J 4 V ClfT IN BRIEF, teas Picked Op and Billed Down. The cotton market ii quite strong, Tbe cotton receipt today were 30 bale. Frost is probable tonight and to morrow night. The railway commission ii Dot Id eselon this week. A too of state ami It or Furuian it lek with pueuuiould. Wheat la Wake I reported to lie looking exceedingly well. The trustee of Wake Forest col lege are called to meet here on April 10th. Cases from the uluth district U1 be called lu the supreme coort to morrow. At Metropolitan hall this evening Leo Wheat, the eminent musician, appear. Sixty thousand bales of cotton have been compressed here since Septem ber lat. Telegram from Booth Carolina point today aid tuat tffairs were quiet there. Next Sunday Bhhop Cheshire will administer the rite of confirmation at Christ church. Beat for the performance of Cleve land's minstrels are now on sale at W H King St Co1 drug store. Yesterday mornirg seven persons became members of the congregation of the Baptist tabernacle. Today's issue of the Char1eton New and Courier heads its Darling ton news "Killed bv Tillman." HTberei to be no session of court this week, but it is understood that judge Hoke will remain until next Saturday. There are 1,000 acres in wheat at the penitentiary farms on the Roan oke river. All of it which was in joint was Id j ured by tne co'a. TnaflAA RnhartR veHterHav mnrrinri Mr Nathan Tate and Miss Annie Herndon at the house of Mr Rhode, s tne Driae's momer. Does the board of aldermen propose to let Raleigh continue to be the worst lighted city in the state? This is a plain question. At 7:30 o'clock tomorrow evening at ihe Baptist tabernac e there will be a meeting for young peonle, at which Mr W 8 Primrose will deliver an address. Maj James W Wilson, chairman of of the railway commission, will leave here this week for a trip of inspec tion over the various railway in the eastern part of the state. Col Harrell, of the North Carolina Teacher, has recei ed a number of poems in competition for the $5 prize for the best verses on rtortn Uaro lina's state tree, the whiteoak. A birthday party will be given to Dr J M Ayer at tne f ark hotel by Mr A L Mace, the proprietor, tomorrow evening from 9 to 12:30. It will be a handsome affair and 130 invitations are out. It will be two months before the convicts complete the work of mac adamizing the Poole bridge road. The next road to be improved is the one leading by the national cemetery. Considerable grading will be done between the soldiers' home and that cemetery, It Is said now that a few plums have escaped the freeze. Mr CB Edwards found some yesterday which were all right. There will be a fair crop of apples, it now appears. The other fruit is gone. The blackberries are all right in this section though many vines are killed in the western part of the state. The subject of the address to be de livered tomorrow evening In the Sun day school rooms of enton street Methodist church by Rev J) H Tut tie is "The Finest of Fine Arts, the Art of doing good.' It is a capita) ubject, and all who go may expect to hear an excellent address. The publis I cordially Invited, The time is 8 o'olock. Seats are free Mem bers of the league will wear their color. The cadets of the agricultural and mechanical college have been divid ed by Lieut Henderson, instructor in tactics, Into company A, Cant Charles Pearson, and company B, Oapt L T larboro. R JD Patterson is adjutant. The strength of the bat talion ia 180. It first public parade will be May 20th, at the layirg of th oorneratone of the Confederate monument at thecapitol square. Cleveland's minstrels will be on the 6th Instant at the academy. The entertainments provided by Cleve land arei invariably celebrated for several things. The programme is a clean one, and besides always full of novelty and action, and the leading minstrel - features supplemented by the best the market affords in sensa tional and startling specialties. The manager's aim is to surprise as well as amuse In the two main matters of costume and scene the Cleveland management Is always in advance of all otners, snowing ine most auuura- i bl and artlstio taste. I TODAY'S MARKET REPORTS. tiL'ua cotton Mt(rr. Report 1 by Babee A Thompson. Oooi mi dling. 71 Strict middling, "i Middling, 7 Strict low middling. Gii inges 6i Slait.t. r.k Market quiet. Index to Xew 14rf rtlsemenli. Mrou Cow Wanted A H Johnson Wanted Woollcott & Bon -Special Sale DTrt-vlndell Specials. 8 & D Beranger Stick to Ber wanger. Rosenthal Clothing Co-Our Offer legs. OASherwoou Si Co Spring Hat Come to Stay. Collector Slmirons has reoelved a report of the seizure be deputy col lector Kirkpatrlck of the entire whis key distilling plant of S A Allred at sheboro Two stills, of 60 and 125 iztllous. were taken, also 1.000 gal Ions of whiskey. Some barrels of whiskey were found burled, others in a loft over a barn. The chaise against Allred, who has been arrest ed, is concealing whiskey. A telegram from Atlanta today says Gov Northen has appointed ratncK waisn U a senator to sua ceed A H Co.'qultt.deceased. Speaker unsp wes nrst appointed, but declin ed. Mr Walsh is general manager of tne ooutnern associated press. There are now 87 county convicts the largest number on record There are 60 persons in the county home. The county commissioners are in session. FLOWERS. Strong early cabbage and lettuce plants to set out now. Asparagus root p. Tomato plants, best known variety, ready April 1st. FLOWERS. ROSKS. AC. Cut flowers, roses, bouquets, bas ers ana norai designs, palms, prim rosoe, rubber and other decorative plxnts for the house. Fresh flower seeds. Magnolias and evergreens, double hvneiuths, etc. H Steinmbtz, Florist. North Halifax st. Phone 113. Near Peace Institute. Now is the time to plant the "Won der Bean '' It is a splendid yielder and strictly a new variety. Go to your drugg'st and get a package. They can be found at MessrsPescud's, McKimmon's, Snelling & Hicks' and Simpson's drug stores. W. M. Brown, Jr WANTED. Wanted a Cow guaranteed to give 8 gallons measured milk a day. Also several Berkshire or blooded pig. Price must necessarily be low Address Matron, Central hotel, city. Wanted, a good worker to canvass Raleigh. Nice, easy and profitable employment for man or lady. Call on or address A H Johnson, 505 Hills- boro street, Raleigh, NO. a2 St WOOLi.COTT& SON. On Monday, April 9th, we will offer on SPECIAL sale: 1,0C0 Ladies' handkerchiefs at 4 cents, worth 10c. 100 White Counterpanes at $1 29, reg ular price $1 60. Children's and Misses Hats, 10 and 16c, worth 25c. Indigo Blue Prints Ge. 10-4 Sheeting, 21c, worth ?7ic. 9-4 Sheeting, 19c, worth 25o. Woollcott & Hon. Interesting Dress Goods News. After having had a real good trade in our various dress goods depart ments, we have gone through and made np a bargain table of worsted dress goods. On this table the prion will be 26c per yard for your choice. Many of them were 60 cents and none were less than 85 coats This la notat bly the greatest dress goods offering we ever made. W H St R 8 Tucker St Co. Tailor Made Suits foe Ladies. We beg to say that our stock of tailor made suits for ladies is now in and ready for inspection. Second flor in the wrap department. W H & R 8 Tucker & Co. FOB RENT. Brick start. Ear. Harcnf-.t-. mtraat. ha. tween Wilmington and Blount 'sts. appiy to ms a. o dtkohagh. Quaker City Clear, best 5c cigar in town. Try tbeji. Snelling St Hicks' Drug Store. Notice, Having qualified as 1 the executrix of the last will and testament of Mrs MA wat- son, deceased, this is-to notify all rersone having claims against said estate to present the same to me on or before March 20. 1895. or his notice will be plead in oar of their recover?. Those indebted to tne estate will please mike payment at once. March 20, 1894 p DO YOUKHOW Ta r cabnot -irroao ro abyss mi oca ouooa as wb do cblxm thky abb jcbt as aarattiimo? K UATB SOW -OX M 4KD A -COM Tin I AiMOBTXSffT or Oabdbk akd Flowbb Shed which w a or rsa as low as A X V OS S BELLI SO TH t HAM B QUALITY, UK SIBDS. REMEMBER That we compound Prescription also with accurary aud diapatcb.at all hours. SNELLIHG AMD HICKS, DRUGGISTS, RALEIGH. H. C. 8fINDELL'S BAKtiAlNS. Low Cut Shoes. Iu this special line of shoes for la. dies we offer unprecelented values In One Oxford Ties of Kreppendorf St Dittman's make These are from the Du ham Supply Co s stock, and are being sold at wholesale cost. Our shoe stock is complete indeed. D T Swindell. China Glass Lamps. This department receives) its full share of praise from the ladies, as its comple teness brings all observers to study the mtguifiidnt display. Get "a love of a bonnet" from trf( ... D T Swindell. GeuU'iFurnisuiUK Goods. All the new productions in 8carfe and Ties, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Pins, Gloves, Collars and Huffs, Shirts, Knit Underwear and Shoes and Cloth ing. See ours and buy oi us a Straw Matting. D T Swindell. A Complete Store. We shall endeavor to keep a com p'.et department store, where all your wants may b met. And we shall endeavor to have yon leave the store well pleased; we want your good will and your patronage; .will give good and polite and competent service. Respectfully, DT Swindell. Silk, and Sattlns. We are keeping a complete line of all the new silks and satins iu Figur ed China, Plain China, Moire Silks, Japanese Silks, Wash Silks, Surah Silks, Taffeta Bilks and lots of other silks acd trimmings. Examine our line of new silks; will gladly show you polite attention. DT Swindell. Clothing? Yeg. Any man or boy who is to have a new spring suit will actually make an expensive blunder if thev don't see our stock. If we suit you then you save two to five dollars. A pair extra pants in same proportion: A big two horse dray for sale cheap. PT Swindell. A' most All. Most of the new spring goods are new In and we are selling them at prices you can't object to We bought close, we sell close, for cash, and at one price only to alt. To describe i impossible, the stock is bo large and varied. See our straw matting DT Swindell. A Dollar Ooea. Never in all my experience of fif teen years as a buyer and seller of dry goods could I say that a dollar wou'd buy more than a dollar's worth of goods A dollar in our store now wjll coma as near doing double duty as .it is possible. In many lines you can get really double dutv of a dollar; in cotton washable goods especially so ' Our stock was never so large. New and complete. Come and see us. DT Swindell. Millinery and Milliner. Onr milliner ha.n ret.nrnnrt f-r ; . course in Baltimore and our pattern hats are no on exhibition and milli nery goods and new des gns arriving each d y. We are prepared to take order and produce "A Love of a Bonnet" to your own taste on short notice, x-rioe is rignc. DT Swindell. . ' - ' JHILLINEttV. Madame Besson haareeeirari at nan. tiful line of spring and summer mi Ii nery for ladles, misses and children, and invites the ladies to call and ex amine ber stock. mh28 8tw COIL. All kinds anthracite and bitumin ous coal, wood, long and cut any length,' st lowest price. de!4 " T L Ebbrha&dt ; Notice. I have opened a boarding bouse on Newbern avenue, four doors east of thecapitol. Terms very reasonable. m2lw Mrs ON Parker. Stick to A Ton don't care, do voaT As 10110- any difference whether yon have your o'.otbe mad to measure or boy theA readymade Pride ia the bone of contention between oi and tailor. The ery down readymade clothes, bees ore we ran serve you Just as well forless-4 considerably. There la chaff In beit, la In tailoring, ia in readymadZ clothea; but it don't condemn the wheat; don't let It condemn all readr-to weargarments. Buy from a stock that ia cartfolly winnowed-from a eom-f i;iv wv W can't help milittg when we " i" " " uuwonuy to pa oeiore our pitrone Honeat can do better for von In onrlin itiimn. tiimrf.. tk.nk.. ... rnar wsia r m mm a-i n m, m H.KAki leaat ) wore. Give you more yUh ter trlmm Hi-better fitting Tbey have to alter and alter: fx this and than!' that, and vou are tired 1 of the clothes eultonf See yourself n It as others have hundreds of others, all different, equally as fashionable I f.ni.fAa gVa oar1flt,r jradet-$l6 50. $18. $W. $18. $25 or $30-the best!! tailors have to "draw in their boms " Our are as good as their The more you pay us, the more you save, for tby "took on" the price elegancies. Youfl won't find another e'othing store with such a stock, nor where prices aref reasonable as ours ft - - - b ii.iuaMiu. tuBu wi uw miAg uecauFe we nave tnem made to our order to suit our people here Every eale is a promise of satisfaction. A promise we s'and ready tc "SToix "K"n ow IKIeex O-ixx S. & D. BERWANGER. vui uuciiko iuib wce&are ui Kreni when we say that such i superior stock I In. nFTn.ln 1. . (. . ... " imuuho, munuB oi our own select tifn. design exulunivel ours, trimmed qnal to a eustom made garment I MFU'QPT nTHTCH rh'' fin,!st bevODd qtion, manufacJ Lil UULU J ni I UU 'ured by one of the largest, and beyond? doubt, the Uueet ch.thiog mauufac urers in the country. Suits in sacks I Sinele and Dotliiln Praaafnrt nnt tTtn im.ir a.,t. n j . 'I k ri.:.7 V " i. i i'.r ' season H W REG B N T. ,n fl inn TT m TIT T Tin 1 U U 1 II U ULU 1 Ullltr'have them in almost every pattern? Tii? ii' " - "-"-"Ji'?' uuuuie nrtjaeieu, ii jrnr,,narK. Tedium RfiY' ri nTHTMr,-.ThpUuHxo,,iied-ua"eiie firS, UU 1 U ULU 1 111 liU unexcelled in Drice in rIzm l tn ik and in variety heretofore ui.know i in this cicy. No clothing dealer has everl Offered such a Urcre and varied nr.ub h.fn.. uar,oi QXJ TD T W A TQTC!..8hr' KfrrflArt m x VXA t Tk o;orD,nf1 "a w DT them-Mother's Friend &1SU1:"J?&? .tn" brwds. Blouse! v.w.o, .umu iriito nun large square coiars tbe latest thin out. An inspection -t our stock will convince you that it ia incomnr.hJ ana inai our prices are so low thit R0SENTHALCL0THING COMPAQ owo rAiAircvibm siKBlsl', OPP. POST OFFICE Notice. The list of delinquent tax payers is now ready for publication, and all who desire to avoid having their property advertised and sold for taxes must call on W B Hutohlngs nd settle tbe same on or before the first day of April, 1S94. m28 4t I U 11 Go, den Sceptre. Surbrug's Goldea Sceptre Smoking Mix ture wss awarded the first prize at tbe world's fair ov?r all other competitors as be ing the finest mixture ever produced. . Sceptre is a combination of Louisiana Perique, Havana and North Carolina leaf, blended in such proportion as to form mild, delicate mixture, yet with a rich, solid flavor; will not b'te your tongue or dry yonr throat. We have on hand a full line of tbe Golden Sceptre in 1,1 anl lib cans. Give it a trial. q. HP SMITH CO., Cor. Fayettevi 'le and Martin Sts . JESSE G BALL. JOSEPH B BALL J G.8ALL&CO , Wholesale & Retail Grocers No. 7 East HargettSt., BALEilOfTHT. o. NEW STORE AND NEff ST03K The Best Goods fijpm the Best Dealers. ThreeFloors filled with Eatirely New Goods Heavf and Fancy Groceries, Candies, Cigars, V Tbe 'hoiceal Canned Goods, Goods in Glas, Cr.ckers, &o. We keep everything to be found in the Best Grocery Stores and in prioes are with &e lowest. : We always' give full values. Parsin'a Snuff a specialty, in the old fash ioned glass bottles such as were used before the war.' mhJB u ton vt aiTrr-'.tTi7 i. see to other stores fabric aod DattemJl k patternal atly, wef 1 for at; er bet Ij nrl thn' . m suit -aulta tht are md h.tt.r. before yon get them. Have you put a! will von If vm Hnn't fit. U .J o ran nil )uu luufo &ooui ciotnee CJs, Kn.o"w Promises . We .... . .... uiHgouuae. We mSKt a Valid bOitRf I of ttEADYMAHE CLOTUINcI "- iu mroo bu loon m' and fad thirf HnndM of .tlo. .hvni w'8t8 are as necessary to the Boys M competition does not enter into wr eal ITHJJ Uak at m (being the first in North Carol'na) has a comDetent mni nt ik . nenos, assisted by hia wife, who will give! r-"""" ;iu3 iu uw luiure WOrK SU- F" 'y u e pasi, ana will surpass anv other laiiiiilrv in tha atot on.i .... .1 I tee less wear and lear. Don't fail to give tJ SHIRTS. 00LLAB9, CUPF8. FLANNELS of ail kinds, LACE CURTAINS, BED BLANK KTS, BED QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, Anything you you want; washed and done up in J first class style can be done at thei " Laundry. Telephone No 87. NoC216.FayfttaviU street. nol7 aWisb Strictly FiesbBg Isk tut those eggs Just broucht fronf p "uu w iuiu uo nana lesiea ana y tne i NCEProdnce EXIBANGEi 123 Snflth Wi'mlnotan araAt M r " "HJ,, nfliVIKU. 4,.. JM Kwerv est r amillatt nA arAA nn. m eggi canaot be excelled in any market; every! iuu guama eu sirioiiy iresn. uuni i'w r "66' wTOng ireau ima. out are pern fee It sound and nice. No 3 are oraoked and small eggs, but good. y j NoDamageii Eggs Offered forSalrf Sold b; the case or smaller quantities. If All r ffmiwv Aimm nfA VAA .U -iJ him Vnv Tknu inbWI ... a. t call and satisfy thmislves of our method w icii ig uu gran ing. North Carolina Farmer' State alliance. - Eifga fr Uatcbiog. a Eggs from Dure fJJW Leghorns, Li Brahmas a id Bui Ooohim deliTeraiini eigb, at 75j per setting of L3. Address, WS BAfttfua ? Bl !3 11x31 12J FayetteriUtjjt f - m

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