\ '.VI ews - Journal (]ounlywi(ie worHhip Hervice IVlay 4 Sm* paa«* 2A St*t clocks ahead Sunday Volam* I.XXVIIi Number ! TKur«d*y. April 24 I'Jiv Candidates express opinions on issues B\ I iRila M. (tihstin ■ " f'; L'!- AU- ‘-‘I 'h!(V It lh4 .uV. lit .•! citmnii"' vnrr in itif Dt iiu''. laiK on Md> 6 L . •’ tcw' • r? i'.ivk. ifi :iiitih-f«!4 >.. Ilnuh'*' Jt .;a1 . .t!ti‘ M Hu ■ '' 'ii|; ^'ihvan ■ if- Tiuu. ( :* 11itin) Movidl \ rhom.:; M (TvvuiV' I M l V. . i .ivitufvc 1. \\ \ i I v' M ^ ■y:\ i.-1- ' tn pvitjin- 111;! !-_ . K Thi ft-[ • . iKll ' TI * f t'C* -'-U '.■,11*1: ^ vT . V ' . 4M mil)' (TUcial ( ' -■-h..: SS 'Ji!| f’-ii smiiPl ' ^ I ■( c:' ; c- •..■ . ( '.iri’ , ^ I.!' li. . ,i'C I' ' . ntiii ijirijj '' ’ ■;'!» 1'. C '. " ' ’ M.' i .' ;cp ihc ; u. ‘'Hi;: ' '■ '‘.-ri: I .1 iV ■■■ .litMIK- (i .jflii lU .il H i*’ '! I* iVi.’' H . t .-"J. I «;■ i!J " J ‘ ' ! • • i' . : ' . ‘ I ‘ ' L.’ ' '.,7 » ’v ■,;'h ■■ r ' .viivr ' , .. ■'I r‘illy could nut mvc a ilti i‘" ' in^wcr nota tmihout an m -‘•'pth ’udi.” Hotacll 14111 Movidl L-iintinucd, *'l fed i^e mu * work toward bringing more tr.duiir: s and rcitidcnii- into Hoke C ounty to bri'aden our lax ba'^ and p4.=‘C4ibl> piexeni ihe nevcsMii %>! • using laxc^ *' "If wc Itvse the nKUics and kerp iHc ,ame -?rvic-,;, then laxex will have to be raised.” Hunt -aid. ”we bivc nv kThs'isc " Mcl aufhlin ' ud, "I would like to rexicw all xiMing requirements ?rd ihen chevk to lee il there are any additional slate or fedetul funds asaitable *’ "I would nml to examine the ^c'• ■ ^ to vce if any o( them tun r- elimirutcd. It raising taxes is necessary ihen that's what will h; ve !■ be done.” i each RiIcn remaikcd. ”1 would V l ws. the prexent services and ul tho e that we could do i'-rc t -WDID.X 1 f s, page ^A) Oman is killed in accident ■ . . ■ -I - k "l- ’t I i ' .U r; ‘*.f • ; f» ' S i'M. ap ;■ ' m rT’.*'‘ ‘ 'ij -..‘•in s Ur. ■ : J ■ il' - •'niinu '■l.'.p Uf:: I While 1,11. Ih.i : 4 .V i iV illfci! .!■ .ip - :.i» -.at) -v.;> Hr ■ i.l4IOMiJ RiCl.’ iV'-t >! ific -ch: ... . r . iht ■ _iii 4- I , I''»'-• 11'.’. Rji fc.r 1 • :r> n ‘V:.,’ F--ii J rvin (.'I' ih., r ! V-:'jlJr. rime back ! ; ■ . 1- • 1* .:. Xidilcil off 'V- ,'4‘iv( ■■ „ :n 1.-un w.i' thrown irum the vchi ■ le whin It began U> overiufii. R.-'iland Williams. I**. C hiisiina William-,, s. and Iiftany Williams, 4. all sil vvulhern Pines, and Sarah Hill, IV, of Aberdeen were all taken tc Cape Pear Valley Ho-pitai A ho-pttal .pokesman said on Vlixrtaiibv iK«i C'Kri«liru4 wai in saiixfaciory condition The liber three passangers were ‘ and releas-d the mghi of the atcident. None if the passengers were weanng seatbelt.- at th? tunc of the •dent. s^‘‘'rding to White "Trifv 'iserc returning hnnie ifom . hurch," White sud Trials held for dog fight I’ ’, i -did guilty M ■ u ii iiji’int' pi; huii . C ■ IrCiriti I h VsOf!. I'T Ri 1. B* - ‘’sai *: ::■■■: h (iiencrd -.i :V ul . ir , . , .':d till ?!\c > * I, nd .'■' ucd ot uri-ufsi-tMsrd Ht - Is hn. q iiou •\| .=-' ’ J U I lb, sCC-'i S ■ ' ttivTr: 'I k-'ficral raiur; |4 ^nj. w : R ■- Andcr on, c5. .1 Old T:_;l Ml hib Mi-rit pjfk An:* : '>11 (csci'cd hi itrr srn!*.. V, \ancv May Keed of Hi. 4. fk>x J''4, Kactord, was sentenced it' *sW davs. suspended lor three years and placed on unsuperviscd proba lion Reed w.-.- fined SltX) Carlos tioodman Jr., 29, ot Rt. 5. Bsix 174, Raelord, was scntcnc ■d to SIX months, -.uspeiidcti f»ir five years, and placed on unsuper vised probation CnKidman wa^ ••“ed V4()0 i«HHlman wa- also ordered to t‘c.?c IKK. PlCiHr, page 2A) Around Town Bv *suin Morris fh :«iii Tic early Vfonday mi ; ri ng W haven i h-‘ard whal the olli iai niea uremcni arr; ojn til hut 11 musi havc P .11 h ; ■(.. ! . ami “ insh. fhe .^.n did '•!. the p'i'en of: the = r- , md II hi' Idfi 1 h* too loiH! Nffoic w !!i breath fresh nr avail. Ill' Icini'i r il was ili the R!.*s Soi'-lry „ I !i till "’0* Monday Ih. .F-sj-t s tor thv thcr monirr-r to r J m the low 6f)s 1 II- ! ;• and W dii, j|s and then :’i h.n k ilic bs Tfurdav Wi ,!i 1 ■ :-,l ntuie help, hut ^sr-s III! . I c!r Il ■ ' ‘ ^k in'J .1 hall until the datt i| :*it cclcbialton ol the 75th An'iiv -r ..if, of Hoke C ounty The omriutiec has completed plati . for the event and now the lcK>,c ends miivt be pulled together 1 1 net evcfyih>ng darted. Ihc iivkctv lor die Moke Dm i.x^i.va . * * and if the sates orniimie ui the pace •if the past week, they will all be gone heft'ic the week at fives I reddle Wilhartiv. who is in ■ harge ol la"'' In ki’l , -aid Mon ,1. ■!. c I .• 'inP " li'-i V A pctiiton (vi ptohihii the opera tion ol junkyards in residential areas wa-- presented by a local resi dent during a ounty toniini.-- sioner- meeting on Monday. The petition. pre.senicd by Chalmers Park-, contained about 20U signature' from residents of Quevshiftle Township and stales, "W'e make this request out of con- can tor the health and safety -if oiitsehcs. our hamilies and the public '• According to the petition, the junkyards are unsightly and pro vide a breeding ground for mos quiiocs, snakes, rat- and nthcr ver mm The petition also states the junkyards are a source of "noise pollution” and a source of toxic and ha/ardou- wastes In addition, the pe-lition dates the junkyurdv pose a fire hazard, attract thieves and burglars, and attract young children to play in their dangerous eonfines. hnal points taken were the degradation ol the residential homes in the neighborhood, ihe loss ol tax valuation of surround mg pfopPf fy lower resale value of the homes in the vicinity of the lunkyard- "We believe this peiiiioii paper has demonstrated the clear and present danger to public health and safety from the operation of junkyards in residential areas,” the petition states at closing The petition was accepted by the board of commissioners and vsill be passed on to the planning board lor lurther action. In other business' •\ request was made for tfie tesidcnts in the area between the airport and Highway 401 to pre sent a petition for paving at the (See PETITION, page 2A) every nckci seller and maybe move some to places that ure selling more Dekrtv He said that only 750 licketv would be sold and -idvises people to get their tickets before they are all gone I'aul Dickxin, who is on the Kcumon Dav t ommitice, called me last week and staled that some ot the old Naiionai Ciuardsmen ot Hoke County were working hard to have a big turn out on Reunion Day, May 9 at Ihe National (niard Armory. He IV running an Open I ciier in (.hr form of an aclvatisement in ihis week'- Journal He stales in ihc leiia thai there have bef-n National (niard units in RaeforJ and Hoke County lor m least 72 ol the past 75 ycar- There have been reunion by some of the units, but -ucording to Dickson’s letiT there has never been any ■-on of a reunion fur them all The units I hat have been m die county are a-, follows Company Ci. 2()0ih Any Battery I . 252ncl C A; First Bdliation Headquarters R.?Merv and Combat Irain, 252nd iSc AROI ND. page 2A) Commission and Chamber offices move into depot H elconie Open doors at Ihe therileen anil Rock fish Railroad Depot on Main Street welcome' l isiiors to the ( hamher of ( onimerce and Economic Develop ment ( omniissftm Of tierThe new depot offices will he dedicated on Mondas, Ma s 5 at 10 a.rn. Petition to prohibit junkyards presented to commissioners 75th pageant "(lolden t'choes" cast members, from left, T sonne Shodja, who is pki,i mi; “Rhodu"; lisa Ihitls, nho is playing "irystall" and Prentice Me Unde, \\ho is plavirig "( J_, ” pose for a photograph daring a recent pageant rehearsal. The pageant will he presented at lurlington School on Ihiirsdas and f ridar exenings daring Dianioru! Juhdee ffrfk. Pageant rehearsals going well In 1911, North C arolina’s 99ih county wai created with 26f(.l)0(» acres from Cumberland and Robeson Countici This year, 75 year’s later, Hoke County will rcmembci its begin nmgs with a Diamond Jubilee Celebration to be held Sunday, May 4 through I nOa>. May 'z On Ihursdtiy and f riday even ings during thi* -elcbraiion. ’’Colden f ihocs.” a peccant wtii ten -r-pcvially Iof il..- .oiin'v’s ’’viti ■jnnivn-,arv bv - ii.icr I ih* . ■ C ameron will be presented af Tut lington School beginning at 8 p.m fhc local actors in the ca-st have been hard at work preparing for the two perfurmalices. '‘Rehearsals arc going well,” "uod Mtiry Archie McNeill, who ts direcimg ihc pageant with 1> Ray Ilai141 “The paiticipanis are having a grand time. We arc having a wonderful time working and itrating togeihcr,” MeNall said iSc'- PA‘il ANI, page 2A) "It’s a dr*- iw I ;-ned inio . ali ly,” said Tom How-SI. lo3l f* dent of the Raeford Hoke Chamber of * orrimer c, who a . -jfvcs as chairman of the R^,,fard Hoke I c-vnomii DevcIop.T.cni C ommiv’.ion Howell was "cfcrring to the move this week of the C hamber of Commerce and I on- mt, Desclripmcnt C'ommis.ion off''- into ihe re-s!tired Abcrii.--ri „..j RiKkr.h Railrv id Depot on Main Street. Ihc off ICC- began full operation in their new facility this pa^t Mon day The chamber had it offices tn Tdenboroiigh Avenue and the Economic Development office ha- been in space provided by Southern National Hank fo: lb- past year The depot was donated by the Aberdeen and Rjickfish kajlroad Company to Hoke C ounty and the City of Raeford joinily in December 19R4. Almost imniediaicly. vUi/en support for renovation work was secured by the chamber through monetary donations, equipment and supplies and numerouv otfer mgs of local volunteers who gave their time and talent to the project Planning for the resioration began in Eebruary 1985 with .Mrs. Sandy Johnston, her self a volunteer, taking over the task. "We knew from the work she had done in restoring her ovsn home on Maiti Street that she would be able to bnne dignity to this fine structure.” said Steve Parker, past president ot the Chamber of Commerce. Parker and ITetiny McLevid, anotha former chamber prcMdent. were pan of the Iciidership m con- ceiling the project in 1984 The interior of the building, which dates to the turn of the cen tury, ha> been completely remold ed. All the space has been utilized to bring funcljon and purpose toga ha. ‘‘I know It’s htTcn said before, but this place truly is a laKu of lose by many, many pev^le in the community, said Economic Developer John Howard, whvi with Sherrv Kirkland, arc (he building’-, new residents, ”V\e want evayonc to kn\>w that It IS their buiiding, a public place to be proud of and enjoy ” Kay Thomas, Chairman of the Raeford Downtown Keviializanon Commission, seev the budding as "a new landmark on Radoid’s Mam Stre.‘t that will help to mam tain the vigor of out downtown area” hand' « t::’ the ■ m ’ ’ ■ iiiise f: 4Ffn - ir-^- ■ Thr Ni'.rth (_ A ‘ •' p4'al afif-'*;'' - I tons b*" last summer, - proprialcd 51 T (yjOt 'wiird *** pr:. j. I -xirf an atm ci hvJp ■- ' reale chrria;- Iciwlir* to ■'ripr". ed ctrr.: -TTcn m Ihe - O-cr Sir.UOO . . S.-wrd b> Minal- buelr and ■"'i istf:. donii ’lonv in Use ^-‘.-4 "An ad'J:‘7-!:j! amount, ova 55,(XX), ha- lime through -pecial fund raisers .>.h as the riding liwn mowa raffle almoM a year -fo now," said Bobbv L4b-H.»n. chair man ol the finincc wommiMce for the project I truilly. 1 special ijfa.ni s'f Sw.MK) from Auv-ncemcni los . a Federal, Small Busincs- Ageruv in I umberton, provided the fund' nevescary to "bri-J^c 'he gap and pamii us to finish and move in," -aid 'lene C artrr, treasurer of Ad safi>.'‘ment and a Hoke County 'epreseniaiive to the Advancement Hoard of Dirct;-.r Bobby ' onoly, :hairman of the building committee during the rtriovaiions. oberved that the final result, afta about 12 tears of effort. refTeci- "pride, pledges, prayer•- and patience on the part ot the total communitv” Conoly added that it would lusi be impo ;ble to list all those in Hoke County who willingly voliintt%Ted their skills, scivices. and supplies to make this happen ‘‘The donations of these items, if oiherwi-e paivl for, would base added significant cos! to this pro jeci,” Conoly staled. Howell, ax chamber prtiideni, noted that ”We’re not through yet.” ( I'usideraiion is being given to necessary guttering and downspouling and repoinimg the brjck-. where mortar is loose or weak. “More importantly,” 'aid Howell, “we badly need far nishings now to make it complete on the inside ” "We expect (o have 'o get a nice conference table,” he sard ’'but anvi*ne having items of the period 10 match the decor that would Kian or donate these things would be appreciated.” Items needed include stuffed chairs or small sofas, oak irr bra-' ciiai trees, wooden side chatr--, end tables, decorative clocks, pictures cif wall hangings of the period, and area rugs ‘‘W'c will try to put some kind vvf appropriate marker on loaned or dimated items »o recogni/e thi'- (‘occ OfFICI S. page 2A) Jubilee BIGHLIGBT8 •Are you a current Hoke Couniv resident basing a 75ih birthdav this vear'.* If so. the Dianmnd Jubilee Committee wants to know about il. You’re a vers sisecial persivn to the county's total celebratain Call Dia mond Jubilee Hcadqii.irt«'is at 8'’5-DJ‘?5 and let uv know Vs far we know .iboiii these tv>cal ‘‘diamonds ” •Daft Mclnnis •Neill McFadyen Sr •f’ollie B Johnson •Jriisk' Willis •Odessa Hams •Duncan D McC raney •■Alice Almond •Joni Parker, Miss North C.irohna, will lie in our parade on Monday, May 5th and pertoiming that evening belore the fireworks The Kiwanis Club of Raeford is spsoiisoring her appeararise •Open House Tours of Fabcrge, JR.A lndu>iries and Tarheel Turkey Hatchery arc now part of the plans lor "Ciovernmcnt-lndusirs " Day. C all the Jubilee Headqu.irters at 875 I)J75 tor a re'crvaiion and pa-' to par ticipate, Visitaliori is limiicil. •The Woodmen of the Woi Id are making a great, patriotic contribution of many American flags lot our celebration! Wail unlil you spc Mam Street duting Jubilee Week. You’ll be proud to be a citizen of Raetord and Hoke County. •An exhibit of our local arlivt.s ”Ma'tcrpicx.cs” will be on Ji.piay m the AZcK DCiJlol ollikcs ail Utililig Jubi4«.c Wwk. ritH-. f. . ' !•' A r.t tour (be Dcpt>t •We will h.ivc some ’’honorary” oltlcials dunng Jubilee W cck C hair man of the County Board of Commissioners. County Manager, Sheriff, Mayor and City .Manager Watch lot more information

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