The ews Journal No. 25 Vol. 91 Mf it happened, it's news to us' 50 cents See us at Bucks succumb to 71st Page 6A Turkey Festival photos — 1B Index Births.. 3B Calendar.. 2B Classifieds.. ...n-12B Deaths.. 4A Editorials.. 2-3A Engagements.. 3B Legals.. lOB Public Record.. 4A Religion.. 5A School.. 7B Socials.. 3B Sports.. 6-7A TV Listings.. 8-9B Weddings.. 3B Around Town Ft* H f ^ r-*— ^ M M !• ** It It II II By Sam C. M )rri’ Contributing Editor The weather is still warm and the cold front that was supposed to come through the county last week stayed to the north. As I write this Monday, it is cloudy and it is reported that we could get some rain. We need the rain because it has been about two weeks since the last shower. Any way, the people who put on the Turkey b'estival were happy that it was fair. The forecast for the remain der of the week, Wednesday through Saturday,calls for the highs to be in the 7()s and the lows in the 5()s. There isn’t much chance of rain. Fall is now with us! « t « « « I haven’t heard about the attendance at the events at the Turkey Festival, but from the trafficThursday afternoon, the parade must have been a suc cess. 1 had a meeting at the Raeford Presbyterian C’hurch . at seven o’clock that evening and 1 tliduglll loi auiniv. that 1 would miss the meeting. At one time I was within a block of the church and then had to detour several more blocks (See AROUND, pane I2A) 9/ 0- ft h Elementat7 students from around Hoke County got to miss a little school last Thursday so they could come to the library grounds in downtown Raeford and enjoy the storytellers at the Nth Annual N C Turkey Festival. Look inside for dozens of pictures which captured the turkey industry’s grandest event, (Pat Allen Wilson photo) 30,000 flock to Festival By Pai AiifN WiisoN Staff writer Anne D’Annunzio, who lives in Hillsboro, .says the Hog Day events celebrated there "pule in comparison” to Raeford’s North Carolina Turkey Festival. D’Annunzio, a former Raeford resident, has attended all but one of Raeford’s 14 festi vals. and was here Saturday for the street fair. "It’s great. It is always a lot of fun. Now that I live in Hillsboro, all my friends w ant me to take pictures because they can’t believe we celebrate the turkey and ha\ e turkey races." The festisal began Friday, September II with the Turkey Arrests follow parade skirmish By Pai Ai i i n Wii sun Staff writer "It ^sasa nice parade,” said an elderly woman who had enjoyed the Turkey I'estival parade Thurs day evening. "It’s a shame they had to act like that," she added. Standing at the intersection of Main Street and Harris Avenue, the lady was speaking of those involved in a melee that occurred just as the parade was winding down, and happy spectators joined the Fay etteville State Uni versity Marching Hand in danc ing and prancing down Main Street toward Harris Avenue. The mood turned from jubi lant to mean after Raeford police offie in a disturbance created when two teenagers began arguing. Kenny Kermit Rogers, 18,and Raymond Locklear, 17, were cursing and challenging each other to a fight, according to Raeford Police Detective Clreg Thomas. Thomas and Sgt. Clitf Stautfer were attempting to hold the men off one another when (lene B. Locklear, a relative ot one of the teenagers, cursed Stauffer several times and would not step buck w hen directed to do so. Stauffer told (iene LiK’klear he was "charged with inciting a not" and sprayed Mace at him when he would not stay on the ground as ordered, T'lumras said. Both he and Stauffer inhaled some of the Mace. 'Thomas said, and an elderly women standing nearby also ingested some of the chemical and became sick. T he loeklears were put into ■ ' t en .ivviv while Stautfer lesponded to an emer gency nearby where a man was suffering from a seizure. While there, Michelle Locklear, .TO, re- (See SKIRMISH, paf>e ^ \) Wednesday, September 23, 1998 Money sought for sewer work Bv Pai Ai i i n Wii .son Staff writer The Hoke County-Raeford Economic Development Board is drafting a letter to send to I loke County commissioners re questing money be allocated for designing three sewer projects. Included in the fiscal year IOOS-W county budget for eco nomic development funding is SI2.S.()I)()-1.S().0()(). Commis sioners are looking into setting up a capital reserve fund and discussed the matter at Monday night s hoard meeting but made no decisions. The T.conomic Development Board met early the following morning, and interim County Manager Bernice MePhatter told them commissioners were hesi tant on funding and were looking for something official. Commissioner Tom Hlowell has pushed for action on sewer service. Fie said Monday night, "It’s most important now.” He said Hoke’s residential growth needs to be balanced with indus trial and commercial growth. "We’re not going to have inten sive commercial development without sewer.” This was the mes.sage that came out of an economic devel- (See SEWER, page 9A) Disgruntled DemcKjats seek to oust Haddon Bowl high school lootball game and ended Sunday, September 2(1 with golf and tennis tourna ments and a gospel sing. 'The festival's mam events, including a large parade, a three- bl(Kk street fair and beach con cert. took place on Ihursd.iv, Fridav andSaturdav. 1 he events f.S’.r riMIVM. pagc r\} Bv I’vi \i 11 N VViisns Staff writer The same day a group of ll(ike( ounty residents.isked for the resien.ition ot Ben H.iddon. chairman ot the Hoke County 17emociatic Party, they sent out a press release stating he is to be removed from office. The group, called Concerned Democratic Citizens ot Hoke County, wrote Barbara Allen, ch.iirm.m ot the North Carolina Demoer itic Party. on September 17 and requested an expedited hearing into the removal of the Hoke County Democratic Party XlsoonSeptember 17, the group sent out .i media re- le ise in which they stated they were seeking the immediate re moval III their chairman. They c 11 c si .1 s t he i r re .ISO n s t ha 111 addon failed to support or endorse my ot the local Democratic Pri- m.iry winners for the upcoming gciKr.ileleciion. The release was headed "Hoke County Derno- cr.itic Party Chairman to be Re moved." In \lav ’sDenn*craticprimary, Jim Davis deleated incumbent W av lie Bvrd in the sheriff's race. lyne Gardner, chief of depu- ticsotthe HokeCountv Sheriff's Department, and a Democrat, tiled as .in unat I dialed candidate alter his supporters presented a pe'tition with more than l,4(M) signatures. I n races other than that of sher iff. county commissioners Jean Hixiges and Tom Howell lost their seats in the Democratic pri mary to Charles Daniels andTony Hunt. Belly Cook lost to Vera Hollingsworth in the Clerk of Court race. These candidates face no opposition in the November election. In their letter to Allen, the group staled, "On Saturday, June 27.1W8 the Executive Commit tee of the Hoke County Demo cratic Party met and approved a resolution forourparty toopenly support the winnersof the Demo cratic Primary. To the contrary, our chairman has refused to en dorse any of our nominees, by name and has failed to mount unified party position for our general election efforts.” The letter went on to state that Haddon had told Davis he would not provide him “any assistance whatsoever.” The letter accused Haddon of openly supporting the unaffili- ated candidate opposing Davis in the general election. In addition to asking for Haddon's release as chairman, the letter requests the state party assist with monitoring the Hoke County polling facilities during the November 3 election. The letter was signed by (See DEMOCRA TS, page 9A} IIS I N Ir I What happened.’ The driver, Cai rie McLean Stephens, 42. of Red Spr mgs Road, said she was not sure what happened after her vehicle plowed through a building at 119 West Elwood Avenue, shattering a plate glass window. Stephens was pulling out of the Centui a Bank parking lot when the accident happened at around 5 p.m. last Wednesday. Neither she nor her passenger, Sally McLean, 70. were injured. (Knight Chamberlain photo)