The K T! ( A-- ‘t /.V I Gws-Journal Pittman Grove team Hinfs hoftball crown S«*S‘ 10 Jeremy IVlinhue fund estahlishecl See* p«4«* 6 I Volum. LXXVIll Number 12 Thur%d,.^.Ju!, lU i96> V7 / Raeford Redevelopment Commission created Stilt> Jamir MoTiher>, of Ihe ( th i .>un- Monda\ voted to accept j tion creaiinj a Raeford R* ' ■ i!-.!' ment Cominikcion for t^-' puip>- --: of the reviialt/aiion of ihv doiantown bu»ine>s J. *rwi The purpose and fun.-o-n- pt the cotrunisvton will he v;r!i;.;‘U the tame as that of the IX.-r.t • • •, Revitalization v. ommitiee According to Ciiv>t'’r Tom Phillips, the name change • primarily ms that the vomn- on will "have the oppoiiunny to c;; involved with low inicie'i loan'” that are made a\jila''ic o businessmen ti ihes to «>•!' them Appointments to '.he onin:- tion were made ant! ir.^i-de Is- -. McNair, Thoma-s A Phillips. Vb duliah Shareef, ljury r ^. v Eloive Carter, Rev Frank I llovd Jr, kav Thomat, Jo-. Lpch4=:.r and Tommy rifhi In other bu-intrs, the (.ouruil voted to accept tre-m ‘.'cri i TV the proposed _ .4-“' Super B£'IC P?:_ka«c '.fvi-.c Th- ac'tion was taken after a . hearing on the nev. i •*., held at the beiinnmv ot Mondav night’s meeting. The service sombine' both •‘'r basis service, including 3-13 and the cvpanded - c..-. m eluding chanrtcU 15, P. 1" ?■ »>'U 22 at a cost of SI.^ ^ The . .i two doHars te^ tht pr- s -- combined rate for the rwi • = .i .=, Shs-^time, The M> c Ca.Mi,. and Plavbov w.:? re^natn .I- Premium f nvnnrii. c '.5 S'* **5 each The Convene Box :nd ;hc Remote vontrol ,onv.:rtos bc‘.- ■ ■ remain ai the same ■> '■ . Si and S2 0' ;'p«rc''-';’v Prior lev ac.spiance by the wuun cil, a vuivcy of :u‘ti>nief' wa* -1 -e by Alert able a kinji’.htrri a - of questions relating to thr-^ i"r vice requirements ir-J so" iJc-a tion of the new erv • In reference to the .ut - r> on the new service, Citv Ma~ cer Tom Phillips .awl, "omc vcmj r- -yiet the., It would :ome out ilir. d 5()-W in favor of it ” City Altorney Paio-r \k ‘ ux stated that a second .* ■ . n n servic’e would be ncc-'-.d 4; -h^ r m meeting in order to t^aiif, le (See COL NC II p ur r., reach harvest Hok^ c ifU'in ptachf\ are ripening quickly and are readi /-tr ruling, cooking and putting o>*ay. fruit iuch a% rSete H inf to larief} will fe picked at a diz- rv«(« k. s^. zying rate this weekend to the satisfaction of peach los'ers eserywhere. DSS adopts policy for hearing impaired - f. - K) s«ill> Jamir ■■ Hi.i (I'unty Ikjuid of ■'.i.ivo adopt-rd a policy i»i»Hi !un ol ' "t vic»* to the iOl inii-.!:cd ii their regular '*1-^ . .n I,me .kO. ken N\ iilicrvpoon ■ *!- 'a: have ne‘ ■t , ■■•It but ,-. I oil VIV.M k : need .;!■ I' ^cc-J ■ based on iiic>n 'tW'-f tl-r R-n'‘;iitalion Ac. d ■ iq"*} which requires that w ;. tctlr:;! mivnev e involved, al •-V- be Flu I ac-,r-.iMe to ths* f*’- p. ■-> adopted for Ihc e'cr- - 'at. that hearing im P'r'rncrj! Otfets an cvtuiuitcd UVigai North t aii'lmail' Of this : li ‘"-.I *pproiimatcly arc P''>loji:J!\ deal A r-o .-.ihlc Iti.tkXt deaf .iti/cns ' t)n .!»n language a' their pr,; ^ mr!-: 1)1 commu nication. ( j cc h IV steadily gaining use .1 \di',siyior toi the heanng itn- , ...414 d 1 - diiiv purpose IS to *• ill pr.ivisuin L)f inter ^ I r.e tor deaf people so : .1 that they may riuike ihc fullest use ot service delivery channels. In othet business, the board reviewed case aerton and fraud ac tiMtv in the food assistance pro :'‘-ani fc" the month of May. (•riierally, prv^fwm pa- • rspr: tion was dlown hy approvimately 2i)() patticipant- and total bcnclit'- of Sh.-flX). According to Wither- .iXKin, this is because ot the decrease in the unemploynient rate in Mas WitherspcHin said that many in the food assistance program ■would rather earn wages " and obsiTvcd the connection between the employ ability of these par ticipants and the development functions of the County Commis sion and the Economic Develop ment Commission Overall there have been fewer participantv in the program this year than last year. Witherspoon speculated on the two primary reason' loi Ihe decline One IS that the household com position has been redefined to in elude (ewer members. Tlie other r- that the integrity of the program Festival T-shirts arrive Turkey T-shirtv -are here' Ihe N.C Turkey Festival Hoard hs' authorized the sale ot I^Hh official Turkey Festival T shirt* to begin uo July l[) The »hirt$ arc to be available in the Chamber of ( ommerce offk: on Main Street. They are available in seven u/cv, from an infant size to an adult XI. This ye;^ ’ -olor is a bright, eye ;iiichina pink The price for all si/^- is S5 00 The »ale of T-vhirtr i; an impor tant money-raising facet of the Turkey Festival the profit' from T-shir.s sale- will help with ad sance expenses of the festival, like deposits ft>' musicians, publicity, and paying for the shirts thcm*elves Hoke people should buy shirts soon so that wearing them will promote the Irsiival here and m vacation .^>01. evcr'. wht 'c N.C'. Turkey Festival plan for 19H6 are under way. The • ookinji Contest is scheduled for Scptt*mb« r 18. Bards are booked for September 19 and 2) C raftsmen have already secured booth- lor Saturday Vulunteeiv ki ueiu. contacted Everyone can be supportive by buying and wearing 19Rb Turkc- Festival T shirts Cm September 8 there will he a M'ear ^oor 1-Shirt Day. Sff-tif your stuffm Shitrtirnn Maxwell, right, and her aunt, Mary Monroe Maswell, model the riea Ixhirts for this }ear's A.(. Turkey festival. Public hearing set for half-cent tax has been improved by making steps to safegaurd it against fraud. One of these vafegaurds u by giving prospective participants double interviews in order to dou ble check inionnation asked, given and received bv alt the pwriiev This heJp*- to protect both the 111- tcrvicw^re and inlervirwrr from giving incorrect information. In addition, the board was given a presentation of the food stamp application process by Allison Poole of the DSS. Poole conseyed the importance ot a quality interview during the application process and the rcspansibility of the DSS agency to do its part in re-checking qualify ing information. "It used to be the household responsibility, now it’s our respon- ubilily,” Poole said. If informa tion i- not on the application ‘‘and the agency could find it out, it’s our fault.” The board reviewed the \id to Families W ith Dependent Children Program, which in June totaled approximately 465 participants. Raeford man knifed on 4th A Raeford nun was assaulted and wounded by a man with a knife in front ot the Davis Store on 401 South on the evening of July 4, according to records at the Hoke tbuiity Sherifl’s Department. (iregory 1 acv Dockery. Route 1, Raeford, was apparently con fronted by a suspect at 10:(X) p.m. Friday. The man first made some obscene remarks 10 Dtx'kety and then cut him on the neck. According to records, the wound requited medical care ol 30 stitches at Scotland Memorial Hospital No arrest wa* made rccoids .a\ In an unrelated incident, Paul Bnquisl ot Route 1, Red Springs was apparently .hot m the left fool w ith u BH gun b\ a juvenile susjvect in South Hokr. Roquist's mother, Shii ley lockicar, al tirsi thought the shiXitmg wi' an accident but realized the youth h.ul made thtcai- to people prior to the iiici ileiit which hairpened last week BoginsI was treated for the wound and released Eiarbara Ballon of Rinilf 4, Raeford r.pH'rted the hcxviing of h-T will- 1 pellet rifle :tt I Ol* FUtton’*. residence w huh o- in the s.inrc neighborhood as Hatton's home. I he incident occurred at ap pioxmialcly 9:(k) p m on June 30 Records say three chlldien of the Ikitton family each stated that a (See HOLIDAY, page 6) By Sally Jamir Memherc uf the Hoke Counts Ekuird of Commissioner' on Tue' day set a public hearing on enact ing the additional half-cent kxal option sales tax passed hy the state legislature and ofTicially ratified Monoay by Lt Cos Bob Jofu«n and Speaker of the House, l,Fr“n Ramsey. The commissioner’s regular meeting on Monday wa' recessed until I uesdav m order to await v' ficial rarificatum before l»>.al ac tion The public hearing on the tr;x was set for July 24. 8 p.m at the Pratt Building In its first two year*., the tax will be divided in the ratio of 4(i»» county, schoois In ihe se cond two years the ratio will be 50®^ couniy, 5[)W| school; The following four years, the tax will be divided m a ratio of tM)*^* county and 40®i’o schools. In the two years following this four year period, the rax will be divided in a "0-30 ratio and for one year following this the ratio would be 80-20 for one year After this time, all revenues will go to the county. In other business during the July 7 meeting, the board accepted from Dale Teal, tax collecior. reports on tax collection, releases, and unaudited tax settlement tor 1985 and pinor year's taxes The boa.rd passetl an order tor the I'ollec'tion ol lUSS twees. /XUo. the board passed a resolution 10 grant Teal permission to request funds on a N.C Land Records Management Program Grant ap plication for uce in miiderni/ing i-And teiufd- and niapi :r g The board WDuld match fund' obtained through this, gra.nt In addition, liie board passed a request from Drpanmen! c; Social Scrvicev iDSS) Dir.*=cior Ken Witherspoon aurhofizing him to snier into coniractr with pfovjder? ct dsv cwiC. chrre i"ii3 transporta tion .,es for a of one yesf Num-"“:-. app-.nn'ments were •iccepted by the hoard They in clude the appointment of. •C hdic Mac L'v Mear and Willie McPhaul to two y?d* on tfw bouth Hoke Community C enter Board of Truss re- •Mrs Joyce Blackburn to two years on the Hoke v ounty Domiciliary Home Community .Advisory C ommittee •Jack Fra/irr and Rhonda Pickier to one year on the Hoke Couniy Emergency Medical Ser vice (EMS) Advisory Council • R Lee, Jim Wilham'ron and Jim Warner to twro years on the North Raeford Fire District Commissioners •Carolyn McKoy to the Hoke County Private Industry Council. In addition, the board voted to participate in an “agreement for mutual aid regarding EMS services in the state.” In a letter to County Manager W illiam I Bub) Cowan from EMS Project Director Tim Harper "written mutual aid agreements must be in efrect Mxi'ms all iwo- siders of emergency medical ser vices within the region to ensure and Simplify access to additional resources in a major emergency in cident ” Arson suspected in service station fire A Hoke ( ounlv cu' -taimn was apparently the target of aisoiiKis on the morning ot July 2. acior ding to a vpokesinan al the Hoke County Shcritf's Dcptiritucni Sheriff Dave Barrington related that evidence lounJ at the 'cent of the tire which engulfed Jimmy’' Exxon on Highway 4(H irulicafed a tlaiumable substance bad been put in the building "Found in the asht's wa' a (lam rnabic liquid which 'cni to State Bureau ot Investigation (SBL labofutonc' for aiialysis,” Bar ingion said Records say Lee Allen Vhweiii, a soldier at Camp Icjuene. reported the fire to IX'piity D R Hardin at approximaicly i.iHta in I'pon Hardin’s arrival ihc 'tore was totally engulfed in tlanic I'lip pj Creek and HiHcrc't lire Departments responded to the lall and put out the flames. Altei the flames were under con trol. Puppy C'reek Fire Dept C hicf David Willis showed Haidin a ball and hat and gas can in the fire gutted building that couldn't I'e ac counted tor by the store owner. .Immiy CJuagc Jimmx \ f-sittn Hardin called Detective J R. Riley to the 'cene and told the Hoke County dispatcher to contact the SBl arson investigation. Records 'ay the store had been chesked at approxirnatel'. 2 45 a m by [>epiilv Hardin Value ol the equipment and stivk destroyed in the fire C'tim.«ied to be ^>,000. Accord (V-c AkSVtN, page 6) Around Town Sam Morris It .seems to me that we have had enough hot weather for the year. F'.vcii though summer has been with us only three weeks, it ha' been hot for about two months, The thermometei on Mondav was pushing UK)® and according to all reports 'luesday and Wednesday will be hotter. We do not have any ram in the forecast for ihi- week, not even thundershowers. It hasn't been as dry m Hoke L Luiniy as n lias iicvu in other parts of the state, You could say that we have been bless cd with ram this year, compared to many other places. I just hope that oui air coiidi tioners keep going, hcvcaise it would be hard to live w ithoui them itier getting used 10 them. • * » I rcveived a letter last week from Victoria Thomas-Harvey, a (eacher at the Hoke County ■- hildfcn’ 'Center It had a news release with the letter which she wanted run in this column. The release follows; TFic Hoke Louniv Children’s C rnirr has scheduled a parent inerting on lursday. July 15. ihc meeting will be held at the Children’* Center, 202 N. Jackson Street. Raeford from 7-9 p.m. Jenny Seykora and Gale Meese of the Advocacy Center for tSee AkDL ND. page 12)