SS3 J Until Jablndnrtf--jT of care. Bedew with healing balm the breast. And lift the soul in prayer. The wild waves o( the world's great Heart, Obey thy blessed will. When to load street sod tolling mart, Thoo whlsperest, Peace, be still." From Heaven on soft wings gliding down Comes silence, sweet and deep; The feverish pulses of tbo town Grow still, and sink to sleep; Berener are the skip, more fair Tue fields, the hills, the dells. And softer fljats upon the air Tne music of the bel s; Hashed are the strident soands of trade, The world's discordant erles; No factories' sooty smokes invade And stain the lneent skies. Bo fair the day so fall of bliss, So sweet, so calm, so dear, I'm sore that Heaven near is That God Himself It is here. O, holy day! give me thy calm, Bid my unrest to cease; Bedew my heart with healing balm, And to my soul give peace. A Fact that is Not Always Appreciated Webster's Weekly. "Our space is onr dollar?," says the Winston Republican. A fact in the newspaper business hard for some people to remember. When the dray man hauls for nothing and the llv eryman rides you for the fun of the thiuy, It will be time enough to ex pect the newspaper to give away its goods, tcwit: its advertising space. THE WORST HUSBAND. Chicago Herald. But after all the wor t husband in the world 1b not the man who gets mad. The most unhappy woman I ever knew was the wife of a man who never got so far in his wrath as to say "d -it," and who was never known to slam the door. The worst thing about him was his meekness. He didn't drink, he didn't gamble, and he didn't run after another woman, but he snooped, he sneaked and he then hassled, and if .Providence over spared anything more disagreeable to have around than a hen huzzy man, T never ran across it This fel low was always on hand to fiad ont just how many bars of soap were ated in the family washing and how much 2&gar was put in rhabarb sauce. He r counted out the grains of coffee I each serving and favored dried I pie pies I was at his home on x ourcn oi j uiy wnen ne gave children 10 cents apiece for fireworks and charged it op on their good be havior account. If I had been obliged to live in the same home with that man I should have Incidentally killed him while cleaning my gun. As yet he never raised his voice nor so much as breathed hard in the whole course of his life. for P the his A million Friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr King's New Discovery for Consump. tion, Ooughs and Golds. If you have used tnis great cough medicine, rial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all dis eases oi xnroarj. unesc aun icings. Saob bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or inoney will be ie funded. Trial bottles ee at John Y fMaoRae's drug store. Lafrre bottles f 60c and t . i . 7in tnty. iYtAith The Charlotte News saw historical belled buzzard is Crab Orchard township, this Mr Ike Seahorn saw the hi the bell around its neck, on farm last week. He , could distinctly bear the tinkling of the bell as the wearer sailed through the air and he noticed that the other birds in the flock paid a good deal of attention to their comrade with the bell. Johnson's Magnetic Oil cures craipps and colic and internal neuralgia and headache ' and backache instantly. 33 and 50 cents, for sale by John Y Mae&ae. Name the Newspaper. Danville Star. There is a newspaper la North Oar- olina that gets $1,300 for a one col- nmn artvArfcliemaat. i709 ner wear far V half column This is what would called a high rate in Danville. I ft ly'iV fin- - - - for Infants and Children. M CMtoria la ao well adapted to children that I recommend It aa superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Aacoxa, M. D., Ill Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. Y. "The uae of 'Castoria Is so unlTeraal and its merit so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Caklos Majlttw, D. D., New York City. Castoria cum Colic, Constipation, Sour Btomadi, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes ut gention, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommenced your ' Castoria,' and shall always contiuuu to do so as It lu U.'..iiably produoed beneficial results." F.nww F. Pa unrs, M. IM 125th Stm-t aud Tth Ave., New York City. Ths Csutacii Company, 77 Mtorit Strbtt, New York Citt. The Charlotte Observer says news has reached Marlon of what seems to be a horrible murder in Mitchell county recently. The report received says that on last Sunday Mrs Eng lish, wife of Oliver English, disap peared and her body was found in Toe river by some bovs The report says Mrs English's body was badly bruised, her skull was broken in places, and her face wounded. The evidence before the coroner's jury of inquest showed that Mr and Mrs English were together late Sunday evening and that neighbers heard the woman scream shortly after dark. EagUsh evidently has left as he was tracked for several miles, and the tracks corresponded in size and shape with tracks known to have been made by English. Later reports from Mitchell confirm the story of the mu der of Mrs Eng lish, the hasband of the murdered woman, is in jail at Bakers ville. When Baby ras sick, wo gave her Castoria, When she wa-. a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When ana bad Children, she gave them Castoria, STIDMS EWi huh I buy direct from the manufacturers the Strictly High Qrade Sewing Machines known as 'THE StVnOaUd,' and offer those at thejlowest prices. A good machine at Bottom Figures. I also keep always oa hand full lines of machine sup plies, such ss and attachments. One of my specialties is the repairing of ma chines of any make, this be:ng done at your home or at my office. I have had Years of Experience in this business and Guarantee Satisfaction. Hogs, cattler any kind of country pro duce taken in exchange for machines. GE MARTIN, mb.20 13 West Hargett Street. HTPSHsfKTlwi. f XL fMsUJULVM iliUlg 124Fayet3YilleSt. UP Si MRS. f Call the attention of hU friends and the Eublio to ths fact toiat he ihas just received is stock of Fine Woolens for spring and summer wear, and is ready to make them up in th best .style. Give hlmaqeiL mat JAPANESE A New and Complete Treatment, consisting oi SUPPOSITORIES, t'spsules of Ointment and two Bozos of Ointment. A never-fulling Cure for Pile? of every nature an J degree. It mutes an operation with the knife or injections of carbolic acid, which are painful and seldom a permanent cure, and often resulting in death, unnecesesry. Why endure this terrible disease? We guarantee 6 boxes to cure nny case. Vou only pay for benefits received. $1 a box, 6 for (5. Sent by mail. Guarantees issued by our agents. nnNTiPAT!nMCured-pu panted, UUiiO I IrH I iuil by lapancse Liver Pellets the great 1TVEB and STOMACH KEG ULA TOR and 1!T OOU PUKIF1EB. Small, mild and plnasnut to take, especially adaph.:) ior children's use. GO Doses S rents. UABANTEE8 Issued only by John Y. MacRae, Druggist, Raleigh, . O. A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without an ideal flOMPLEXIOM U POWDER. pozzoflrs Combines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate. Znilit upon having th genuine. Nfll IT 13 FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. TIE Illi ESMin JThe publishers take pleasure in announc ing that "The Morning Herald" has recsnt IV been enlarged from four to eight pages, and that while ths price remains at one cent per copy, or t3 per year to mail subscribers, each edition contains as much news and more general reading matter than is printed by the Baltimore two-cent dailies, Th I'elegraphio Service of "The Morning Herald" is unexcelled by any other Balti more paper. Its Newsservice' i the counties is thor ough and reliable. its Market fieports are full, complete and accurate. Its illustrated woman's page is a feature that will not be found in any other Balti more daily. A verbatim report of the Sermon by Rev Dr Talmage the celebrated Brooklyn preacher appears in Monday morning's edition. . . "The Morning Herald" will continue to bs an Independent Newspaper fair and im partial in i's statements and fearless in the expression of its opinions- "TUE SUNDAY HERALD," of 24 p tges, is the best Sunday paper in Bal timore, and is sold at 3c per copy, or $1 50 for a year. "THE WEEKLY HEBALD" is the cheapest and best eight-page weekly newspaper published in the Ooited States, theannual subscription being 50o. "The M rning Herald" will be sent on trial for one week to any parson sending his or her address, enclosing 5 cents, to the HBRA.LD PCBL.I8HINQ OO., Baltimore and Charles Streets, Baltimore, Md. A Bscbhohb, General Manager. x aouapyuoD cqi sinoss o; ;uam B swi emjKteusg U3HX0 IVloney ILost. If yoa do not trade with & Maxwell Yea bars Lost monsy. WEtBELL FDRNITDRE, CLOCKS, rlUTUKKo, BTOVKa, MIRRORS, LAMPS, TRUNKS. OABPEfS, MATTINttS, and rything you ned in vour house as cheap on WEEKLY OR MONTHLY pay ments, as other houses do for the cash tJaii ana see us, and we will prove what we say. Thomas & Maxwall, Leading Furniture Dealers, j 9 and 13 Martla Street, It 4 EIOII, N, C. febl R&LEIRH ST&TIQHIRY CO., 309 Fayeitevllle St., OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, can be had ihe latwt, freshest and most at tractive goods in this line te be round any where, such is Note & Letter Paper all qualities, both folded or In box. Writing Pads, all grades. Pens, from the finest point to broadest stub Pencils, all erases and prices. Inks, numerous brands. Stationery Supplies, in endless variety. Anything in our line to fife out the best appointed omce or norary. A call solicited. Raleigh Stationery Company, WQ SEP ARK, Manager. nn tht n rrr THE .H AK f r OBSERVER. A Democratic Paper, a paper devoted to the industrial development of North (Jaro- nnaand tneaoatb. rb nest auverusing medium batweeu Washington and Atlanta. DAILY, $8 (f per year. WEEKLY, $1 00 per year. THE OBSERVER COMPANY. J P Caldwsll, Editor, Charlotte, N 0. HT"For sale at Elmer M Shaffer's news stand, Raleigh, No. jalS tf VT ORSOLK AND CAROLINA R.k oohdibsbd bohbdolb. Dated August 9th, 1881. South No?th Bound Bound Train. stations. Train. No. 101. No. 100 a. M. P. M 19 609 L've Pinter's Point Arrive 6 25 1015 L've Drivers, Arrive 2 01 10 27 L've Suffolk Arrive 4 47 1102 L' Gates, Arrive 414 11 20 L've Tunis. Arrive 3 64 11.37 L've Ahoskev. Arrive 8 36 1162 L' Aulander, Arrive 8 21 12 31 L've Hobgood, Arrive 2 89 12 63 L'vf y Tarboro, Arrive 2 17 2120 Ar Rocky Mount, L've l&o P. M. A. M No 101 makes connection at Roccy Mount with W W Train No 23 for all points South, and No 78 train for all points North 1 M SbrpkIi. J R Kkbtlt, fien'l Mna?9, Supt Triu r MT Jl 1 ru'iPMl( i-r t COPYFUGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PA TINT f For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to MUNN it CO., who have had nearly fifty years' xperienoe In the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and bow to ob tain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue Of mechan ical and soientino books sent free. Patents taken tbrough Mnnn ft Co. recelre special notloeinths Scientific Araerlcan, and thus are brought widely before the public with, out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientiSe work in the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, alio a year. Single opiee, 25 cents. Bvery number contains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUMN CO Maw Tosa, 301 Bmoadwat. DON'T PUT OFF today what can be done tomorrow. Send.' THE VISITOR to a friend or relative. Take it your self. It is only 85 cents onto. Bictaocd $ rmille F. R. Co. Samuel Spencer, F. TV. llnlde ketper and Kcuben Foster,Ile-celvers. RICH. & D1N.J1ND N, C DIVISIONS, Condensed Schedule. In effect September 24, 19V3. DAILT. Hob Ho Ho 9 & 85 11 87 P. H. A. M 14 40 U 60 i4l 2 40 8 21 817 5 40 635 AM 6 05 6 60 .6 40 783 720 (64 2 3.S 4 30 1 00 5 2d 2 80 7.20 6 HO SOUTH BO0BD. Lv Richmond, Lv Burkeviile, Lv Keysville, Ar Danville, Lv Danville, Ar Hreensboro, Lv Qoldsboro, Ar Kaieigh, Lv Raleigh, Lv Dnrbam, Ar Uroensboro, L" Wiusou'S.tlem, fti to Lv ttreensboro, 7,33 Ar fcaiisbnry, U 10 Ar Statesvlli, Ar Asbevllle. Ar Hot Springs J Lv SaliBb-try,! Ar Charlotte, Ar Spartanburg, Ar (ireen ville, Ar Atlanta, Lv Charlotte, Ar Colombia, Ar Augusta, 9,17 1050 A M 1.10 165 6 20 p m ; 1185. tAMj 510 .8 45 4 41 8 00 ,6 54 45 ,8 13 1103 P M 410 5 36 AM AM t.50 ,8 13 1125 i9 35 P M 2 55 1137 P M 405 13 24 10115 4 55 -AM 9 35 P M 120 425 HORTHBOOND.r Lv Angusta, Lv Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Charlotte, Lv Charlotte, Ar Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs, Lv Asheville, Lv States ville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, .DAILY. Nos No Ho ; 86&10 12 88 P M AM P M 500 ;ioo 915 14 80 A 2 20 8 10 P Ml 645 9 50 Jl 00 AM P M 2 30 7 45 814 2 40 S.8 35 8 24 4 10 U 03 9 37 12 41 2 3C 711 8 CO 415 1010 9 37 6 00 1140 10 49 A M Ar V7inBton-Sa'iem,8 85 13 60 Lv Greensboro.i 780 12 01 Ar Durham, 9 2d 3 35 Ar Kaieigh, 1030 7 30 Lv Kaieigh, 1035, P MJ ArGoldsboro, 1210, AM P M P It Lv Greensboro, ;6 05 11 60 10 49 AM AM Ar Danville, 7 40 130 13 07 Ar Keysville, 10 20 4 Oo 4 05 Ar Burkeviile, 1105 451 4 51 p m Ar Richmond, 108 7 00 7 00 tDaily except Sunday. S Berkley, J SB Thompson. Supt, Supt, Greensboro, N C. Richmond, Va. W A Turk, Gen Pass Agt, Washing ton, D C. S H Hard wick, Asst Gen'l Pass Agt, Atlanta, Ga. WH Green. ,Sol Haas, Gen Man'g'r, Traffic Man'g'r, Washington, D O. Washington.D O. Atlantic Coaet Line. Wilmington Si Weldon Baiiroad and Uoadeceed Siitaedule. TRAINB GOING Oated Jan. 4. No 28 1892. Daily. SOUTH. No 27 No 41 F'tm'l d'y, ex Daily. 5 48pm 6 86pm Le Weldon, 19 80pm ArRockyMt, 140pm lr Tarboro. 2 18pm Ue Tarboro, 12 58pm 6 OOpju Ar Wilson, 3 18pm 7 OOpnj Le Wilson, t3 80pn Ar Selma, 8 80pm :r Pay'tvilie 530pm le G'dKboro. 15pm ijs Warsaw, 4 14pm ;e aittuolla, 4 S7pm jr Wir.c'on, 500pm Sund'y 6 40am 747am 8 Taa 740p v uuam 10 00am 8 40pm lOUam 9 55pm 1145am TRAINS GOIIiQ NOETH. No4H No 78, No 40, daily, d'y, ex dully Sund'y. Lv WU'gtoa. 3 10aro 9 15aiu 4 00pm Lv M&gnolia, 3 8 10 57am 5 40pm ue Warsaw, 11 Ham 555pm irft'deboro, 4 88am 1205am 0 56pm Le Fay'tvilJw, 9 10am LvSelma, llOPem ir WUsor, 1210pm Lv Wilson, 5 14m 12 58pm 7 48pm Ar Rocky Mt, 5 87 1 80pm 8 21pm ir Tarboro, 6 30am2 18pm Lv Tarboro, 12 58pm Ar Weldon, 6 85am 3 55pm 9 85pm Taily zeept Sunday. JOHST F DiVIOTB, Oeneral Superintendent. J S KxzriiY, Sup't Trans. T M Xmbrsoh, General Pass Agt. C Ut'l J fc I i a. Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. . Going east. Schedule. Going west ijNo 51 Pass trains No 50 Lve Stations Ar Lve ai 8 80 Goldsboro 11 28 a m 117 4 SO tLa Grange 10 46 11 48 449 4 54 ; SLiastoa IJ Oi 1 1 H 4 18 8 48 New Bern , 8 87 8 4 8 S8 p MoretorvlOitw 4 g t i