1"!^ Q A' -iff' 'A'/j 'A' /^' •. ' A : ews - Journal IVlrl^aurhlin SohM>l principal rclircn S**«« pa^et* 10 Literacy (Council fnrrtiH tank force S*«* pax** 11 J Volum* LXXV’III Number H rhur*d«y. July 17. bounty wv»fItTH in lOOdrxrrfw lein|MTatur«»K Heat wave damages crops and poultry Crop TotrMttwii ;tlanli Ihroufhttul Hoke t ounl\ tire fh jinning fo **ilr temuit of If ■ tH tilt'mg heui and dfoughi .■oidmont. H> s«ll> Jimtr Ih ' I'lO plu' ^n ^sratui -■ !b4t ^ -VC bcci> .vircpinf !hr region have taken ihetr lOw on Ihc irca’v ■Vvxofding (u Agruultutal i-v teniun •Chairman Vkillic 1 eulhersione. ’’Hoke ( ouinv ha^. done 4 liille belter than L'her v.i>nni!r',. but top*. f.uch a* tobacvo and vovbcanv are beginning lo wilt, * nd ‘.orn, which i' m the .talc of fillirif out. i: K not doing well” ”\V 're '.hort ^tass for gra/ing catiJf and hav that the 'vtilc de pend on through winter \Ac need rami all.” hca'^'tsumc continued ’’I’m not aware of anv -hangr- mailr becaiive of lack of ram but wc do need some,” Ihc larheel lurke> Hatchetv h.i- t~ lit badly aft'i.-icd. ai.vording o owriri Vkvati I'pchurch ”He hare lost ‘!5 out of l.VtXK) hen*, at one house and about 40 adult birds per hou’i? on lulv ninth in Ni to 7(1 houses.," Upchurch -.aid Un ii ! h related lhai at ItSviA i-n housci iti as t lin: ‘.arss-.on und [■upiin ire quite laris.* I his lo-s ttandairs into a '>nr half percent pt(»duciion k o Ihiit!!' the l.„ -. as'I age* one fifth of ;:r-c percent. The hatchcfy i taking pr»’-au lions agamc! the heal by using high pre-sire fesg^trs ^nd fan. which bressk up water droplet', m the air into moUrcules in order to !n:rcB“‘ the huiniditv in the air The (jrs are not run a.’, long on high humiditv days because ot moisture falling out of the air aiKl onto the pavement Utxhurch said they tr? to keep the rnoivture off the pavenvent in order to decrease the p*.ss .ibilitv of ■■sactena The fan . decrease the oiii-i.ide air lcrn|vcralitrc b> tire degrees and produce a bree/e iM four to tire miles per hour. In jddiiion to the tan*., insulated roc>ls have been constructed in the Autoiria’^d Wjtr:??-. eff fcplcnis*'ed vvith ;r“h w^i-t s.ip piv and elcsfrelvtc ate added to the water m ordef t-.^ help the i .rk?'.’v bsdv ..riiv to hold more rtu istiirc I ven with the-; p r-jauiion- prti duclion :■ being hun "Any t:-‘"“i .tre.s i* danverou- lot the bird* Vke do not -isci?-; - bird* Handling the buds iru, r r ; falalilic Upchur-.h said ■ Nkc’-e to hanifC our priKluctu.-. .vhedule to keep them ai c. keep them in proit'Kiion It’s cost u* ’’ The prtvduction rhedule Up church rc'-'rs to u the arliricial in semination u-.:d for breedina I he hot weal her ha* cau-_J the hat chery to use a mikh .-jrlier bleeding xhcdule. larling ai 4 ikj am instead ot in the afterncron I his has set back their br- eding piogram The hatchers ha* abo been hurt in egg prodiiciiun. ’’We’re of' h fight to ten per cent Out of 25().Otl() egg* a week wc’tr kising X.tgJii j' fifty cenu an egi. ' jfch said *. ,-«>rfl«n* lo I pchurch. Over a week, egg-laying penod any hens that go out of production after l-hfct: t . four weeks will negatively effect production for the re mainder of the five-month period. fhe younger hens which have been in production ten weeks or lr*4 arc the ones mrii effected The older hens, those which have been in p'^aduction ten weeks or more, are more able lo take the heat. "The older bird;, have dropped their feathers and ihetr b^y temperature ir cooler." Upchurch said "The heal hasn’t hurt them a* much.” VnluniecT weatherman Virgil Murphy, who supplies weather in- tormaiion to the Extension Ser- viw, reports ihul there wa# 1 6 in- whrv of ram for the month of July 1 eni|>eraJures over the weekend were consistently around 100 degrees with the lows on Saturday and Sunday at 7g degrees Storm system brings Sunday night twister to Hoke County ' -,,i.. lii tf-ai b: It •f': i ---1 ■: .1 0! ic..”: r .* .... « t: • • 1 m. V > a and - d ■ t ’■ dftv ,ai f 'Then n. V -.11 W' H.Ac Cc- ■win ■ - ^ , . » 1 g ! .1 - isol •id r- * 6k ■. ni;hi i> .i! * ■ M,. 7^'vcd ■'- hroc . 1 - r. I'ur.J r'-'.vi-.l 1 r. : -nuJo .x; t.r* Pli A i. , . .'--..Ig n the " ■ Read ■ * T- - * ■ N » , 44 rv. ippi 1 'r-i 1 t Ires . .1 r J ( i R; : Rii-J I ‘ - nothe? ..hi 'yii ; and a roar : 2 Phil a... V 1 m •It on * *i-T' ■ . : =.{ . -'I - ^ - • ' ' - ' — ‘ m II d i — VPP: - .A ■ 1 - r-.. • .... f - * . . - * • ; Jc In itie b.- k -'f ‘ - t • .; nd .1;- n - 1 th.-' a ''- lion oi the rivst had been peeled i .11'.. fhc rvvof section, approx iriui-ly 12 It. \ 4 ft., had bei*n aicd over the cruiple’s bedroom. "It ksoked like somebvHJy took a i/or edge and cut the roof away Mr . Childrev said. Pieces of Ihc roof were lound atiered throughout the front s ■■.’ ». d A.TOss the -'.'Cl, Mthough Mr'- C hildrey ,aid she had never heard or seen a twr.icr befofr, sire uid her husband believe that a tornado hit their home. I he two sheriff's deputies called to investigate the storm also said ihey also believed a tornado had struck, according to Mrs, Children "Ihcrc was nobsHJy hurt as tar as I know, " --aid Mrs. Childrev. "Bur ih^ce v^as :~me damage in ihc irailci park Isehmd u-.” At the lesidence of Malcolm and BcriiKT MePhatter on Philippi Church Road, the Sunday night storm pulled a satellite dish out of the ground and sent the nose of the dish into a neighbor’s yard approx imately 2U) yards away. Mrs. MePhatter was home with her eight year-old son when the storm hit at approximalcly 11.15 p.m. Mail .'lom the 'torm sounded like "• rmcbrsdv was throwing things agaiiva the window,' Mrs McJ’lutier said. Excitement is brewing over Turkey Festival By Aallv Jamir P di'- Noiih :s T rkt» Tes: SeplL.ni-i 18 2fl. -• ' oft to I Cv'.n ;ti ,s *■ oal -*■ Evelyn Mann VAf'--. ti., I d l.iiT t. r a- I • ■s a'-' Tl y- I M.. . me - ■! i sci v v. . ; - s 'v .» jb- . ' IT ic =■* SI I vfli, ’c ’ ,‘li jnl '"id ci !■ ' ''s al - U hr.-a.. • •\. i.ii tng Mann i. ; Acre , Xl() r"’*P- *' rile f-*v:i-a! 'v I . ir T . > ,3f ‘I It 'o b** mush tsi .- auj Mannini s^sd ‘ Nos-ih C^ioliiia i* n.imhrr - turkey growm in the n .i Th V ■ salui. U) die lufk—, -i dusii \k df pla*ing It up im th year than j..; rai ” Tf w-j.,^JuU of c- ni' for •'stival r - fitting -alul* to the n du" y which will be ' ;- - scnt-.1 mere o th- -jr ;h**' last bs VIP- s *1 u th- Nanonal Around Town By Slim Morns I week when I wror- that w. had had cnoo.-h .utiimor (or ihi- year, it ws* the wrong thing to write about Sir e last Monday the theim-unctci ha been 100 ckrstKcs or above every day. The night have -cii the temperature only go down to ihe high 7(>>. Now what will Auguvi be like'' Thu o when il IS ihe hottest m Hoke ( ountv V>- hav; not rccco ;d the ram that we need, irut as slated last week, we arc Isclln ■'ll than manv veetion; of t!-. .tatc. fhc crops are not »' itorsd a- they -fiould be at thi: time jfid the yu-ld: will he lowef than wc usually produce. One farmer said Sunday that the VO.bean rup in hiv segtiun of the ... . ”” 's h oine* vjon let's hops h' rv- oed ■ ime Sunday night. fhe lo ecavt lor the week i: tor ontinued hoi weiihcf with ram (S\. AkOUMi, pate 'i) ■h. thv-g -l.....;. 1 mrirs ■ ' ■ 11 k , At n. I • . ■' .vc lj-.. Siptembci p- m ■peiuii*' :Hoke C oun'.v rl‘ a" . a scmm.tf l-vk pl-iiO ul r - — --T id- t r iht NC luikev ,poii -or'_d I uf» s I Cii uliisn I' pa:t“>cni •■ = t) S - r d \ t Ac- Tin nut t- oval th n- h ■.* V. • lo' lurk -y pr Ild'-'T rr-^ri -.".rr; nt, Puift- hiit Ilf’ SMj'i 'll -:'vV ■ • •i. .w. -ihli ■■ 1 'nMincnt'. I .ydi ■ i...kay dinner «fid ' " lid is .noli' T il t*- -'.1 m'inf nr and >p. c‘ .liairmcn hi'vc woik In- ,> t.. Ill to piill isig'cihcr a P''•,11 that ts" -omething lot "Vk r'al..doh e lot ot work dt-::-.” aid K Thomas, board Ihoriias reUled some ol the highlights of the schedule. "Tnday night there will be a .on> .'t of beach music with the ' C atalmas" and the "Band ol (-*/ ' at the old armory," Thom* aid "Thtfc will be iiiu-dc going or imulianeously at two .tages on batuiJay The Turkey Olympics is planned for that afternoon with di'i .iicc riinnirn- and precision •uniimg ’■ Maiiriinii said that it is an ii'ipai-d that comedian leiry C'k'wcr Hill give a pcrtormancc on August 2d Ihe show will be in jofiiii tion with the tcstival. "\Vf Hill be pre-vellmg tickets. Their will be a limited number ot tickets stsid lor a performance m th* High School Civm in case of ram," Manning said. "If it i' held at (he lootbtill sladiiiiii, we will sell tickets at the door.” Manning said she was "seeing iiKur participation m the craft, fair this year than last year. A lot of the same ones will be here along with some new people.” According to Thomas, "over $T(M) lias alreads come in on booth legist ratio,'-, ters." T shirts, which went on sale July It) at the Chamber of Commerce, are being offered this year in a wider range of si/es I act year SHI.UOl) profit was made from T -liirt sales because of a donation of -hirts by F aberge According to Uuima-, M().(K8) made from the shirts was aircadv in the budget for festival prepara lions this scar. Yrt, more i- needed beftsre the plans can be tully car tied out. "We have to advance V20,(K8) before the festival happens," Thomas said. Manning admits that she is “nervoui about the budget, Wc haven’t vet received the ($"',000) poik barrel funds promised for the event " Ihe advertising budget is SlO.OCK) and will provide coverage in biochures, on billboards, televi (.see l-XClTEMf Nl, page Sen. James Rrovhill "There were high, howling winds, but I never heard the roar ing of a train," MePhatter said. "1 can’t be sure if it was a tornado --1 was too scared to look out the win dows." Mrs. MePhatter said the storm lasted about one-hall hemr and vctttcred lawn chairs and tree limbs throughout her backyard Her electricity went out during the storm and was not back on until 3 a m. Broyhill to visit Senator James Thomas (Jimf I royhill R-N.C., a 23-year House veteran, who was sworn into the office on Monday, July 14, will visit Raeford Saturday to speak at a breakfast meeting at the Edin- borough Restaurant. Broyhill is running against tormer Democratic Governor Terry Sanford m the state’s U.S. Senate race. He resigned his House seat to accept the July 3rd appoint ment to the Senate seat left vacant b\ the death of Senatesr John East, R-N,C. .A native of Lenoir, North Carolina, Broyhill was first elected to Congress in 1962. Before serv ing in Congress, he v^as an ex ecutive with Broyhill Fugniturc In- dustfie.s of Lenoir from 1945-1962. 1 he breakfast meeting will be at 8-30 a.m , July 19. Tickets for the event are $5 each and may be pur chased from Buddy Blue or Evelvm Maiming 1 T}i’ins Ihe double cunluloupe pictured ahove was grown by local farmer John M. Harrell. Despite ihe drought and extreme hoi weather, these Inins I non the melon fumily matured into a tasty treat. Involuntary manslaughter plea from Baxley A Hoke (ounty man was scnteiicexl lot itu' Deccmfsei 198*' 'hoDimg ol Ills stepson m the lulv 8 session ul Superior ( oiirt John ICixlcy li , Kl 12 Box 616, lavcMcvillo, pleaded guillv to the frlonv of voluntary manslaughter lot ihc shooting of James Thomas Ri‘kers which occuired on Divembet 7, 1985 in front ot David’s food Store on Davis Biitlgc RoaJ Presiding Judge Anlhonv M Btannon senlemvd Baxley, 61, lo six veai with a suspended seiilenc* ot live yeai', and placed him on supervised prolsation toi live \ car s Remirris siy Haxlcv must sctvc an active piisoii tcini ot Mfdavs in the Hokct iumiv jail .tailing July 23 A woik release wa' ecom meiuled Vniro. r* .dsn iiirluded (tie tsav mciii ol ounseling reiinbur*"iiu-iii tec- of S750 and court costs lUxlcy pleaded not gmltv to ' liargr ot second dcgiec murdei m a prclimiriaiv hearing m District t oun The ■ hii'i- implies ihai the assailant would have h.id to harboi "malice afoTcthoughi" m a kill mg According to -Assistant Districi 'Xllodics .lean Powell, the "nc>t guilty" plea in Lbsiiicl Couit in aired a heaiing of this "very com plex case" iii Superior Court Public Defender Michael O'loghlodha sjiid that it wa-- diseoseted during the nial that dlltiough there were witnesses to various incidents during the even iiig of the shooting, Ihe only ones who directly witnessed the shooting were two men who ac com(wnied Rickerds to the store. Ihe two men apparentlv con fronted Baxlev li the point of pto vocation "Mr. Basics was ilircalcncd.” O’loghlodha .aid, "Both Powell and mvsell checked out his backguniiicl He was a pcr,sv)ii i*i charactei . well thought of and liigtilv regarded in thecommumlv He didn’t have violent or mean lendencics...he wouldn’t have r-acted in the way he did unless there were substantial threats made ” "It was a fait decision by the da’s cvfficc,” O’Foghlodha con tinued. ’’.A lot of thought was given to the case. Credit should go to Jean Powell as someone who is willing to make tough decisions.” Also in last week’s session of Superior Court, Timothy Mcl aurin, Rt. 4 Box 203, Red Spr ings, pleaded guilty to charges of breaking and entering and larceny which had been committed on January 18. Mcl.autm, 20, was sentenced to four years, suspendexi for five years and placed on supervised probation for five years. A: a condition of probation, Mcl aurin must pay a total of S466 in reinibur,sement, restitution and other fines, Rix'ords sav Mcl aurin broke in to a dwelling belonging to James Huggins located on Rt. I, Red Springs, and stole two pistols and one twelve gauge shotgun, all (See GUILTY, page 9)