A ,, ! - A /> '/ 7 /m \ If / V .; ews - Journal Margaret Keith reminisces S*r pa^t* 1B NX. TURKEY FESTIVAL J Volum*LXXVIII Number Ifi TKnrwiay. AuJ^u«t 21 1^06 ^^CES'T^ Residents to vote on school bond issue Nov. 4 Jamir Me;iiK'- ■’ I'l’ ‘ BOJ'J l>t In' ! iii: ■,> p,'. , 1' '•’I'c ' I p■_??*.'. .* r (■a StncviN’- 4 I he i;.'- . 'i--iic;'d'''- .1.1 ) p.iMw .111”^ ' ■! 'he h.inJ ■'■'..i i-" Vpit'i H..! 2iiJ a! 4 d ni TTie sju.k'l f'.'i .l rrif:ei;J'iti!. ■! apprvM'J i*ill hr '.isej fiH he t;‘ pff'.rnic!;! f'diii'li.-v jpJ .-quip ''irri' jvqi.ii'-iiu'i - The hvillij iv'di pli.N in jndlliji Jebf* will i!Ul;r ,( ‘2 m.llii'ii (.tmw .1e!’ d..^.'’d-nj.' lo ' ' ■ L>.i> . mi > H''.!' L ! • .1 I' ' V | p. ^^.:i ric t 'tal T' "{Hri'i., vjiue in t-v Ml *,_ .i..n'rd!ap io \ 1 x .,i«hl prr.r;.! dcbl ',(! J^:.iv»ed b\ 1.1* V rcMcw of 'ftal fxjvll^c^ fo be ii,.jrrcd h\ ihc ..bool K>nd *4' pji-.iiiirJ hi Durkjn Metaydcn, .ouniv aiiDinev Mvlavden von'e^ed informa- n ni m vorrc.p«’ndcnie from bond •O'lmcN*. Brown A ^^^'od >lating 'h,n i( rhe bi>iid i".ue failed there wi lid be IM.imo in legal cxpensci If the N*nd issue passes aiaJ nt S3 3* million u issued all al one lime, the legal expenses woiild be (css than if the funds were untied at two or three different times Board t hairman John Balfour presented tx' lh« commisMoneis a recommendation from the HoLe t ountv School Board that com mixMoners use revenues from the 1983 and 1986 half cent calcs lax to retire the school bond debt In other buiiness. the school board heard an update reptul on public assistance progrnm by Ken Witherspoon. Department of Social SersKcs tUSS) director Witherspoon gave a review of gosernmeril policies which have recenily been chanyed as well as the recent addition of emcrgcn«.> assistance in the Aid to hamiliex with Dependent Children pro gram Witherspoon •niicipaies that ihese recent cliangcs and additions to programs along with heavy routine case intake and priKessing duties will cause stress in the workforce and lead to deteriora- (lori m the quality of work “Bureaucracy has gotten more Half-cent sales tax should retire bond, school board says By >alls lamir M -..'v . .r M -k.. ' ' H '.o ' . 1 : . I'.i.i: ,1-. i ..i-.Jj'. ■ • .1 c . ’.“lie; J.i' ,ir. M I’;- ii.nii- iOlir-f« I'lj' ... ' • > . v ,s .| non •■■I '. ; s ’ ■ ■ ■!' : ‘-r.. il . • ■ .lie- wen* 1 . , ‘ . i J'- .'.fOic- halt .1 .1 k , i,mrr.:- 1. N,--- -T-’... I • ■ . -ir Ml.,, .1:. i h.- .-.'j: ■; - ■ ‘ - |M.. s \ii. S.f fc iti'>ii.-i b.Miti and ii-!' '•k " •..''■oeii % • 1* m r I'l.n.l .1 1! ■ ilise r . "'' *•' . n, -.. ■'! n. i t •j q., -•! . n lor f. - .- !.• . 'I - ' . .iK k H..k- • n I s s Nc;'«“ n 'erd’r.t D- Bi ^ N. -r .-'^'•' ^nied to ’fie h d iil!a.>'I- ■'f dt. ’i'.ip.i'7U . c f'.''h flulf ..ent .l A' tri'c- prepared t o j* ■s V1.ii.agvt W i .o: flub) C ow.;:i Tl.i’ ‘.vh.i.i: ) la-i'o l’;'k in- 1 ■rniiso n : ihc .icc;.it>n to .■take the r- . - ■!iiiiivnd,i’:o;i i.s "he ■ri'in:'.' .tCi: ! ■ Ir •ih..i ,ir I'lV.- a.tion. • P' j' 1 IT *. ^ 111 *' I'jyc the’ at ■ . / . :h kki .lafT,.s Hi I ! I . I 'i.- • '“fnettlarv .^1. '“1 -rtideni’ from ih' .oea will H, . .js. j-tiCkI bak.k to Mcl .luchlin .sl^M had been mowd to Wcit Hi'kc l.l'. sCjf AvO'r.i.ng to N'el “H, West Hoke had ' . nr of 'paw tor the n t iber of rii.diiits enrolled and V laui’d i ha. an cnipts clas' •m Hk'wcser, csen w rh the i.hungc Sets, n *t’.cd the vonccri. th.it “it w 11 rill be vfowded 41 \kest H i> A **iinib».' of *.hc»ol policies wrr: a (ekJ upon during the board mec iig with much dixeuxsion fill, ring on tesisions to the atten ds poll S Av-'do,,' to Nelson, the aileri Jari..’ p..li •* ukcd in Ihc l985-8b .‘.ol yc.ir “did not work as we V:id intended, it did ncst improve jireiid.ince Ncl-on said that the previous pkklus ' niade it sound like the students had live treebics” or uncx.used ahscnas per six weeks period The policy which the board adcipicd Tuesday clarities the natiiie ol .ibstnscs allowed and taken and promotes regular atten dance at whool The board .icted on a motion bs board metnbc! tddie Mk. Neill sug yesting rcMsiofis for the policy on iSec TAX. page PA) bv s«1}y I* Practice jump 4 jumper practices at the Raeford Airport (or the Horld Sport Parachute Jumping ( harnpionships to he held in Turkey next month. Round flying object injures Raeford woman A R:.. Ai.-mii; wd’ .’rLMk in thi mouth b) I fly-:.. 'p;ect while xPi' wa iiivTc to'.ntd town on H.i" X'.. ic 1'! luurvdds, Js c.srd : c I’ol:. c Depar'rneni rv". '''id; Re* L't-j' I', Blanch*' Wnghi of Route ' SIS iJrising easu on Harro. Ascnu* het^cen Bethel Road and Magnolia Street at 7 T() p rn when ihe as *.) uck and sligfiiiy injii’vd n the mouth bv an ob'c i. ap par* Fitly a hUsk walnut. » hi* f /cV? Wiggins ’.aid hat as a r« .ill of the incident, two juvenile v, re ■.iiticd os-r to he juvrctilc luiliorilics for povoble pet**' in f. j,vault In ar i ielated uunJent, a buy cle was reported musing from the storage room at the rs-sidcnce ol Loren/*- Kearns, Vadkui I’ail, Rae'o’d The bicycle, valued at SI26, was missing sometime between August K and August 12, according to records hicf Wiggins reported that on the morning of the I8ih that (he bicsclc iiad been found Wiggins said the bicycle had been disassembled and reassembled with parts of other bicycles in order to disguise it's identity On August IX at ll Ag a.m. a shoplifter was apprehended at tfie AAP Store, after cdncealmg a pavk of cigarette', and not paying for It Re*'ords say lerry Maynor, 18. of Kaetord was arrested and charg ed with shoplifting. Records at the Sheriff’s Depart mem vav that Rubv Stephctik, Mckoy Village MHP, Raeford, reported that a break in had oc curred at her residence between 5.(KI a.m and 7;0() p m. August 14. The report states that the front door had (vern pried open using a sharp obiect. Nothing was missing or upset in Ihc mobile home, In an unrelated incident. Keri- netli Jackson, Oregon Trail. Raeford, reported that someone had stolen the speakers from his car which was parked in the front yard of his residence The break in occurred at 6:30 p.m. on August 16 while Jackson was asleep in the mobile home. .Apparcntly someone opened the doors, rcrtiosed the wires from the speakers and removed the speakers Records say a suspect was seen taking the speakers from the car which had presjonsly been locked. I’roperts taken friim the car was one set of Sparkomaiic speakers and one sd of Jensen triaxial speakers, Doris Jay Smith, Philippi Church Road, Raeford, reported the larceny of a $60 lawnmower from her residence Records say the lawnrnower was taken between 6:00 p.m. August 12 and 5:00 a.m. August 13. Mayors challenged Hs Sallv Jamir Racf'iiJ M.isor Juhn McNriH h,i chii.iciigcd ih- iiitfyiir in .urr" :'i Jifit lt;wn to a Mav.n r hallenc Derby to be held dur iftg the N C Turkci. Ic iival September 1“ 1^. iccording to Fcvtival ' nmmittre offi> i.iU Speak ' c* on behalf oi h** turkey ofvmpic , Ann Pit* aid that 'fic olfuial inv 'ijtion to the mayori would b-' “mad* n the near fuf le ’ Pati Mild the pivific t* w to be invited will he up to the ir.j"'' " Old I: »| Ittd*. Vlas P I.. , »*. . I • Southern Pine "We’ll a-ik ■•.line ol the neighboring ma'yurx to ^imt down and have a race together," McNeill said "We haven’t quite figured out all ol ifie logistics yci ’’ Pate said that plans arc underwav fi'r the fi\c lane turkey race winch will be a new addition to tfic olympu events ol last year "It wc gel a gsKsd rcsjKUisc we’d like to make il a regular e'cnt in the Olympics," Pate aUd Ihc Turkey tilympic grouj) is providing the turkeys for the olvmpiC' House ot Raeford Old Tarheel Turkey Maichcry ■ : ..I...,. |. ,if -.f the tut keys for the event as they did last veai. gvcording to T^atc Turkeys are aviutable for the Mayors race and k»r anvorir who would like to participate in Mayor John Mc.Seill liirk^v one,’’ the Olympics “If vein don’t b.nee a register, we’ll gel yoi Pate said Pri/es will be awarded at the September 20 Olympics lor the best turkey costume, the slalom ra*.*', the fa test turkey and for ihr nil I* nrn'inn! ff Vev *' ime Pate said that McNeill thinks ihcr*. will be no problem in gel ting five ot SIX iTiayors to par ticipate in the Mayors Challenge Derbv and more Jiffi.wii to n.anage. XSitherspuon said after explaining the rsvalatmn trend of pcnail* tecs the agencs r. required to pa-, wh-jn Its workforce i- not able tp ptvM applicatKin- >n giscn amount' of lime In answer lo a queslion p)sed by Commissioner Wvaii Lpchuich in reference to requests of the agenc v, Witherspoon said "the need for another eligibility specialist is verv jclcsant ’’ Witherspoon was reluctant t** make the request after the July ap provaJ of the 1986-87 budget but JiJ iF 4'::..ipatM’r -f j heas * wo k !*>ad in the future The commisxio.'iers nriil give the matter special con ideration and di- •>- It at a future meettof. In further business, the commis- sic'uefs l»rd a presentation by re idem s in favor of reconsidering the ,ounty fundmg of the Exten ion Ser vice Family Education Ard position John D McAllister, a member of the Extension County Advisory Loun*.il. spoke on behalf of the education program 'See VtJlF page 8A| More digits needed for Raeford calls Beginmni Satutday, telephone customers on the 875 exchange will be reejuired to dial two additional numbers to make local calls m Raeford, according to a Carolina Telephone news release •No longer will customers be able to make local calls by dialing 5 plus four additional nurnbets; callers will have to dial the .complete seven-digit telephone number. T be reason for the change jn ser vice is new compuier-controllcd digital electionic switching equip ment that will go into operation on Saturday. "Carolina Telephone is install ing the nrw digital equipment to handle the increasing number of telephone customers in Raeford, ' Mud llcrnice Hairctt, district cum mctciai manager tor the telephone company. Also, because ot the installation of new switching equipment, the number tor calling local di rectorv assistance will change from 7 plus 411 to 411. Tor party-line customers, in order to call another party on then line, they will need to dial onlv their seven digit telephone number. It will no longer be necessary to dial the digits ”560' plus the number "This equipment will make available custom calling features long desired by our customers.’* Barrett said For an additional cost, custo mers will be able to choose several new features including' •c all forwarding, which permits a customer to transfer incoming calls to another local number. •Call waiting, which alerts a customer already using the phone to an incoming call The customer can then put the first caller on hold to answer the second call. •Three-parry conference, which permits a three-way local or long- disunce convctMtion with persons on two other lines •Speed calling eight lor 30), which lets customers call eight lor 301 of their most frequently dialed numbers by dialing a one-digit or two-digit code. The new 5.400-iinc switching equipment cost nearly S3 million, according to Barrett. The cost in cluded the new equipment, building modification, power and outside plant facilities. Sanford to visit Hoke U.S. .Senatorial candidate Terrs Sanford is sclK’duled to visit Hi'kc County lUi Monday, AuguO 2X Sanford will speak at a dutch lunch in the I dinborough Restaurant. The luncheon begins at 12 niH>n Sanford, a Demo.rat and former governot of North C aroUna, is nijuiing tor the Senate seat acainst Sen. lames Bir'shill, R-N.C'., who i*. filling the *"!;ce left vacant by the death of Sen John East. R N C’ past president of Duke I niversity, S»intord has servcsl as a N.CS Senator, president of \ C, Young Dcimviats and secretarv treasurer of N.C, Ports Authority. I he public is invitcsl to attend the luncheon Terry Sanford Around Town Sam Morris The weather has been more like our usual summer for the past week. Wc have had rain and the temperature has been in the high 80s and the low 90s. The forecast for thi.s week is for the same type of weather Ever so often you will see a pic lure in a daily paper that will caunc you to take a second glance. This happened to me last Sunday morn ing as I was reading the Sunday paper. It was a picture under the heading of “Business People." The picture was of J.F. “Nick” NichoLson, son of Mrs. Jesse Jones of Magnolia Street and the late John Nicholson. Ihe Nicholsons lived beliuiu me on AUaius biuti when Nicky vvas in grade .school. Nicky and my son. John, finished Hoke High in Ihe same class and also finished al UNC* C'hapel Hill in 1973. The write up with the picture states that Nicky was now a vice president and credit administrator in the Raleigh office of United C*arolina Bank of Whiteville. We hope him the best in his new assignment. T hanks to all the folks that had a nice comment about the vacation articles. One other item that I think should be mentioned is that on the start of the trip Harold Gillis stated he wouldn’t get lost if 1 let him drive. 1 wrote in this col umn several years ago about Harold getting us lost in Raleigh. Now to set tlie records straight. .As we took the bv-pass around War renton, Va. on the return trip 1 was driving and as one would expect T took the wrong road and drove aibout 20 miles out of the way. So (See AROUND, page 2A)

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