The _ ews - Journal SumnitT hchool in st'Hsion pa^tt* IB holds awards banquet *N*f pajtf#* 8A LXXVin Nun !-.r Tti ■ M I f nt / .7 hnjoying the rain •I hnuJ mnrning glt,r t i'ntoyx she monture provided hy ShunderMorms (huihiiX’ frtvMf/i mrnd thftfugh Hoke ( ountv. Mthouf>h the stornw hroufht ntrivh nr,,fed rjin, the\ aho brought heav\ ivinds which tr-’vk,-'^ nut power lines and torr hrtinches front treev The storms hfoughi siKTte chef :o 'hints irups, hut whut farmers suv thes ready rteeU It m v/yew rtemds rtun. Commissioners OK half-cent sales tax Local sales tax to increase from 4.5 to 5 cents on the dollar H> Nalltv Jamiir \ rootutiot enacting the add: (tonal half-crnt local option >*le' (ax wax parted by (he Hoke C oun (y Board ol Ccmmosionat alter a publK hearing held for the tax Thursday night Commissioner Jamt- Hunt made the motion to enact the tax which passed unanimouslv, raising the sales lax in the county trom 4 5 to 5 cents on ihe dollar. The new tax. which gise" into ef fect on Sepiemhcr 1, will irencrale an additional $534,CXX> a yt«r for the county. The figure i- hasetl tm an estimated It*'* n.v reave in rct.Hil sales, according to (oun v Manager William K “Bub” c owan. "The lax realty helps the ^mall counties that don’t have as muc.h retail sales," Cowan said Previously projected sale-, icvenues growth per year by the N.C Association of Counts Com missioners .m the hell cent ta- jlicads in etieci hast been fairly Jvsurate, Lounty lir^ncc oflicer Charles l),is .aid. 1 asi year, actual aiowih in retail sales was 12^ ^ivordme to Daviv, projcwied retail sale-, growth is based on sescr.i| induaiors in eluding vssnsumer price index, statewide iiends in salaries, unemployment rate- .ind factors eftecling private and commercial transportation The current halt cent tax valet tax plus the additiojial half-sS^ni tax will bring in S5.U.('«x) each for a of $1,068,01)0 Since the lax will be effective Sepiemher I, it will only generate an expected 6()*j of the total figure ($320,000) tills ycai, according to D.* '^ixty pei.;eni of these revenue! will go to the schools, or $192,000 "d 40W,. $I2«.000, will go to the county to be used at ihcir discretion. The General A^semtly stipulated that ol the addi tioiial half-ccni ta- must so for Half-cent tax i hairmun of the Hoke ( ount\ Hoard of ( ommlislonen John Balfour signs a drKument to adopt the additional half-cent tales tax. school' ‘ capital improvement' or •onsiruction when it gave the countK the option of imposing the new tax The comm:'iioncT' agreed that the 60** designated for cchool im provemenf .hould pay for a fft* posed $3.5 miSlion school bond issue thus preventing the need for a tax increase. How to spend the addittunal $128,1X10 • or 4f;"« sf the revenue generated by the 3ddit!''".al half- .ent tax each yta' i* a decision lha' '*•11 be made by the commis sioners Section 105-501 of the ratified HB1542 on the >aiev and uve tax itates "The amount distributed to a taxing .'ounty shall then be divid- (St^ (..MMI.Sol(,)NbR.S. pa#e 1\) Hoke County High School principal resigns $800 taken from local woman ■A Hok? C un'-, jrr-an wav cbi?d isf S^tXi is ! Cie^ay, July i.i, aicofam;! t-u rev>?fd; al the rs partment Patricia kav lipark., Kt I. Aberdeen, rr^por; 1 ib?' r. July 15 at lb r m Fdw ;; Park;, ;l. Be- 134 3k "'-i f nd. 1;Si^JO ftcni ficr Sp:..'ks ’Jyo.d in the report ifiat Parks puilrd tier out of her 'jp ill'A bvtc'rr hf !oik the iiu ncy • ut j| her po4.kct md tKal hf pni ht'f pxKpcibr-'t b£:5 into Inr ti.ihue biiiif afivT Ihe p;. 'fdv di' pjrk. w^- a''-sted for ,*r. ei'v pr: bafbr^i Monroe. Ri 3, Kaeford repi "cd a k'ceny i'. her i'. ': The Ditch B-ink lifti-,rry ir; i^iulh Hoke, Rt 1 k- -l d . ..igs. s' 4 3t) p.m July 15 A suhiet^i broke in'- the ihfoupb the lie window and -rnrered thf.'ugh the d-:~»r. Resordv ay beer, i.igai-dtes and ch.vgc wa*. taken Pr p-s'" r valued at $91 -D value Karen 3kilAOii si -iry 21. Harrif Avenue. Raetord rcp-sried that betw'- ;i 7:(X>p m. July IHasd 2'45 p.m July 21 -n-one broks a window Cut of the bathrvVim nr th' back iide of the hou-ev they have on the market Ivvaied on Rt I, June Johnson Road. Raeford A push lawn mowci and a Sear'-> riding lawn mowet were stolen. The tw o machines are worth $325. Stenvon Dxctulinc, Rt 1, Red Spring-, repvsrted tliat between 9 g.m. and 6 p m July 23 .oineone broke into his trailer by breaking the glass out of the back diKir Record* say that >25 wa' stolen. I a».y Dockery, Rt. I Raelord, reported that between 3.30 p.m and 9-30 p m July 22, sometsne f-okc into hi- home by kteking the back d(Kir open and tole a televi -ion set worth $75. F.thel M Baldwin. Rt , 1 1 umber Bridge, reported a burglary at her residence by a subject who ntered th"Migh an open window Raords say Baldwin reporteil the incident at 2:45 a.rn. July 2 Bell Earlethe, Rt 1. Red Springs reportrd that between 5;(X) p.m. July 22 and 2:30 p.m. July 23 ".omcone dole a Vk’csiern l lyer lawnmowcT worth $223 from the • ollins’ xesidence on Rt 1. Red Springs. Alma [iarefoot, Rt, 2, Raelord. (See ART A ppge 2A) A new principal is being .ought tor Hoke C ounty High School due to the resignation of Dr, I enwisod D. Simpson, vupcrmtcndeni of vchtK)l' [)r Bv>b Nelson said !a--t week Mmpeon, who b^ame prm- •;-3l of Hoke High in Iv^. -vutmitccd a formal letter of resignation Inday Simpson gave no reason for his resignation in the letter. (In Monday, the school yst-m began sending letters informing educators that the principal's posi tion ir open. Nelson said he wa' confident the school system will find -omeeme qualified for the job "We're going to do the sery best we can to find an outstanding prm- ipal,” Nelson said "We'll be ready for schiKil when school o(>cnr " t hr •^sf' of 'jimp* son’- irsignaliun .ire "a little unu‘-ia!," Nelson said Normally. principals resign an the fifjt of July rather than close to the first of August, .icsssrding to NcUon. Also, the standard prac ticc I* for principals to make their intentions known to ad ministrutvH m the spring of the year “W c arc late getting the word on It (the resignation)” Nelson said. Simpson left his office and Raeford soon after his resigraiion on Friday, acoordmg to tiic sup^rinl eritleni ■'ll’- my understanding he 1 Simpson) i- living in Greenville with his familv." Nelson said. Nelson said he had no idea what the former principal has planned for the future The principal’s office diH-sn'i .lo-.€ for -ummer vacation In fact. Nelson said the summer months are usually the most hectic because of the work involved in ending one vear and beginning another To see that the office runs effi- cienily until a new principal can be -vhool’-. three a'^-.-tant principals the duty of 7uf>ctioning as a team to keep the opcraiiom going until such time as we find a replace ment.” The three a*.si'tant prin- cipah. are I ocke MacDonald, Harold j.ivingston and Linda Steed Assault cases are heard in district court Several assault cases were heard in district court last vseek Ficdrick leach, 31. K04 'ssunders Street, Raeford, pleaded guilty to dss-aulting an officer, driving while not being licensed, and resisting and delavmg and obstructing an officer, offcrisc' committed on April 7. According to records, Leach also pleaded guilty to failing to comply with restrictions on hi- operating license, an oticiive com mitted on February 18, Records say Leach was given a sentence of one year to be imposed at the expiration of sentences given for previous offenses. Barbara Tow.nscncl, Rt 3 Box 199C , Red Spring*, pleaded not guilty and was found guilty on assault charges. Townsend also pleaded guilty to trespassing on a school bus. Both cases were con solidated into one judgement. Records »av lownsenU. 24, wa- sentenced to bi day ., susr'encled two years and placed im unsiipcr vised probiUivii lor two years fm this offense onimittcd on April 30 Townsend mu ' also pav $130 restitution to the victim. Raymond King, 32, Hwv 211 .MHR. Raeford pleaded not guilty to the of a-sauliing a female, ommiticd on March 5, and wa' enienccd to 90 day • Record' say king mu; i serve this .euiencc while he -erv:. a two-year sentence giver to him lor the of fense of D\k I and dnving while his license was revoked, committed on March 26, to wh ch he pleaded guilty. king was arrested for these chai(ics at 401 Bv I’o-- and C ole Street Naihaniri IcCitaiul. Raeford, violated the terms and coiulitivms of the suspended sentence given to him on February 28 for an .!• ault and balicry charge, an offen-e committed on January 17 Records sav LeCitand pleaded not guilts to thi- charge arnl wa> vcntenced to 3i) daw loins Melvin Roper, lot 1.33 Nevaib Drive. Harmony Heights MHP, Raeford. pleaded guilts to DWI and wa-. sentenced to six months, suspended and put on un supervised probation for tw..- years Records vav ih.o a- a condition i>f probation Roper, 29, wa- lined $UX) and ordered to perform ‘’2 hours of community service and complete Alcohol, Drug Fducation and Traftic lADl T) School Also he must pay $2J0 restitution for damage he enused to ihf vuiim's property. Roper was arrcvicd at L b 401 and RP13[)3 on May 18 Jackie Bryant, 23. Rt 12 Box 'lie, laye'teville pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting a driver who wa- operating a vehicle who was impaired. Hed wa- aned $50, sentenced to -54) days, suspended and placed on unsupserviccd proba tion for one year. x)fi‘. William Vionroe. Rt. I Box 658E. Red Spnng*., pleaded guilty to DVM and w,;-. sentenced to 60 days, suspended and placed on un- -upervised probation for one yewi. Mvvnr*t, 27. also fined $100 and ordered to surrender hii license According to record^, he must perform 24 hours of com munity service and complete -\Df T school to fulfill probation conditions. Monroe was iriesict at Main Street and Fdinborwugh on June 8. Kithu:.! \3'ayne Loving, Rt. 2 B^ix 1168(1. Raeford, pleaded juil- (Sec D3M. page lOAi Jerry Clower sets date for Raeford appearance Jerry C low“*. ■-'d-lamcd comic --"'irtainer from Yavewt City, Misvi'.ippi, will aivc a performance in R -ford on Fri day, August 29ih The show !• being prcduc-M by the N C I ,..'kr- Fc:ilival, In cu( pc>r 3ted In announcing this ’cent, t '-?lyn Manning, ( hairman ol the 1986 NC I urk-T;' Festival said. "We arc extremely pleased to have “ profc^iional humorist of thi', quality to perform in our ■ ommurttiv" She added that "Mr Clower’'; style of humor v, right in line with the fun making that r-jr.ound-. our Tu'key Festival activities in mid :;epiember." Die >hiiw, billed 'An Fven W.l ic,;, held on FnrfL-y, -Aiignst 29th, 8 p.m , at Hoke High School Stadium in Raeford. Also appearing on the pro gram will be s multi-latcnied vocal and instrumental group - The Tennev'-ee River Boys. I heir inu .ic i‘ a contemporary blend of fast paced, up-iernpo country ballad*. Beside* ap- jieanng on a iiutnncr of IV .peviah, they h»ve had a three year .land at Nashville, Ten r- .re’* famed Opryland, USA Tiikei- for thi* program will go on advance iile on Friday, Augiivl I al the Raelord Hoke C hamber of Commerce officc*. on Main Street in Raetord Tliey may also be ordered bv mail c/o ( lower Ticket ., P CT Box 1260, Ractord, N( 28376 A stamped, self-addre-ved envelope must be enclosed with each order Check* arc to be pavabir to N ( Turkey Festival Inc In announcing this show, Mrs Manning said that only 1300 advance vale tickets will bx -old "This guarantee* seating tor these ticket holdcir indoor* /! Jerry ( lower at the McDonald (lyninuioiuini at Hoke Fligh School in the cv-iii ol bwst v i-jdii i Advance sale tickets will be $10 per per..on Tkket-- :.old al the gate the night of the perfor mancr will be $12 for adult-, and $5 for - hilLlren P yeiirv old and under. For additional inloimation, plcavc call Ihe KaefordHokc C hamlset of t omnierce, (919) 875 5929 Around Town >am Ntorris The -lUiTiiuct weather is still with u‘ in Hoke C ouniy The temperatures have been above 9() for user two months and the forecast is foi the same to continue this week. I don’t know what will happen in August as it is usually our hottest month. The rain over the weekend helped a lot It seemed to be a more general rain than most we have had recently The rainfall was approximately an inch over most of the county There was aUti tain in Isouth Carolina and Cieorgia They haven’t had nearly as much rain as in Hoke ( ounty, so you can imagine the condition ct their crops. I just hope that my air condi tioner will hold out for the tc iuwiiiii;-i Ol itm .i'jinriiLi if the bill keeps going up every month, I might have to turn it off. It sure cost- to run an air condi tioner. \ccording to Ra/ Autry the dry weather will shorten the peach crop. Thiv week may be the last big week for the IcKal peach growers, he did say that the hut weather stopped the growth of r-omc of this fieachei. All I can sav is that they did taste like fieachcs. The Hoke County Board of C ommissioners approved the cent vales tax for Ihe county at a meeting last Thuisday night. It seems that they are convinced that this tax will pay for the .school bond issue that the Hoke County Board of Education has requested. The biMid issue would call for $3 35 million to be used to update the existing bnildings in t'rie coun ty Theie wa>n’t any school board iiieiiiUci-'. al ihc uiccUi.t, but the cvsinnussionerx asked that someone ^ei w ith the supennten (See AROUND, page 2A)

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