X^1^0 1/ - ' “Journal IVarh har\f*Ht i- iiiifl*r>\a> # *v*«' f>ai4«‘ .1 t,. I XXMII Sw. Uf \i (lafffinf is raiiHinii; ronrem Sf«* pa^r 6 ♦ - Jut> 24. ^5 T'l Trooper found not guilty of cockfighting \ -!,»lc wsffmj) p.itrot jn orsf ol Vih.' plrddcd not fiUiilv to ^.ixM'gbiiog it A Hoke VO'HI :> lo'.tlict C:=UM Itidl Issi week in -^hi-.b I"* propk- were ».oii ^ :::rJ t-ir'etic Martin Roberts J» . 4"’, a hooper oi Msrnrti inJ t so intics iof 2^ scir,, wa* round •!■.•[ g':ii:\ b> Jedg' ' i-'. Hfri! attiT ifstimorn b\ Hsske tiiunis l>a\e B^f r.nsion V urti' W.tsnt \kirts. P () Bsi" ??9 (SS ;:i'i H pc Mills. i!so pleaded n*u guilts, but was louiid ftndts and lined ;!J Barrtnjii.’ti srui 25 law o-'kei- •oK-sitil .'w.r 20’' [s.‘,-.ii.nv jt a vvK»Tijjbt be!-1 on KHiUiP, t in Hoke -1 oiiiiiy Pruring ho, tr.tiniony, B;t: i-r-jtion s.a:d ihet a the time of the atr-Tsis. s*h?n offieer-, w-te identi fysr.g the '.LiipeMs filing out of the building, he ft^.isfnu’ed Robefii, whom he h§s known f:>r ahisut ^0 tears Barrington si;d he was reluslant to vhsrg? the trooper ■'I didn’t want to sharge him, to I iTt him to the bask of the line,” Bah glon said "\^her) he same thfi'-ugh a scsojid lime. I him \ssis'.ant Distils! Attorney Jean Howell ar^i.?d that Roberts should he lOund guilty kcsaus.: his; preserve at the t'vkfight cn v'lo.’ree*! this kind of operation. Senator Broyhill visits on Saturday Hs Sally Jamir SenatvSf James Thomas (Jim) Bioshd! (R S ■. visited kaclord ^laiurdas morning (o attend a hrcakfasi meciint: given in his honor bv area Repuhiisans ^PPlo\llnalels 8^ people at tended 'he "i-.-eiing ai ‘A V) a.ni whuti w.i- field m the banquet I loin I'l ' lo I denboro'igh kesiauiiiii Miei a I'.iilet hTeakl.isi, the meeting wa-. o[yrticd bs EscKn Msnning. ns-«-na»rperw»»» fo* iHc Hoke ( ouiKs Republican party (.rih were presented to Senalirr Bivivh.ll and Ins witc I miivc. wlin ^ald a (es* words >1 greeting and (.sprcsvcd he' rtninks lot iiis' a sioansc ihs’s had been givsn dur • s' their visii tiucsts in ilie audiense wets 'cogiii/ctj insUidmg K I Dasis. ji.drdalc (or the N C House Kr[ rcseniaiue. AC 'Xse Harkcr, ■ ididaie for \ C Slate Senate i.l Hillir H.irnbs, I ighth Con ;•,' ninjl Disiris"! candidate Itiidsfs Blue. Republican can ’■ latr lor Hoke C ounts so>mniis 'iiiroduced Senator I' >*: ■ aiiiofig his etpening : 1 V I irdged that he would I ■ * ivc the N C Turkes h ’ . d j on his calendar ' sts he r rd ihc IC'diS al 10 H’ ;1 hr gan his talk making ■ '•'•I ■'he “Iwio hats" he was wor Brovhill said he was tirte I ' r .V vour senalt'i” and -r. •i dh a sandidalc for the S.io ii.t'-f founh election I 0. fice III listen to sou” Bruvh.i: Old. "and find out the III which you think ihc I ' iiid naiion is going to go in d e vcai' lo vome " Bros hill iddrcsscd the sad situa- II o' the suicide ol Senator last ' !is ■ vi.'ig (lie sense of shock and ‘ that pcnplc fell with his pass- 'g ' )iii love and prayers will go (o 'll (J .ivt's) family he will be n .cd hy mans.” Hrovhdl said 'Hovse.er. as you know, the Iran- 'I'm must take place" kelcrnng to his decision tis at cept the appointment he said ‘Ml took a lot of hard thought ” He cited ho 2J yrv^rs of cx peftence in th? Hour-e and his ser vice to Ik count^e^ iti the slate dur ing his political career as being among (he quahncalions for the duties si( his oifivc. The Himatof referred to the ques non whieh he o often asked by tfic pro-s regarding the effect that his icsenl appointment would have on his campaign lor elcv'iion. "I'm not cvefl eort-sisisrin* fh«i qucstuin.” Broyhill laid "The first priority that I base under this appointment of the governor is to represent the people of the state lo the best ssf my abiliis and the cam paign IS going to have m take sc- vond plase " In talking about his c.inipaign. btsishill said It would be a positisc one in which he would “be talking about those issues of vOncern tci the people of our tats as well as tsi our nation ” Although in Raelord wearing a Republican label. Brovhill staled that he has alwjys enjoyed hipar tivon support and admitted tfuit "It isn’t cjsy lobs a Republican in Nt*rlh C arolina cseii in the western part of the -tate wc’rc out number id about three lo one.” Vs era! curreni issue were ad dressed by the senator and he dsMircd the .iudien» e of hii ability to respond to their 'oncern- “I’m going to be setting up this senate office lo make sure you gel first vtass sets ICC here m H.'kc Counts." Broshill said In referen-e to finding solutions tir problems conlronimc ( aiolira rcMdciils he said that he “is going to be on the von .-f'.aiisc side ol the solutions Broyhill s.iid that he supponed the growth of the economy through the csiablishmeni and le taming of emplovnieni of oppor lumiv He advih..tted finding legislative ss'luiions lo problems in the cennorrv through iraeic policy devciopmeni and sued his support ol the Textiles and Apparels Im (Sec SI NAfOK. page I2j Howell said iha: rbe p.o -..inm =Aas h*s^ on ih? N C a, ' nc 14 .fh2 ft-'ring to -vkligt*":: • which stale'. “If any pc? . n vhall uoi, or in any wav he ^on nccled with any plate kept or used for the purpose of fieb* or bailing any osk he -hall >v guilts of a iTiicdemcanof ' How.-11 .ajd lhai printed tard* Mating a required ;*ntrv ■?« for vKkfight as well at dates o' future fighis had been printed by alleerd promnlerc Sandra Childer* C lark. 4?. and Sanford Tillniar Clark. 4J. of (lien Alpine Tkith received a lirK of S2tXi alter pleading guilty lo hart*'^ cf vocknghtmg According lo Posscll. Sr-udra ! ;■ . ' -I,.!:r ii| ':i ;i,l l. It, , J ; j, I n, all . , "i; ;:■>. v.‘ " ti sp iiii til { .; !l ‘ i of . ' ■ irnraiiitj h u. ii Ii ': : 1 Mating Of - ;tl It pnrp IV T pomotir.g ■ r-V fiiihniig I ■ . 1' wlu! ‘".".I th: ^.hl-, if b.M != m " of this ■Mr;irii/.yt(C.r. -J to N. ir:' It 'd hy th;-. c a'- ^^dy I --l.rj ,n I?--' ovkfighis,' H ; M ‘ 'Isa V ‘, ol 'll ; 2 -j! ihii who might bc ‘ T mjiii A. o'din' tf Ho-;' II. Roberts b. ! ! •■• d during t**- trial that he h d (ss'eii in ited a- a i*ueM >1 r*- -ple who w• jt the .-iv. kfighl -laic cn ■ Ions Rand, i - iimhci' : 2. acted a- Robert*'. • ‘i, ,.rv ;f .> u ill •' there wi. 1)0 ; iL'- y - whiC^ i t- -d ibat Rohtfis hsd pu'thi cd a llO ad rr: lon tick I “r that he CHv X./U r seed the M»kftch|i"c All we bed vsas um-.'-iMiial • .dcncf, Powell s-d ilanUns Ql|teA M - ganton a; i)n..c ..or. which phiing p^'aphermUta Judge Hair, a* rt3 liiMti of the .tale .lalutc, said “I ■ ennoi find, bes-.-nd a rea.sw;.ible doubt, a v-'Jici ' guilty “ Akins w-v found g-il'.y bssed on ;>viten. pry-enicd h;, Hoke C oun- ; . Dcpui;, Billy Mor* son during hi‘ IcMimoiiv Morriion had r;-n Akm\ in the eiKk fighting nng iiiendina to vomc of the Sifdv, according tc Powell. Powell identified Gerald David H eather watch l olunteer i%eathermun \ ir^il Murphx keeps nn cyr on the recent hem *r'rr«' hr rrothnv a mu- imum'minimum thermt>tvrtei. \furpfi gets ; iliic’s high iind ioH wmperuiures tor the Hoke ( oNnii tgru ultttniJ Ar/. /rsrorr Seryhr Youth wounded in shooting A loial south vsus wounded in a vhoolmif late Tuesday, Juls 15, as • or cling to Raeford Police Depart mcni records left felloiss of 501 (iraiii Ave .Raelord, was transported lo Moore Mcmoiial Hospital m Southern Pines Im trratmeni lot shoulder and groin wounds icieived m the shiKiiing. accor Jirig to Police L hief /eke NMggins fellows appait’iiilv left ho icMdence and walked aluiiy Saunders Stiect where he met VV dliani Mi Nail. kl. I. kaclord, a. J s,.me ol hi- tr .'iuJ' \Niggin- .u:-u thill “some V. ■" f c -cd be tween the :-’eii' a.id McNall aiicgcdls .hot fellow _rul ihol at hi-broch'I B.iii v I fellow Bans fellowv called m tlu ■ plai I to th psilicc siatioii ;u b:OI p m T-ewdey and the ambiilan-■: a-rived -.fioitJy allcivsard Aceord ing to kNiggii’-'. fellow ha- fiecti rrlf.oed lro:“ ;hr h.- pii d RcvUfds -its Ml Man, I c ha been arrrsi-.-d and -hciwcd with ■ .aiilt with a deadly weapon In otlier police 'chords, Asso tarn Principal 1 co Sal/er called at 8..10 a ni Juf. 21 to report a breaking and cnienng at Turf iiigton riemcniary che-'l Kcioids say that a subics-t broke .1 islrulovs mi » vloor leading to the assisiiiiit prirKipal's otfux' nfKi rnteied the biiildiUK Apparent Is, nothing was taken. Matilyn Parket, f;isi filth (Se*- I .'WN, I3l Tyler is named new McLauchlin principal Hroyhills visit Kaefot'U Sen Jim linn hill amt hh teife, ! ouise, speak to an tiiulieme of HO or more fo ople at a breakfast meeting niiert for the senator Satirnhiy morntng at ■he I Jenfioroogh rfsiuururit. By Sully Janilr In a vfiecial meeting ol ihe Hokc l ouniy Board ot fducation Mon day night, nu'inliers elecit-: lo place .Millhell Ivler iii ihi pi' iinm ot M-lauchlin 1 leineniais Sihoiil principal Uie appoininiem takes pi-"*' ‘ alici the iciiii'iiifni in Imu' ol lotincr \1cl aiichlin l’iiiuip.«l I loyil ( aldwell I ilei has been due tor ol Indian I iliK.itiiin lot ilic Mitke I oiiiiiy chiHlI j vielli lor iippio .liii.t- seven year Prior to his ikwhioii at ilic vn fral oHue. lie laughi ph\siv.tl ediuaiioii ai lurling!!.)n [ U-mcn laiv Sihool lvlr li' HI R.-:-!'ird will) 111-, taniilr In i'liu bii Mi 1 h l»i>tii 1 sv»i*;d lo puich.i'i a modil' vi s.iii li) liaii'.pori .ludenl c itie cp luni.il .,!;i!.li 'll pi> tram Ihi van Will o- -4.'Ill)and will K- purGia il with pan ol Ihe ; ni|' r. - iv J ''si.OlMi III! and lort-iiiir- . fund iron itiv ourt .urn A I 'lal id ‘■■^.llllll wa 1 eiVid la d Ir - .d i .ai AI --. foird :: '.I’n'r .-(vn I .1 - rv\ lo, .il hii an--on n M,i k .?■ i>iri -, kat'liitd Pluinhm- and H‘,!iing, JIKI M. ' ; P,llk--I .lUllhCTIl Na iioiiid B.ink, o aitJlitt b' th air pleaded guilty to nd were each Hned ( 15.) ’ kl- p ) Mitchelf Tvter Ai-i. - Allen ■ “-c: aiot old S'vkfrj; an-l be":* I hr Al"= cock fighting Si:: Twelve other North Carolina resident; pleaded guilty lo cock fighting ind were fined Si 00 P'“viour , i-fighting ientetKCs passed by Judge Warren Pate were S20() fims and five year' proba tion In refercriv.e to the difference in the sentenc-s dcli'.rrcd bs the two judges. Powell ^.d “They inter pret the statute differently" I ^ TR'OPtR. page II) Woman dies in Sunday accident A local woman died Sunday when ihc apparently lost control of the pick-up truck she was driving, ran off the road and vJruck a tree, according to N.C Highway Patrol Trooper K. W Weston Beulnh Brewington Tyndall, 59, P O Box 14, Lumber Bridge, was pionoun-ced dead by Hoke County Medical Examiner Ramnik Zota, MD after -he w«i found in her overturned 1985 Dodge. jurred at approximately 12:40 p m on Rural Paved Ro^ 1436, three mile> outside of Shannon near McNeils Lake Tyndall was (raveling northeast toward ihe lake at approximately 55 mph when she came upon a slight curve in the road A Bible and wuriday School rtialcnais were 'ound in ihe truck which Has towed lo Leslie’s Garage Arson under investigation There were recent fifidtngv in conncviion with ihc fire which engulfed Jimmv’v Exxon Service Sialuin on I S 4y>l on the morn ing mI July 2. a iiaic Bureau of In vestigation (SBI) spokcvnian said f ndav I a hot.it or V Irsi'- rcurncxl from kMeig!' indicated that the flam mabie substance m the remains of the buiic'ling wa^ re^Mual gasoline, Uv- vuding to Km Heffney, SBI in- vrs'igatvsr “Ihc hydrocarbons and pigmental ion that make up •iraight ga.'olinc had burned off and left only a residue,” Heffney said, ’if'- hard to say how much aav wav used, although the place -wa- not saturated with it.’’ A gtivviltiK' cun was tvJunO at the vce.ie ot the lire The invcvtigalK'in 111 the afsviu cave is being con- iii'iiexl Around Town By Sam Morris We still have two months of summer left on the calendar. It seems that it was last year when it was cool weather. This is the Umgfvt heat wave that 1 can lemember in Hoke County. The tenipeiature has been higher for a few davs, but then it would cool off for some time. This 100*’ weather is now in the third week and it doesn’t appear that it will leave us any time soon. The crop situation in Hoke Couiil) ivii’t as bad as it is in other p;-1- 'if'H,.. ,.,vonrv fim Plummer said Sunday that he had been m Georgia for a week and that the entire state had lost most (See AROUND, page* 12)