The Journal S|K‘€*iiil 'riirk«-y ht*Nli\al ‘•♦ rtion iriNidr this t^dition w.c. U- # ‘ ' ' • ' ^ r C ' ^ . i TURktv FtSTIVAl . wA •f Sapf. 18 »w '. A I XX III Raeford man found guilty of assaulting highway patrolmen \ K •Iv • ■ * - j ' ' 1 f . - ■ *1. • t , . , t • . a : . ' 1 ' V r'iitiiin) ' yuili ■’bd^cii .h> 4,01 - la •: “ i;.ll m .3 \ - IV ' mg 'vijcnie " T': 4 . - ItVOk r ‘ u .. ■ - - a Rv4»*.td' 'jv . ■ jl t unnirnili-iifi . 1 1 ■ > • - 1 4 -J X wa- ii^p fhc'idcd df 3 4X 4 in . D -■ t !. H V';-- \U^UaI ^ Hill pj w J Ja 1 um 1 L C 'd- ' Rjctord, near v.* -nd Avciuc p- "* Slid Miiin .sir';!.: R ■■ ’. « ' . 1 1 .. . t; rhornp-'-n » ii:i- I.' 1 »» . s ^ .•'1 ’ • • i ■ ' ,- X •'t U' I :4> •nnviitrO .’-O' dll* 1- ' H Ml 'A •''111,:' i‘-‘. the h!iinw:'jT .is a ^ ji t* ; He sird thal ,'hen 1 J . 1 . . K Mcr.;iK ,*-",ir‘Ufd Cunningham. \ .' ti'l: Ain^ it ") vi d-.. : was o‘- in R . » ir Aav ir-.maikcd oad and Thoinp->n xl' • V :;. « u, i' A , >' *1 ■ licvlu.ii^ij Ahrthf' ”■ noi it vDuld T H ? B 1 11 , ■ ^ ^ Ji ;''rn d liiat 1 unmn^ham had t, . ■ a • • . i i i:!'. I.'l . ^ uvci “ c center line i var 1 . M . 1 ■ i M .nto? -aid during h: u It ■‘■■1 ^ ■ - timony that w‘‘:r r-- first noiK t.. : (.! - - 1' ■ I'l a ■J • unnmgt*-m -.‘o^sinv over the . ■. V : PX » C . ^ . . -»»»I, tier hue Mivntoc wav driving If, V" , .( ' I'.'ward him on RP 147-t and wav T ■ M \ ■ ' V ' • a - . oTine toward him on 1**^ -i: ‘ He vaid he turned around in the 11.4:: ■ 'i i 1 • ••. ■ •: ST dnvewav and Itdlowcd ■!. uiiii W*!. • 1 . i.i ing^ ttr., aMcrr-piinf .> ov. -Mke ‘ it'' ’ : , 1 1. II 1 h in : :der to -‘c if he w.: dtiv : . ♦. . 1 t h-‘- ’ ■'ll -J; mg while* imp '•'d Acc rJing ; ' Monroe t 1,.: ■ ■■ . ■ 'll-,-,' o !:*-.!imi»n>, the offi* r Iii\ t 1" .1 ' ■Vti H A. .1 blue light wtiiic t unningham " - X-' U ■ ' - > 1 . .f pulliiiv into h. driveway M'uius \ i' At .'iU i. r • k »; . •! : ‘ (lu.i ijp rtfhind C iinning*'jii! ind rsrfiu ; , > c I ■ c - •.= w.>!h ™n got out ot tb' ' ^ir.. p'l Oil 1 a V K Monroe ^aid he rcpe^aicJly loivl K t - 1. M *: •, ? ‘ ! ( that he needed ' ■ Pu. .i V * M ’ ■ I ■ H r- r: hiv dri*. f - livcnvc and C unii hk.' u ‘ Mill ingh?m would nut '.omply - u . n 1 Ml “ r* ' i ■ n C Monrot :2!ed that C uiirnrigf‘i:: htVi r iS: ‘1 ■J • • a*J a ,4 -ard ‘k- wav in his iiwn ye^d n;’ •.^1 , 51^ ' Sill Ih :: wav n.nhing SLmr-.-r tould •'• 111!-.".!. do 40 him Alter lelling t uiin 1 . : ‘ 1 . r, ; 11: t 4* A::. . ir.ih.ini to ippriiath the p'airol ett Th 'J Vk ,iS ;>"d noi r-xeiv’.ng s-AOpcration, ’f! J 1 'j'fP Cl-NMNliHAM. pajir Hi Well-dressed famiiy The HowettfemUy, frotn tmft, Ktm, SamM-Ann, and Tom, show tkeir support for the Se cond Annual Monh Caroline Turkey FesHv^ by wearing /estival T-shirts ort Monday, ManysUizent woe* tkoir T-shirts In anticipation of the festival to be held September IS-2$ bt RoefortL Council prepares for event ^ f ‘t. I I I n f ■ ■ Deputies make cocaine bust Around Town ''Min r,. r —f if v !h ihc - ■ “i the and t 'i i'. and '■ at > i : ' I iiu i> >»a n J ' J' - - ; tr-: ■tl'i )f ■- fi=>» f. r' ’ i - « • f ' r . ll. I ■ J '' id : ii( 1. ot - ‘"J, t ,ff Blue ol AlxTdceii. hud dev.ided to ^lop anting ho- >,olumii, Pet-'plc and I- ,ue^, on a i^etklv ba%n I Hit'* looking foruard to reading it lot = -;r ame nuntbei- ot year*, that wc pubi hed D V 'it Pook’'- vul- umn, PiXilc's Medley in Jhv \i n> Jaurnai Mr Poolc xa venting in h! 1 he-anic aoqii»:n:cd with tliK ;n the when vic -ei ivpc fi hn r-ip^f here in Kaelord He laic: ^■■■•jght a linotype and printed ut \ROL Nl). p-!:-.- 1-) A I Old man via: atresleJ fi>r po on -f t-fw-iine at hi' l■■•me ls-.t month, aeci-ording to revord* ot ihf Hoke C ounty Sh-. tt ' Dcpio itTicnt John Sa~ •! Mullos, 2S, It" l, Nc'th kaelord Mob- .. Home Park. Ri ftT^’d, tirrt'^d lor tr^'^v,'. ■ '‘lied ‘'*'*■1-' ‘'ha*jii:' afiei a -h .>1 hi house by County dep i “ August 2? After ■ xcisifig inform ition from a j'o. :.Jeniial >ur-'e. l\j -P Mark High u-ont to Malloy house with a seer-.h vsirrant High wh' atL:L»mpanivil by Deputy Hardin Deputy Allen and I>eput5 MeKh vceii After 'crsing the >Sdirdnt, tf— offictr ^carolled the premivcv and found approximatelv two grarr'.- cocaine, less than (uic-hall ounc' of niari)uana and an assoitinent of pariiphernalta Attt. - ^(implcte search Mallov vs S'- arrested lor mairitaming a dwelling for selling a vOiiirolkM ub-Jancc. pc'ssesMon of druyt paraphernalia and niisdcmcanot pe. ‘,c\,jon of marijuana Mallov Wrt' released on S2l),4CXi bond In an unrelated incident. Henf;, Holt, ^0, kaelord and rcirel: Williams. Kaelord were knn'ed at the C Mti-.-n Ii^hi .^amc room on ■-•epU ,i‘ ' y \ cp ; hied by Deputy Clai- n*- P‘Merx>n s'-*_ ! h^t he a :.'‘l trf.s k Ik./d at y .V) p m .-.I ihe H> ke Med :I ( niei !‘.j| there were t\so .v r* wrho had ■ - a cut L , ts n «' ■ T s I. P •: I ■ I 11 d -hO’ , J that I he me" raid 'hev did not .nt tn pre chat; or u sisi _iikcnt \killir= ‘' D MsPhnul. N. th fcclinhoi s.__h, Ki-d .p mas. reported Ihe It -ray of hn trailer tiom. his i-oni. on R- uie L, Red Spririif- ntor Duffs Red --priiit- rhe trails i was apparently towed aaas from the prem; -- sonierime 10 a m., Septenn^ ' 1 and 8 u ni.. Au_ iist 4 R'-O'-l .ay the trailer had no rial num*'^T or liccn-.c tag Avv : Jing hs rccoivls at the Poll - (ii nartni r.;, A J l.undv N)2 I -:i • IXmaldson. Raeford rep" "ed thai conierine broke in::' ti!- 'iorr>\ -inielime '.jel~-;.n 4:54 p m and ft -0 a in, t>n Scpleiuhri s Kc-iiru the ubj' i enie'^e,| • , p...... fty reinosi"- an .on ditier-i-5 unit uid £■ = - a into the house ih: tugh the ss nd 'w \ ss;i- h and urrencs ssert lakfU. IcC.i:! . • - 'I Si" C)ral Nii'ikiwi i' ■ I A'eiiue. R.I ’ -omeonc p*-iled t**? ! - ot: ii t StOT-Ss^r bl"l :,n. r:c- t- ' . ■ and t‘,",‘i ■ 1. ■ f: buihn-r RcvoriJ' V. a ► the huildinii! tw . —-s.-" «• a* ■" -=• ' '"P '* •'’* * the • is. iikIi.i tr.. tP .e! Wild ' The o;(S' -'f1 d • n.f 5«74 B., - e AT 'if 1 k I ’ . Raeford, ^ ■ ;c.i , ’ h 1‘ih? C hor-r’v,. had d i cd wh ic p;:' .-f .n rh. A - P 'lort parkins lot ■' ■ >[ >cp' ;:d —■ r .. . ‘"r.v I “ '‘ ■ s'::; - : -M .1 -It •“ - ho*‘. were di - . f Pr-M itv. b.. ' ' 'o s l‘ " SDO, mclndi.i; o.‘- ai-: ei! ht tr; *‘- tv; ^"> s»a' , v-n f tl.c .*( Jerry Ted*-" I = T' .\v . B.4r;.od r >po : t , ontc:"' hsrj I'-' ' Su/uk; dirt h;,... r-v.i:*'. f; hi d /' : - kr ss.. dl; .rv.oyl -TiV.' at ' a. O'! •■■■ 'scr-rr.b 'f I I: arc “ >■-. Mt:. ■ . \ r , ■ ■ I I I ; ■‘■ed , .1 io J - .s ;*,■ ••• !hr * iiv , MaO":'y :p r- ,=''J 1-1 ,, -f i:i3; o'r-:ri ;■ Ti! JO,; o,;*fn n ' ti liic I e , . s ' ■ - k ; 'o vv n P' ll-.'-Jl:, i! v - . i O,, I;' .'"‘c- ■■ ■ .. if ;? jiitri! a rcu ; ’ *• o J Nk T rjfi-.i, PJ . ** . k V'.so": ■ lor »: 'XH; a i" ■ ■ 1'*? i:' ' c I i I -iI -Cc-llI' ■ D-- i- o ' ' '.‘HI ' - a I' .m ■ J' :: ...v-d by ‘ . in \ J ' 1 I-v.'t :.d. J o. C -J.. rzr i -:' M -K :i. be .1 b_o';' Kaelord Pl-o-.t " ^ Pi- ^ li.ijch >:■{ the lai s ‘“ f liW C'SfTipJiVi, \lh Spruce up encouraged !•' '.T'o. o! k.;e!i'iu j'lC H>'kc : j!t \!rg(.J spruce a,' ■ -.oo lo: ih-.- uixou iiiji V ■' ' . ■ - JI h C d I wi 1 na . . ves Ko .‘■.iiii. 't iTpii'.an' Ida: ■* c ■'..■.(Sv' is. * . h C‘H*sl fr,;. C r-olllla 1 S ; .sn St •w. .»xi Literacy is honored at Sunday observance Lite ucv and s' iuppoficfi were honored at a prcial o^ efsaner September 7 at Raeford United Vieihodij’ ( h'jrch The 3 p.m program w;' cr--“cJ by Hoke Reading ! ii- racy Council chairman I D McAlh.tfr Anna JoP^nn explained that thih observance ws*. the first off :ial Litere:y Sunday in North Cirt~!:-’t although the day has been ohsci veo in Hoke C ouniy for seven years Reverend C . Ansley, Pastor, Aniioch Presbyterian Church in Iroduced the .pcakcr A P Perkin son. prexidrni. St Andre- Co! Perkinson said that, "liieracy it finally getting the intention it de.trves ” “There is a terrible cost to HKie- ty and the individual of not being able to read," Perkinson .aid and noted that these htrie* were evident m the economy, international com petition, employmert and in use of welfare programs which “perpetuated dependency .” “We are rearing an undet'da* l iteracy Sunday I itervt ) project director Burhuru Buie, left, Bw. ( '. Ansley and h'thelvnde Huilume, refreshment chairman, enjoy a reception foiiowing the iiteracy Sundu ithcenunce Sundai at the Raeford I 'nited Methodist Church. whiih has no chance to break oi^i of ihtif -luation.” Pc”-;!" op ,aid “Th"; gap i vsufcnini bci ween the literate and the illitciote. ' ^•erkjnson stated that 2>pci‘ Ctp of the people in the I S have tus; finished -ighth grade and that one* loutth o! the people in Ncr»h C iirolina are in thr predicament I he number* are greater those who have not completed high whool: ?() pet'—if in the IVS., 45 {scrceiit in North ( arolirui Perkinson said ihai the e\ perieiue of not being able lo rcajii became v'-ry real to him durinv ^ trip to Korea Not being uMi; t : read Ihc .irrri vigns. he w;*- helple^ .ly lost in a ciis He ompaird this sen*- of bcinu lost to what ilhi«=-atc f bplf through in the L “(M all the handicap* w- fm:'d t • ovetLomc. illiteracy is tfie greatt'-r of all.” On St Andrew ollege -ni pus, ax per* ml of tfic .tudenis iirr arc not able to walk and usc wheelchairs Perkinson has ob-*tv ed people m this situation dcsiryttg to travel acrois -.ampus b> their own effort- “Ulilike thew siudanis, lllitci-jic pcopii-..aiiu*" .i* u »u liiL-; ■«.!, Perkinson ■xid, “They need helpi ” Kctvigriilion wa* given dnrirm the program lo several supporter* of the Iiteracy program. Service award* were given id Raz Autry, Willie Icathcrsionc, Tor Ho'-v :ll and Lm'«'a Mims. The *: ■= .lent ol the ^ear” wri- Maegie Cirah ir “Tutor of the >e«r’' i yhaflott-: MaclXmald “'oitcr iij the Year " IS Mrs J M Andrew- u;id “Canvissscr t'f -he Year" is ' illie Bute A special pr'>enialion was made lo I uke MkNeill for his media i .isiance and suppc''rl tor the htci--■> prstgnin. ‘i -osa ver in the Dolhits foi Litrrwc , prsigtain were icvogni.-^d They arc. Ho*.; Hislims, Anne Hoslctl r. I allie Biiu, I si; Aii'lin, Pearliv Price, Mary I VkKinnon. .Dskie McKinnon, Ar Hr McPhotict, O- I ici Holl ingsworth. Matkaici McLaughlin, I luabeth Cole, Willie Mae tuaham. Mac^ic Hunt, Lvelyn guuk, Bcairiv Smith. Annie B lYiidlev. Baibara Buie, Alis- Pfierkm. Mane McCormick. Nellie Tlowcrs, t larn Daniels and Htitna Smith. Canva -rs raised nuvre than S1,S25 for Ihc literacy p ojram in Hnk- ' --uinly. Proiect slirectsif Huie announctd I here would be a lutor training .c'-ion 'larting Septciiibcr 15 Ihe scsMsmu will be fi lo “ p in on scpU.i.lK.M 15. .. I..U 24 r: ..•! • ! . Keadinyc council (875-2145) fur details Music for the program was pro vided by Peter Ansley A reception firllowed in the fellowship hall. Turkey Festival highlights • The Fe^val for 1X86 is upon tu* Perhap* before you even reesve next wreck't edkioo of The News-Journal we xril] be wkiciw^ vah tke fanuatk opening day activities. Thumtiy, Septembe lltk. • You‘11 wnant to be at the Library at 10:X) a.m on opening day for the kick-off ceremonies, featuring N.C. Commissarion of Agrksidtxire Jim Graham He was both entertaining and mformattve Uai year. • The 4th Annual N.C. Turkey Cooking Contest U somethiog you cocdii and eonnot'veun don't «>ant to miss. Lou of erwive ways to ii»e the turkey for your own enjoyment. And the Cooking SenuMi wiO brip your meai planning, tool Both of these activities witl occur at the Library ... Seminar at 1I:(X) a.m. Cooking Contest at noon. Then, other things througfiout the afternoon on the Library Oounds. • Be early for the 5:30 Grand Parade down Main Street on Thursday. Come at yOO p.m, for a special parachuting damofwtiaiion at the Librair - where our "Official” N.C Turkey Festival Flag will “Fall Out of the Sky"I • Oh, what a Parade! Maybe the biggest parade ever in Raeford, with over 'li^ units aisd lots of new lurpriies! Ever tee a Stoun Calliope? Know w|^ll it is? Is it a big turkey pressure cooker or something else? We'll have one in the parade ... and much, much more)! • Plan on going nght to the Turkey Dinner at Hoke High School, Gibson Caftena straight from the parade. You can't afford not toil Only S4.(X) for a complete meal. You can't get up Friday morning for more good "Stuff" on an empty stomach...and watch the "Old- Timers" square-dance until they gel ''Turkey-Tired"! • You may know that volunteers are needed to help in the Depot dur ing the festival days, and even before for some of the preparations. If you can help, call Turkey Festival Headquartas at the Depot on 173-5929. • During the week of the festival, begiaMnf September 15th, a ipeclai showing of Hill photography work by Luke McNeill will be on display in the Depot. Please drop in to see how this local hisotrian has captured tfte dignified images of a number of buildings and socMt in our community. You'll be "proud" of us and exated about hii work. Good thirui to show viiiiois or houseguests, tool • Carnival. Carnival! Wauh the paiiung lut at Uic aaP luf Use Jayoee'i traveling carnival. September 17-20. The kids will enjoy and pan of the prooaKb help to support the Festival. • Remember - A "dm Ptaiix'* is a "Happy Place." Let's aU work together on Utter - before, during and after our guests arrive.