ews J ournal If it hapi>ened, it's new:»to ua 504 No.34VoL99 EiORD & Hoke County h.c Wednesday, November 10,2004 Barefoot recaptured in Gastonia Two week manhunt for Hoke County escapee ends with no injuries liv ViriORI ANA SUMME-RS Staff writer Fugitive William Glenn Bare foot, who escaped fiom Hoke County Jail 16 days ago, was captured - armed with two loaded pistols - after resisting arrest in Gastonia around 3 p.m. yesterday. No officers were injured in BarefotM’s apprehension, and he did not sustainany injuries after a two-week pursu it from Raeford to Aberdeen, Hope Mills,and west- “We are relieved, and I am sure that even Mr. Barefoot is relieved that it is over.” — US Marshal Charles Reavis ward to Gastonia. He became a nat ionwide fugit ive on “America’s Most Wanted” TV program after over|X)wering two female jail ers and escaping froEii the Hoke County Jail on October 25. U.S. Marshal Charles Reavis, of the eastern North Carolina district, held a press conference in Fayetteville at the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office la.st eve ning. Reavis said Barefoot faces additional charges from kidnap- Third graders learn about cotton page lb Porter sells Hoke possibilities page3A Schools get ‘fine’audit page 5A Warriors, Titans Parks & Rec champs pigt 7A Births 3B Calendar 2B Classifieds 7-8B Deaths 8A Editorials 2A Legals 5-6B Public Record 6A Religion 4B Schools 3B Socials 3B Sports 7 A We’re on the web at www.thenews-journal.com ping to assault on two government officials. Reavis commended Hoke Sheriff Hubert Peterkin, Cum berland County’s Sheriff M{K)se Butler, and the Ga.stonia Police Departmentfor being instrumen tal in the capture of Barefoot. Barefoot was coiwicted of the first-degree attempted murder of a Scotland County deputy. Major Dan Skampeile, in 2(K)I at Parks Grocery near McCain by District Attorney Kri.sty M. Newton. He was serving 84 years in state prison. Transported to Hoke on October 24, Barefoot was scheduled to attend a heari ng. answeri ng to more felony chai ges that were pending. Baref(H)t now faces an array of federal charges and other felony counts that will be levied by the Hoke SheEiffs Office, Cumber land Sheriff’s Office, arid the Gastonia Police DepartEiiCEit. He will be returEied toCeEitral Prison in Raleigh on maximum security status until all the charges can be sorted out, accordiEig to Reavis. Capture AttCEiipting to elude a law enfoEceEiKMit task force. Baref(X)t was iVaEitically chased oei f(X)t by U.S. MaEshals, Ga.stonia police aEid other law officers when he was sjxrtted in a small resideEitial coEnmunity in the city. Reavis said it wels shades of Eric Rudolph, accused bomber of the U.S. Olympics in Atlanta, when the feds pursued Barefoot into a heavily wotxled area. Rea vis said it reminded him of Ru (See BAREFOOT, page 5A) V Barefoot is taken into custody by authorities in Gastonia. (Photo by the Gaston Gazette) Peterkin at news conference Peterkin credits teamwork By Vktoriana Summe-rs Staff writer Fugitive William Glenn Bare foot, who escaped froEn Hoke County Jail barely two weeks ago, is back in cu.stody, and he (See TEAMWORK, page 5A) Peterkin fires jailer in aftermath of jaUbreak Bv Vktoriana StiMMiiRS Staff writer After an internal investigation was completed on Friday, Sheriff Hubert Peterk i n revealed on Tues day that one of the two feniiEle jailers at the Hoke County Jail iEiiplicated in the recent escape of fugitive William Glenn Barefoot has been liied. This resolution came just prior to the capture of Barefixvt yester- da) in Gastonia. “I Enerely told her that I no loEiger needed her services,” Pe terkin flatly said. “We are doing everythiEEg to make this situation right so our citizens in Hoke County will be protected froEii our inEiiates. “We will be exercising more discipl i nary actions for violations that we found.” Peterkin said he adEiiinistered the di.sciplinary action even though a State Bureau of Investi- gationcritninal probe has .still not been completed. Di.strict Attorney Kristy M. Newton requested the SBl to intercede with an inquiry, which is standard protocol, after thejailbreak incident occurred on (ktober 25. (See JAILER, page 4A) Turkey Festival - Christmas parade set for Saturday John Mims, this year’s marshal. Bv P vi Al 1 I N Wll .SON Editor SepteEiiber's loss is November’s gain. With rain expected from Hur- riciine Ivan, the 2()th annual North Carolina Turkey b’estival paradethat was to take place in mid-September was rescheduled for this coming SaturdiEy. In addition to the tall and famous — make that infamous — turkey that walks the parade route, there will be the jolly old man himself Melissa Tuel, chairperson of the parade, .says Santa Claus will be on the tail end of the parade as it moves down Main Street. The first entry will be the grarid marshal, John Mims. Mims’ choice was an appropriate one as t h i s nat ion is again iit war. He is a survivor of the Bataan Death March and spent four years under the tyranny of his Japanese captors in prisoner of w;ir camps. A resident of west Hoke, he is now 81 and one of a handful of survivors of the death tnarch. Tuel says there will be close to 100 entries in the parade. “We lost a (See PARADE, page BA) l'OY , L lUntfeM Last year’s parade, which too was postponed due to weather. Director of juvenile crime program blames politics for his ousting By VicroRiANA Summi-.rs Staff writer George Cooke was ousted on Friday as the program director for the Juvenile Crime Preven tion Council after a three-year career devoted to turning around juveniles facing disciplinary problems or charged with crimi nal offenses. Cooke is described bv some of his supporters as gifted and tireless in his efforts to help re form juvenile delinquents. Hoke commissioners indicated Cooke’s contract was cancel led because of plans for the cou nty to rest ruct u re the position and seek bids for the Cooke’s removal as coordinator, contract in the future. however. Chairperson Rogina Deese of Cooke said he was not .sur- “It was basically a decision based on dirty politics and a personal vendetta of James Leach’s because 1 supported an underdogin the election.” — Cooke “1 think George Cooke was a disgrace to the county commissioners. He was itsing his position we were paying him for to try and tear us down.” — Leach the JCPC disEnis.sed Cooke on a directive from the county. The JCPC members did not vote on prised, attributing his requested departure to his political ties during the election. “Unfortunately, the ones who may suffer after my being let go are the children of Hoke County,” Cooke said. “1 was very commit ted to helping them.” A DeimKrat, Ccxvke recently lan unsuccessfully for a posi tion on the Hoke Soil and Water Conservation board. C(X)ke also served as the caEnpaign manager for Libertarian candidate Pete CaiEEp, a COE EEEEiissEOEier oppoEient who lost to Commission Chair man Bobby Wright and Coeii- Eiiissioner JaEiies A. I^ach in the race. Wright and Leach are both Democrats. “1 was fired by Rogina Deese, but I know .she did not want to (See OUSTED, imgebA) Chaplain George Cooke