J J RENi RALEIGH, MONDAY, MARCH 19. 1894. NO. 123 Iknf m OR YOU AND FOR US. Our elegant new A - FRITIHG PAPERS nuiuia w. UK TV ju nmTN WV1 ZUJUiUIVO- turea EXPRESSLY FOB US AND FOR YOU by the leading m.Verof fine and fashionable ooety stationery . - Yoa cannot a IT lrd to osa in vour oorres. poudenoiauy bat the very latest and beet 1 1 We want to ahow It to yon. Alfred Williams & Co Society Stationers, RALEIGH, NO. . 6 ARE STILL IB THE hnTnv DTTchrtw Our Combination ' .Bon Bons have been pronounced "delicious. Yoa try them and be convinced. Oar old reliable Chocolate Drops are still in demand. We use the best material and therefore make the best candy. iWe are headquarters for Beaman's Pepsin Gum, said to be a sure cure for ind'gestion. Fine grades of Chewing Tobacco, and very cnoice arenas wgars. Fruits, Nuts, Ac. BARBEE& POPE. BTAFX OF TBNNESSKB. Knox county ss. 1, J W MoOallnm, cashier of the Central Savings Bank and Trust Company of Knox Till Tennessee, a corporation chartered un der the laws of the state of Tennessee, and auttvised bv its charter end the laws of said state to aet as trust e, berety certify , that the Southern Building and Loan as sociation of KnoxvU'e Tenn, has on deposit with said Central Savings Bank and Trust Company in trust for all the membra and creditors of said Southern Building and Loan Association, notes and bonds (and mortgages and deeds of trust securing the same) to the amount of f 3 458,600. - Date! at Knoxville. Tenn, this 80th day of Deoember,,1893. J W MoO'LLOM, Cashier Central Savings Bank and Trust Co. Knoxville, Tenn, July 26, 1893. To whom it may Oonoern: I hereby certify that hav ing, under the provision of an act passed by the 47th General Assemb'yof the state of Tennessee, entitled "An act to regulate the business of building and loan associations," made careful and exhaustive examination of the books of the Southern Building and Loan Association of Knoxville. Tenn, I find the. items of receipts and disbursements therein shown to be correct in every partic ular; and that the report of said a- sooiation of its affairs and operations for the year end ing the 80th day of Jane, 1893, for deposit with the treasurer of the state is correct and in aooordaDoe with the books, and in full oomplianos with the act above quoted. . GEO a. GAMMON, 8pedal Xxaroiner of Building and Loan As sociations for tbe State of Tennessee, v. Gallon 0 0 IMoPON ALD, Secretary and Treasurer Baleigh Brnch,for information Ifoamirock. On the 17th of this month we will give -every callers beauti ful shamrock. Fiah hooks So dozen; v Lines le; Apron Glng " bams 4 and 6c; Spring . Dress Ginghams.beaa- ( tifal styles, 5c; 8ailor Hats from 8o np; Bib boos and Flowers, ' White Goods, Hambargs and Lace, Gloves, Corsets, La. dies' Black Hose 5c, Shoes'- . Shoes, be sore to see them. We have big bargains all through this department. Call and see as. T0ELI0I1 DICKtT SIOBE PERSONAL HEHTIOH Of People Who Cains' and Went Today. Ifiss Pierce has retorned from a trip to Baltimore and New York. Collector Simmons left this morn ing for the eastero part of the state. Rev. P r Clapp, of Eion college, preaohed a strong sermon at the Christian church yesterday. Senator Z B Vance of North Carolina has arrive 1 at Jacksonville, Fla., on his wav north from a sojourn at Tarn ' pa in Florida. This morning Mr Wash Carter, a ! well known earpenter, was stricken with paralysis, and his condition is thought to be serious. The head and one side are attaoked. Arrivals at the Park hotel today: A H Adams, Durham ; I'aul Garrett, Weldon; R W Holoombe, Baltimore; D Wyatt Aiken. New York; B 0 Hall, Baltimore; W u Brlard, Umana; T 11 Satton, Fayettevllle. i The Goldsboro Areas says that Dr. !W H Cobb, Jr., now an assistant physician at the insane asylum here, will soon resign ant return to Golds boro, to engage la the practice of : medicine with his father. ! The Columbian society at Trinity college has elected speakers for com menoement as follows: Junior Pla to Durham, R B Crawford, A. W Finch, B W Eure, J 0 Rowe, S K .'MoLarty; Sophomore Roper, Ald ridge, Dailey, Bivlns, Hall; Freshman ! Brown, Love, Cole, Houston, In- ; gram 1 The Chapel Hill team which plays Lehigh here next Monday is com posed of the following: W R Robert ton, manager; Debnam, catcher; Ste- : phens, pitoher; Honeyeatt, first base: 1 Gregory, second base; Lanier, third base; Stanley, short stop; Kenan, left field; Roberson, centre field; Hen- : don, right field. I Arrivals at the Tarboro house to . day : J R Watts, Atlanta; RE Litt'e, ' J A Lookhart, Wadesboro; W L Ter rell, Hiss Zoa RMgsbee, Mrs H P Markham, Dnrham; R Gras, N I;H F-ank, H f- Binswanger, Richmond; T Cox, Kinston; G P Baker and wife, Winchester, Mass; H Tl Andrews , Roanoke; O 51 Cooke, Miss Mattie i Harris, Loulsburg; D B Snyder, Obi. cago; M Dewitt, Rochester. This morning quite a party left here for Mt. Airy on a private oar, to visit the granite quarries chore. The car went via oaniora ana ureensDoro. On board were Gov and Mrs. Oarr, Mrs. At mistead Jones and daughter, Mrs H nsdale and daughter and Miss MOrdecl of New York. Mrs. R B ; Peebles. Miss Maggie Cow per, Miss Annie Busbee ana Mr. G 11 Allen. The party will probably return to ? orrow night. The Dainters are at work on the j Carter Harrison house, which Mr I Baker has rented. The interior of the house is beautiful No less than seven different kinds of wood are used. '' Mr John H Baker, a veteran clerk at W O & A B 8tronach's store, was the victim of a painful bat not sen ous accident there today. He missed his footing and fell down a flight of stairs. At the house of Mr Wm H Norton, on Franwlu street, yesterday after noon, his daughter. Miss M .1 Horton. was married to Mr George W MeKln ney of rturitngton, Kev A a. Dlmms pastor of the Baptist tabernacle, per forming the ceremony Mr ana Mrs McKlnney left for Burlington at 4o'oioek. :-. -Rev D H Tattle preached an at tractive sermon at Central at K church yesterday on the subject of foreign missions. Last evening bis sermon was also a strong one, a regu lar revival discourse. The meetings at this church will continue all this week. There are Bible readings daily at 4 o'clock p m. A most amusing typographical er ror occurred In the Visitor Saturday. A prominent "architect" was written of, bat the compositor made the word "anarchist" The gentleman In ones tion is far from being an anarohlst; in fa t is as gentle as a sonool girl's vale dictory. address; and no one enjoyed the error of the types more tnan ne. The compositor will be out in a few days- Joseph Arthur's " Still Alarm" comes to this citv this sewn with the prestlage of a successful career extending over several years, ana witb - a company of capable actors Few plays possess more interesting features tbantbis spirited melodrama. The fire engine house scene was a happy inspiration and in making it the chief situation in hs play the ; aut nor nit tne puoiio fancy ana gave I to the play an enduring popularity. Nstautsr lilies. 0. M Busbee Is apoolntd postmas ter. Congressman Bonn telegraphs nis congratulations. TheWestker. For North Carolina: Showers to night or Tuesday. Local forecast for Raleigh and vicinity: On Tues day: Showers. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 am today: Maximum temperature. 78; minimum tempera are, 08; rainf'1 0 0 0. synopsis: The pressure is gener ally below normal, exoept over the south Atlantic coast and over the northern lake region The centers of low pressure are over New England and over Texas. The disturbance in the southwest is causing considera ble rain. Very heavy rainfall is re ported from Memphis. The rain area will probably cover tbe eastern part of the country on Tuesday. The temperature has fallen considerably In the northwest, and it is probable that it will he cooler here by . Wed nesday. Thus far the fruit is unhurt by the frost. Ddffhl received orders today from Atlanta and Philadelphia for June- laska claret and a barrel was shipped to eaon piaoe. Irish DOtatoea from hla Burden for several days. He says they are the earliest be has ever grown. This beats jMewDern. The new Lonisbora? road, north of the covered bridge, is as Straight as an tirow ror over a mile. There is a floe view of it from the highest point on nr. wuus wnita&ers farm. The street force is now leveling the pavement on . west Martin street near Fayettevllle street, and will do that sort of work wherever tbe pave aunts has by reason of settling be come uneven. The city authorities ought to have tne street names put op at eaon cor ner, and ougnt also to require all nouses to De numoerea. Many new houses are Dotnomered.' Both these matters really deserve attention. As soo 'j as shell rook, which Mr Uolln Hawkins is to give the city, ar rives West Davie street for one block from Fayettevllle will be laid with this material, which is found in Goldsboro to make excellent pave ments. The f rends of Mr. W Dewarare deeply pained at the death from pneumonia of one of bis twin chil dren, at the age of fifteen months. The death occurred last night at his Dome on D'ayettevute street, and the funeral was Held this atternoen. The fi.h dealers in the market eav they sold about 500 pairs of shad and at least 9,000 bunches of fish last week, the total weight of the shad being two tons and of the bunch fish three tons. Raleigh is said to be the best fl4h market in the state daring tne Lenton season. The street commissioner says that next week nasn square will De ploughed and peas and oats sown there, in preparation tor seeding in grass in the fall He says the cause of the delay has been the . desire to cover the quare with street sweep ings as a fertilizer Meekins Lane, colored, about a year ago was disorderly on tne streets here, lie got away berore he was ar rested, bat a few days ago returned Today them yor sent him to work on tbe roads, and be will devote him self to Improvement of the highways for at least fifty days. A man named Davis, charged with murder in ranoemona county. V a has been taken from Warrenton, N. O , to tbe former state without requi sltion on Governor Oarr The Gov ernor telegraphed to the sheriff of warren to bold Davis until requisi tion was received, hat the sheriff re plied that the man had already been taken away. Then are as yet no definite plans for street paving this year, bat street commissioner Blake is urging the street committee to order the paving of east Hargett street between sooth Wilmington and south Blount streets, and west Hargett street between Fay etteville and south Salisbury streets. At both of these places paving is greatly needed. An unknown thief broke Into the pastor's study at the First Baptist ohurch an took away a couole of communion plates, part of, a rubber salt ased by the pastor while bap tizing, and a table cloth. The boots of the salt were oat away and taken; the table cloth being need to carry the plunder in. Four years ago the same room was entered and robbed. j The thief then got an order, which j he found in some church papers, took this to a merchant and got the cash ' for it. It was about as cheeky a per formanoe as can well be imagined. CITY DC BBIEF. Items Picked Up and Boiled Down. A ehaDel haa been hnllt .1 (ha anli dlers' home. State treaanrar Vnttt want to Wil mington yesterday. Mai Berkeley, ornnnral miniin. the E & D railway, is here. The awlmmlnir nnnt at ?nMn r.W will open for tbe season June I. The road batwaan t.ha altv arts! that Pilot cotton mills la to b graded. At the Park hotel a HnHohttnl spring dinner was served yesterday. Iron CftiHni? hava hoan nni In lli. new building at the insane asylum. The ffrain anil prn.ua fUM a ar nn almost as green as they uscally are in May. Haat.it for rha Th 4HM Ala.') be had at W. H. Kin? & rwa h mo- store Next week sheriff Paare will nnblinh tbe list of insolvent and delinquent tax payers. Ten new scholar wr r Anal pari at the Christian church yesterday, inak lag 85 since Christmas. At a land sale todav at fha nnnrt house auctioneer Stronach sold eight lots In Oberlln and some Johnston county property. Governor C of the superior court for Green oounty, to begin May 21. Judge orown win preside. Mr Frank Moseley, better known as Solder." went to Richmond vaat.ar day. He will join a traveling com pany there, as a contortionist. The attendance at t.ha Y M CI A VAflt.ardfl.tr aftarnnnn vraa laviv. CharleB M Busbee, Eeq , delivered an a" ureas, wnicn was given close atten tion. There was a very heavy hail sform a) Moncure Saturday afternoon. Fine and grateful rains of marked benefit to crops fell in this section of the State Two car loads of granite for the ruiien Duiiaing have arrived frjm the quarries at Holes ville. This store is s'd by experts to be fine in quality. At Christ church yesterday palms were liberally used in the chancel, as the offertory Miss Oowper. the or ganist, played Faare's fine musical composition "The Palms." Perhaps the worst piece of road anywhere near Raleigh is just beyond Col Holleman's place. Not long ago a Virginian said he was will ing to bet that there were some roads in his state which were the worst in the whole country. A Raleigh man took him np and to settle the ques tion the Holleman road was visited The Virginian swore as soon as he saw it it was no road, but a clay pic, and a referee had to be called in to prove it to be a road and settle the point. Now this particular bit of road is in St Mary's township The feople",of that townsh p are interested n hav ng it macadamized. Yet they want Raleigh or the oounty to do (he work, and manifest no disposition to spend a dollar themselves. NW YORK STOCK M ARKKT. New York March 19 3 p m. Stocks closed firm bat. at a substan tial reaction from top prices Traders took profits in the grangers and su gar felt the pressure of long stock. The Keene brokers sold lead and wes tern bouses reduced their line of whiskey trust Gas was decidedly flrv er on a good demand to over shorts hy the Jam mack brokers Na tional Cordage was lower on sales to realize profits. It Is understood that one of tbo members of tne old uord age company has refused to accept a salaried position unless he Is elected a member of th board of directors It is understood that i wo vacancies in the directors will be cr. itted this week. New England was decidedly weak on the prospects of a peremtory foreclosure in the interest or the see ond bondholders The closing bids on stocks were as Louisville and Nashville, Missouri Pacific follows: 491 26i New York Central 1001 New York and New England, 10. Mortu western, iut Omaha, 38 Distillers' and Cattle Feeders. 261 Pacifio Mail, " 17 Ph'ladeipbia and Reading, 224 Bichmond Terminal, 4 8t Paul, 63i ( uuiuu x bvjuvj, ,iog , Western Union, 86 I Atchison, 1 i Chicago Gas, . 4 : American Sugar Refinery, .. 93 Chicago Bulington and QuinoyV ' 811 General Electric, - 42 Book island, 701 'Manhattan, 123i Hardware, e. MAMMOTH B-A-N-N-E-R-R LAMPS- 0 ,23 CANDLE POW6 05 7.38 10 100 380 6 80 4 45 810 ;54 0 45 .8 13 1108 P M 4 00 5 86 at; A M 9 50 ,813 1185 19 21 P M 3 55 1137 300 Holds one gallon . BUliNSBSF t P M 9 83 For churches, lodge rom sollool rod 55 and wherever a good light is wanted. V Send for circulars. iios. H.Briggs&SflH5, RALEIGH, N. O. Dry Gaodsj, Notion, &. ft It Large IM ofWisbible fibrics Laces, Whito Goods Embroideries. The principle of b lying in smill quanti ties established the foundation of a success ful career for A T Stewirt andmide him the march tnt prince of his time; his exam ple is worth of emulation; it is our policy to adhere to this principle. The advantages of rapid communication and swif Straight tran sit enables us to place o i our counters every week in the year clean, new, fresh goods for every branch of our business. The advance lines of Spring Ginghams and Washable Fabrics are being received, while our cost price sale is rapidly d-stributing for us nearly evervtning oi a winter caaracter. wmte uooas, iiioes and fmoroideries now receiving the attention of the trading public Tbe popular prices which prevail with m, and successful sailing, confirm the old adage "That goods wall bought are half sold" Our method of replenishing of ten averts carrying gooas over irotn season to neason, dean, fresh goods well handled, always sen ini give enure sausiaotion. Be fore you buy eive us a call. We hive 'e -a ngnt rrom tne looms. C.A.IM00B&CO. W. II. & 11. 8 TUCKER & Ci TABLE LINENS. Iut-restng at Oace io ti ouaekeeper. n hot nnwiSooaa In 'FuKla T inAn. avA rao-'v fci- iiinn.wHnn. At.trnntivA hnf.K in the point of quality and price. Turkey Ked Table Damask. fast colors and full width, at 25c, 35c, 40a and 50c per yard, Half Bleached, Soft Finish, Table Damask, warranted full weight and substance, 40q and 50c per yard. Fall Bleached Table Damask. b aulif ul patterns, extra widths and full weights, from tie best Irish and German looms, 60c 75c, 85o, 9Jc, I", $1 25 per yard. Nankins and Doylies in all sizes and patterns. L Plase ex tmine these special liaen offer, iugs as ecrly as possible. v,-- T mm Dlliilll W. H, & a. S. Tacker & Co, II I. k