lOA THE NEWS-JOURNAL Raeford, N.C. February 20, 2(K(2 Religion Church Announciments Mt. Elim youth fund-raiser features collards, fatback The youth of Mt. Elim Baptist Church are again having the fund raiser in which they will sell collards, sausage, fatback and cornbread for a donation. The event at the church on Wilson Road in the Antioch commu nity will begin at 5:30 p.m. Wednes day, February 27. Break bread and hear The Word 'I'he Raeford/Hoke Ministerial Association is sponsoring Lent en Luncheons at the First Baptist Church on North Main Street each Wednes day at noon until 1 p.m. A different minister will deliver the sermon each week. Methodist preschool has 3-yr.-old openings The Raeford United Methodist Church Preschool has openings in the three-year-old class. This class meets on Mondays and Wednesday from 9 to 12 at the church. If interested, call Around town (Continued from page I A) card and calendar. I am improving but still confined to my home. Come to see me when you are in Raeford. *««>!>* Last week Anthony Cobb brought me a clipping that had been placed on my desk by the Rev. Richard Vaughan. Clipped to the clipping was the fol lowing note; “Look Sam, Mt. Union is coming to Fayetteville." As most of you readers know, the Rev. Mr. Vaughan brags about the undefeated Mt. Union football team, a Division 111 powerhouse in Ohio. One of the quarterbacks for the Fayetteville Arena football team is Gary Smeckof Mt. Union. His room mate, Justin Sloan, will also play for Fayetteville. I only hope that the games are not played on Sunday because the membersof the Raeford United Meth odist Church would have to get an Interim preacher! From all reports it was a sell-out crowd at the Raeford-Hoke Chamber of Commerce Legislative Breakfast. It was held last Saturday morning at the conference room of Burlington Industries. I was told that three State Senators and one of our three House members were present. Whoever attends, it is always good to meet people and to enjoy fellow ship with them. Last Wednesday afternoon 1 re ceived a call from Bobby McBryde, telling me of the death of Joe Dupree. It was a shock to me and it brought back memories of when Joe was liv ing in Raeford. He came here as a Highway Pa trolman and later became a District Court Judge. 1 was chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee when I received a call from Hinton McPhaul, now deceased, one night. The judge of Hoke County Recorder’s Court had died and the Executive Committee would make a recommen dation to the District Superior Court Judge for a replacement. When Hinton came to the house he brought Joe Dupree. After talking with Dupree and presenting his name to the com mittee, he was chosen. Later, when the Court Reform Bill was passed the judge for Recorder’s Court was done away with and Hoke ATV accident (Continued from page lA) Highway Patrol initially responded to the accident, Ross said, officers in correctly thought the road was main tained by the state. A witness said Harris was standing on the side of the road with a group of children when the ATV hit her. Ross said a witness indicated the four- wheeler was traveling north at ap proximately 45 mph at the time of the accident. “The four-wheeler dragged the child about 51 feet before it ran off the road and struck a tree,” Ross said. “A witness said he just barely avoided hitting some of the other children. “Mr. Faircloth was not wearing a safetv helnipf and he was thrown from the church office at 875-2111 or Jane Britt at 875-4398. Christian talent wanted Good Shepherd Promotions is seeking Christian talent to perform in the concerts they do periodically to benefit local charities. The nonprofit service organi/tiiion, based in Fayettevjlle, raises funds to donate to organizations such as the CARE Clinic. Sickle Cell Anemia. AIDS Foundation, Urban Ministry, American Red Cross, Opeialion Blessing,Catholic Ministries, United Way and others. Audrey Harris, a representative ot Good Shepherd Promotions, says choirs, musicians, sitiging groups and other types of Christiati entertainmerrt “who do praise and worship" ate iteeded to donate their time and talents. The concerts are held about once a month at the Cumberland Conmtit- nity Foundation Building. For more ittformation, call Harris at 822-9556. and Cumberland counties were put in the same district. There would be three District Court Judges, nitiybe four. The new law said they must be l;iw- yers, except for the laymen sers ing. Joe Dupree ran and won for a jmlge- ship. He told me that he knocked on every door in Cumberland Counts. This hard work paid off. He was one of the best judges with whom I haveevercome iticotitact. As one Cumberland County man stated last week, "He usedcommoti setise in his decisions.” Joe and 1 beeatne friends and until his deatli we re mained friends. As someone once said, "You could count your Itue friends on the firtgers of your hand." We e.xpressour sympathy to I lelen and her family. * # 4: * * Another call last week from Amt Webb with news of the death ol John Draughon of Ashville. Johti came to Raeford matiy years ago when he worked for Collins Dept. Store here. Collins was located in the McLauchliti building that burned some years ago. Later John opened his owit store on Main Street. It was called Bon Mart. Later it was purchttsed by Theresa McBryde atid called Theresa’s. John was also ;i veteran and was a It. col. In the Army. Later I understand he became a colonel. W'e express sympathy to his family. * ♦ ♦ ♦ It seems that when w-e have the Olympics every four years we ha\e trouble. One year it was killing of people; another w as a boycott in Rus sia. This year it w;rs a cut-deal in the figure skating decision. 1 was ghrd to see that a second gold medal was awarded. When w ill we remo\ egreed from our world? ♦ * * ♦ + It happened in the same weekend. Duke was defeated and Carolina woti in basketball. There are still a few games left before the tournament. Who will win the tournament? ***** Monday you could file to run in the upcoming primary. How many will file and for what offices will they file for? According to the condition of the state, county and city governments, we need to be wise in our choice of our elected officials. See ya’ll at Lenten Luncheon Castor’s ^en A pastor walked into his church’s bo;ird meeting one night. He began his pastor's report with the words, "I have canceled the Wednesday night prayer and Bible study.” There was stunned silence for a short time and then all "heaven" broke loose. "How dare you cancel that without our approval'.’ 'I'his event has been a tradition iti this cliureh long before your ueie our pastor and will be lotig after you are gone! What in heaven's name were you thinking?" The pastor replied,"! w;is thinking tliat you woidd not be concerned, since I eaneelled it thiee weeks ago." 1 wanted to u.se that little humor ous stoiy I hetitd a long time ago to talk about the I .enten Luncheons. And no, they have trot beeneancelled! But they tire alieady here and started! It is hard tr) believer that Lent hits beguti. but liaster is March 31 this year so Lent began really early. 1 hope that is the reason for the "weak" attendance this past Wednesday. Feb. 13. It was about half the crowd I normally see and I am trusting th.at many of you foigot that this was the beginning of the Lenten Luncheons! The Inneheons are being hosted by the Hoke County Raeford Ministerial Association and are being held at the First Baptist Church on Mtiin Street every Wednesdav fioni noon till I p.m. Rev. Richard Vaughan Raeford United Methodist Church Different pastors from our community are bri nging the message each Wednes day and that isgood news since we each have at least one good sermon, your chances are really good that you will find some great food, great fellowship, atid a great message! Fhere is also the fact that this is one of the few opportunities that we have as a Christian community to gather regardless of race or denomination and I would love to see a great repre- setitation of our Christian community gathering once a week to break bread and to hear the Word. In fact, there are 132 churches in this area, so if we each sent one person what a crowd we would have! Some of our churches should be able to have 25 to 30 from their church attend. So what are you waiting for? This is a moment to take a break from the rush of life, to find a spiritual oasis, to hear God's word and to be fed physically and spiritually. See you at the Lenten Luncheon! Lenten Luncheon speakers • I’ebi imiy 20—John Robinson; interim ptistor. First Baptist Church of Raeford: • February 27—James Glenn, Full Gospel Temple of Raeford; • March 6 — Sister Jean Mor gan, St. Lliztibeths of Hungary Catholic Church of Raeford; • March 13 - Barry O'Shoffner, Buffalo Springs Missionary Bap tist Church; • March 20— Kevin Campbell, Raeford Presbyterian Church; • M;irch27 — Richard Vaughan, Raeford United Methodist Church. Location is First Baptist Church. Time is noon — 1 p.m. Roll call for prayer In light of the teiiorist attacks of September 1 1 ;md responding mili tary actioit.'l'he News-Journal iscom- piling a prayer list for those service men and women w lu) may he in hartn's way or are just in need of our prayers at this eiitieal time. We also think their families should be included iti our .s[ieeial prayers. Call in. e-mail, Ol fa,\ the names of those you watit to be included on the list so that their names may be pub lished and the entire community can add their prayers to yours. Include tiames, branch of service and the service person or person's connection to Raeford/Hoke County or their close family members. For security leasons, weare not including the rank and unit. Our list so far includes: U.S. Army Chuck LaMonte; Satnuel Eden, husband of Yolandtt Eden, son-in- law'ofDorothy Cook; Anthony Cook, husband of Karen Cook, son of Dor othy Cook; James A. Wilson, Tho mas C. Wilson and Cathy Wilson, sons and daughter-in-law of Pat Allen Wilson; Michael Sundborg, husbatid of Dawn Reynolds Sundborg and fa ther of Ryan. Stephanie and Laura; Karl Wilkie, son of Delmer and J uanita Wilkie Barefoot. The follow ing names are courtesy of Raeford Methodist Church: Paul Sark, Mike Garry, Jeremy Henderson, Kelby Glass, Jenny Comley, John Woodard, Curtis Pasley, Brian Smith, Brian Banks, Jack Parham,StephanTetreault,Chris Derepentigny, Jeff Meltoti, Frank Bird, Jason Gonzales, Norman Johnson, Johnny Meyer, Kirk Randolph, Davis Thigpen atid David Joseph Blake. U.S. Air Force Mac Langdon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Langdon; Steven P. Knoll, hus band of Rhonda G. Knoll and father of Josh; Steven Lovette and Jessica Lovette, son and daughter-in-law of Colin and Bobby Lovette; Neil Kellar, son of Patricia Kellar; submitted by Raeford Methodist Church — Matt McMenamin, James Henderson and Lester Davis. U.S. Navy James W. Watson Jr., son of James and Linda Watson; Lewis Dees, son of Rachel Dees and the late Bill Dees; submitted by Raeford Methodist Church — Karl Rauch, Gabe Brazell, James Keith Jackson, Philip Ballard. Colston building the ATV.” Faircloth, of McCain Street in Rae ford, was operating an ATV that be longs to his brother, David Carl Th- ompsonof RedSprings. Ross verified that the Yahama was neither licensed nor insured. Harris is the daughter of Michelle Harris and Roderick Cuttino, of 140 Hansen Drive. Cuttino is a member of the military currently serving over seas, said Ross. Harris died Saturday in FirstHeal th Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst. Final funeral arrangements will be announced today by Purcell Funeral Home. (Continued from page lA) "1 think he deserved this recogni tion,” Southerland said. “Mr. Colston has put his time in. He has seen us come and go. “1 think it was the right thing to do in naming the physical education building after him.” The board requested Tyler ask Colston if he prefers his nickname, "Billy,” to be reflected on the name plate that will be placed on the the sports facility, or merely his formal name. Colston has coached at Hoke High for almost 33 years. He also serves as an advanced mathematics teacher. “ The story of this new building is not about me,” said a modest Colston. “This building is being constructed because we are in need of more room for our physical education classes and our athletic teams. “The building is half of what we anticipated we would need, but it is what we could afford.” Colston credited other teachers and coaches for their hard work to help improve athletic activities at Hoke High. “ 11 is an honor that the school board wanted to recognize me,” Colston said. “It is a gift that I value, but it is something that really belongs to ev eryone here at Hoke High.” Colston was described as one who “goes to bat’' for students, nurturing their potential in academics and ath letics. “1 do enjoy doing my job,” Colston said. “I do not think I have some special ability or technique for stu dents to succeed. “People are people. Some work harder than others. “I do the best 1 can with what we have.” Facility Colston and Tyler said activities would be economized in the approxi mate 7,500 square-foot facility. Plans call for the future physical education structure to be used primarily as an athletic training facility, accommo dating weight lifting and physical education classes. “We are pleased the building seems to be on track,” Tyler said. “The slab has been poured and, hopefully, the walls will be going up soon.” He said architectural plans pro vide for potential expansion. Seasonal sports will be incorporated, with dress ing rooms in the fall for football and physical education classes. In the win ter, emphasis will be on weight lifting and other PE courses. Spring will bring use of the dressing rooms for the baseball, soccer and track teams. 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