\\ 0 h f i )R S ( a7 / (. h> >11 . ews - Journal ParachutiHth meH at Raeford Air|M>rt |)a4(«‘ IK 7 Schedule change for 75th pageant S#* *«* pa^e 11A At Overflow crowd hr:. Special District Court session held for cockfighting trials ^ = ‘A d of ^ ‘ I ' Hir'd ii k r wl. ,:. tn -- tion o( H' on I ^hrudf) “ her. _ ■ kc ouTil-. ii i! !hr icmpor IT”. !> hou‘ la'«i W fe ' , : ‘ s, I hf Mp*" \\ sp - t.--v ineni offi. -f. tighiii' -lU Due lo ihc dctciidants. ■\ torno -all ih Jli4i(| i>f if)^ tnifl Jr !== af i- ' in 1 Oi i ; ' i o-M )1I» a p«fl of ■ * p.-...p' .a/| J d- : I .w d--1 tht iK k tuh I--i A- -■*!///!. unJ IK ; ;>l ]\\t\funt Oi^ifut Uronu‘\ Jeun /*omW/ last edriesthn li rnr/r/- ihcir K>urt iHipcrs. ri>,ufd numhet ot i.taiii I)t lit K an Pimcll prK--\: d u JiK kcl in iht p - king lol Diirinit (lie coiiri ss. oon. ihiriy oic defrndanis p! r,dcd .ailty and were fined S2()i) and plr J on five vc.irv ui'iMipcrr ved pruuution My Divtrict t i>urt i idge VN arren Pale Two of those who pleaded 'tllv were lecnaBor'-"ud were lined kW and given dO dey suvpcndid eiitcncc' Iwi) dcicndani. pleaded noi guilts bill w ' (ound gudlv and weic ordc d lo pav S^(M) fine. Iktor* the tru' bcivan. one detendani said *■- r«ik al iht Couiilv Seal il look' like jail bats." “\eah,'’ another d-tcriJani said. “ ind U^'k al Ihos- lootpnni v*n the oulsidf loivkin in That' i[|K li. ^ ' O ii.. in ■•‘tfi- in who ov :i heard I he A Ti .ok v hi-vkUd vl I hr on". . .atiori ' i'.kr! Sanic tifjid in the . oufl room a- lodow The dav afi- th.r „o-.(cd u- I,’.*.: »ar--.J '»io1fli!» it- K vouriT j e ihi’y ki. w :he> Wl- going’ . ^c =h!r t pay for it ' VS k n I g.: b:; k hoHic I’m go in; lo bro , mv k;d- here so they in c what m rr.-.’' > paid lot," anoih^f defendant w2- heard lo ■ J> "Six inunihs, five years suspen on five years uiisuperv is.cd pro baiion, and S2(ir) fine,"said Judge War en P'lle as he sentenved the to ! d-lend.in Shik^k and dis(.ontcnt wiere heard ihioughoui the .uurirCKtm Tliar.c in the euurtrvKjm serined to think the scnienec given was nuish ii>o stiff Sc '-inl of the Hccused 4aied fniiily that although cockfiglitmg is against the law in North ( aiolina, thev telt they had done n iihine vs ong. It’s no different than football or i.oon liuniing, many of the accu-ved said “I’ve K*cn raising cocks since I wav c!g* years old, and I li piob abiv be doing it until ihi day I die." one defendant said H.ro rid Frame, one of Ihc defer: dants, -.id. "Thry made me kill i!ie Gi'rnvanv. but they vsy I c’^^’t fight c^“:ks It's okay to kill 2 nUiU. but noi a rooster " "It's naturs! instinct tor rmniers lo fight," another defen dant 'aid, "It'v just !ikc a man and womaci Fhev'rc fine until they have kid', then the fighiinj sl^rt' " Vsvordin^ to North Carolina statute l4-:th2, the maximum vcnler.ce foi '•cr.i..iir.»^ing the U'C ol a plate being kvpi for the pur pose of fig^’^ wi*tk" IV s,:; months That same statute dutf orv'es a maximum fine of S5(X) ■‘I feel tiuiJ? -atisfied with the judgement passed," Powell '=i;d Another uffiAial xiat-d he sentence wa>. "not jo teach a le^ on but to make the point that cockfighimg IS illegal and will not he lolcrated in Hoke County " “Until a law has been changed it li the obligation of the touri to carry out enforcement of the e*, isting law," Pale said " The last battle -_ry from one ot the defendants wa> "Ml fight till the last rooster” Hoke County voters register for primary • Ot^ * ^ - • . - ft ‘ -iC p-,. -.-V .-ei; T on Mdv f» li, V1‘>nds% April t at ' p rn All" * ■= 'o Cr ---4 .I-.,.!, siipt--' ‘ i ‘*-‘ -in , rr’"' rely k,i>»T r. -...ij in H-'kc I. c-uMlv Among i’ .? wtff 4M Repu -sv V--: vi '-is, I"- 4e- were rviil -d Ihc cflv J o on .iituipmi; :,mend:iicni ."n nin“ oilJ nui ;^J scat ' :--?4s, it , - ‘cJ oy the on M.iy ; will in :ludclh*”- r . ._dh-, in'cniN: the (.^ii-ral A- f. . if. •lO-crii- ' '.n-^-crrM", i.i^p. ■*!-- \udii‘. , late 1 iia ■ . nl ol - Ifi-i., : -r -li Ajiivttiiliral. k; : 'll r aiid ; JwvIltT'^ of h ipiemc C .wit, Disinci C ourt Jtib- , and iiisinci Aiiorm ; . ' sher i t and ( lerk of I hi ■ ir-oor ( _.. Ripuhlt* an‘ running lor C on- re T ‘m Hendricks, and ^illwm Hambs i" Th Mepuhluan b 'lot toi Senaii.. includr' lame- T (Jim) liroii’ill. ileiiti MilUr, and Diivid i) Funderburk. The DeituK'iliv hiillut lor inoliidfs Terrv Sanford. Tlieudorv (T d) Kioiii .. C liiium H Moor-r. Walt Alkms, Miiirm M Croom, John Ingram. Toiin lain CHlom Betts Wallace. William liwin (Hill) Belk, and kaiherinc H Harpei Those tunning tot the offiie of Judge of Court ot Appeal' on the Democratic’ ballot arc Sarah Parker and Joseph K John. The official IX-mocralu balloi tor Disiriii Court Judge contains die follcwing tandidatcs. William R (Hill) Davis and I’atncid I minions Cloodson Also listed on ballot for the ot lice ot the State House of Representatives tire W. Paul Ciraham. John C , (Pete) TTastv. Sidney A I cKkv, Ri-ri - Rober son. and Daniel H 1X‘\ aril In addition the tollowint are listed as candidalf lor Counts C ommissi.iner, Ihvmu- P (Tom) Howell. James A Hunt, ( lydc A Leach. Thoma- VI (Tommy) Mdcko, I dwrenic I Vls'laiiphlin Jr.. Mabel VI Riley, and C Ic-o Bratcher Jr. "! think the election is a t.iscinating proces*," Shook stiid The k'ini.iis Flection on Vlay h will be held it various li>sations throughout Hoke i ouniy. A lisi will lie pubiici/cd at .i laicr date indicaiing ihc lo r*t‘ons ot the polls The C a!d‘.‘!in'--4 \s t’t-.*-. cniviit Te^' (C AT) is hinl.-i, .md local e>t"' ators ar' pfCi.:satiny tlui rludeni ■ over-TlI .. ‘'es v::!l dtap Ih;-. y-'^i •Vk r’r: aiiosipatini: as iniKnas a 12 s .allkins d'-'P in (;,:: baiiciy As.islant "mp^r nij-enJcni Dr Ciinny Hay-r- said Hc>«cvrr. .tuiienis ii^ Unke Count". WO" I be slonc- The Male A'Ofe on the new test arc prediticJ Around Town B> Sam MorrK n- K II li- 14 (soints iiiwer ihis eat We don i viarn parciiis lo be upsei bciaiise ihis wi|| h-;- hapiven me all over the siaic," H-ny^s said Tiic d***. line 111 iC'l -.core i*. b-mg pralmed fvrcauvi of a Stic- Ikiaid of 1‘Jucaf.on Jcsision to replace I hr I'f? version ol ihc icM with an updaieil IVKC lest This v*cek, siudenis -ccross die state are taking the lest which measures .lehitvements in nialti. language and rcaJitig. "Ihc purpose of the test u to giv- us informaiion lo see where Wl arc being effective in otir pro gram," Haves said. "ItN kind ol like a lepori - aid on die school system." I iKal ■ ores will be compaicd wiili •.cvu". made b\ stmicius throughout th ' United Slates. Tfie Ic.l show fdiiciiliu the progress being made (n siiidcnts. bill Haves said the lest is not used toi the I'urpose ol p.issing or fail ing a student. Hvvke C ouiiiv students bc^an if'C lesimg pnvcilurc with a jM-y-dica U*sl on Vlondav, tegul.u ic-siing w.is beyun on 1 utsvl.iv Jh - .laic : pickin,; up ■ osi -.it admini-icnng t^--' test io vliidcuis I Vc A I p-!--:" 2 A) SuiTimcriwnt r sull *• or. and I he lias been foi the pe-.t -vir?;, icmperaiuri h^s f-n.;; from W to K8 lor the p-u sevef^jl davs. Wc did have (hunde. and Ir^hlninf last Thuisday afterncHin a:-oJ evening, but wc didn't get anv lain in Raeford I was told that aixiui 1 .■ inch-c" tell 111 the Arabia se-.iinn of the county Thev had apprr.x imaielv two in-rhes ui f ayciirvillc With the pollen like it is today, a ;iOod ram would help The fotciast is tor ram during the coming week and tor ih--= temperature lo In; in the h(js and lih • • « A letter r"«;eised lavt wce'w k>ll-:-ws Mr ‘-.Ti'rriis Ms iiiuilici. Ml > i .iia I--.. ► passed away the lAif. ol Marcfi. and I warned to Ici you know to stop her /iiiiinul anj to ■•11 > :.4 how much she enjo*,■ u 4 .4.' AH( 11 Ml p., \i \prii sfutwers Suspended sentences are revoked in District Court //nu’M III Hnkr ouiii\ ftiutt'n\ think lip till nnuh lUftliul lain tinii Inn lalirn iiit’iiflt ill tin tmiTi »/ ipiil ■ill M 4 ; , Four area rc iJeiil wir- scnlcn-..eJ m dislnct ^ ourl last week alici they siol.iicd firobiiiiou on previou'i charges I on/(' Mckoy, 654 C linger C ir tie, FasiMleiille, wa- sriiletKed to .in aiii.c prison leiin ol one yvar MsKov. JJ. reported to seivc a seven-day .icnvepnson l um loi a pievious ollcnvc and was touiul to lie in Molalion of tm. probation Acsording to c-.ords, Mckoy was ,1 bresithalv ./cr test wfiich stuiwvd he was tun in a sobei -on diiion Icon VlcVlillian. Oakwood t)rivr. 1 ol 2-* Raeford. was seiiieiiied lo a onev.'ar active prison iciiii uiuIl"! idcniKal vir ciimsiaiices. McMilliaii’s hick of sobnetv was a difeil violaiion ot the leiins ot 111 j'lobauon I'om a previous of r. I-. - Anofticr aiea resident, lohn Blake of Rl 1, Box MO, Wagiam. was .;lso louiul 10 he in violation ol 6is pi ot>.;; !i in Hhikc fd, wjv -cnuii-.ed to .to active prison i;rm of not ic.-. th,fn 12 months, and not more th.ui IH months Misrv Bulla'd. Rl I. Red Springs, wa- found lo be in viola tion if prob.rtion from a previous OtIC'l.i- Bullard w.is serir-iived to not b'-.-- ihaii 12 monif;- and not more ihaii two vear, iwiive prison i-^tm Ai.o. iicofgc* fjolliriwswotih. Rt I, Box 169, Red dp.mg', (iicviously eonvu'ied ol v.ishing wuiitilc'.s checks, was senli'iiccd to a M) Jay .ulise prison leun Holliri^,worth, (ailed to pav the tine and - ouil sosis lor fiis imum lOii": Id ion Since HolliiigsM,nill could '.how no lask III linaiicial abililv. his tailure to -.ompls with the p;ioi (udgeineni diowed no (uvl sause lu leg-il s’Sv U'C ll.i.i od Knwiiiuf l.'u'obs, 22lt ■^ad’^tn I rail. Racfoid, ptcaded guillv last week !o l)Wl ld...hs. 4? w.is atrisuJ on iscr s-,1 s,|>( ‘.,1)1 i, :\| Drop in CAT scores predicted in county In appreciation Former editor o/The News-Journal Warren Johnston Aaiks awax from the podium at the ne*v Armory on April I carrying material for a new suit. The material, made by Burlington Industries, uas; presented to Johnston by The Raeford-Hohe Chamber of Commerce and The ( ommittee o f 100 in appreciation for all the work he has done for the community. The presentation was made during "Hoke Countv Ap preciation Mght." Johnston begins job as managing editor W orret) J(ihnston. editot ot Tht \i'H Jiiurtui loi ;he past three veaf., h.is tell Raeford to take a I oh with r.'ir Scih'hez DennKrat m \aiche/, \3jssissi)ipi. Johnston has assoincd ihc duties of managing 'ditor at the cl.iilv Njuhji ncwipapei 111 ■\ueusl 1982. Johnston tvegan h:s work at / sows Journal as an assvx i.itc alitor FIc was luiined editor I'l thi newspaper m June 198V -Active in conuminilv aflairv, Jotinsion s? led u' the chairman ol t'oih The 1985 Nor.h ( arolinu Iiirkey I estival .ind The Hoke C ouiiiy Highei I diicalion toiiniia tion He was iiKo on the boaid >f directors for the Uva! kiwaniv Club aixd a member of The Hoke t'ocints .Adolescent Pregnancy Task hoTce Kcxn Vnderson has been namc-d assoeiatc editor ot ihc Vow- Journal Andeison began his wvvrk with the Raeford paper as an editorial as'istam and reporter in November 1985. Before moving to Hoke County. AnJersou was employed as a reporter and photographer al The Chowan Ht 'aidm tdeiilon. North Carolina Educators attend convention Ihe Amenean Association ot ■ ‘.hool Administrauus Convention ill Sail [ raiieiso atierided by nine liH.il sc'hiHil administrators in F•’binary was "an extiemelv good ■rdiicalion luogiarn tiu Ui.ud ot educalioti niL'inbcrs." Hoke C oun tv School Sup-Lrin(ei)deni Dr Kulvcit -Nelson, said those who attended from Hoke toniilv were Dr Robert Nelson, Don o>;d, Cilenn I angJon. Harold ■-iiliis. Rendu (.aincroii. Bill canur-ou, Walter ' oley. Hob i) »vi,.. til. jii.J L)i r . n,. . ‘it help- to piei'Mfe us to desi with '-.hiiol ediiiiiusitanon at a iival Icu-I ' Nei l" further com merilcvl According to Nelson , "the con- tetence provides the oppottumty foi the board niember.s to learn about new approaches, new techni- lines, new icehnology, and offers them a chance lo compare sitiia tions and achievements with other educators and adniinisttators." Some of the topics discussed were peTtaining to organization and school administration. Ir'verv facet of school operation was covered from janitor al aspects to the operation of school buses, Il lu.ijs .i.v^J -.'iJ 'fi. educators to the conference totaled S7,2TO. state funds totaled Sl.4ol, (Nee lONVFMION, page 2A)

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