• . >1 If L ( XKg _ ' ' "Journal Holiday depression is treatable (>n lOA A look at W.T, Covinijlon t>ii pair** tB Vof" ■' LXXVIII Nuinb«r J4 7hur* *rfr [>^ ..*■ ll. United Way tops W goal The United \\a> gtoal has been exceeded thi*. year by aitnust SJ.Ot.W. according to Ken ^^lIheT■ yp»^n. United Wav campaign director The fund dnve u over but pledge monicv continue to come in, W itheripoon vaid. the monies far exceeding the S?^.556 goal tor Donorv include small hiuiness, large induviries, profevMona' iigen- ciev. schools and civic orgsm/fa- tionv and many individuals Witherspsxm strevsed that the individuals not only give financial l>, but volunteer their time to help m the solicitation of funds "Literally hundreds of volun- tee{> help in the organization of the fund drive," Witherspoon said tmployees who work at area in dustries and factories, businesses and schools take on the respon sibility to contact their fellow workers and ask for a pledge from them W i:*icrspxsn said a total figure IS not in yet but that the response so far ha-, been very gratifying The organization^ receiving fund- from United Way fall into two mam catrgone- There are organizations such as Amencan Red Cross. Hoke Rescue Squad and floke s ounty foster Care AsMXiation w hich are located in Hoke t.oun(y and other orga^ualK>n^ .uch as Children's Home Society of N C Epilepsy Assoclarton of N c and UaRad Health Services for Alcohol and Drug Abuse which arc not directly df^iliaied with Hoke County but vshi^h bcneni residents indirectly. Around Town By Sam Morris The frost (or the past few day- has looked like a light snow Of course you folks that sleep late wen’t know what I am talking ab>>L.>t 11 hasn’t been a hard free/e, but the thermometer has been below the freezing mark The temperature Monda- after noon was m the 50s and the forecast is tor the temperature to remain in this range ^sr the re mauidet of the week Maybe some ram on Wednesday « • • The Christmas section ot The Sewi Journal is now being prepared with ads, pictures and features. Pam Frederick is handl mg the advertisements for the sec tion this year She has asked that i remind all business firms that would like to be m the seciton to get their ads into the office by Thursday, I>ccmber 11. This IS one of the special sections that the paper puts out during (he year and everyone looks forward 10 this feature. So join (he group and be featured with the other businesses of the county • • • RbZ Autry was telling me last week that he had been looking foi a large C hrislmas tree to be used by the Hospice people for the Hoke County Love 1 ighi Tree, This tree will be lighted by dona tion- from the folks of this county You can donate in memory ot, or in honor of a loved one. family member or friend. The price ol a light on the tree is S5 OU (or more) If you would like to have a light placed on the star atop the tree, it will cost S25.()i) (or more). Send donations to: Hospice of Hoke Coumy, P O Box XT';), Kaeford, N.C 28376 • • • The Kaeford Woman’s Club, in vooperalion with the Hoke County (Vnarfm"nl of Scw'ial Services i-. again sponsoring "Shaic Yout Christmas” This is to help the levs fortunate of the county. There are four ways to Shaif Your Christmas. You may adopt a family; you can take a name off an (See AROUND, page 2A) Love Light Tree The Hospice I use I ight Tree illuminales the area in front of the Hoke ( ountv I ihrary on Main Street. ( lose to people attended a special tree lighting and dedication ceremony on Sunday and were entertained hy the Hoke High .School Rras.s Band. Baz 4ulry officially dedicated the tree. House of Raeford safecracker gets suspended sentence A I ascitcvitic nun chatged with safecTi! king 3t the House ot Raeford wax scnlen-ed to nine years m the November session of Superior Courl, presided over hy the Honorable Anthony Brannon. Leslie Robert Stone, 43. 5701 Yellow idone -Court, I ayetteville, was found guilty of two counts ot felonious l«r-:cn> and one count ol safecracking '.rone had been arrested (or salccrackifiif, which occurred in August, after House of RueforJ President Marvin Johnson had taken video film', of Stone break mg into the »afe and taking money from his office desk. After arrest. Stone confessed to the charge* and described how he obtained the combination for the safe According lo court records, Stone pleaded guilty to three count■- ot felonious larceny , com milled on July 26. ^llgusl 2 and Augu.l y He pleaded guilty to niKilc'ineaniiT larceio, committed on September 20 and 2J I he nine-year sentence was suspended and Stone was placed on vnperviscd probation for five years. Record-, say as a condition of pri'bation. Stone must verve an ac tive prison term of 74 days He w as gneii cr«-lii for 2^ days already served Stone was alsiv ordered to pay S'^.160 rcsiitutioii 111 Johnson. County needs more tutors Local literacy project has students waiting for teachers By Saily Jamir Sleff UrUer Volunteers are desperately r-'^ed ed to verve locally a.v Project Literacy United States (PLU.Si teachers, members of the Hoke Councy PLUS task force were told last Thursday night Barbara Buie, Hoke-Raeford Literacy Council Project Director, said during the task force meeting that there arc students in the ■:oun- ty who want to learn to read but there arc a lack of qualiTied tutors to teach them these skills. Task force memberi discussed the idea that residents in the coun ty do nor realize that the education of illiterate people in the county has a relation to individual and collective growth of the lommuni ty. This idea was made more ap parent by the viewing of a videotape produced by the Na tional Alliance of Business on the subject of education in relation ro future employment. The videotape presented a detailed study of the types of jobs which will be available in the future and stated that many who will need to fill these jobs do not have the basic skills needed to be able to learn the sophisticated pro cedures required in these jobs John Howard, Economic Development Commiision Direr- lor and Tisk Potce tncmbei, c?td "there will be no improvcirient in the county unJess iht per capita in- cumc of residents itTiprovc" Howard said area residems musi prepare for the employment condi tion* m the nest fiticen yean and that, on the whole, the county can not afford to perpetuate illiteracy Members disciosed the plight of the older pervon, such as those who are m their 40’s, who do not have the learning opportunities which young people have to ac quire the skills of reading and writing Many who are in this situation do not have the incentive to learn and must be helped to understand that better employment oppor tunities are available if they have these basic skills Illiterate people many times have no motivation to "look down the road" and anticipate future needs in a job because most places they work they are “paid as they go" Buie speculated that the minimum wage; people now cam are not incentive enough to learn skills in order to j-n bettcf jobs beesu^ they may do TinanciaDy belter mt welfare Howard said there it the (See 7UTS)RS, page :A) Local farmers eligible for disaster assistance By Saily Jamir i Journal Staff M ritrr Hoke County farmeis will be able to apply for assistance from the 1986 Di.saster Payment Pro gram which is providing up to $41X1 million to farms in the country, ac cording to the county’s Agri cultural Stabli/ation and Conser vation Director. Thomas Starling. On October 18, the Congre-s passed Public Law 99 5tX). which authorizes funds for disaster payments to farmers who lost crops due to severe drought or weather conditions in 1936, Starling said Tues4a\ that Hoke ('aunty was eligible to receive these funds because Scotland and Cumberland counties have been declared disaster counties as a result of the drought this year Because Hoke County is adjacent to these counties, it will also qualify. Also. Fartnets Home Ad ministration has declared Hoke County eligible foi emergency loans due to crop losses caused by drought and heat ot exccvsive moisture during 1986. According to Starling, the monies are available to producers who have suffered a loss of 5() per cent or more on the crops of wheiii. corn, gram, sorghum, bailey, oats, upland cotton, peanuts or soybeani. On feed grains, wheal and upland cotton. .Starling: said you must be enrolled in compliance with the 1986 Acreage Reduction Program to be eligible for pas meni. He further states that if vou suf fered at least a 50 percent Uks on tobacco or other crops produced and sold commercially, you may qualify if you suffered at least 50 percent loss ot income on all pro gram and non-program crops. The sign up (or assistance from the program will run through lYecember 31 at the Hoke County ASCS office Fisr those that qutlify, payments will be made by Ma-h 15. 198“? "I don't think many will apply for the program," Starling said. Generally. Hoke County farmer; did fairly well in produc tion in relation to surrounding counties, but there are ;tlll in dividual farmers wh-o had losses for which the program's benefits may help. Contaci the ASCS office for in formation on how ti> apply to the priigtatn Share your Christmas by adopting a family '• ir.c i.j tirlj. with Stiaic 'Ill C tin-tnt.i-. IS 1(1 jvdopi a family '.r rul lamilicx have b;i.'!i ideniifird who need help and .an he .'dupted by cuntac ting ihe Hi'ki. : ountv l>cpari nuiii oi ■(v.ial ‘versicev at 8” K'2s fK-i^^rcn the hour* of I 30 p m 'iniil 4 '0 p m Following \s ,) brief dcs..rip tion of the type-, of familie- who need your help lor C hri ima'.: One lamily in need of help ■,‘*n-.;-.ls of a father, niothei. one hoy, and thiee girls The f.ithiT IS '-rnplovrd hut h.is a sef’ •imit'-d 'Ol omr Anothci laniily wishing to be adopted soiisisis uf a molhei ard live ■ htidrrn The parent-, are .eparaieJ and the f-amily has very limited rcsounes Fhctc are four bovs and one girl rang. mg in age tioni lour to cigtu yrars of age I he next family consists ot a lather and daughter. The faltiei IS over Ihe age of ^5 and the daughter is age 15 Ihev cur rently have no income The lather aiiempt”. to work when work IS available, however, hi- health is poor. Anoihct individual in need ->1 help IS an elderly female living on c fixed income who has medical problemv Theve arc a few of ihc taniilicv that are m need ot adoption ny an individual. Sun day -.(.hool C law, a family, .x busmevs, a church, or s civic organization Individuals wishing to buv a gift for comeonc in need may still do so b\ taking an angel off t.l the c (uivinias trees located at Moores, .Maxwav and Sky City. There are children'-, names on the Angel Trees located at Max- way's. Sky City and Moores and name*, of elderly individuals on the Angel Tree IcKated at Moores These gift, must be brought back by no ‘atcr than Monday, IVi ember 15, I manct.il contributions are still needed and ‘ an be mailed to Share Your Christmas, i. o the Sen Journal, Post Office Box ■•■’0, R,;-:of'J, Nor h Carolina The final way lo help others at v hr:-,;mas is to bring gtMid ■ocil and or new toys lo The Hok--' =' (iiinty Department of Sixial .Sefv.-ces by December 15. Angel Tree Amanda Lewis of Duffle displays a present she tnrught to put under one of the Raeford Homan's Club's .Share i’our Christmas Angel Tree.