I Fhr rt !! t-cuiiii Visitor. 0 BUSHED ITIkT Arti0'), IKxecpt ennday, TllHX naiTOK U eerved by carrier in the elty at '25 mdm per month, payable to the carrier In advance. Price for mailing $b per year, or 5 eents per month. Communications appearing In these eolumns are bu. the expressions of the opinion of the correspondent writing the same, and they alone are responsible. t3A. ero$$ mark I after yonr name informs yon that yonr time ont. Address all orders anil communica tions to W. Ft. BBOff, Sr., Raleigh, N O Local oetloes In this paper will tw Five Gents per line each Insertion. Office -Upstairs over Mr. J. Hal BobblU's Drug Store, 2d floor. Lvaiasr Of rt Oiroulatios. It ALE IO 11, MARCH 22, 1801. That Texas cyclone was a regular wind revolver. Coxey and Breckinridge are now engrossing the attention of the coun try. The broken-hearted sobs of a be trayed woman are more than "ell verytongued" eloquence to a jury. In Frj.nce it costs $5 to kiss one's wife In public, but nothing at all if one kisses somebody else's wife. Miss Pollard bas already accom plished one part of her reverge. Her "Willie" is afloat on the deep dark see of political deed duckisui. When Washington Irving burned the midnight oil he little thought thxtMs works would be brought in evidence in a Kentucky scandal case. A Georgia editor on the authority of a Georgia agaiculturist tells of a Georgia goat with eight horns. He did not say how many horns his in formant had, or usually carried. Judge Bradley, who is presiding over the Pollard-Breckinridge trial, parts his hair in the middle. But when it comes to expounding the law he isn't much of a hair splitter. An epidemic of marriages may be ex pected in North Carolina, where the supreme court bas just decided that any city can pass an ordinance mak ing it punishable for an unmarried person under 21 years of age to enter a bar-room. NORTH. CAROLINA NEWS. Mr Will Royall, aged 17, son of Mr W B Royall, formerly of Goldsboro, was drowned in Trent river near Ne w bern, Monday. Durham Sun: Richard Ross, who is 72 years old, was In town today, and he says winter is over; that this spring will be like the spring of '42 and '43. We suppose this is right, but it is too far back for us to remember. The New Berne Courier notes the running of a special train on the W N & N R R, from New Berne to Wil mington, 88 miles, in two hours and fifteen minutes, including five stops. "I am about seventy , years of age and have lived in Guilford county all my life, hut this is the first time I ever came to town in my shirt eleeves In March," said a gentleman today who resides six miles in the country. It is truly an advanced season we are having. Greensboro Record. . The farmers of Wayne county have track the key note to success and in dependence. They are raising their own supplies. Let all the other coun ties in the state it itate their exam ples, and the farmers of North Caro lina will soon be the most prosperous md Independent class of people in the Sate. Goldsboro Argas. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Thoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told bv her doctors she had con sumDtion and that there was no hoDe lor her. but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her aud she says it saved ner me. Mr. rnoa. ifizgers, 139 lor da at . ban Francisoo, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching! consumption, tried with out result everything else :thev bought one bottle o Dr. King's New Discovery and in twj weeks was cured. He is natural! y thank ful. It is sua i results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful effloacy of this medicine in cough and colds. Fres trial bottle at John Y. MacKae's drugstore, Regular siae COo and II. NEWSY ITEMS. Sugar makes tuuele. Germany prod aces the most tine. Prarie Indians eat grasshopper bread. Providence has a Bible class of 800 members. "A old Iaog syne" Is Scotch for ' old long since " Polveiized erlckets are eaten by Oregon Iodlans. Lake Colvllle, Wash., Is still cov ered with loe. New Orleans has the first rice ele vator ever built. A running machine is the latest of French invention. The explosive melinite gradually poisons its mtkkerr. Colored Baptists of Chicago will build a $50,000 church. Hiccoughs sometimes afflict a com inunity a an epidemic. About 400,000 000 mummies were made in ancient Egypt. The Assiniboines ose a kind of seed to stop nose bleeding. A coal gas street car moter has been invented in Germany. The sanatarian in Yokohama has built a bouse of glass bricks. Chicago has a j-oung billard prodigy who isonly 46 inches tall. South Carolina has a large number of "cold" or blowing" we Is. The species of a grape may be known from the shape of the seed. A Buffalo man has a patent contrie vance for carrying cigars in his hat. Tweuty four hour fnce clocks are numerous in New York show win dows England has produced half of the coal of the world mined this century. The emblem of the Women Suffrage ists ia an American flag with but two stars The bi i ish House of Lords Cicaot be abolished legally without its own consent. Native laborers in Palestine work for 15 cents a day and pay their own expenses. READ HER OWN OBITUARY. Greensboro Record. Tt does not often fall to the lot of any one to .read his own obituary, even once. Mrs. Keogh can have the opportu nity of reading hers twice, for the pa pers had her dead on Thursday last Ou Friday it was refuted, and then they rallied and came again on Sun day with a telegram from the New York World, rtating that she was dead this time sure, but the Record came to the rescue with the troth again yesterday and showed that she was not dead again. Several papers had obituary notices and words of condolence forthe be reaved husband, &c. IT WAS NOT THE BIBLE. Mrs Stonewall Jackson yesterday received the Bible which Clay White ly, the fakir, claimed to have taken from the burning library in Leiing ton, when he, with others, was de tached to burn the Confederate Gen eral's house (which was never done.' The book did not favor any One Mrs Jackson ever remembered seeing in her home, and no name in it, and no writing by which she could identify it. She was satisfied that the book was never-owned by General Jackson and bo she returned it by express to Whitely at Springfield, Ind. See the World's Fair for 15c Upon receipt of yum address aud fifteen cents in postage stamps we will mail you prepaid our Souvenir Portfolio of the World's Columbian Exposition, the regular price is fifty cents, but as we want you t have one. we make the price nominal You will find it a woi k of art and thin to Ha nrlzA-1 If. oontaii.s full page views of the great build ings, with descnpti ns of same, and is exe cuted in highest ttyle of art. If Lot satisfied with it, after you get it, we will refund the stamps and let you Keep the boox. Address a. a bcuklin s (jo, Chicago, m. WILL VETO THE BILL. A telegram from Washington yes terday afternoon says : The cabinet meeting was devoted to the consider tion of the Bland seignorage bill, and it is said the President made a final decision and will veto the bill. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. fjTbe twst salve In the world tor cuts, braises, sores, oloers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, eorns and all skin eruptions, and positively euros piles, or do pay required. It is gnaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refund ed. Price U cents per pox. For sale by John Y MaeKae BOYS' Clothing II afa, Caps' Shirt Waist aut Hlioea. We make a specialty of and sell cheap Caps 25c each, Hate 25c each, Pants 25c:each, Shirt Wists-25c each, Suspenders 10c, Stockings 10c, -Suitstl 25 to IS 00. CLOTHIERS SHATTERS H. F. Smith & Co.. Cor. FayettevUie and Martin Ste., Wholesale and retail dealers in all the popu lar Dranua or m l T 1 uaars ara jooacco, Smokers' Goods and Walking Canes. A full line of the finest smokine mixtures always on hand. mhl7 TRI3 SPACE : IS '. RESERVED FOR DARNELL St THOMAS' MUSI 1 HOUSE. Notice. Having Qualified as the administrator of the estate of J N Ellis, deceased, this is to Dotify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me on or before February 28th, 1895, or this no tice win oe pieaa in. oar 01 tneir recovery. Those indebted to the estate will please make payment. F F JLL13, Admr. neo via, lea, oawowp ; Andskw . J1NE8, Lin. H. Roysteb, uuiiness Manager. Aich't iK aupt. li'ld g B. f . Park, in charge yards and shops. ROYSTtR, PAfiK & CJ. (Sucoess-wg to Bllingtott, Riyster Co.) MANUf0T0KR8 OF Doors, bash, Bllods, Scroll W jrk , STAIR HAILS , And all Other Kinds of Bull tini Material. Will contract to bui'd aavw -ere i: tue State, or furnish any kind of material de sired.- Our shop is equipped with the latest an I best wood workinir machinery. We are lo cated on the S. K. L. Railroad, which runs through the bast timbered lauds in North Carolina, from which we eet our loes an : cut our own lumbar. This enables us to till orders of any s:ze or di-nension on short notioe. W can cut 18,000 feet a day. Our Dry Kiln has a captoity o' 60,000 feet, and mo wi, jj iuu uren luiuuir tor uie pumiu at reasmaule rates. Telephone No. 135. Our yard and shops an on West street, at west torminus of Kdenton street. febM A GOOD GARDEN PA TTofoeSmiccessfwl 5 HBwisniiess YouShould PiantOnly Pure) and Reliable G I sell Robt Balst'e acknowledged by the trackers of saperior to all other makes and am pleased to offer an asortment of O 8s j! : : ASPARAGUS, BEETS, CABBAGE, (14 varieties), CARROT, OELBRY, CUCUMBER, OOLLARDS, KALE, LETTUCE, LEEK, MUSTARD, OKRA, eeeeo swsaseeee eeeeee s e Mtsss e aee. it ! i : i : t ii t it : i e : :! e ii A-fc 25 Oeix"bs per JDozeia. &irdeiu Peas, Irish Potatoes (Northern growu.) dDoniioiiL Sets, GoFm amid Bean all at jm HiLU30S3irrsJ Headquarters for LjIDXGKEE Ts C: 111 ksl li'ilfii Highest cash price pail for goal, sound, cotton seed delivered at our coal yard. One or more car loads per gay. Jones & Powell. COAL. WOOD. &C FOR SALE. Kentucky Lump Splint Co U. Tennessee " " " Virginia ' " Pocahontas" 8eml-bltumiuous Coal. Bossall Creek Lump " " Oayton, Red Ash, Egg, Semi-anthraoite. ' Anthraoite Goal, all sizes. Oak and pint wood, cut and long, Corn, Oats. Hay. firaa, Shingles, Lumber, Laths, &C at lowest oash prices. JONES & POWELL .Raleigh, N 0. Phona 41 and 71. LUO SALES Sale of Hause aaa Lot Bv virtue of oowerooufarrdd m ine bv twj certain mortgages executed by R Stanley Mo intyreand wite,a.itte Jicintyre, wmctisam mortgages are duly recorded Hegisterv vVaka county, in book Ho 118, at page 80, and book No 124, page 500, 1 will offer for sale to the highest DidcUr for cash, at the ciurt house door, on Saturday, starch, 17, 1894, the house anl lot in siid mortgages de scribed lying Just east cl the oity ot uaieigb, on the west side of Smith streat, a iiainnu the lands of A LUoa a ad others, bnng ieo- tangular in shap, fronting t leet inohet on Smith at'eet, and jruamug back 13 feet. Also at the same time and place a lot of household aud kitchen furniture, feietds B F MU vrA JOli, MortgigeA : Ralmeh. N 0. Feb 16. 1894. t-fhe above sale has been postponed to Mon iay, Maron aita. Persoml Peoparty hi Sale. On Taursdav. farch 22 1, 1834. at tae ma chine shops of Oovster, Park & Oo, in te citv 01 Kaieigh, l win sell to the highest bidder two em mares, several wagons, one cart, larness, aoout 8,000 feet of pine, pop lar and wa'nut Umber, ttjsiies vauus othr articles 01 personalty, Dm ; th property 0 ine law nrcn 01 naungion, noyacer a uo. Sale Hide by order of Wake Superior Court in the case of Park and wife agvus' Ellington et als, So 78t 0 I ); hpuc a sale, i2 q'cIook .1; terms ash'. I VITROVIOS ROYSIJSR, mhlOtd Receiver and Commissioner. ardenoee better adapted to oar sol these seeds, Including: aeei MELONS, NION SEED, PARSLEY. PARSNIP, PUMPKIN, PEPPhRS, ttADDISB, JALB1FY, t PlJU' H, (SQUASH, 'lOMATOES. TURNIPS, See. 1 1 ii ii e :t ii ieM eeeeB ee Drugs and Seed; Land Sales. Said of Valuable Lane By virtue of a decree of tne" Su perior Uourt of wase county p u. eutered at tue Fdbruary term lib I of said court in the case of George) vV Atkinsou administrator of John Mr ritt dec jasid against ft H Jluas Und others, heiug No 292 1 Civil issue docket of sid court, we wi.l sent at public auction fvrcath a c tue cd'nrt house door In the cicy of Raleigh U. on Monday the 23d day of April l894 at 13 m the house tract of land of fne late John Merritt, situated in White 0k towuship said county adj jini'ug. lands of mntoo .links. John JiniSs,, BMliisajJ others, containing silty one acros or more. GkoxGB V Strong, ARMI8TKAD JOJSKS, 1 Commissioners.' Sale oi House and Lot. Bv virtue of power conferred on me bv at oertain mortgage duly r0 ;orded in KvisuT of Wake county, N O, in book No 18, it. page 622, said mortgage executed by Ohrls yVilllaais, VH vVilliams and Jack liowlandi, I will lifer for sale at the court house do in the city of RUeigh, NO, to the hifh&ft; Didder lor casn, on nreanemay, Apr 1 li, 1891. at 12 o'clooc m. the oroDertv iu Mii-t mortgage descrioed, same being a house aiii lot near thj t'athodc cemetery and icnovri as the former resideuce 01 nistner viiiiain4 colored. B F MONT AGO JS, Raleigh, N C, March 10, '94 Mortgagee. Sale of Land. Bv auwi jrty ot a desd ji U-ust iroin A Houeyoitt aud wife, rejorded in oooic $St oage t9a, tteKisterot oeida ooija lor vKjt 0 mnty, 1 win, on saiur if, tue as uty ot April, iwh, at ii o'ciooK m, attnecjun house door of Wase oouuty, sail to ths hum- tst bidder ror oash, a tract o, lau l i 1 Pan ther Brauoh township. Wate ojdiitv. aM joining t e lau is oi Jama Adims, J iuu! xouug, wuiis rarisu a:ia otu-trs, couca aia jj acres, ana mjre psrtia uariy desinbsdi he aioresaia aeeaoi trust. mU6 - W N JJNK3, Atty. : .t 1 Notice of Sala. By vir.ue of a decree of th 1 dupenor Ooartp jr vvaae onuuny, amy mue in tae speaia prj leediog of tt. Jicu. Snow, adm x. fca. vsi J4ry a. auo et at, 1 wm exp j.e to public, silest the court house djr in the city ofi ialeigh, on Monday, iiiarch 26th, 1891, thd following docribed real estate, vis: A lot oi iand on tne oorner of Halifax and JoUnsool streets, in the city of Rileih, kao va as tne "Lwren place " ' This land will be di videi an 1 so. 1 in lots f ronti tg ou HaLfax . Joanson and d Uisbury streets. Xiaj cer -tain otmr l n ot laa 1 j 1st south of t is soithr sra bou idary hue of t'la city of tiidiga, o 1 ths s uth side of Pdrsi.i street etw i.l).; 1 aJjoiai lg lot lormirly bsljng.a to dr roio on t ie n rta au 1 tu In for rnrly b'ah loatiiuK t Va-s ou the soutu. Catjxt o(f Ue: O e tu ri oasa, bil nsd at ue .tad trf dsrs, Wita merest at eight per ceat. O tt B JdBdi, Coin nisslonsr. Raleigh, Feo. lii, 18J4. tds I J 1