of the bl> s>m , . 1“'2! trees appea; !,= h.; . b; , dimaged by last v'"f kciid .old snap. Hoke County f xten.ion ( h-virman W’iiltt I eathcf said Peach ffower- *il] hj to thm ■=b ,]I SO', of the bio s-snys on tree- in the coming •2-c- k . and tf ai 'Is (f).r 'a',, bren r'.;Oc ccm 'i In f . ii.n /e I calhcr'foiic .aid ‘‘It O' Id have sased Ih rr- a ; old did link Jam c I fid •' to I ' '■■■:■■. b-*' .11 ol - •: onp .'.ind. 'ui on Nitutd-jv. a kiUnn” fio- 1 J d.tniape Imnii', H‘-ke = unlv ar ’r.'i K2. \iiirv nd In ordci li p!.- i c l.*f T Iruii grows ptunc mall pea ' bud' M r I hey haS' fs>inf-:sl \uif inins up to bi)“ 01 ihe bud uii Ills HI 2:,i' orchafd “We could h;i'='-' cs.,aps-d thi-, lime It .uukl h.i\> s.ncd me sotne labuf,” Autry s.iul \iitr‘, and other g.-o-wc: an piediclirip .1 good ciop thu .;M-on, il the *tMthci Slav . libo' c Ircc.'mg, I ad wss'kend's frcc/c came at vi gosid lime fur MOiwers be-.ansc tin trer^ were still in inil bliHvm Ihe free/e fiit 1*0 weeks latci, I lie trees *i>iild Ii.ns’ been lorrmng .mail pc.iche-. whi'h .irc more U‘.epiiblc 10 cold damage I iist y-ar’s rop * • tlevasiaied (Sec I Kl [ /!■, page 2.A) NC Turkey Cooking Contest slated for Raeford Sept. 18 Hoke = -ii":: aill ho t the finai' ol Ihe annual Norih Cafolina lurksy ' Oul.. ig Com ".I, the N C lurkcy I'^iJeralion ha annoiinstd I‘ ■: css'it, which will b-atuic Ihc i' c top lurks'v :isc j,s it; ihc .lal-'. will he held on Septnnber IN on the gnnmd'. Of the Hok ■ duniv I ibrary und will kickofi iht ■ o d anniml North arolnu lufkey I csiival. I cM yesji the sookii'.c litiaK wm- held in Rsfford iotd drew one of ihc lai ’ii crowd' C'-' to sec the -rvciii. Ml-c than l.UOl) ia'ins showed up lof the • ontesi I csiival and fvnicsi pronioicrs expcvling ihr IVfvo e»-=nl Ut have Muvic, more Kxtd campling, a Dokina vsminar rind enieriain mcni arc on lap for this year’-, cen trsi, which i: vponvored hj Ihe Turk.:- Federation. tser Sl.Oi*) in pii/e money will be ollercd to the live riti.iiists who will take pan in flic Scplcmhcr IH event Diadhnc lia iibmitiing icsipc' i luly 1^, and tht .oniesi is operi isv all North .irolina residcnu. c\ sept N I I iirkev 1 ookiiig t. (iniest ( I'mmiitcc niciiibv'ts aiisJ then lainiliev I nines need not bs oiig nal but soniestants are fi.pon.ibit Kir comply mg with any applisahlc copyright rcsirieliniis t oiucvi entry forms ate losallv available ihroughou* Hoke oiiiitv and fiom the KactorJ lloki hiimbei ol i omineise and ifte Hoke ( ''utiiv loiicnsion Seivue I iic iinals ol the sosikutj? sonlesi will billow opening .ercnionies tor the scsond turkey le'itval. which will mil through Saiindav. Hrpiemhtr 2U Oil tap lor the first ds'. ut ihe three (lay event in addition to the cooking Icsiiyincs. is a a turkey siulHn (dinner) with new mipiovcd sife.rmlincd 'crvise and a nil key siruiim (square dance). On i nday gsill. budge and ten Ills louniaments will fill the slay winch will be lopped oil bv a con- scrl. lealiiriiig bid n.imcd rtiiet lanimeni ai the olsl National ((Hard Armory Hark On Viiiird.iv. .Main Siieei will be slosed liom the library to the old Aberdeen Rocklish Ik-pol and Ihe day will be lilircl with soniiiiuoiis nnisis. food. d.iiisc . kif |s and siatls kl'.'..* ..'.ikM,' ... ,,, ye.n ‘s lirsi event 1 arger siowds .irc esiucnd loi the scsojid annual siatewide Icsiiyul 4 nidlvon bndyci. wliuh svr.i"- 4‘J() tssi.Ji.nts Or lv a P"i lion ol Iln sc w. L’id qo d'fv lot ss "f k I jfi; •W(;r‘-'-lie ■ ould alsi' decrease Ins numbei ol luHal o-s Jent* now rAciving food sianip- Ihe bud.eci lot thai ptogratn could be ■iboul nc*.i vrar Ihc lu-erall Hoke County fryod stamp biiikst IS surrenlly osei *2 million •Iraining for resipienr . of the wurkfarv proy>ram omld be emyr JinaisNi rhniugh the Hoke ( sniniv biarch (»l Sandhills c umniimitv ( silleyc ■ \b«'ut three ve.irs ago. I has! lescrvaiion- about workfare.” W ithei-fHHiti said, noting that he si'iisidi-red Hie program to he riirioniin n! Pii I'.ing >n wellaf'.- r'i; M'dTl .1 WJV to liiiproVc skiiis ■ Now II si in-. 'll be 4 g' XHi w ay lor .( lo ao from rt\--*f"rc wt'llare lo r“irning a Iivuib in Ihe |ob market." W n.M.i >pos ri said. While receiving irainiiie unde lh‘* wc.rklafc progutti. a SH-rsoii ws>uld not be paid, hul would cou linue to rs’t'cive puhln. as.i‘.l3n.c •ns.'C the psfsnn was i.' and found a job, wcHarc would nsrt he neciJed I here IS anoih^r danfcr ot Hoke C ounty not going into the wurktare piergram I here is alw.u* the psV'Sibilily that perst'O' oj.eiving wcllarc K’tivlits in urroundmg .('unties. W Siis )( si. 11 I V. ( . I ( I ' ■ ; ..I i.. ! n - ' » c • Hoke ' 'uHts o , . li ■ ' ti'. [!■ ■ ■ gram ■■»s‘.rtt. ( c;I- .I i.iiiifs C. M if till , . .1'I s " i'o ■: S ' o j/t ' il.iit (il ihr ,iaie L'utn'i. si.o' ihs pf''V'Fam I'l'. :! ■>' : s.M s eal Worklare r- als;. t'enis ; by the Keag.ui \dmir.'.o c . .'t In other bu ^T s' d on; M( * day’s 0 hs.'afd i sy.', l y members ret.s' vrj (..r c'-t ■id-.t.; tion a prop, sed budy .' n I-' milled to the Hoke ( "jni- ( om rnissioners The prop-.'wd budget s'll- ' i about a 12^« insfcast ii. o.ctall i.; minisi^a’;-e ai;d pi,ibii,. ,, (See WORkF ART. pay '’ v- Vandals hit Hoke High food \andals broke luio Ihe Hoke High Ciibson C afcieria and dcsiiovs’d a walk 111 ci'oler s»l ((X'd last week Hie perpctialors appartiillv eiilsTed the luiish riMirn ami slimb csl through a ■.-eilitiB to gam ass to the kiishen area. s-Ii(H>I I (HhI Srnises Dircctoi ( lara Pope said Ihe incident was the sccsnid at the / liool III ihe last week Kaetoril Police ( hicl I ennard Wiggins s.iisl the v.indal'. broke in to Ihe biiildine sometime last Wednesdav night Ihc hrrak in wa- dissosered Ihursday morning by a seh.K.I .rr ^Tr:y*i 44#4W ( onients of a walk tn -ix.ler were 'praved wtth a ( 02 lire ex tmpiiis.hcr, and all at the KhxJ had li) lie thrown ant. Pope said Turkey, potaaics, and dressing had been pi tpiircd for lunch on Ihursday None of the tiHvd wa- able to be served. Pope said \ desk III the office ol the kit chen Wif also taiis.wk.J Psvpers were removed and thtown on the Hoor, Pope said Students were served piz/ac, winch ws*i c schedules) tor the menu on Mondiiv The vandal' ilsi* entered a icacher‘s lounge dining the night. Wiggins said While in the lounge, the in ttuder. H>ok holt cullers .tnd cut the lock’ ifi of a en .iing machine. W(ng;;nt ity« cj*;-? l“ still under inycsiigaiioti An invrstigalion is also conlinu IOC’ inlvv the uiiise of a Tire that wa- apprarenllv sci in R(vom 22 ‘sf the MsIXmaid Bu uJ; :i p .in , March 16. The lire, which began ( • i Ir- k completely dexlroycd ths .'.'nierts of a room used to inslrud dicappeJ students in life skills In an unrelated incident, three I ayettevillc rcsidcnty were arrc>ic.J tor ‘.hoplifting on Saturdav Wiggins said Ralph Walker. kinibcrly Melvin, 2.^. and Brenda Melvin, were arrested at 5 p m and chdiged with stealing live pairs ol (Can- fr;»m BC MiH're'* Department store in the Tdin borough shopping center Hie three were placed in ja.l under a SZW bond and later relcas ed. In another shoplifting in-idcin, (See F(X)D. page 2 A| No probable cause found in case against officer Dixir!,! tour; lodge Beth Kcev M Loi Thursday found no i-ubable yausc to ls^ue an .ntcsi \yar:_,rit ivu an .'X Kaelord ps’licc I'flicsr accused o! assaulting Willie How.iru Hiahani nii Oclobci T tiraham. 2’, Rt .H Raclord clairnetl iti.u two ot his I rout teeth were knocked out and anothei one chiptxd duriiii; hi* irre-.t on Oc I »ber IdN' by law cnl(,>ro’'nKni otli(.ers from ihe police nieni, the sherill‘s dcparinicni am.t the higtiwav p.itiol, liiciuded 111 the .itliceis making the arrest cx police Rodiu'v (ollitis, who rcsntncd liom the lotyc in Decembei to work in a turkcv tialchery DisUicI Allornev I d tirannis It iskr.J fi't the probable cause fiear nii: .‘tier a ‘date Biitean ot In ve.ligation probe into tnaham’s assault -. oinplaint completed • iraliam. who -erxing a one year prison tciin it .Met am ior s'hsrge- stemming from the iikm dcni and a piobation siolulion, icstified ihat alter he was .topped on State Road li2l) Hpvhurch Ji High School on (Ktober 3, “fue or six ot them (law enforce nicin officcrx) lumpetl on me.” lirahani s.i-d he didn't nonce that his leciti iiiis>mp until he looked in a mirror at the pris(»n He also said he w.)s uti'-urc which olficer allcgediv hit him tiianno -.ullcd SHI Special Agent P M. Houltis to the -.tand BonIns ci>nJiKied the mvestigaus'n and interviewed .ill the officers in V(lived, phis jveoplf who knew (irahain before his .irr.7.1 on (V tobei .3 One ot the people interv iewed hv Blazing across the morning flulfey's . imei [>ui^ on its Sest show prior to this Kfek‘i full moon, !> 'pr- ptintT'^niptifT Krn Kiinner who works at S aherge in Haefotii, caught the comet about S a.m. op March 8. ,Skinner used a / ft mm lens to take this photo with a three and a half minute ex posure. Moon fight is nott blocking the comet, hul by April 6 it will reappear in the loail and will be visible until April 21. Houliis, North ( arolina Prcvbation Olficer William 1 ester, said Ihe list time he had talked with tiraham m July, l*/84, tiraham had “ryiiien stub' Another person interviewed by Houliis. l-rncstinc Watkins, said (irahani had “snags' tor Ironi teeth BvHiIiis said Raclord demisi Or Mark Th.'mp'on removed stub' from (irahatn's mouth atici his ai rest Boih Ihomp'on and his associate, Dt lawrence Bullard, said C.raham’s teeth were biully ab'CC'scxl and had been in that condition for years Shot iff Dave Harrington, who also icstiticd at the hearing, said lhat when fic came uixm the scene (Set Of IIC TK. isage 2 \) Around Town By .Sam Morris The wetuher over the weekend has turned to winter even (hough spring came in Thursday. The temperature Saturdav morning had a low ol 24 and someone said that It was down to 20 on Sunday morning It was in the 4(K Satur day but the vxiiid made it feel much colder. The temperature Sundrv afternoon was in the 60s The forcs'ast is lor the weather to warm up for the renuindci ol the week and there is no nicntiviri ot Iree/ing teiufieralntcs • 4 • Have you bought a tkkci to win the Hoke Diamond'’ There will lit only 750 tickets void for Itic dia iiiond so this will give you a good charcc to win The ixlds will only be 750 to out' Some )X‘Ople have .i ked me where to buy tickets, so I yvill run the following pUc-es that I know (See AROL^ND, p.igo VA)