The -/ ■ "Journal 1'ho rhosrn for All Slani 'vm* |)U4e«‘ 8 LiN'al vo^t'lahles now availai)le S#*#* paa»* 10 \ o' >»l ■ XVin N,^^b#r 10 IharMluv jun«26. I9M ?r ^ ) h \ / ^ $3.6 million school bond issue in trouble B> s»ll« Jamir \ re-.'lution for ^ m,. bond v-.-.iiC i.i -ir-* b\ r:. ‘ ^ o* the 1 c-nty ! , I a toinl r ‘>1- 0* the ■ .. . ui.J iN- board . f \t “das - ' ' The uiurcv of ■»nu. t- tv^een th-. tv>o hod vih.' ‘ .. or not a |I5(t.ui)0 Und ..q .hon fifure should be tr uded - ih bond Tbe fi|ture incinded fc' :H: purpvrsc i»f purcha ioa Ur.d .r. ' e future a- a I 'e for :he (.or: tru-.'ti‘»n of a school facilii> TTie br—iJ d:J not make p!jh- for the .pc* in., use of the mone*. as regard* the aC';al land to be purchaved or the kind of srructure to be . instructed The Bc-^ral .onicniut o! the eommis :ner. that thev ....dd not I ' ''‘d i*\ur ssith luMor •■f this figu'e. r" -n, ikiih II pe-jiTi u'.e on- nc 'ad «ith *. Ri\. i this i;-ite and the ■ non >f the i p- of additions to J Nk Turlinit-n School of ;.:om‘ Of rr ilii-purpoie 0-“ Superintendent [)r Bub Sv.!.on p:*,->.‘nted to if- jonimn ..... *1010 i nairmaii Bill ■ 3,—»^;,n on bv^,'!* of the board The letter statesl that bvMh kinds ol leerr needed but that in - Jly ‘'Hsm’ be -on- .triii**d » ‘■'ut interior load ■. ufiisc walb oy that at .ssme future time, when needs change. The fa.dity could then be modified into a mult! purpose room by the .ation ■: the interior wall- *' The ommie-.ioncr responded Kidnapping reported A Laurmbi '. m.*,.: vsrrs kidnep ped i..d robb"; Ir ; hs four r-n ulw fr.-ni "I at^o.-'biji'B. 70 o'l;-' -1' ihe Hi'k? Coun; Sheriff- i— -.r John Hen:; Jo!o , * : aessiilted b*. f -jr in.-n vsf.iic eivine them 4 ■■■■ a ^^*1 f nec in ihc sicinii'. \k u-T.-jir,^ a.ordTr:,. :.i ,f report b. IV^-ci; - \^;=J^-r Patter^ p The 1.31' in.-! J.>h' had b.P-*' ai Tb P . ci*n : nieticf sJoTf- or* v.^uih M.,in '• .n in I niirinh r g ai -■*»> a in W.?=.!c there, he was uppro* heu b» th— men requfsirn^r a ndc i- •!- ■■■ , > 'V *Bf i. -.ri #fi»8 Iflr O*. i .. » o, i4j the liK*3*i'‘?« an 1 l* .-ni-.l • t^ * store ebt'ie 14 tiiir.ip-:-- ' ' I i c 'Pr:; ajrit'M , , j j nd’. ihi*. tuTi'* i - : ■ ■ n Im::..,- , J ; farm near sS a*'turn Johr.-v>n agreed. *-nd before lec mg for the Kxation, the? were ,oin.-d b\ a foytb Rc 1 Vfc. that at f J rn on the wa*. So a Hoke s niiits me>bile hor • on RP ' Iu2 ncai Hilltop ap p. lorTidtc!* one bill mile from l|(M. the fou’ men altacked Ji'o on John-, I .itimiptcJ to f.-ap? but wa.- oserci’iiie and beaten up b> ihe men The men tssok eonirol of ibe car and ifi to R.sbeson t ounl> Ac o'dinj: to John-.LMi's uateincnt, iS-r men b'‘ndloldcsj him and druse ' ir a != '»: pres-r-j of time over a r^ati n*j':n^ '"t ! lime Johnson ri-p..!!- ihai I he men held a (hclungini^ I-' lohnson) lo isce KIDS XPPINt., page H) Coach sees challenge ahead for new season H> Sally Jamir bsHMball tryouts begin Au^rust I. and Wsher Barnhill, new head coach at Hoke High, -ures a challenging ‘dfacc-n fSead “It’s going to be tough (chU bail vonfercncc with the com petiti rs be'^j ‘.- •'''and. Rnbrnond and Icounties It h;"d !■* t.>>iii pete with them mainls bccisusc of the sheer number of they have to chtMjsc hen, Ba.n hill said. '‘Having more skilled athletes to chco-.e Irom be..ause ol Ihc larger population in oth-cr ;i‘?as makes the difference between the teams. " Barnhill states hi* rnal.* for the •cason as being ab!. tr- “have an injury free seajisn. ::ci 4iX) in the conference s.nd sh‘>;:*s lor belt* than that.” "You've got to win the ganie-- yo'j need lo win, win a couple of upsets snd possibly get in the on ference race if w? have .. f -xl scar We always have the goal of winning the conference,’’ Barnhill was assistant (offensive line) ■ oach and baseball coach from 1‘kW) to the present. During this time he also taught physical science and phy.ical education. He wis app'-'inicd head fiX)ib.all coach June 4 A. head i.rach, he will continue tnv i'- jhing dulte- either in the same areas, in w^’ighililting or any that arc ii.igncd to him. ■'1 want to ..ontmue my woik in education and coaching i'. part of It." Barnhill said. "I enjoy it. 1 like working with the \oung men, and then seeing them go out and pciTi.rm, seeing their enthusiasm. They're very dedicated “ ■'There are young men on the ream who have never been a sue- 1 irivc lo lea. h them success a,id when thei^ achieve it, it’s a giHtd tceling," Barnhill said “It’s (sec t()\( H, p.iK’c 121 Around Town Sam Morns Th- summe -o;, t’.i tma'iy arriv d and -silh it ho: - .i The temperature ■: ^ding M. r * ■> aft.'noon wa '^4 and it ■: hadn’t been for the h'-c/e, ■ s'uld tuss*- been M)0 We have had omc rain and maybe it will .vr iiiuc to r.nn in the afternoon Tv-ri though t^ hot weather could brin; the '‘'iindei and lightning' The lore an r tor toniinucd hot w-3ihcr bu! not . In l as it on Monday • • • Last week m th; . Iiimti I wr ii thai Wilson McHi' dr ,aiJ hi corn ■;rop wa uirted Now ir—rbc Wilson mifcatil that ho cr ip wa- not as :oh1 as It lid b- b .■■•i > l«--; Saiiirdiiv hi i,.ame by the hnu-c and Icli a do/cri -i; o| nu. .„nii .-0 maybe if I wi.>uld wril*^ hi* w-alci riiclun • aic nol dotne v li. j ni' ■ nvelon would appeal Yi vw ay Ihc ■ rop' ar* I' li •« ,*i>"u a: uicu! lav.uaNv i" thew pUi R.i,irdiui Ihe S25i>.Ot«) -i- . i-i-.ilion fiHurc, lh= U-’ier -m seved that the board had no plan to purchase land until a ipeso: plan for uch was dc'-l.-f-d and they "most cerlamly hav' no specific pieie of properly in mind At th'* lime, we have not looked at or consideerd any land " Both Cameron and board membei Shirley Ctihwn r*>inl- ■ cd th,. datemeni with ■••minents clarifying the chix)! board’s inttn- non* “It wa- nol discussed when or where the land would be purcha' ed." Gibson said “Thei- !> no truth to the rumor* abvrut the site No site was men turned and none was picked out ' ( ameron said. ■: ...•-J t~ ( -M ..1 I b-* .id ^ fu d • im;.. ivt ■pj ,, N-i -III - b, -as.’hat “no .. .iH>l rteiui i: » siahi. t' n -I ' ’t haM- r .' tr^l Tber- b.^ rinOiV.: I'.m by !b- bo^ird tf .. u tf. = i'd ■ v s>f t-di 'ri,:;n| at Set; ‘ « and •’>mr , 't-^f “ *s-ison lid ihat m.^j;* ;_3ijon to the h.'.'! 'Aoiiid h (J.'vric -.s ihal redistru'ing would k - k-,-p to a minimum A .p-ifon w,. 1.0 J hy tb- ...if fn;. . - .-rs 4^ t , qJ s hcH>l faviliiies which n-.o he.on- iiruc'd III the future L ike anyone else vs t .* .nvH tell the future i study ihe Blue Rj’t; 11 ( i>min;.»*>n indu^tTu ;hal p. iihjv a middle -^hool that would b” twelve to ihmeer mdred siud-nt^ would be adc quale or two linalLfr elementary >= 'ol' which would house si* hundred siudeni* each." Nelson responded tl.-.u'Sjon .orwerning thv bond ii..ue lasted over an hour and a half, during which commisuoner CTco Bratcher twice moved to adopt the proposal "I don't bise d problem with it I move we Sign the resolution and let the peo ple decide. ’ Biatcher said. Braichci referred to the draft of Ihc "notice of intent" document to be itiade public in the event the propo>uil IS approved and cited /he suiemeni; "Any vitircn or tax payer who object* to said tHjnds. may tilc a '■iairmrr! ting *'*nt h.y oh.'..:;:.*; withii. --cn davs froTT. o.- .* publication of I hr notice " ( hairmaii John Batfuur va:d a delay m the dccivion of the br-ard in refcrertct to the bond would throw off the .alendar of actions necessary for a bond application During the remainder of the commissioners meeting the EJoard of Education met among themselvo to discuss the matter of the 1240,000 land aquisition figure They reached no decision According to Don Steed, business administrator, they "decided to meet at their wheduled meeting on July I when all members of the board would be present to decide whether or not to take ih; item out (set EiDND, page 121 Bob leiitr-., ciiaiiman ot the Ame-u sd I r^iiui (loll Ti‘Utna '■ It ■ note on mv dc-.k last week and it uid he would ,ip f... . i.uc any plug you can g ■-=; on the .ittached \t ofding to thi note the tour M men will b- held July 4ih at the A,..bia ((Oil C out ‘ The price tor ill.* csciit will be Sc4 lor non mcnib 'T-. and S2() tor members ot rt* Arabia .lub Jh,' I-.', will include ,1 hreakt.isl al I d* lib irouph Re-.tauiaiit begin nmf 31 7 ,j m Also UKlmJcd arr iir-'‘fi lee., sari to*, fell’ -hmciii and pn/e* galore No earls le-’i-.lralum is required Th._ I'T an be paid lulv 4lh .it the br.-vktasi and al-o vour haiidicdp ^ U. ‘b A • s'( /' *. '■ '*cU ifcri: ■, -aid ihai the t.vatnanieni tun aitaii end (hai mo.l ot the ;ull r VI in pri/c- This ‘ sent lia\ (see AKtil NI), jiage 12) Summer ’5 here 4 water fight at the Raeford SHitrstnirn; Ivsni/ur/nin on (iiJlrge Drive keeps these young men cool on a \welterir?g Mondur utirnnrm. Summer officially began on Saturday bringing ulrh it lemptrutures well into tht upper Of/s fii* the beginning of rfie week, h ttrtcasters rhe hot weather w ill he with us through the weekend. vdt Raeford attorneys receive Pro Bono award Raetord attorneys Philip Diehl and Millicent Gibson Diehl have been named the recipients of the 1986 Pro Bono Servu’c .Award by the North Carolina Bar Associa non. The award was presented June 20 during the NCBA’- An Dual Meeting in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina The award was established to recogiii/e North Carolina at torncys who have shown outslaiul- ing conimitmenl to serving ihe legal needs of the pooi and disad vantaged by providing pro bono (no Ire) services. Partners in the tirni ot Diehi & (jibsoii, the Diehls were hoiu'ievl for thr more than 2(K) hours of pro bono legal assistance they h.ivr provided to paient- of mentally retarded vh '.Jrcn ip tb. Rivtxson ( oiiiily VbiH-. ‘ Trainable Men txllv Handicapped la ,e- 1 hc'C children were bcin“ pby.u-lly punished j part ol the "auih tied ciiiporal pumshm-'m’’ allowed within the ■chool itcn) With the cooivera non ot • arolin.i Lee ;jl AsMslancc, tire tiichl: filed a la., .iction in federal v.ourt sivkiiia dcclaraiv’cv ini_ .;tivc r-t-cf on betwlf ot the children Before the ,iiit o.nue ‘o nail, ih^ defendeni* ;m t** .j jiu!* with a prop,v,nion that appt. revJ u' provide »dt*quatt rcl:?t IV.. the ■ hildrcn, bu. they ip- isml th.ri the Diehls waive any claim to .statutory attorneys fees The Diehl-, ini- niediau-ly responded that they vvi'iild waive all fees if it would hasten meaningful relief for their clients I fie settlement eventually reach ed in the case was favorable to the children and represented a milestone in this area of law. .As a direct result of the Diehls' efforts, the .chool system agreed to develop behavior management piLjgianis suitable to each han- dicapjsed child and to initiate in service iraining for teachers and aide* working with handicapped children. Mr. Diehl is a 1961 graduate of the Wake Forest VhcKd of Law He has served on the bssatd' of mtnieroui agencies in his com munity, and has been chairman of the boards ot the Sandhills Mental Health Center, 4-Couniy Com munity Service. Inc., and the North Carolina Community Ac tion Association. Mrs. Diehl is i graduate of St. ■Andrews Presbyterian College and received her lavs degree from the UNC Chapel Hill Law School in 1974. She is a besard member of the Hoke County Youth Services Task Force and chairman of the Hoke County Adolescent Pregnancy Fask Force, She is a former chair man of (he Moore County Y outh Serv ices Commission. Committee formed lo lake action on four-laning 401 By Sally Jamir The Raelord Hoke Ivuiomu Devclopriieni (ommi.-ioii last Tuesday formed a |oini ad hos comitiillcc of the sommission and the { hiiiTibet ot Cs'mmer..e u* study a s ol taking .ictions in connfclKi wiili the widening ol Highway 401 in Hoke ( uunlv According to commission dime tor John Ffuward. ihe . oninussum discussed the statu- nt the Depart mcnl of Transportation''- Highway Improvement Program and .el up the ad hoc committee based on the project bt*ing a nuiiiHei onr prion ty *’lhe -‘-•mmitit*' vva* (iirmcd to r* »aw a si'aiegy ttir wh-ii \v: can po-.-.iblv do iiv develop a position on wiUening 401 i.ipidlN,’’ tloward ■-.aid "We will present iL,,it possibilnv lo the full L onotm. nou'lopnit'ot L ommission. the i (umiln’r ol comii.cic. and .i|\ and ..ounis .illiiig on the L. .iiiinitlc.. art- ■ jmnr ,;.vn dire.;t»>r Howard. Cumiir.ion Chairman Torn Howell, Chamber President Terry Houston and Chamber Direvtor Wairen Pate, Howard states that "otfamza lion and leadership effort will come from the office of the economic developer.” A* a part of efforts tow ard this highway project Tom Ffowell, John Howard and Buddy Blue at icndedi a regional Deparinicnt oi Ir.msportation (IX)f) hearing on May 15 m .^antord lo present their ca***. Division 8 ot the DOT Highway Improvement Program includes the counties of Hoke, I ee, Mont gomery, Moore. Randolph, Rich mond and Scotland. State Fiighway Commissioner Richard Pugh presided over the hearing which reviewed this pro gram and heard suppotiing inpul from counties effected bv the pro gram. IfK program plan ot improve ment for the c*n going ten year period ot 19S4-95 for FToke Coun ty lots three items. Firstly, the (see 401, page 12)