0 ; 1 / / ( ■/ \ ( A ; //. A ;/ !\ ,•} "Journal School board is sued Holiday lights C hristmas lighn glon at (he midence »f Rettv and Keith Jih't --•» on the comer o- Magnolia Street and HHood Avenue In Haeford. The Jacktom have joined man\ Ic-al rerideniy in decorating their homes for the holiday season. > isitors from other (oumies are coming to Hoke ( dunt; this season to look at the i hristmas displays. B> Sail) Jamir ■ Jaammi . H r -- A Si n ord Industr - ■ -inipany i' _ rying t.. ' ic: ni :o bu\ JRA Ind ■":rs. mcn'ihcrv m the Hoke C ounty LC: ; J .. omme -L-r.c; were !■' ■ Vlondav j; thei regulaf mtv-' j Spancf' lnd^:!riri, Iru ; • s«.i ford began nTHPiiation' D«>pmt>cr 9 =of the purciav JRA In duslries, according to ^ ompanv »pok 'man Coak I May. Freaturcf May ^plkc to 'he Lotnr; rvii.inf in order to obtain app ii>al and author.*ation for of JRA Indu3tr:r‘, Inc , ind it'^ parent 'ompany Jung Oupora tion, from obligi^iion*; relating to an indu''.trial re\e.".‘.' bond and the assumption of th :r* rrspon sibililies b‘ jpanco. Originally, the bond S3 03 million. Roast fires local pride Community pride *as on everyone’s mind as businessmen, politicians, local leaders and residents gathered around a glow ing, circular fire outside the Civic Center Tuesday evening, December 9 The occasion ssa.s The Third An nual Mullet Roast, an affair co sponsored by the Kaeford-Hoke Economic Development Commis sion and the local Chamber of Commerce. The yearly roast offers the community a chance to reflrct on Its accomplishments and to discusi plans tor the future. Although an appreciation fur roasi mullet was nut shared b> everyone, (chicken was offered as an alternate dish this year) all those in attendance did agree that Hoke County can be proud of if- recent accomplishments “We’re ical proud ol what's been going on the last couple of years,’’ Chambei of Commerce president Terry Houston said as he opened up the informal after dinner discussion Houston Cited the newly renovated Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development of fices at the depot, the success of this year’s Turkey Kestiva! and the The ommissioncis granted ap pfosaJ for this transact ion sub;'^-t 10 the approval of the Branch Banking and Trust Company May said Spanco planned to complete negof'ition: for the pur chase by December 23 Early on Monday, a JRA spokesman released a .tatement to The Sew^ Journal saying that -panco had mtered into an agree meni o principle with .IRA In dustrie- to purchase the Raeford plant Ai-.ording to the spokesman JRA Plant Manager Horace Siogner ha^ said that he sees the pur* t'a-se a positive move for the Raeford plant Spanco operates two pirints m Noiih Carolina with 200 cmploy«T" at each plant, according to May He said both cofTipcitnes produce the same product, a covered elastic yarn, as the Raeford plant. Mas said Spanco has no plan' to change the Raeford plant other than 10 make improcemcnts, such as the addition ot equipment Accc'rding to May ihcte were no plan* for any * hanges in ernplov- mcni He stated that in the lb years ol the .ompany’s existence, there has never been a layoff and they have experienced only one -hut- down In other business, commis sioners gtanted permission to Economic I^vclopmeru ornmis- sion Director John Howaid to pro ceed with plan' to apph lot a Development Planning (irani with the North Carolina Deparliiierit of Natural Resource* and Commuiii- ly DcveUvpmtnt. C omnns-ioners also set a public hearing for the gram tor .lanuary 5 at a.ni. The decision followed an initial (Sec SANI-ORD, page 10) Mullet roast Steve Parker rakes the yoiils of a fire used to roust mullets last lueuiay. The ctMiniy's Third Annual Sluilel Roast was held at the Civic ( enter. ( -ininiaTiiiy i ight I'p program as esampirs of positive stc)vs taken bv the corniiuinity in l*fHb, Ihe passage of Extended Area Telephone Service (EAS) between Raeford and Tayctirville tins yeai I' another of the community’s im fvirfant w* •. rsmplisbmrnlc ncconl ing to Houston When EAS goes into effect this July, it will “help the tax base and help u* make new friends,’’ Houston said. “Wc" . always looking foi ways to imptovi* tin. cortiiminitv,’’ Houston sjid. “Now wc’vc .not to wotk '*51 the widening ot Highway 401” Tconomic I3eveli'pcr lohn Howard iiild thow gathered that bu.int-vTiicn outside of the area are beginning hear of the posidvr ctiangcs occurring in Hoke t jun- ty Howard said once laM year’s rn.vit was held, the count; has (See ROAST , page 8) H) Sail) Jamir V»»l w«y/ Urtirr fhe Hoke County Board of Education is among 22 North C arolina vchcK»l boards being sued by lilt U S [)epariment of Justice for failing to comply with the Voting Rights Act of l%S, accor ding to county school officials County Schools Superimendent Dr. Bob Nelson said Thursday that the suit was filed last week by the Justice Department against the State of North Carolina, the Stale Board of Elections, the State Board ot Education, und 22 local boards of education, charging them yvith failure to seek the per- mission required before changing the voting procedures for election of the hoards of education. Nelson said news ot the lawsuit made it to the hands of the media before it reached the defendants. The day after news of the lawsuit appeared in new^paper.s, Nelson reported that no papers had been .served to the education board. Nelson explained last week that his exchange with a Fayetteville Times reporter revealed that the Justice Department had been sent a press release about the lawsuit before they informed the defen dants of their intentions. Both Nelson and Caroline Shook, Supervisor of Elections for the Hoke County Board of Elec tions, said that this week they received legal dtxunienis pertain ing to the case Tfoke County Election Board Chairman Delbert Minshew, after receiving the documents from the Justice Deparirncni '.iio i-c be ’’lurning n n r -o i* *,,. .mr:.;- attorney for c 'csp:Ei-r x. uhe depari.T.eni ” Ncivon vonvuh-'^d r ddic ipe«-'aiiy| in school law «t :he .is” Attorney fieneraJ’i *ffi'.c and Bill ,Mo*cs, county cducaiton bojtfd at torncy, in re»e£: h'rig 'ht maiter Nelson ’.=arncd that tn ttir iaic I9bt)’s the election board memberr. was esiat^livhed by a change Icgislaied in ihc Omnibus Bill by the Cieneral A*v?-mbi, According lo Nclvo:;. ;hr •pre clearance” for the change obtained from the fc-ieral g.;v.'rri rnent is was required by the Vr*t;'’| Rights Act Nelson said hr '-r-ifned that another change in the voting pro cedures was made in v*hich did not receive the appropriate clearance from the feder.*! c m mem. This change concv. .rcd the stag gering ol the four-yr'wr le-rn-s (of which iKiard member', are elected All the full background on the changes m question are not yet known, Nelson said, and more research may be needed at the sJaie rccoids in Ruleigh befo'e th'.v c" curs. “A.' far as we know, there wa*. an administrative detail that yvasn’t taken care of. Nelson said. “The requirement came about from the Voting Righi.s Act People hadn’t been used lo dealing with It and didn't know how ’’ The education board, may t-. able to obtain « “retroactive pre- clearance’* in order to comply with federal requtrcmenir.. Nelson said Spanco to buy JRA Industries [Negotiations Coak J. May of Spanco Industries, fnc. speaks to the Hoke f tturits Hoard of Commissioners Mondas night. Share Your Christmas is tremendous success Share Vour Chn-tmas has been a tieniendous success,stated Mma Townsend, Woman’s Club Chair man of the project. Ken Wither* pc>on, Social Services Director says he has been thoroughly over whelmed at the community’s re spouse at helping others. One hundred and fourty-foui taimhes that include WN children and adults will receive assistance in a variety of ways Our $3,001) has been contributed bv the commum ty to provide both gifts and food. Many volunteers assisted with the trees and literally hundreds purchased gifts for the tamilies. Volunteer groups adopted many fainilicv. Anv'Wie who ha* a gift but failed to bring it to a tree -hould take the gift to the Department of w- .^l Service' b> mvon ssn Thuf'Jiy, TTecember 18th The Foster Children*'. Irc'* will remain at United v arolina Bank through Friday, Dccembct |h Stars tor the fo/er children will rc main on the lice until Friday, Dec 19, at (>p ni. Those aift* vhi ‘ *'e returned to U U 13 bv Friday, Dec. 19 or to the Department id Social Services first thing Monday morning, December 2J Families tccetving a -sn^c from Share Youi ( hristma.' will be notified by mail the i rangements to pick up their 'It-. Depot to hold open house Teriy Houston, president of the Raeford-Hoke Chamber of Com merce and Tom Howell, chairman of the Raeford-Hoke Iconoinic Development Commission, an noitni’e “Open Hnuir •)' Ihe Dcptil" lot Friday, ITccemhcr 19ih, from 3 5; >0 p.m. “This community has worked so hard over the fsasl year to help us finish the Depot icnovation, fui nish It, und help its move tn," said Housioji. “We want to ;how everyone how proud we are of these new offices for the Chamber of t I’nimcrce nd Ecv'i oinK TV'--'-r-Ti-p' '■ ' P lorn Howell remarked how tfir renovulion. headed by iendy Johriiton, is probably valued (See T)EPOI. page 8) Hr ,a,.l t ' ,;tijr 'i 'hmk the* the na'ui*? -'f irif '.f-.f.-uniVtrattvcover- ogfii ■ in 'he fi.” Iwho's was in en* w.iy J, sioliiion wr*i..h wouldsff«:t 'he ..urrjnl board ify-r caient tpjit r ".fs**!”! ticc'.ion would need ‘r* be held Kcgi.dtng the up*.sa,u".5 cr'cn pr-e-ce?din,“, ’ I Nive iKt :d" r bo li iieffud us in the Oicxe I -tes't krurw ;f we will fake an act; r p.art -.5 i; or if ■? 5 be in fhe backii^scud. We'll Ju?! have to watt and i«e.' It tx not appfireni wht the Jusi.ee Dep-^ifiment h:ix brought a**—to the fwe**ef after ap- proximmc-fy I? years ha*; laps^ '.m- e the alleged ■.:ol&iion o: ihv the Justice Department has choien the of a '±w,uit to rectify the situation "W they afe bringing n up n.'w, i don’t know,” Nelson said. ‘'I don': know why they didn’t ;uxt vend a lener and the matter could have been cleared up m 24 hours,” he said. **Bm they’ve chc-icn to go this way ’’ in an executive .ves'7ion dunng the regular meeting of the Hoke County B'sard of rom'rt?uioners. Counts Attorney Duncan McFayden informed the commis sioners of the lawsuit. Commis sioners approved McFayden’$ in- lentions to work with the Board of Elections, the Board of Education and the education board attorney, Bill Moaes. m preparing a response 10 the Justice Department The legal documenu issued sute that response to the department must be within 20 days Around Town By Siro Mott” The ram came in Friday and itayed most of the day. Then the cold weather hit u* on Saturday and Sund.. The low Sunday mor ning w.^ 20 ' and the temperature wa: in Che 30s most of the day .Monday the thermometer got up into the high 50s and the c^jiny skies made it feel warmer The forecast for 40s and 50s the re mainder of the week • • • -vvk I . oie m this column about W illiam Covington Jr. of ■ harlotie Al o m the paper wa^ a feature on hf father When I wr‘M> about William 1 didn’t know about the feature Thi.'; week the itllowing letter ^ nved at the of- » 1. Eadies and gentlemen: Plcif ^*id me two copies of vou: f” --inb’r II, I'98b issue. Your article on mv father in sec tion D and Sam Morns’x mention of the i.nicle about Kennedy, Cov ington. lodlull A Hickman in the Sorth Carolina magazine arc very gratifying Please include your statement of charges With best wishes, 1 am Suicereh your.s W T Covington Jr Arm reading the article last w.-ek about W T. Covington and hti sculpturing, 11 brought back to mind an incident that happened many yeais *igo with Mr. Cov ington’* wyirk. 1 Will try lo relate the incident an best av I can. My father came home one after- ntion Slid Told niy brother Spec and me that Mt Covington wanted U' use our bird dog as a model Now the dt.^ wa.s a family 1*01 and wasn’t any gtwdi for hun ting bird*, because he was gun shy, We went up to the Covington buiTte on W esi Donald.son Avenue one day after school, just before Chrivtnus We wou'id take turns holding ihe uog wtnJc Mr. Cov- intyton would do his work to prepare for his mold or wbatever he did to aeaic a figure of the dog. Once while I w’r. holding the .y.'-ff -rn Kr.-»ryi.«r pnl)^ r'nt r*r hiv po^ke^ a small Ittccracker, (they were legal then) and lit the firecracker and tossed it on the ground When it exploded the dog (See ARDUND, page ¥)