Happy Thanksgiving! The News-Journal, will be dosed Thursday and Friday. ews J oumal If it happened, it’s news to US ' * Na36VoL99 Ral rORD&HOK! CoUN'.YN 50t Wednesday, November 24,2004 Written threat targets 20 at middle school Anonymous note found on floor in 8th grade class names teachers, students who will die By Vktoriana Sdmmi-rs Staff writer Hoke Sch(X)l Superintendent Allen Strickland stCKxl like a guardian in the rain at the side entrance to West Hoke Middle School early yesterday morning wh i le a score of Hoke deput ies pat rol led the campus. Their aim - to ensure stu dents were safely escorted inside without creating a panic. This, after several students discovered an anonymous death threat note on Fri day afternoon, warning that 17 students and three teachers would be killed on November 23. By the end of the school day yesterday - the date when the group was to be killed - no attempt had been made to carry out the death threats on those targeted, accord! ng to law enforce- ment and school officials. According to school officials, nearly half of the students of the 705 enrolled at West Hoke Middle apparently did not attend school yesterday due to the sinister contents in the threatening note. A number of parents questioned why the incident wiis kept quiet bccausethey were not notilied of the potential danger until Monday when a letter was sent home to them. “It appeal's the note may have been written by a student,” Strickland said. “It was handwritten ~ not typed by someone who misspelled some words. The note was unsigned and on plain pajicr. “Only the students’ first names were used and only the teachers' last names (St c THRlAi: pa^v 5A) Bad week atWHMS Teacher hurt stopping fight By ViriY)RIAN\ Sl'MMKRS Staff writer A West Hoke Middle School female teacher is recovering from injuries after being caught in theniiddleofa brawl between two seventh grade students that disrupted her class last Tuesday. Asmall knife that was found allegedly fell from the pocket of one of the male students involved in the fray, according to other students. West Hoke M iddle Pri ncipal Sam Queen said both students have been suspended for 10 days. The incident occurred on campus during regular school hours, he added. “We still do not know how (See FIGHT, page 5A) Clockwise from above: Hoke School Superinten dent Allen Strickland dis cusses safety issues with a middle school student. • A deputy uses a metal detec tor to search a student.* Hoke Sheriff’s vehicles are parked in front of West Hoke Middle School while deputies protect students on campus. h Clerk of court earns state certification page 3A Committee urges planned development page3A Men face B&E charges pageSA Bucks destroy Wolverines page6A fi- ^ Births 3B Business/Fann 4A Calendar 3B Classifieds 7-8B Deaths 8A Editorials 2A Legals 5-6B Fhjblic Record 8A Religion 4B Schools 2B Socials 3B Sports 6-7A IVe're on the web at www.thenews-journal.com Downtown development gets $150,000 grant Federal money will go toward $1.1 million first phase of downtown reconstruction By Pat Allhn Wilson Editor Congressman Robin Hayes (R-8) an nounced Monday he has successfully .secured $150,000 in federal funding for Raeford downtown redevelopment. The funding was included with the fis cal year 2005 Appropriations Conference Report, an announcement from Hayes’ of fice stated. The money will go toward the first of three phases of a streetscape project ap proved by the Raeford City Council earlier this year. The street.scape plan was present ed to councilnien by the Redevelopment Commission of the City of Raeford. Mary Archie McNeill, a committee member who works at fund-raising, said, “This is such a signilicant gift and we are so grateful. This has made our Thanksgiv ing ... and our Christmas.” The three street.scape phases would encompass Main Street from Campbell to Donaldson avenues at a cost of $2 million. The design calls for new sidewalks, new street lighting, new landscaping, benches, new traffic signals and crosswalks. The N.C. Dept, of TransjxYrtation will also re-pave Main Street, a project that was put on hold because DOT d(x;s not want newly resurfaced streets dug up for util ity lines to be relocated from overhead to underground. The first phase is to cost $1.1 million and will entail renovations from Harris to Hdinborough avenues. Pha.se II would renovate Campbell to Harris at an esti mated cost of $3()5,5()(). Phase III, from Eidinborough to Donald.son, is estimated to cost $420,775. Councilnien have committed to half a million in funding with short-term financ- i ng/1 i ne-of-cred it bidd i ng ta ken from loca I tinaneial agencies followed by application for long-term financing from USDA Rural Development. Some grants have already been obtai ned to pay for t he work to i nclude a previous federal grant obtained by t tayes about two years ago. DOT has pledged $4()(),()()() for four signal lights. “The downtown improvements will make the area more pedest rian friendly and enhance the draw of Raeford for visitors and busines.ses,” Hayes said. Hayes said he contacted New York Rep. James T. Walsh, chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on VA, HUD and Independent Agencies, to (See GRANT, page RA) HERB ’WsHml ii HARDAWS IdTNRf A Tt\ IMil iM Iltni *1111 BA 5 tlO^A SheriiF’s department seizes counterfeit goods from Hardaway’s Herb Garden Sheriff acts after national investigators conduct undercover buys representing the International A nt i-Cou nterfeit i ng Coal it ion. They confiscated $ KMMMK) worth of fake National Ftxitball League (NFL) football jerseys. National Basketball Asswiation (NBA) basketball jerseys, and imita tions of internationally famous Louis Vuitton designer puises. The illegal items completely (See SEIZED, page 5A) National expert’s ideas on subdivison planning well neceiv^ by officials at presentation here By Victoriana Summi-rs Staff writer In a crackdown on merchants selling “kntKk-offs” — illegal copies of designer merchandise — for high prices, Evangelist Betty Hardaway, owner of Hard away’s Herb Garden, was ordered to stop .selling fake merchandise in her store. She avoided bei ng ar rested on state and federal charges for criminal use of counterfeit trademarks by cix)perating with officers, according to Sheriff Hubert Peterkin. In the surprise raid conducted yesterday afternoon at Hard away’s retail store on U.S. 401, Hoke Sheri ffs Office undercover detectives assisted a national team of private investigators By Victoriana Summi-;rs Staff writer What do M&M’s candy have in common with land use plan- rcpresent proposed homes. Arendt — seriously — said he uses M&Ms he distributes to officials across the country at his Icetuies because it captures their ning? ‘They melt in your mouth attention in illustrating potential and noton your plans,” according placement of homes in what he Captain Gary Hammond of the Hoke Sheriff’s Office hauls away a bag of fake merchandise of NFL and NBA jerseys. to nationally acclaimed planner, Randall Arendt, who uses the small candies on preliminary architectural plans to temporarily calls conservation .subdivisions. Arendt delivered a presentation on land use concepts to Hoke commissioners and citizens last evening. In divvying up land for resi dential subdivisions, Arendt told the board it does not cost anv more to plan the same number of homes on smaller lots while conserving more wtxxl lands or farmland in subdivision plans. He said frequently developers might even save money by de (See PLANNING, page 8A)

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