f f. t' The ews J ournal If it happened, if s news to us Na37VoL99 Raeford & Hokl County n.c. Wednesday, December 1,2004 Trial of fired Hoke finance director looms D. A. files motion to move trial of Shirley Rush, trial date may be set next week By VirroKiANA SlJMMhKS Dislrirt At- in Aiiaiivt in rnnnPi'linn u/ilh ihp lawvpr filpiin Vlili'hpll h:n; nn»vimn:lv Tli>i By Vktoriana Summkrs Staff writer TVo years and three months alter former Hoke finance director Shirley Rush was charged with accessory after the fact in the embezzlement case of for mercounty manager Bernice MePhatter, Rush could finally be going to trial. The Hoke District Attorney’s office wants to transfer Rush’s upcoming trial to another county prior to setting a trial date. District At torney Kristy Newton is re questing a Hoke Superior Court judge consider this request dur ing thecourtses- sion next week. Shirley Rush Rush was lired shortly after being indicted on one count of accessory after the fact in August 2002 in connection with the criminal activities of MePhatter. Found guilty in November 2003 of four counts of embezzlement of $269,0(K) in county funds, MePhatter w'as also convicted on more than 60 counts of forgery and uttering of signatures, which included those of several county commis.sioners. MePhatter is currently .serving up to an eight-year sentence in state prison without the possibility of parole. Rush’s defense attorney, Fayetteville lawyer Glenn Mitchell, has previously remarked that Rush is determined to prove her innocence. Mitchell said he did not think Rush would accept a plea- bargain to a lesser charge e\en if it was offered. Rush is currently serving as the secretary/bookkeeperolThe I^uri nburg District Christian School IcKated on Old Wire Road. New motion Newton and Assi.stant District At torney Chris Rhue filed the change of venue mot ion ye.sterday. Thei r secondary request is to require a .special jury be bused in from another count) if a judge will not grant switching the trial outside of Hoke. “As a result of the nature of these proceedings and the pretrial publicity and media co\eragc regarding these matters, the passions of the population are .so inflamed as to make a fair trial within Hoke reasonablv unlikely, if not (See RUSH TRIAL, RA) Manufacturer to open Friday To bring nearly 100 jobs to Hoke By VirroRiANA Sommkrs Staff writer More jobs are on the way to HokeCounty with the announce ment today of the grand opening scheduled on Friday of Military Manufacturing Group. A million dollar firm, MMG is merging a Florida company with a local partner, according to Don Porter, Hoke Economic Developer. “Things are looking up for Hoke County,’’ Porter said. ‘This company will be creating new jobs — not just bring personnel from Florida. From Iraq duty to firefighting inTyiertown page IB Security tight at West Hoke Middle page 3 A NJwins press awards page 3A Lady Bucks win, Boys lose page5A Births 3B Calendar 5B Classifieds 7-8B Deaths 7A Editorials 2-3A Engagements 3B Legals 6B Religion 8A Schools 2B Socials 3-4B Sports 4-5A Weddings 3B IVeVe on the web at www.thenews-journalcom “The company officials recog nized that Hoke would be a good corporate supporter even though the state of Florida was trying to keep them from leaving the state. Tlie firm is solid financially,” he said. “We were able to attract them here even with us facing the out- of-state competition.” Portersaid MMG is recognized as a quality company that will make a significant contribution to the Hoke and North Carolina economies. Grand opening fes tivities will begin at 3 p.m. at the manufacturingcorporations’ new facility at 925 Doc Brown Road northwest of Raeford. MMG joins Cheerwine bottling firm and Raeford Aviation on what is developing as a central corporate corridor for Hoke businesses, ac cording to Porter. Porter .said MMG is a partner- •sh ip that was formed bet ween 1 i m D’Annunzio of Paraclete Armor & Equipment Inc., a large firm operating in St. Pauls, and Pat and Derek Thomas of Sun Path. MMG will manufacture har- ne.ss and container systems for parachutes. Sun Path and another (See PLANT OPENS, page 5A) f. Top to bottom: Shown in happy times are Steven Stuart with his wife, Mary (left) and the late Sadie Holiday, Mrs. Stuart’s mother; the store, closed after the robbery; signs on the door, one reading, “Notice, I will not do business with strang ers.’’ Hillcrest store clerk killed in robbery Robbery was third at store in past year By VlCIXlRIANA SUMMI RS Staff writer The fatal shtxMing of Steven Stuart, a di.sabled convenience store clerk, in a Hillcrest robbery on Saturday marred the 'rhanksgi\- ing weekend for members of the family who owned the griK’ery store. Stuart, 53, of Beard Road, an amputee using an artificial leg. was shot by an unknown a,ssailant early Satuiday morning. At the time of his slaying, Stuart was working alone on the morning shift at Daniel’s Quick Stop, which is owned by his wife’s relatives. Maxine Blackburn co-owns the grocery store located at 2743 U.S. 401 Business with daughter Joyee Blackburn. She said they might never re-open the neighborhood grocery. “I had hoped the community would have turned around in Hillcrest, but it is riddled with drugs and break-ins. “These hocxllums are bold and dangerous and no one is stoppi ng them,” Blackburn said. “My prayer is that the Sheriffs department will find the person who killed my bmther-in-law,” she said. “I will not cea.se praying until they do.” Major Freddy Johnson, supervisor of the major crimes div ision for the Hoke Sheriff’s Department, siiid all efforts are King put forth to solve the crime. “Because we are trying to catch the killer quickly, very few details are King released yet,” Johnson said. “We don’t want to give out too much iiertinent information that might damage the investigation.” One customer said Stuart was usually armed, making no attempt to conceal the weaprm. “Mr. Stuart showed me a gun that he carried.” the customer, who asked not to he identified, said. “He .said no one was going to get away with robbing him.” (See ROBBERY, page 6A) Woman dies when car goes out of control By Pat Alu-;n Wilson Editor A woman died Monday when her out- of-control car backed into a small tree, and then hit another tree and fence while moving forward on Health Drive. The driver, Sally McDuffie Jones, 82, was dead at the scene and her pa.ssenger, Nettie McDuffie McQueen, 78, received an injury to the wrist. The accident happened as Jones and McQueen were leaving the parking lot at Open Arras Retirement Center after visit ing a friend, who is a resident there. (See FATAL WRECK. page 7A) Sally Jones died in this one-car wreck. le IN ews News 4 Journal By Ken MacDonald Publisher I call on those that call me son. Grandson, or great-grandson. On uncles, aunts, great-uncles or great- aunts. To judge what I have done. William Butler Yeats After the Norman Rockwell Thanksgiv ing was over at our house, my son was in the living room typing away on schoolwork. 1 let him type awhile before 1 went into the r(K)m to K supportive. “You’ve got a 3()-page senior thesis due Monday and you’re still not done yet?” I asked. Actually, 1 was quite plea.sed he’d started it. He told me his goal was to complete the first draft that day, which was Saturday, and then have a little time to correct it and ma.s.sage it. His topic, the “political ambiguity of the poetry of Yeats,” struck me as inter- (See OTHER STUFF, page 7A) Raeford’s Sarah Beth Barnes dances as Clara with Alfred Marenco in the North Carolina State Ballet production of the “Nutcracker” on December 5, 11 and 12 at the Crown Center in Fayetteville. See related story on page 3B.