1 . Lieut tfclpp Exonerated. Special to ths Charlotte Gtaervr. Wisstos. April 0 Tbe whipping e-f cadet Rider at the Davie school Wednesday bu beea thoroaghl In vestigated by tbe boy's father, Mr AC T Rider, of R'ehmood, Va, who ar rived her tbis uorolng. Mr Rider, after lntervle wioghls son readily came to the conclusion that hit boy bad not beea " unmercifully" whipped, aod folly exonerate! Ool Davit andLb-ut Bbipp of the charge. Cadet Rider came to tb hotel Pbcenli at noon to day and aaid to the Observer corres pondent that he wae whipped quite severely bat not cruelly. The following statement from the son's father to Col Davis explains itself : "Oo account of the reports sent oat by the press that my son bad been eraeliy whipped by I ieut Shlpp 1 came to inveetlgte. I nod upon ex amination that he has not been too severely punished. M T BlDKR " Cadet Rider will remain at the Da vis school. Today's Charlotte Ob server says editorially:. The statement of superintendent Davis, published yesterday mornlnu, was an acquittal of the military ofll cer. Llent Hhipp is a gentleman an a man of fine control, as well as a sol dier, and it Is not to be supposed that in the case in question he overstep oed the bounds of legitimate discip line. Less Cotton and More Food Products. The Manufacturers' Record of Bal timore publishes this week letters from 30 large fertilizer dealers in Florida, Tennessee, Virginia, Missis sippi, Alabama, North Caroliua, Georgia and 8outh Carolina, which show that less cotton is belcg planted this year and more attention is beiog given to food products. Sixteen of the Hi ms estimate that tbe araa of cotton planted this year will be from 6 to 80 per cent less than last year ; 18 note an improvement in tbe gener at condition of business. The Newton Enterprise says that Lowesville, Lincoln county, has a young lady mail carrier, the only one Serbaps in the state. Her nan e is 188 Ella Bager and she carries the mail on horse back every day from Lowesville to a country postoffice about six miles distant. She leaves Lowesville at 4 o'clock and gets back promptly at 7. She is a graceful rider and never misses a trip, no mat ter how the weather is. Twelve hundred uaioD carpenters in Indianapolis went on strike yetter day (for 80 cen s an hour. The con tractors refuse to pay mora than 27j cents. Mr A F Page has iDvlted Moody and SaD key to come to Raleigh and has tendered them the free use of the Park hotel and the academy of music. It is alleged by the officials that at tempts have recently beea made by discharged employes to injure the Mnrphy branch road. Jos. Kollas, a German, his wife and three children were killed by a dyna mite explosion near Oil City, Pa, yes terday. Marcus Gentry has committed sui cide in Ashe county by shooting him self in tbe head with a pistol. The backbone of the Connellsville, Pa. coke region strike is broken. Gen Jubal Early's estate is valued $106,000, all personal property. A two year old child in Lincolnton knows the entire alphabet. Two train robbers were hanged at Newport. Ark, yesterday. It is said there are nearly 50 cases of stnalll pox at Atlanta. Girls Must Stay in Doors. WILMIHGT5N, Del, April 6 The police commissioners have framed an ordinance to be submitted to the next city council meeting. It pro hibits any girl nnder seventeen years from attending a public picnic, ball or dance house after 8 p m, or to be on the streets after 10 p m, without the presence . of a parent or person over twenty one years of age, stand ing in the relation of guardian to the girl. The married women at their sew ing socetles openly congratulate and envy the woman " who has no man in the house." A man in the bouse, ex cept on pay days, seems to be an un pleasant feature. The Sunday school of the church of the Good Shepherd will meet to morrow at 8:80 p m instead of 9:80 a m. as heretofore. The board of visitors of the trustees will day after tomorrow go to the uni versity. DUGlil'S SPECIALS. Fresh oysters, at Dugbi's. Bananas, It to 21 cents a dozen, $1 a binch, at .DughTs Junaluska Ciaret, only 50 cents a gallon, at Pnghl's , v -.t . , ; . Order ice cream today for Sunday nse, JDaghi,. telephone 188. Tomorrow at the Churches. METHODIST. Duron, m. a c v. i. k.coli, a. Preaching at 11 a m aod J :30 prn. Sunday school 9:30 a.m. V .J.Young,8iipL ciKraAL K 1 atv D a tuttli, rwiroa. Preaching at U a m and 7:16 p m. Sunday school at 9:30 a m crrr mion kd saooELTB a. a. whitabib rAITOB Services every 8uadai a ad wescly prayer meetings as follows: CARAL1IOH MILLS Preaching at 11 a m by the pallor. Sunday School at 10 a in Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7 30. PILOT MILLS. Sunday School at 2 p iu, T C Williams, 8r, snperijtendnt. Pr aching at 3 p m Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7:30. BROOKLY". Sunday school r p m. J H Porter. 8upt. Preachine at 8:00j m, by ihe p stor. Prayer meeting Wednesday night 7:30. BAPTIST. HRHT RBV. DR. J. W. CARTER, PAMTOR. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meetng Wednesday night 7:30. All seats free. Polits ushers at. church services. Sunday school 9:80. 8. W. Brewer, Supt. BAPTIST WEST tSD MISSION. Sunday School 3:30 p m. Servieesjevery Sunday night at 7:30. TARERNACLB BBV. A. M. S'MM, PASTOR. Preaching at 11 a m and 7:30 p m. Sunday school 9:15. N.B.Broughton, Supt. FAYKTTKV'LLB STBEKT. REV O L 8TRINGFIB'.D, PASTOR. Sunday School at 9:'5 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ru. EPI8COPAL. CHRIST CHURCH REV. DR. MARSHALL, RECTOR. Second Sunday after Easter. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Divine service and Holy Communion at 11 a m. RtTev Joseph Blount Cheshire, Jr, D D, Bishop of North Carolina, wUl preach and administer the apostolic rite of confirmation at this service: Evening service 5:00 p. m. Services during the week: Wednesday 5:30 p tn and Friday to a m. Free seats. All invited. CHURCH OF THE UOOD SHEPHERD REV. I. MCK. PITTINGER, RECTOR. Second Sunday after Easter. Holy Communion at 0 a m. Sunday scaool at 9:45 a m, Morning prayer and seimoi at IT am. Evening prayer and sermon at 8:00 p m. Services during the week : Wednesday 10 a m, Friday 5:30 p m.' Seats free. All cordially invited. CHRISTIAN. S CHRISTIAN REV. J. L. FOSTER, PASTOR, unday school 9:30 a. m Pleaching at 11 a m and 7:30 p m. All cordially invited. PRESBYTERIA.N. FIRST REV EUGENE DANIEL, D D, PASTOR Sunday school at 9:30 a m. Preaching at 11 a m and 7:30 p m. Uord'al invitation to all services. Prendergast Gets Time. Chicago. April 6 Prendergast, the assassin, has scored another point. His insanity hearing has been post poned until May 21 and the date of executio baa been set for July 2 Tbe state said it was not ready to go on with the case. The state's at torney doubted that Judge Chetlain had authority to ao' in tbe premises, and to set this point at rest it would be necessary to hunt up authorities, which would consume a great deal of time. 'Therefore the state asks that the date for the insanlt trial be set for some time in May. This proposi tion suited the defense, and the time was extended by consent of both sides. Coxey's army left Homestead, Pa, yesterday, 5G0 strong. FOR SALE. A $90 Ladies' Bicycle, bough last fall, for sale for $45. Address W, this office. ap7 6t W. II & Tucker & Co. We are this week making great ef fects to sell house famishing goods before warm weather comes in; rir lorsuits.odd pieces of parlor furniture fancy chairs, brio a brae, sm 11 stands, tables, sideboards, book oases, lamps, lamp shades, desks, carpets, curtains, straw mattings, rugs &o. Special prices are made and intending buy ers will make by examining oar offerings. - VH&RS Tacker & Co. WOOLLCOTT& SON. On Monday, April 9th, we will offer on SPHCrAL SA.LB: 1,000 Ladies' handkerchiefs at 4 cents, worth 10c. 103 White Counterpanes at $1 20, reg ular prlc $1 50. Children's and. Misses Hats, 10 and 115c, worth 2'e. Indigo Blue Prints Glo. 10-4 Sheeting, 21o, worth 37o. 9-4 Sheeting, 19c, worth 25o. Woolloott & Son. FORREST. Brick store. East Hargett street.be tween Wilmington and Blount sts Applv to n8 A B Stronach. Sale of Land. On the 7th day of May, 1891, at 12 m, at tbe court house door in the city of Raleigh, under powers of sale conferred in a mort- faged executed by WmOMaynardand wife, arah A Maynara, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake county, N 0, book 83, psae 557, f will sell at public auc tion, for cash, the and described in said mortgage, situated in Cary township. Wake county, containing eighty-five acres, adloin ing the lands of L M Carpenter, A D Jones, Nathaniel Aulston and others, aud fully de scribed by metes and bounds in said inor - fage, being the lands conveyed to said Sarah l Vaynard by deed from-Allen Mavnard and wife, recorded in book 50 page 817. THOS R PUSNELL, apS Attorney for mortgagee. DO YOU KHOW That wb-abiot afford ro astsb- TUB OUB OOQDa AS WB PQ PBLIBB thit aas just as aEFBEswrriDT Wl HAVE Kotf -OS HAXD A OOMP1BTI AasoRTMEsr or Gardih abi FXowbb 8lED WHICH WB OFFEB At LOW AS AKTONS SILLING THE SAME QUALITY-" OP SEEDS. REMEMBER ' That we xmooun i Prescriptions also with accuracy and dispatch.at all hoars. SMELLIHG AMD HICKS, v DRUGGISTS, RALEIGH. N. C. .SWINDELL'S.UAUUAINS. Special Value Is a bright and lovely lot of Turkey Red Table Damask, one and a half yards wi ie, at 20c a vard Limited quantity. D r Swinlell. Sboes. Plenty. We doubt if any . house in these part is showing a line of slip pers as large and as nice as oars, and we know the price is right. D T Swindell. Millinery. Our millinery has always been good bat people were never so willing to acknowledge it an they are this sea son. Our new trimmer. Miss Annia Busbee, has shown to the trade that she is a natural milliner. Her work is unl ersally ' praised by the ladies. Our display in the show windows at tests the wonderful taste and artistic ability of Miss Busbee. TbU la home talent Oar goods are all new and stylish and tbe price is right. D T Swindell. Black Grenadines These are very much worn. We are showing a beautiful and well select ed assortment, all fresh and new We carry also the trimmings for these goods. When you come in ask for what you wish if you don't see it. We have such a varied stock it 1b a hard matter to keep it all in sight, DT Swindell. In diess goods we are op with the times, showing everything desirable in this line of goods from tbe cheap est to the best. Purchasers are de. lighted and buying are astonished at tbe valaes we give them. . Oar ine of ribbons are oat of sight. - DT Swindell. We are still doing a good business in laces and embroideries. This sec tionofour establishment has been filled with all kinds of laces used by the fashionable world i T Swindell. Hosiery and Gloves. This department is now abl&zV with all new goois Ladies will Had here jast anything they may need for themselves or the children D T Swindell. Lartie' Neckwear. We are Blo wing all the latest nov elties in ladies' neckwear , Iniroyable bows, saah bows and cashes in all the fashionable ui Reaps, dainty sty es and coloring. D T tJwiQ'lell Oar white goods department is at tracting the attention of all. We are displaying a better and more exten sive line of these goods tian ever And buyers are oleased. We show them and they boy. OI Swiadell FLOWERS. Strong early cabbage and lettuce plants to set oat now: Asparagus roots. Tomto plants, beat known variety, ready April 1st. FLOWBRS, BOSKS, AO Cat flowers, roses, bouquets, bas ketsand floral designs, palms, prim roses, robber and other decorative plants for the house Fresh flower seeds. Magnolias and evergreens, doable hyacinths, etc H Stbibmbtz, Florist, North Halifax st, Phone 113. Near Peace Institute. ' -WANTED. . Wanted, a good : worker to canvass Raleigh. Nice, eay and profitable employment for man or lady. Gallon or address AH Johnson, 60S Hills, boro street, Raleigh, N O. - a2 3t GttOrERIES. New K. C. Vat Herring, cheap by the 100 or 1,000 at ' . a3t D T Johnson's JHtLLINEity. ( Madame BeelSon haj received a te in tifulllne of Iprldg aadsiumireii1 ml it nery for ladles, misses and children, and invites the ladles to call an 1 ex amine her stock. mh28 8tw Too don'f eire. do yoa? As long as you get saMiiteMoo it can't make any difference whether you have your olotbes made to measure or bay them ready made. Pride ia the bone of contention between as and tailors. Tbey ery down readymade clothes, because we can serve yoa Just as wall for lees considerably. There is ehaff in wheat, is in tailoring. Is in readymade clothes; bat it don't eoudemn the wheat; don't let It eoodema all-ready-to wear garments. Bay from a stock that is earrf ally wlnnowed-from a com plete stock. We ean't help smlliog when we see in other stores fabrics and pattern that we p vised by as on worthy to put before our p.troos Honestly, we can do better for yoa in our $10, $: CO or $n grades than they ean for at least 1 uore. Give voa more stylish salts -salu that are made better bet ter trimmed better fining Tbey have to alter and alter; tlx this an1 then that, and yoa are tired of the elothes before yoa get them. Have yoa pot salt on T See yourself 'n it as others will see yoa. If yea don't like it we have hundreds of others, all different, equally as fashionable If yoa go iuto oar finer grades fill 60, $18. $10, $13, $38 or $30 -the best tallois have to "draw in their horns " Ours ate as good as theirs The more yoa pay as, the more yoa save, for tbey "tack on" the price elegancies. Yoa won't find another clothing store with such a stock, nor where prices are reasonable as ours Don't buy anything haphazard. We nan tell yoa more about clothes than otherfolks because we have them made to our order to suit oar people here E very sale Is a promise of satisfaction. A promise we s'and ready to redeem in cold cash. "5Toix FT-n ow CJs, IKZu.O'w IBZoex) Our Promises. S. & D. BERWANGER. Dunn 8laTenSimgs Oar offering this week are of great magnitude. We make a valid boas, wheo we say that such a superior stock of It UADYftl A.DE CLOTHING as oars has nev r befora been offered to the public, fabrics of our own selec tion, design exclusively ours, trimmed eqntl to a custom made garment. HJl-"M'C!Pr flTUTKTP rb fiQ98t beyo qation, m&nufae ill L. II U ULU J ill 1 ill"" u red by one of the largest, aod beyond doubt, tne duesc clorhiog manufacturers in the country. Suits in sacks. Single and D uble Breasted, out extra Ion. Frock Suits in three and four button Cutaways. Prince Alberts in great variety, and the latest fad this season TH", RESENT. VHTTTU'C! PI nTUTTTn -Hundreds of styles abound. We 1 U U 1 11 U UJ-U 1 IllllLr'have them In almost every pattero Imaginable, aua iuhii BtyiM, oiuie nuJ Double Breasted,light,dirk,'iedlam. Rfi V'Q PI fl TWTWP Th" UueiOHlled-OQexoelle I in fabrics, UU 1 U ULU 1 illllir'unexcelled in price, ia size to 11 years ana in variety heretofore uukuuwu in this city. No clothing dealer has ever offered such a large aod varied sr, n;k before. O XX I DT XKJ S TQTQ 8birt wal8t8 necessary to the Boys as Ulllll III XllO 1 O"o'othing.and we have them Mother'sFrlend. (iiltAUe, Htar, iSo. orn. The unexcelled, Had many other brands. Hlouses u wui m ouiura, ruimu irouie aoo out. An inspection "f our stock will and that our prices are so low that cuiation. ROSENTHAIiCLOTHING COMPANY rfWO t.VXliirTLJViL,L,K STREET, OPP. POST H)iFFIJEx- COIL. All kinds anthracite and bit urin ous coal, wood, long aod cat any length, at lowest prio s del4 T L Ebkrhardt. lull Go dsn Sceptre. Surbrag's Golden Sceptre Smoking Mix ture wes awarded the first prize at the world's fair ov r all other compatitors as be ing the finest mixture ever produoed. Sceptre is a combination of Louisiana Perique, Havana and North Carolina leaf, blended in such proportion as to form a mild, delicate mixture, yet with a rich, soli 1 flavor; will not b'te your tongue or dry your throat We have on hand a full line of tbe Golden Sceptre in t, J ani lib cans. Q5ve itatrial. ml7 EF SMITH & CO., Cor. Fayettevi le and Martia Sts. JNO.B.CARR,M.D. At the office of Or Hines. a36 214 SewBaf n Ivanus Sale of Town Lots. By virtue of an order of sale by the clerk of the Superior Oourt of Wk oointy, in a special prooeaiing to make real assets, en titled Marion Joinson, admr fim ly John sou, deceased, agiinst Uhanes Joanstone' ala, the undersigned will offer for sale at the court house door to the highest bidder, on Monday, the 7th day of May, 1894 at the hoar of 12 m. the following described, situ ate on 8mithneld street, in the city of Atl eigh, adjoining the lan is of Marian John ston, Ashley dome and Oasvell Pord, fronting about 32 feet on said street and run ning back about 24J feet. Terms, oae-half cash and the balance in sx months with iuteiest at elitht percent per annum from date of sale. A iril 2, 1894. . MtRlOMJOHSfO.ST, Commissioner. Notice. Having qualified as the executrix of the last will ani teata neut of Mrs MA Vat son, deceased, this is to itify all reraons having claims ag viast siii eitats to prjsnt. the same ta ine oa or befora March 2 ), 189 j or this uotioe will be pletd in oar of tneu yteamgjThoseJndabt, te-the estate will please make payment aTonce. " MBa A W BAUVVBLL, Ex't'x. March 20, 1894p "We large square colars the latest, thintr convince yoa that it is inoomDarahU competition does not enter into our cal- ODak s City (being the first in North Carol'na) has a competent manager of 15 yeais' expe rience, assisted by his wife, who will give patrons and friends in the future work su perior to any in the past, and will surpass any other laundry in the state, and guaran tee less wear and tear. Don't fail to give a trial. SHIRTS, OOLLA.ES, OUFF8. FLANNELS of all kinds, LACE OURTAINS, BED BLVNKKT3, BED QUILTS, OOUN f EttPANES, Anything yoa you want; washed and done up in; first class style can be doueatthei Oak City Steam Laundry. Telephone No 87. Xu IR . "WYATT, Nol6.Fayetteville street, BAtBTOH. NO. nol7 JESSE G BILL. JOSEPH R BALL J G.8ALL&CO., Wholesale S Retail Grocers , No. 7 East Uargett St., ItALEIG,;. O. HEW SFORE MD NEff ST03K The Best Goods from the Bt Dealers. Three Floors filled with Eitlrely New Qoods) . a .' ' Oaadiei, Oigar, The ho'cHt Oanuel Goods, Goois in 'las, Oriokers, & i. We keep everything to be found ia the. Bast 1r ory Stores an 1 iu prioes are with, fhe lowest, ff al wtys give full vulues. Pars la's Saul a apiilty, in the old fssh iined glasi bo: t lei auoh' as were oseJ bef'ore the war, mil van