TKg _ • (., ews-Journal Vt far I'-Mhirth on Monflay paa** 2 N.C. TURKEY i FESTIVAL Smpt. li-20 Volnm* LXXVIII 'ii ThM#»tl .y 'itu;. Auloi^raphs ( ' zHt itpfi Star f’rr\ \ifn\ autt’%fuph\ •' \ttmt ' h: ■ • a-tf^ a ptrfitrmunce ul Hoke High Siailiunt triJu\ ni::hl. Clower kicks off festival T I sbO' Da> weekend tc; off » r F ridav .ughl n Grind Jie »pr * *' r J " ; ( 'c ■Jir.---Cii ^ d’J>*n-hofnC >r:‘. r " th Hoke - o’ Hieh V‘ F' nmp with Jerry C '• i'.** ■>j"'ed h> ihf Nf:=th ( 1 • ir\ Fc*' .Inw., . fc i,=fj ii r SCv' rid \r iiuAI j ( I . ^ -r « ^ „j> Fiv —ipv*i!»ored t*y H -■ . Kac I-rir. . 1“ and 1. 0 IlK I ■ you 1-- UM: > '1 think .1 \o O lUI-.iy to hoc a !. . ■ ind honor . ^ ol - our u? 1 Lie told c :rowd i*'’" people '“Ihis im- I . ir I hope you If r '“.p ku t . . ;d ..Yu't il' ... rime I cat z ttkcv The *nt.-1laini ' .kno^^' J Ihi w-.-rkc: -ho ' "or in two ad-*- tional Kacloid mdustrre by y.ty int. “If It weren’t for you p^-plc. wt wouldn'i have iny Burlington k or f aheige Brut \k ating a bright red vuii. kept the aiJ.cncc howlmii for over an hour by trlling hr-, j- -irz aHoui life ‘n Amiiie t'ouiz*, M: .tiippi. Many 01 the iior.’:'. entered fci’C""‘d CTo -rrr -- fa. ifiic clmfjCT'r. M. f-:d ledbetler Throughout the e-emni^. b? iw^n '.tone , th.': ..omit tamer tiyok the opportunity tell the r idiefio; why he joyrd the people who in th small town, of the South “You JiiT: a hunch ol p« >.- rr:;;! . that’s why I love you,’' C'o'w--' d “I Wanted to ■ oyme lire n you rcn'l ncjaii’-- " “I o lo'f y'al) ‘cause ion "re .lit Thi. bijigcf the town, the duniT.-r the r“t-»plc, Raeturd i-. iiist tlie rigiii o/c for y'all to be smiri Clowci, who doc- 20li show , a \!-v. .tayed on rV fcyoiball Yeld for a iood drzl of time after his performance talking with his fans niul siKiiini ■ulo^.-aph- The om lamer did i u appear to be in a hz-i j lot a\c Raetord Before t lowci locjk the yiagc. The rennccvcc Koci Uoy. warmed up the audience with a blend cl last paced, up-ympo countty ballads. The band ha: had a three >e«r stand with Nastnillc, Ten- nesse’- Opr viand USA The crowd at the stadium I riday iii^ht also got a chance to hear (Scr t I ()\Vl R. pzr; }) DSS seeks to alleviate workload stress H> Sally Jamir .,[ or -"i iai Srruces I. i.nter Slice report r I to H .. ounty Commis f** Ac yi 18 meeting c :!ed r. a incetinj of . •r . i.l and D 'eprc»cn • • to dis. u c W of alu . ' i- on ’.-’f ft A- • ?K nieeiin* included nt;, - omi ii‘iioncr Wyatt I'p i.ii h. .fun' Manager W'illiam .R-ih) Cow*' . t ommi' .loner and U > Hoard - ha rman Neil Pbaiirr. D^•j Board Member ' ' -rffen, DSS Dir- tor Ken 'A ...her:r~"n and DSS Iniornt Mlir.i.r .r,f e -perMsor Tanya Currin Around Town By Sam Morris Tb.? !~5l wc-iicnd leli isk : wiC'C! tiA* w'rYcd in August. Die tcfTipcTature *cr-r in the 61)- J;;'::;- irr du> ' v.’fc in the low A at night The ram and cold ’0.1*: '^ind ijrnprw^i the wind chill iniich hvicf. Dr? T^‘n‘ for the past month ra!-«t ihe -v-ater table in .n..-; Pc 'O if..? .“if’ t-.i about normal Dcs IS g-.-inJ because it ha' helped vc'.rb the wafer short;ts“c in inany .iticv .z;;;nt‘ . I he tor?--j I : lc»r the U=ii: lerdiui' be in the Ht)-- lot the lepiiizdcf 1t:i' wers • • « It :i al>uy>a DdiiiK lor itie w*‘ ■' things happen to .. n._.. li.i; txifd and ra. -I in Hoke ' .zdv z - 1 h 'v- U-:n in the p I 111- 19^.5,'v -f.. “The meeting was pntrunly an mformaiion-shanng se>Mon to let sll paf'iej know what'- going on." Witherspoon said “And to let them know what we're doing to -o|ve problem!- ’’ Much of the hcasy workload in DSS ha- resulted from the strict deadline- impissed upon the department by the federal govern ment as well a' new avsivtancc pro ;r«ms being implemented this scar Wither'.poon cvplainrcl that when - individual comes m to app ly for asvisiance their financial resource-. mu»t be verified with -^veral different agencies within 20 day- of when they File the applica lion “It we do not request and r-veive ba,.k all requirevl informa tion by the dOfh day, we art re quired to pay a S50 penalty for each week afterward in vyhich we do not have the iiiforniaiion,'' WuhervpcKvn said. When the information is rcveivcd. It must be processed and stored m the computer tcrminal-- and a check drawn tor the client within -U) day - after the applic".tUon has been filed. "The clicm must have the check in hand by the 4Mh clay,” W ithf* »poon saiil. There are numeruu' cases each month which must be handled within th“.e deadlines (See DS.S, pape 12) Hoke commissioners OK $3.35 million in bonds Hy Sails Jamir M-tnh*. of the Hoke County Board ol Commt- 'r.;rv on 1 ue- d=-. unanimc“=dv vot'd •• adopt ^n order authorising 15 million in hool bonds and pas «d a r. lulion 4JI1111 tor a .pccial bond f'terrriidum to be held on November 4 Ibc .otc followed i public heat ing held for the bond order day nunnmg ai which were pr* *-n( member- of the H-tke County ScTnsol Hoard and area re adcnlr In a bnef presentation at the becinninc of the hear ins, SuperinicrKlcnt Dr Bob Nelson referred to dtxumented audi— which attested lo the arcai nec-d of the county for improveincnt- in ' htwl tacilities. There t- an estimated S21 million needed lor cchool -acililics improvemenis m Hoke County." Nclvin ‘.aid. "It I: not realistic for us to request that ainount." Nelson 'aid that with tlie .T5 nnllion requeslc-d. the .han range need' ol the county -.ould be met .nrid .'aciliijcs could be pul into ihc conditwin ncce'Hvar) in order to prcptire for long range need' The bond debt would be retired bv revenues I'iiii/■' w = : i xrs fZ-bri '= “ — in ad valorem Ms, Nelson iid .cceral of ihw e pi ?ni at the p_' healing poke z fi • of > ikiiig steps lu air c'ondi ion the h,».i butIdiZk. m 'der frr: thv phvkic d environment to he z:n d' rive to learning and gvs>d ■«t . 1 * l|i .. dir- ■ omm. '"n f Wvait p-hur> h rruuesl a fea.ibility tudy r- P; done on hool air ondilion-f' -•msTuciion by the school board Schixil Hoard C'hairmnn Bill C oiKton "vponded tha ,iudy of ih's nature wa* req-uc-.ted a .ou pie month' ago and that or rangrmcni: would made to be"in work on it. After the public h-armg wa- ad journed. ( ounlv Attornev Duncan VIcFadyen read “cc bond order Comrrn-iioiicr Neill MePhafter moved lo adopt the bond order and C ommi! Stoner James Hunt seconded l)u motion. After a reading of the releren- dum resolution, Hunt moved to acccpi the resolution and C ommi-: vioner iTeo Bratcher seconded the motion. The referendum will be voted on ri - r-f > A In Lu ' -j a ?■ j . f'U fimfl-. =:d . - f Ti thr T-i-'tingii-n t PI A tor »e in a project t- in Mil air-v vr.diiuining units u) the Tz -._b' -,ch‘W)l ,£udit>atuiu The requ’ I ro the i-s'!':”: >! “. hv Mack Sesioins of Rut'-’td Healing at.t An Con ditionnif included S2.Fl>i) to help th: PT \ .,t 'heir fue'^'-.i'inf ac ’ .!',;i^ m c'rdcT to purch?v? Jir ondiiioninc units Ih- Hoke County board of fcdz anon Us-, granted SVOOO 10 the 'rojr t j'‘"i the PTA will be jtsing fwng ford'm order to bus the ai 'c:;r:diti-Miiiig units ioi v.yxt The rrz :■ '1 iivj = pre-- vs .V'- of la- _ and clectrK'srv by "he uiinty L'.ii 1 w ork and labor expense f-zr the projesi will be donated by Raeford Healing tnd Air tioninj, Int Both R-z-ford Heating and Melion'v Elccific Healing and .Air “ondilioning will be working on the project (See $3..J5 MU i.lDN, page 12) Perkinson will speak in Raeford at Literacy Sunday observance By Sally Jamir I ilerucy Sunday will be ■ riebrated thr» year on Scpicrnbet . with guest speaker Alvin P Perkinson. President of St ,An drew F’rcxbyterian ( ollcge. I aurinburg 1 iteracy Sunday is observed in conjunction with Inteincitiunal I.iteracv Das, September 8. pro moted bv the .North Carolina l iteracy Avscvciation (NC I A). The celebration will be held at 3 in Raeford United .Mei‘ri('dist C hurch This year l.iterac'y Sunday will have- the theme "lileratv Ovcicomes Handicaps". The public is invited. According to the NCT A, ap proximately one million people in the ‘.talc ate not able to: read the directions on a anedicine bottle; read and complete job applica tions; write a simple card or letter; read their children a story or help them with homework; or under stand work place mstractions or safety precautions. Statistics published by NC I A S.1V that 8"^ percent ol the pri.on population in North C’arolina i- lunctionally illitetaie. Seventy 'even pcrc'eni of the poverty households in North Carolina are headed by an individuiil with lev- than a high school education. It hav also been found by NC I A that North Carolina is rated 42nd among the itates in terms of literacy. l-tterr.-^s- Sunday wtJi celebrate what has been done (o alleviate the problem of illiteracy in (he itate. Among the people to be lei-ogni/ed during the celebration will be "The Student of the Year”, "The Tutor of the '\ear” and “The Supporter of die Year", St .Andrews Presbyterian Col lege makes it possible for the phycally handicapped to receive col e«e degrees Rev. C. Ansley, Chairman of "I iteracy Sunday” said that F’erkinson’v presence in Hoke County would emphasize the seriousness of illiteracy. "IlhteTacv is indeed a handicap, but one that can be overcome,” Ansley said. Hoke Reading liieracy Council (HRIC) u now recTuttrng students, tutors and other voluntcc"' tor tuturc training ses sions as part of its serviors expan sion. The sessions, starting Seplcmbcr 15, will he given in coniunction with the Prujeoi literal': US (PUDS) zainpaign beingeundnoted the month. PIUS is a lOint eflort of the F’ubliv. Broadcasting Sy-teni (I’BS), Its member stations, and ABC' and its affiliates to taisc awareness of the different ways there are to combat adult ilhtertcv. 1/iin P. Perkinson F’BS member stations par ticipating in PI US ;n North C arolina arc the University ;if North Carolina ■ enter for Public P' o a d c j s' I n g a rv d 13 1. Charlotte There arc also vb, ..-om mercial :c!?vi“.iv)n stations af filiated with AB( in North C arolina which are participaung The -kBC proeramming wss kicked off on September ? with a diKunientary about PI US nar rated by Pcler Jennings Other pr.vgi'ams which will focus on il- iiteraev include “This >Aeek With tSev Pit KklNSON. page 12) 1- V, kitcr' -otne to ' or writing- about lormci l-'.D C rtuiMian' lh;-l I art 1 ARiJL ND. page J) Inskeep to be parade master of ceremonies Hoh Inskeep By Sally Jamir The North Carolina Turkey I estival begins on the morning of 'st-pitinber I8 and nniicipation is building ovci planned events, not the least uf vstyich is Ihc otficial T uf kev f estival parade. "There ha. not been a parade like this in Raeford," said I ynne Maxw 11, IcMisal ( ommitiee member ,Aizotdinj: to M.ixwcll, W'RAI mvsrmng ladui (Ktsssnaiitv Bsih In keep "fbi” has been conlirmcd as master of ceremonies lui the paiadc which .tart-- at 5 .30 p m., .vj ;mb‘i IK on Mam Street I lie Turkey Festival n being promoicd by WRAI FM 101 wTier. the popular rtidio anmnmccr ha- been smc' 1974 Invkccp- who wj‘. soteil “Bcm In Ihc Triangle" by Sjicclatvir Mssu/me. dc ■:ribc‘ him ell in hix b: ap‘'.'.al kstih as "•.•reai '.z, ' • « , ... ,1 •• Inskeep explain* that "the 'eijlftic' part ‘ornc from hr sariet; ot iniercvt from being a pan lime .ludeni at Duki 's Divini ly School, to being a communils volunteer m the T'okefcllows pro gram, A prison soluntect group." "I lusi love him," Maxwell said, "lie’s smart, he's good, tmd he has a great sense uf humor ’’ Inskeep will emcee the parade Itom ihe reviewing vtarul which will be I'Kssitioncd in trout of citv hall Maxwell vaid that so («r 70 units are scheduled to be m ihe jsaracle and more arc expected. Four bands have agreed to match in the parade, along with volur gtiuid units and a variety of Hoals, over 25 thus fat "Some of out anim.iied fiieruls may fw dropping in tor an up iseaiance," Maxwell said The iiiikcy dinner is to be held during and afiri the parade from 4-to to 7.30 p m. at the Hoke Migfi School Gibson Cafeteria Festival commillre member Darlene -Llurk said that l2tAI 10 1500 people are expected to attend the dinner which will be prepared bv the Hnkc ( ounty Schools F ood Service Association. "Wc will be anticipating a large crowd," C lark 'aid. "Nccessaiy arrangcmeiiis have made to serve more iieople this year, And there will be the addition of take out lines People can lake their meal out to the courtyard area and listen to music which is scheduled from 6;.30 to 10:30 that evening ’’ The Hoke Countv Swingers, a square dance group, will perform as will Toni Rogers and Ihe I oun try Boys, a bluegrass band rickets for the dinner are 54 and can be purchased from Women’s C’lub Members as well as Flarricl McFadycn and Mrs T 0111 Phillips On F'ridav, September 19. several evt-nts will take place in cluding the tennis tournament, the golf tournament, the N.C. High School Turkey Bowl, am) an out ■-Im:: beach niusie coiu-ert f'eafiir ing "Ihe Catalina’s’ and "Fhc Bund ot Uz". On Satuiday, September 20, Mim Street will be blocked off for booths fcaiuring crafts, exhibits and tood sales. Ihere will lie cv»n- tmuous entertainment on two stages as well as a tenni' tourna ment, car show, horse shi>w and the f nr key Olympiz- •Ao *ciiviiy added to the festival this year Is the Children’s I'ornci On Saturday this area will be located on Main Street in the emp ty lot neat the Southern NationaJ Bank ( from the cleanersk from 2 to 4 ■A plav area will be provided for childicn as well as planned .ic- livities, according to George B. Barth 11, M.D., Children's Corner coordinator. •■\aried entcrruinment will be prostdevl, designed fur children ages two through 12." Barth Mid^ "There will be lots of paper to draw on, tumdlcs and string, Iseadii tor children tu make thing.s out of and maybe a puppet show." Barth -fctcd that (he Childicn's o:nct wu „ot a ia> care .servict. Children have to b^ superv'ised by a responsible adul during then stay at the corner.