xKg _ v. / . • t ews - Journal c/ Parents hi'lpin^ parrntH pro^am S#»«* * f»a4{t* 8/\ A l(M)k at agriculture s«*«* pa«»* lit T Vul-r-* LXXVOl Nu»W» f I hwr^day . Jiinv 14. 146$; School facilities Hoke ( ounl\ Btttnl Oj t duration mrmhtn B“hh\ tknght, left, and tddie Mt'^eiU itud\ nay% »>' im proving the iounry't ihotd fodlitiey at a r..4>ni httard mnitng. fh, iihmd btMrd hope\ that money :Utm u proposed ’.•.=* bond l%%ut >*ifl gfcart improve Iht q=;aUlv oj hn'oi lacilifies. $3.6 million bond issue Ok’d by board of education B) Sail) Jaaiir jf ih« Hoke County Hoard of i dutii'on pa ted a rrM>lution fo; a S) 6 million bond i. .uc at (heir resular meeting lucMlay night. The bond i^'Oe, if patted, would provide monies the renovation of ani: additions to ,^>unty school facilities The Hoke County Board of Comrni*^''Oner- discussed a resolu- iion for the bond ivsue at I heir meeting Monday night, bui tabled a decision until after a joint e«sK)n with the school board to be held Monday, June 23 If the bond t-sue n approved by the commi i,ioneri, they will in turn adopt a resolution making ne,,cT-,dry fundings relating to the proposed bond and authorizing the filing of ail application with the Local C'.overnment Commission, Dr Bob Nelson, Hoke County behoof superintendent, presented to the school board coirespon- dence from New York Blind at torney Brown and Wisod in whu-h Gundar* Aper-. . rcpr*^-ntai‘»e for the firm, rr. lewed the isoik] I: ue "slendar A^'^ording to the calendai, ap plication proseduir^ must be •sm- pleted thirty dn. prior to the elec- non day on which the bond referendum would be voted The board is considering an elo: tion dale of September 3u, sepa rate from the gencraJ election, for the referendum. Nelson related that "ounty at torney Chincan M^Tadyen ques tioned Aperam about the feasibili ty of getting all prcKcdures com pletcd before the ^ptember date if begun in early July. Mtfadyen conveyed Aperan^ af^urance that the deadline allowed sufficient time for completing the applica tion. In other business, the hoard ap proved a bid from F.asiern Urethane, Inc., for the re-roofing ol the Hoke I s*'—■ Tb- 'fiifidi t pf-je ^yr the •- ;-liy t ft ' -ug job r * would “^^’ude a ten ■ luref’s »3rT2nly Buvin- Admmistrair Seed presented to the board the offer from Sandhill' Youth Ccntr* of the ,, •• •> of ycung meri at a .e**' of SI or pe» -lay to swofk with tb- '^Kool mamte nance department In addition, the board reviev^ed the new bus jsrem Steed said th-^' under the new .>s:em tire hifth school stijdc.its * id-narwfed from the Upchyr ri ---d Turlingi -o ttuder::- and be ip dependent from if -i •, the ••rr. bined Upchurch route The v.item would have ddfere^' 'T-,iems for each of the uuJeni groups, k-4, fifth to eighth gtucle. and ninth to twelfth grade It was reported that there were some behaviour problerr with the (See BOND, page 2A) Drug detection dog ‘^Skipper” sniffs out drugs at local residence \ Hoke County man w— ar rested on several .harf.C' in .on fie-ction with contfoiled luhstante on June 12 ^ 'cording to the Huke Countv Sheriffs Department Robert Benjamin Ray, 54. Rt 1 Box Pi BB. lumber Bndge. was arrested on charges of posvssion of manufacturing equipment (nr m.Mula4;luruic iU^wl whisTry as wen as several charges related to controlled substances as a result of invesliga- Around Town By Nam Moms I have been thinking about sear ching the files and seeing if we have ever had weather the way it has been this year. The winter was not two cold, but the dry. hot weather this lime of year iufncihing new for me Wc finally got rain on Sunday and Monday and it was a much needed ram Last week the ther mometer hit 101 degrees and was in the 90s for the rest of the week Now this IS two weeks before sum mer IS officially suppivsed to be here What c*n we expect for the remainder of the summer? I can't say what the rainfall has been this year in Hoke County, hut in Durham and Wake counties, the rainfall is approximately 7 to 8 in ches behind for the year This could become serious because wr are running behind every month so far Since Robert Gatlin has stopped his weather charts, it is hard to keep up with the ramlall • * • It seems that the dry weather hss hurt many of our gardens m the county Ra? Autry said U^t week that he wouldn't get his seed potatoes back from what he planted Wilson McBryde said Sunday that his corn wouldn't make this year Nosv these are just two, but I am sure that many others are finding their crops drying up m the fields Maybe the ram ol Sunday and Monday will help the late planters, bui it might be too late for the crops that should be coming in at this time. • • • It looks as if ( ongress will pass the reform tax bill this year Ac cording to all reports is has the most changes ever before ac complished since the tax laws went into effect. The reason that its passage seems so certain is that if they siart admending it, the entire siruciurc of the law will fall apart. It is hard to read about it and say how n will help or hurt an individual. We will just have to wait and see how much our auditor will say to pay the (See ARCJUNI), page 2A) l....ivb, fN .'Ctive C L. Haf'’: .■iht , Hoi* t-.uroy sheriff Dcp-rtrr.tfnt and le - its t oup.tv R,t :"vu of Nar> ‘ it in C umberlMnJ Counts Hams ‘.iiird m a rtj.cvri thai ”.i a r:.ult of ini.:rir-jlion received from ; confidentie! informant tfni Ray Wit in posstcMcui ol s ',;.:znti- IV isT djesfil dru^ ubuuKJa' a searen warrant foMnvKtTgs:*'i»r put poses The •^esreh was ccmducied hv f-- c ite H-im;s, Dctc-jiive J R. Rilt-> .. k C Hart, agent with the e RN, u-mg their drug deiec- tion c!=>k '"skipper" T? do.' attic... indicated that if-r A.i marijuana and cocaine at 1*’“ Ray residence. After investiga tion of the mobile home. Hams aiicj the oth,'r* found a substance -'n —h*. h _ ft^ld i“si w«i» Th* I •• lioti to the tc it done by Harris w.^ p,- live ec.-vrds cay Acc.rding to records. 30 man juana plants were found growing in buckets at the end ol a path that leads from the yard. Photos were taken and evidence collected. •A search of two buildings in the yard turned up parts of a liquor still. In addition to being charged with possession of manufacturing turc of illegal alcohol Ray faces charges of possession of cocaine wiih intent to sell and deliver. possession of marijuana, manufac ture of a controlled substance (marijuana), and maintaining a dwelling for the purpose of selling and keeping narcotics According to Hams, Ray "was incarcerated Thursday, obtained a lawyer on Friday and bond was set at $2000." Raiv 'M>[>ored jn court ctn f'ri day Roger Gibbs of Rl. 2, Fayet teville, an employee of the Cable Dairy C ompany, reported a break ing and entering at West Hoke School on Turnpike Road and Rt 3 at 4:55 a.m on June h Rcsords say Gibbs noticed the school had been broken into while he wa* delivering milk Cnbbs said that the of fices had been entered aird the kit vhen raioackcd. ntc vahiiies-v •nd desks were opened and the v.on (See "SKIPPfcR", page 3 A I Large crowd attends budget hearing Public hearing • large croml gathers SUmdas (t>ur}t\ *t budget for JVHft evening for a puhlu hearing on the By Sally Jamir The Hoke County Board of Commissioners held a public meeting for the proposed 1986 to 1987 revenue sharing and general fund budgets at a special commis Stoners' meeting Monday night. A large crowd turned out for the hearing in which county residents voiced their opinions and concerns about the proposed $5,782,887 budget F’ublic concerm were raised dbuut the property tax included m the budget which, if passed, would increase by nx cent' over last year. There was discussion on the benefits, in teirns of revenue, from the additional one-half cent sales tax to be decided on bv the legisla ture Chairman John Balfour en* Ex-coach sues; educators won't comment The local biard of education o not commenting on a $‘^.',(yi0 Jaw sun filed against Hoke Csiuntv by furmer basketball coa^h titegorv Killingsw.-rth "'ke can't aMord to acknovvlcdee or deny any com ments he (Killingsworth) ha* made." Director of Personnel for Hoke Count y Schools Ciloria Williams v=i.t ..in Monday "Wc'rc suggest inf that school board members not make anv coinmcnls " "We hast fe.id in the newspapers what oervone else has read, hut of f ridav wc l.jse not fcccivcd any legal devumentc." SN illiams said W hat the papers say is that Kill ingsworth has accused the Moke C ounty Hoard of Education of deliberately damaging his protes- vional rcpuiatiun by not renewing his contract in 1985. Kill- ingwonh, who taught and coached ui Hoke County High SchcHil from 1983 umil 1985. IV seeking $5l».(mh in actual damages and S25,(IUIf in punitive damages In a complaint filed by attorney James R. Nance Ji. in Cumberland County Superior Couit on Wednesday, lune II, Kill- ingsworth claims that when he was hired hy the local school .ysteni, he veas told that the county had a pcdicy requiring all head coaches and administrators to live in Hoke County. Killingsworth moved from Cumberland to Hoke County when he began coaching and teaching duties at Hoke County High School, according to the complaint. The former coach moved back to Cumberland v’ounly in February 198' after he was told (See BOARD, page 3,A) Raeford man sentenced for 1981 shooting A Raeford man received a one year sentence for a shimiing iiki dent which occurred m 1981 in this week's session of districi coiiri Matthew Neal Ray. 41, of Ki 3 box 223. Raeford pleaded no con test to a common law misdc mcanor charge of "attempting lo discharge firearm into an ixcupied dwelling" According to records, Ray was aiicstrd on Januai.t IV. ivisi u.. willfully discharging a shotgun in to the mobile home ot Annie J Davis, Ri 3, Raeford. while several people were insnjc ludgmcnt included a recommen datum for a work release during the one-year sentence f rankiin Bernard Hill, 608 Ar nold Street, Aberdeen, pleaded guilty to charges of possessing marijuana, pawing in a "no pass ing" area and driving 115 mph m a '5 mph rone while fleeing and at- templing lo elude arrest or jp prebcnsion bs a law enforcement In addition. Hill. 16, pleaded guilty to charges of failing (o pull over to ihe right-hand side of the road and slop when Hiiproached by a police vehicle which was display ing the appropriate light and signal and not being licensed as a driver by the Deivartmeni of Motor Vehicles (DMV), records say. Hill w IS arrested at 2:00 p.m May 17 near the inter.section of NC 211 and RP 1214 in the vicinity of Raeford and Limbcrl'and. Records say Hill was sentenced lo not less than nine months and rno''• 't'. JT’. *w'rlve suspended for two vears, placed on supervised probation for two years and fined $.350. (Sec DWl, page 2.A) couraged the public to support through letters the passage ot the House Bill 1542 which would enact the ta.x levy. Commissioner Wyatt Upchurch expressed the opinion that the budget "should not be tied down until we hear about the onc-cent sales tax outcome" m the General Assembly. Concerns were raised by the public in reference to the Public Assistance Programs, particularly the Aid to Families With Depen dent Children F’rogram The opi nion was expre.ssed that the prev- grams were not a wise usc of funds. Barbara Buie, project vlirevtor of the Moke Reading ! itciacv Council, commented on tltc adult literacy program and the conse- queixev for the county if the is^^c of adult illiteracy is nof addressed, Buie stated m rcfeience to public assistance recipients that "many people receiving services, do not have high school diplomas, cannot read and write." The possibility of a central com munications systems foi the city and C-. unty was diveussed. I^lfour int icated that such a system w ould make the user responsible for ser vice payment. Shenffs Dcjvartmcnt servicci were JivcusscU. some comments in dicated that the department was undermanned. County .Manager Williijfn K (Bub) Cowan indicated that the of ficer in populalum ratio was ap- (See HEARING, page 3a) Togetherness RtsanJa Bran:; jr.J *■ before Johnny leaves for summer camp. Mrs. Brown is participming in the local "Parents Helping Parents, "program. (See story or-j petge Ml