1^0 A* i f f i •hi) \ (>A>:/7/ • 1 A'( IS ews - Journal lloke firt*fi/u;hter>s leam about IJ’ C^an S**#* paKi* B1 laical leaders need to market community s#*«* p«a** B2 ( / w $3.5 million bond issue OK’d Making a point hoard dhc. Mion on rnrmher shirle\ l>ih^nn ti/?(>(>/ ludlitir-i. >fiukf\ a ptntti ilurmt un earlier Mctnb»'r. of HnW*' ■ t'univ vh-»*»i Hourd uiuin'mou%ly aitt-xd Monday 'o pIC^cnl a profv: rd SV? million bond issue lo ihc counts • cnuni-.sioncr-: Ihr propc ol include picn: to M nevk cl3i.root^= lo counlv Ci^hisols ar to make renovallon^ and repair, at (he exiling facilities The plan to improve the buildinf. laith money from a Ixmd ii.ue vsu‘ picsenied at a .pccial meeting last iveek by board member \k alter * olcy Propo^ib to impiose the coun tv'‘ .chool facilities have K'en pr'-cni-d by other board membt ■ during the pad .ix month" toley .aid he borrowed idr’. Irom those proposal" to come up with his plan. “I think It*" a gtHxl compromise oi c".’rybody’" plan " Coles said. The propo>al ■ alls for •Building an addilusnal 12 cla^fooms -;! Hoki High SchtHil at a cost ot SbOt),(ftX> and repairing light and ceilings pUr adding ksskers at a ;c.o iif S?0,(ffX) The total cost foi Hoke High would be • ^ddlng 12 cid .rooms to Up church 'n.hiKsI (giudes m\. seven and eight! at a cost ot SAOO.tXXi. Plus reni'saiina the vocational education building, tearing down the TMH building, landscaping the ground" and improving teacher’s lounges and loiiet" at a cost ot Over $2,000 taken in break-in '*!XX’ m : w !r and 1--. , . c sk n tfom a Hoke ; si!;i‘ i.:-.dvi;v over the !il1 I'.-- lo Shcrilf l^epicii-;;:il "r . St.- - ‘ f .i,o Ri 4, I ayei •.evilk. ijicJ ir: Ihe rep-tvl he noiitfd itr "’■iri‘ we.'r mi'.'.irig wlieri tit ,'ciiifncd home Sunday jlieriioiii' The mitvirig item, included two diamond ring'. □ gold cla" ring, a dianiotid iiccklc'ce, sn Uhica 16 gaiigt vhoigun. ind a Remington 12 gauge vitoiguii RctOrJ tiait dec y Dariiis Hurdir. '-'c.rui p'v iii.rk- at iS. rear p.itn' Ji-'r f)thei ilei; well '■ I'd ■ ilit bed In an unitl.i'td .i -. ' d and while hitv.k' w.i tp. : -1 'olen lri>rn the rvidcn r ol I harlic 1 hi mids 111 Red r ' Kctordi .as Thoiiid' ' 't‘cd noiKcd thi b‘k= wa- m; inf wsmelimc h* i=s'r:i h to p m s^.- day and 6^0 a.— he iiexi das rhirmS' sn.i .:,nO»cf man wen! Iiiiiking for the htkrand found ■ t'her stolen kikes in c ,' eain Around Town By Sam Morris ipciik am- 1 t on March 20, bu! suminei: .siiic carls land j ced on March M ft-- iiiipcraiufc ai I' rc; o cIvKk Mondas cflcriivion sxu K6 Now ihis is -ummer wrather rhi- i'= also .i ri.irrj high tor ihir dale \k e still hasen'i had the ram dial wc need The lorc*l, ar c drv and b.in has been placed on fr s ai ihh iirne So be caretul when sau ar. out in the -oods ^ carclc' drop- 1. " d on RPR the rrporl '■-a - . The bike" sverc returned to the owner- \noiher bir- was rep»rled .tolen from ifit home of I ■«’> u i>f Red Spring* AfOrdinc M .lastscr .laicd that h; daughter's bif-^ had been .tolen .omeliine betwcci, Saturday, fs p m and Sunday at 2. VI p ni The bit cic was rccov—rd at ^ p.m, on Misndav A gun li *‘ny was rr'pisrted b\ l)ot|s \scrs. kt 1, Aberdeen ")n 'Clarch W, Mr* \vers reported to the St*.. ^ if - office lhai a 3H .pecial nickel plated r .olvei W3* mi- lUa Depiils Allen Gardener w.i. :■ .ponding to a call vatls lodes morning wfien he s chicle wo' ti.it" h\ Leonard B.ildwin ,lr. 1*^. of Ri i, I umbtr Bridge Ih at idem ixtiirred on Rural P.iv..-d Rv'-a' IVgl. t'.far The Center, a nightclub Rf.ords ay approxinialclr. SKXX1 damage was done lo th patrol car and atxiui SiiHI to the tar diivcn by Baldwin. peJ ma'.cli or ig.rr pU’niy of trouble Ihc lore* a* 1 leinper.iiufc lo hr I oesdai and 't'cn for !*“. leiUi-.'iuit I'Cr.iiig weaih "e could au'c 1 I Of the , n the K()s on lllUi ihi 7tK o! the week No I picdictc'd I hr cunt ihai will bt pfccenied Mas h A. d, ibe week if lhc( clchiation ol the 7Sil) \ii til,t ran .'I HoC.c ( dunis i- now I I ,1 • ri need a lew r'f‘od bodies lo pul iho prodnciion on in a fust la s min ncr Sovoiiiad Mi" Mar*. .Archie Ml N. ill 1- ' fi.i weald hke to hr* in iS., aR M V'D. lA) l>iir( lor Hell] Hii(h Sign ups urged at Hoke college tol|i*;'i* -.liKleiitv home on spring break who need addinonal ctedii' ni.n desire to coi!i,iti ihe Saiidinllc ( ornniunity ■ ollcgc ahonl the suminrr eour -r s now being pi,inn cd. according to Hci:, High, Uiret loi ol the Hv.keC .luntv _jnipu*. V.,., C.|| ( ; ,t| S.immcr course will be in mini sesviont so .ludcnts will still have .iiinc lime oil Id eiin‘s ihe uiii nic! (Sec C Ol 1 I ' il P^ge 11 Al IKXl.OtX) The loial .0x1 tor I p iiuf. Il would be STiiihfXXf • Rcmnsitiii. ’.he iraifeis from lurliii^lon School (erodes s!x, seven and eight! Plus improving the teacher's lounges, repainrj tv- library building and (be gsr; and gulirr*. maintaining the main building; improving Ihe seenfsarv's office and the toilet- and covered walk' The total cust tor Turl ington would be S2M).UI*) •Adding either a multi-purpose room or four claccrooms to Mcl auchlin School fkindergartcn through fifth grade! and making improvement* to teacher’" lounges for a total "'ov! of $2(*Xufx> •Building erght new . las-rcKHti* it Si.iitkick SchcKil (kindergarten through fifth grade) at a cost ot S4(X),0iK). Plu* adding and repair ing toilcl.s and water fountains; remodeling ihc ..alctena and multi purpose room at "O"-! of S25().1)(K). Tfie total cost for •Scuriock would he S650.(KK). •Constructing four additional Jas-rooms at South Hoke (kindergarten through fifth grade) at a cost ot SZOO.tkXi plus repair ing the g\m; adding and repairing toilets and enlurguig the kitchen at a mst of SM),(XX) The total cost for South Hoke would be i25(l.(XX). •Adding six -.tassrooms to West Hoke (kindergarten through fifth grade) at a cost of $3(X),tKX), and also buildinu a multi-purpose r'wim at S2(K).(WLi. The pruiu-wil also i.a!U for removing tbe stage and repairing rest rooms at a cost o! The total cost for West Hoke IS S55«.0(jri The proposal also calls for an additional 1230,000 to purchase land that would eventually be used as a '.lie to build a new facility Sshixvl board member Shirley Gibson was opposed to the addi tional money for the land and arfiied against it al the special meeting last week and again at Monday’" meeting. "I iusi can’t see buying land right now.” Gibson said. Although Gibson agreed with the rest of the proposal she said she was against the money for the land because it was not known what kind ot schtxsl would be needed or where it would be located when the time came to build. Gibson suggsstcial adding an amendment to the proposal stipulating that any land purchase be made after the facilities were repaired. Board member Bobbv Wright disagreed with ihc amendment say ing. “1 don’t see the reason to put additional restrictions on ourselves.” W'righl also said that including inonev for a land purchase in the proposal would show the public that the board’s intention was to build a new facility in the future. Although Gibson eveniually * otcit 'Di "be proposal wcn...ji ihc amendiiicnt to fuM.I' the ..-pairs before purchasing GnU, sfic slated that her priority wb- to make the improvementv first. ”I just want lo see us get tbe facilities repaired, " tiibson said in other business, the .chsiol board •L'nantmouUy pused a motion to contribute SlO.OtX) of revenue sharing funds for Ihe purchase of new uniforms for the Hoke High .School band. The band booster club has raised approximately S^l.0(X) o( the need ed S26,250 lor 175 new uniforms In a second motion, bvard members said they would approsc- the purchase of the uniforms if the hand booMcr club can show a legal note for the balance of the v.>si of the uniforms Band Director Jimmy James and Faye McMillan, chairman ot the band boosters, said the company making the uniforms has promised delivery within 120 days after an order has been placed •■Approved a proposal by CIl fcnginecred Systems, Inc., Rich mond, Va., to revamp the beating and air conditioning systems at Hoke High School for the purpose of saving energv costs The company guarantees that energy c*Osls of $12,475 a year will be saved when improvements are (See BOND, page 2A) campn w.iv eported rrtiv till weekend from under the -^ipviri al Ihc residence ot lame HulT-'d JaiDb"-. Re.* Springs. A icn speed gifit Western liver w. a!-!' reported mi-,viiig Irom the I -i.'ence . -diri-- to -ecor Js, there -Acre lire iracV . leudine awav that inav have* been liom a truck A .hoplifling incident at the AAP in the I dinNaough Shopp- iiiii C eittct was rcpi*rted last 1 hiU" dav to the police department, Police ( hiel 1 eoruifd Wiy:gins said A voung male .ubiecl wa" ob«"r* cd putting lour carton*, ol Marllror.-. cie.irctles in hi*, luckct and then lea' mg Ihc store around 9 p III. Wiggins „l‘0 stated .It 7 55 a.m. un Miridav a . omplainl ol a break in at itie l in nor (ate on Main ■street was reccoed Missing items invluvled chicken, ■:ak-. poik ribs, and plates valued at $2.3H.84 The ihiel appareuilv brivke ttic lock oil thi t'ack divor to gam cn- tiv Hoke County retail sales drop in ’85 Retail ale, in Hoke f'lHuily hn the lovsest level mcc 1*^81 during the end of November and the firs! part ot Ik^cmbei. report" lecciulv r. k asid by the Stale Deparinieiit cP Revenue .how l)ui’il-4= (veriod. reiail sales in Hoke ('oiiiiiy dro|iped to $.( 7 million, whicti wu'. dovvn tvci '400,00() fiom ihc previous mom it The NDvember-l>et •nibei .ales were down almost $N)l],000 Irvim the ,mc peiiod Jtintig 19M Sales itir the L' niontli period through l‘ viember 15 were olf by '-l.hh iniihori ovci the previous year During die period .ales bv . vrun : . mcr-liani: wci * yso 4 million '•■’mpiicd 10 $52 million during l‘*K4 1.:. il v'tssrf-rs pinpoint the vloMiig ot Hiike Auto ( iiriipanv .u on* of ihe v.-.; e lor last . -ai'v drop in t 111 ..ill* IS.; HI ; -Ml rs.iKe II**; //ig/i shot IhieitI ( urihi'in liifihl) liil\ tin hull hifh for his ehihlreti I ekishu leenie') und I umotu (left) during: un I lister Slondin du\ in th* park. Hteent sunny uciilhir and imipeniliires have made outdoor aclis iiirs in Hoke ( ounis and across the south plea sant, however, the dry weather and low humidus are causing problems for farmers and local firefighters. Reward offered for school vandalism A liiiid lo providr award mmicv to anvone providing mlormatiori le.idiiig, to Ihc arrest and conv iction ot vandal' at eOiintv schools was cstabli'hcd by the school board Mondav night Reward", of up lo 'TiXI will In* ottered to iridivuliial* prvividmg Ihc iniviimaiioii, Anvoiic having intoinirttion on should .. .. I "-.hool Hi'.-.sr;;.-.*, M.di..,- ilnii -.tid c N 4106 Hoke High School wtiv hit by vandals twice during March A fire completely dcMioved the coiuents ol Room 22 on the Me Donald side ol the high school on March (6, Ihe room vva.s used to instruct handicapped students in life jkill- . -11Vi.'i. ..‘k,vi lit. .ire ...iii.d 'o/t a dresvcf under 4 window in ihe room Ihe Stale Bute.iu ot Invcsttga tivvn ■ 1* ailed m to uivest-tale the • iiuse of llu fire Otficial s.iid another room located on the Gibson side of the .school was also entered the night of the fire. On March 27, vandals broke in to the Hoke High Gibson C'afcieiia and destroyed the contents of a walk in cooler b\ spiayirig a C02 i'- Ml Turkey, |)otaioes and dressing lhal had been prepared fv)r Imuh the next dav were all ruined. An inv'-tigaiion into both in cidcnls is cv)ritmiung

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